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Offline ankape

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Re: Garbage feeling
« Reply #38 on: July 16, 2020, 06:22:52 PM »
As we go thru our quit sometimes our emotions can get the best of us. Just like our mouth can get us in trouble our fingers will to. Thats why I hardly ever let my fingers loose on social media. I can get really excited about something and it becomes overwhelming. I just can’t leave it alone or slow down. Finally finding a way to control my 30 plus year addiction and have a huge support group to boot is just more than I could imagine. Which leads me to posting things I really should not have.
 I have all the respect in the world for our vets, here and in our beloved military. My dad is a Army vet and my father in law is a wounded Marine vet. I can say I am on the path to being a nicotine vet and proud of it. So I will support all quitters and post where I can but being the type of person I am my words might only make sense to me. Thats just me being the out of control goofball that I am which drives my wife nuts. Just remember, I am here for you as you were for me. You need something let me know in a pm. You want my digits ask in a pm. I needed the help thats why I joined, now I will do my best to pay it back. Good night and God bless.

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You are digging your quit in deep and with that, you will keep your addiction buried. Keep up the strong fight.

Offline Thefranks5

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Re: Garbage feeling
« Reply #37 on: July 15, 2020, 09:43:35 PM »
As we go thru our quit sometimes our emotions can get the best of us. Just like our mouth can get us in trouble our fingers will to. Thats why I hardly ever let my fingers loose on social media. I can get really excited about something and it becomes overwhelming. I just can’t leave it alone or slow down. Finally finding a way to control my 30 plus year addiction and have a huge support group to boot is just more than I could imagine. Which leads me to posting things I really should not have.
 I have all the respect in the world for our vets, here and in our beloved military. My dad is a Army vet and my father in law is a wounded Marine vet. I can say I am on the path to being a nicotine vet and proud of it. So I will support all quitters and post where I can but being the type of person I am my words might only make sense to me. Thats just me being the out of control goofball that I am which drives my wife nuts. Just remember, I am here for you as you were for me. You need something let me know in a pm. You want my digits ask in a pm. I needed the help thats why I joined, now I will do my best to pay it back. Good night and God bless.

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Re: Garbage feeling
« Reply #36 on: July 15, 2020, 09:42:50 PM »
Hey everybody, as we continue to get new quitters we need to be reaching out and going into their roll and posting our support. Just like all the vets that have reached out to us we need to pay it forward. Without the vets we would not have got this far. Without the vets calling me out I would not have become a member. This needs to be done on forum and home pages. We need to direct those commenting in the home page to go to the forum. This has made my quit easier, stronger, fulfilling and now I have family across the country. Step up and do your part. This is my challenge to you because we all EMBRACED THE SUCK and if you can do that you can do this. Thats all, I am done. Stay safe, stay strong and God bless as IQWYT.

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The natural progression of a successful quitter!!  Keep it up brother.  As you know, helping others only solidifies your quit.  No doubt about it.  You keep leading and folks will follow.  Hold the line brother.

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Re: Garbage feeling
« Reply #35 on: July 15, 2020, 06:43:44 AM »
Hey everybody, as we continue to get new quitters we need to be reaching out and going into their roll and posting our support. Just like all the vets that have reached out to us we need to pay it forward. Without the vets we would not have got this far. Without the vets calling me out I would not have become a member. This needs to be done on forum and home pages. We need to direct those commenting in the home page to go to the forum. This has made my quit easier, stronger, fulfilling and now I have family across the country. Step up and do your part. This is my challenge to you because we all EMBRACED THE SUCK and if you can do that you can do this. Thats all, I am done. Stay safe, stay strong and God bless as IQWYT.

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Re: Garbage feeling
« Reply #34 on: July 14, 2020, 09:03:41 PM »
Hey everybody, as we continue to get new quitters we need to be reaching out and going into their roll and posting our support. All the vets that have reached out to us we need to pay it forward. Without the vets we would not have got this far. Without the vets calling me out I would not have become a member. This needs to be done on forum and home pages. We need to direct those commenting in the home page to go to the forum. This has made my quit easier, stronger, fulfilling and now I have family across the country. Step up and do your part. This is my challenge to you because we all EMBRACED THE SUCK and if you can to that you can do this. Thats all, I am done. Stay safe, stay strong and God bless as IQWYT.

