Author Topic: Stopped dipping  (Read 1084 times)

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Offline EOEO

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Re: Stopped dipping
« Reply #6 on: January 22, 2018, 05:17:00 PM »
Thanks you guys for the support!! im staying strong thank you once again

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Re: Stopped dipping
« Reply #5 on: January 22, 2018, 09:45:00 AM »
We call nicotine withdrawals "The Suck" because it sucks. But once they are done, you never have to do it again because you are a quitter!
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Re: Stopped dipping
« Reply #4 on: January 22, 2018, 09:38:00 AM »

Congrats on your quit success.

Welcome to the group.

Here are my words of wisdom:

The main way to be successful is to just decide that you have quit. Once you stop the negotiating in your head as to whether you will do one more or not the rest becomes far more simple.

Next, you will learn to distract your attention from your desire for a dip to anything else that interests you. This ability to change your focus will guarantee your success and make your quit that much easier.

When you place a dip in your mouth, your brain releases sugars. Well, those sugars are now going to be gone.

However, you can replace them with OJ or other fruit juices with sugar. This will provide some comfort, especially in your initial quit days.

Make sure to exercise with weights and cardio when you feel that nagging tension in your muscles, you feel that rage, when you can not sleep and when you can not focus. Exercise really helps.

Here is one that most people overlook. Get at least 3 square meals a day. Hunger can really bring on those urges so squash those urges before they come. Eat full healthy meals and do not let yourself get excessively hungry. You will see this helps a great deal.

I waited until I was 59 quit after using tobacco for 40 years. You are wise to quit now.

I quit with you today.

Dundippin day 861

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Re: Stopped dipping
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2018, 04:15:00 PM »
Hang in there EO. Post roll every day with your quit group. Exchange numbers with others in your group and make sure you hold each other accountable. I think most people here go through the exact same things you're going through. The first two weeks for me were hell. There's a lot that goes on while your body adjust to not having nicotine anymore. Each day it will get better, but it does really suck for a while. Hang in there and stay quit.

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Re: Stopped dipping
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2018, 03:58:00 PM »
EO - that's awesome! Going almost two weeks on your own is fantastic, and you've absolutely come to the right place.

Your next step is to get on over to the April quit group and post roll. Roll is out daily promise to each other that we will not use nicotine for the day. There's an article on the main site that explains how this all works - Here's How You Quit... Ball Is In Your Court Now.

If you need help posting roll, there's a text guide to How To Post Roll Call also a video on Posting Roll on KTC Kill the Can. Take a look at those, get on over to April, and make that promise for the day.
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Offline EOEO

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Stopped dipping
« on: January 18, 2018, 03:49:00 PM »
sup guys let start off by saying what great support system there is here
Iv'e been dipping for about 8 to 9 years almost every day, i finally stopped on Jan 5th 2018. Ever since i been off i've been a complete disaster, everything i feel has to be cancer. i finally went to the dentist few days ago and everything looked good from what the dentist said but still feel like i have something, im currently feeling slight pains in my stomach, as well as being constipated for at least a week. i have such bad anxiety, most of all im scared to leave my kids i have so much more to give them. this anxiety is killing me. I hope this goes away, but i will stay strong. we can do this.