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Re: Garbage feeling
« Reply #33 on: July 14, 2020, 10:22:48 AM »
I borrowed this link from @ankape it helps explain some more about the quit and stages This does help as it is relevant to anybody who is addicted. Thanks ankape and yes you are also a huge inspiration to us all.

Offline Whatsupsnapper

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Re: Garbage feeling
« Reply #32 on: July 13, 2020, 01:02:02 PM »
@Keith0617  @EXBEARHAG  @Whatsupsnapper The throat issues that I have apparently I have had for years. Its silent reflux which really is the worst of the two refluxes that you can have. They way the pepsin eats away at your throat, mouth, tongue and sinus is very painful. I wish I would have went to the ent doc early in my quit as I could have started the repair and control quicker. Boy what bullheadedness gets us when we fight when we shouldn’t. I am starting to heal and am finding what will reactivate the pepsin in throat area so I don’t eat it. Quite the boring palate for a bit but it is getting better everyday. Now that that issue is known it is allowed my greater focus on my quit and helping others. Helping others as been a huge boost not only for my quit but for my newfound brother in Colorado. As an introvert I was skeptical about sharing digits. But knowing what I know now its the best way to keep your quit strong and on the right path. Thank you for all you have done for everybody and I think (but didn’t verify) that Keith you were the first to challenge me and to which I am forever grateful. I made my promise on 3/5/20 that no more nicotine shall pass thru my veins ever again. Every day I will continue to promise everybody that IQWYT and I am a firm believer in NAFAR. As President Trump has for his campaign slogan “promises made, promises kept” works the same for me. Thank you again for being the leaders and big brothers that all us addicts need. Stay safe, stay strong and God bless you.

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Thanks for the post! I am forever grateful for this man, I love how the fellowship can bring a person from Colorado and Pa together in a same fight for our lives. 

Offline 69franx

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Re: Garbage feeling
« Reply #31 on: July 13, 2020, 09:28:55 AM »
Not sure if this will help or not @Thefranks5 , but I had horrible reflux and heartburn for years. Both before and after quitting nicotine. Never diagnosed but I know Zantac eased my pain (now I find out it was laced with carcinogens, lovely). Since March, I have been on a ketogenic diet, eliminating almost all the carbs I used to consume. No bread, no pasta, no beer, no cereal, no rice, and on and on the list of no nos goes. The good news is that now since March second, I have had heartburn and reflux problems at night less than 10 times in 4+ months. I used to pop Zantac daily and usually more than once a day. I called them adult mints, just part of getting by I thought. Eliminating carbs has certainly helped to control my reflux and heartburn issues, just thought I'd share another possibility as you search your diet for the triggers that cause you to flare up
Thanks for the input @69franx I have been working on eliminating foods that are acidic and high fat from my diet. Its a 1000 times better but still get some reflux and still find things that trigger the pepsin in my throat. Just raised my bed so that screwed up my sleep again but I will adapt. I have had people tell me about the keto diet and I am using some of that advice also. The most difficult part is finding what I can eat at this time and still be able to function somewhat normal. Its not like I can stop at a fast food joint or a turkey hill and find something that can be ate without pain. If this is the worst price to pay for divorcing the nic bitch then I accept the pain and discomfort. Love reading your posts and comments and now its my turn to help the newbies as you vets have helped. Have to find out the back story on your name and profile pic. Thanks again and God bless.

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Most of that is in my intro, and there is a link to that in my signature line, check it out when you have time
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Offline Thefranks5

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Re: Garbage feeling
« Reply #30 on: July 13, 2020, 07:42:38 AM »
Not sure if this will help or not @Thefranks5 , but I had horrible reflux and heartburn for years. Both before and after quitting nicotine. Never diagnosed but I know Zantac eased my pain (now I find out it was laced with carcinogens, lovely). Since March, I have been on a ketogenic diet, eliminating almost all the carbs I used to consume. No bread, no pasta, no beer, no cereal, no rice, and on and on the list of no nos goes. The good news is that now since March second, I have had heartburn and reflux problems at night less than 10 times in 4+ months. I used to pop Zantac daily and usually more than once a day. I called them adult mints, just part of getting by I thought. Eliminating carbs has certainly helped to control my reflux and heartburn issues, just thought I'd share another possibility as you search your diet for the triggers that cause you to flare up
Thanks for the input @69franx I have been working on eliminating foods that are acidic and high fat from my diet. Its a 1000 times better but still get some reflux and still find things that trigger the pepsin in my throat. Just raised my bed so that screwed up my sleep again but I will adapt. I have had people tell me about the keto diet and I am using some of that advice also. The most difficult part is finding what I can eat at this time and still be able to function somewhat normal. Its not like I can stop at a fast food joint or a turkey hill and find something that can be ate without pain. If this is the worst price to pay for divorcing the nic bitch then I accept the pain and discomfort. Love reading your posts and comments and now its my turn to help the newbies as you vets have helped. Have to find out the back story on your name and profile pic. Thanks again and God bless.

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Re: Garbage feeling
« Reply #29 on: July 12, 2020, 10:59:30 PM »
Not sure if this will help or not @Thefranks5 , but I had horrible reflux and heartburn for years. Both before and after quitting nicotine. Never diagnosed but I know Zantac eased my pain (now I find out it was laced with carcinogens, lovely). Since March, I have been on a ketogenic diet, eliminating almost all the carbs I used to consume. No bread, no pasta, no beer, no cereal, no rice, and on and on the list of no nos goes. The good news is that now since March second, I have had heartburn and reflux problems at night less than 10 times in 4+ months. I used to pop Zantac daily and usually more than once a day. I called them adult mints, just part of getting by I thought. Eliminating carbs has certainly helped to control my reflux and heartburn issues, just thought I'd share another possibility as you search your diet for the triggers that cause you to flare up
ABQ= Always Be Quitting

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I brew the beer I drink, what's your superpower?

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Re: Garbage feeling
« Reply #28 on: July 11, 2020, 07:08:09 PM »
Well time to talk again. Never in my life did I ever think that this addiction would bring me down so bad. I am 127 days in and totally exhausted, mentally and physically. I always look for the silver lining in situations and this one is there but so far out of reach yet. So my throat is better to a point as the level of discomfort comes and goes. Sometimes all I feel is like something is stuck and sometimes everything feels like its burning which bothers my speech. That usually includes my throat, my sinus, my tongue, my mouth all with a slight bitter taste. With these issues it really fires the anxiety and depression plus I drive a lot for my job so there is no way to keep your mind off it. Today I woke up with what feels like a dry mouth issue with weird feeling tongue and back of mouth. At least thats what it feels like and its all classic signs of silent reflux. The ent doctor did not provide anything other then a prescription which is disappointing. So after researching the cure is to lower the acid level in your stomach and maintain it with diet. So if you are diagnosed with this be prepared to stop eating 3/4 of what your used to. I have also read that even after you controlled it per say you will have issues for 2-6 weeks until you heal. So we need to be looking down the road before that can be somewhat better. In the mean time I understand what it can cause your brain to do but remember, did you have these issues before when you constantly was washing yourself with tobacco juice? I didn’t, so we need to stay the course going forward to get thru all the new issues without caving. Caving is not going to fix your issues its just going to make it worse by covering it up. I looked at the older posts to see if I could figure out when this started. I saw 6 weeks in one and 50 days in another so for the last 75 days or so (over 2 months) I have had this issue. When will it stop? I hope as soon as I can get my diet and what I can eat straightened out and stay on it then it can start the repair the damage but the reflux needs to stop first. So anybody out there that has these symptoms look it up and research it and get the proper diet going. This is not going to bring me down and lead me the wrong way. I have come to far to fail and throw it all away. As an exdipper we just want to feel like we did when we dipped. Well for me it will take a while as it has for others. Even though I have a quit date of 3/5 I actually started to wean myself on 2/6. So I have been fighting this battle for 156 days if my math is correct. I can feel the new normal and it is better than the old normal with nicotine. Boy the party it will be when I get all this reflux crap under control though.  This is your quit and YES its personal. You are permanently divorcing yourself from nicotine and I truly believe that its a tool of satan and if you know how he works he will never let go. It will always be there the nagging, the buy me you need me, you can’t live without me and its ok I am what you need. Its been a long uphill battle that will eventually get easier. So stay strong, stay safe and God bless.
P.S. sorry if it seemed I rambled. Its my state of mind, lol.

Promises kept

Hang in there brother.  I admire your courage and fortitude.  Regardless of the cause of your throat/mouth issues, one thing is for sure: worm turds in the lip will not help.  Stay the course my friend.  Continue to lean on folks here for support.  We will get through this together. 

Hold the line yo
Looking back, quitting has been like riding a wave. Some moments you are in control and others you are fighting just to survive. The key is to just keep fighting and realize the great times become more and more frequent. For most quitters I have talked to, every 100 days quitting really gets better. Doesn’t mean it is easy every day. Challenges still appear. Stay loyal to your routine. Quit one day at a time and let the days add up. Reach out as often as you need to stay quit.
Nicely put @Thefranks5 .  What you said there is a stark realization that quitting is absolute bitch.  Understanding the addiction and understanding that the reptilian desire and slobbering crave we have for nicotine is in direct conflict with what our higher sense of reason instructs us.  That's the mind fuckery.

Higher reason and logic is required to guide ourselves to higher ideals and yet to temper our temporal appetites.

Keep it up, my friend.  Keep your aim and focus on quitting.  It will get better, and understanding that it may not be for another 200 days is going to help.


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Re: Garbage feeling
« Reply #27 on: July 11, 2020, 06:03:15 PM »
.... Helping others as been a huge boost not only for my quit but for my newfound brother in Colorado. As an introvert I was skeptical about sharing digits. But knowing what I know now its the best way to keep your quit strong and on the right path. ...
You are wise well beyond your day count brother. Love how you've been battling it out here in your intro. So many try and fail. Success is contagious and it's edifying to see someone win. Keep bogging it out - we're all cheering for you.
Quitting with you today.
"I hope you find a thousand reasons to quit today" Rawls
"I can't quit for you. I will quit with you" Ready
"There are two dogs in the fight, which one are you feeding?" SuperDave9000
"In the Navy we had morning muster. You never miss muster. You better be dead if you miss. If you are dying, you should have started crawling earlier, no excuse." Olcpo

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Re: Garbage feeling
« Reply #26 on: July 11, 2020, 03:08:53 PM »
@Keith0617  @EXBEARHAG  @Whatsupsnapper The throat issues that I have apparently I have had for years. Its silent reflux which really is the worst of the two refluxes that you can have. They way the pepsin eats away at your throat, mouth, tongue and sinus is very painful. I wish I would have went to the ent doc early in my quit as I could have started the repair and control quicker. Boy what bullheadedness gets us when we fight when we shouldn’t. I am starting to heal and am finding what will reactivate the pepsin in throat area so I don’t eat it. Quite the boring palate for a bit but it is getting better everyday. Now that that issue is known it is allowed my greater focus on my quit and helping others. Helping others as been a huge boost not only for my quit but for my newfound brother in Colorado. As an introvert I was skeptical about sharing digits. But knowing what I know now its the best way to keep your quit strong and on the right path. Thank you for all you have done for everybody and I think (but didn’t verify) that Keith you were the first to challenge me and to which I am forever grateful. I made my promise on 3/5/20 that no more nicotine shall pass thru my veins ever again. Every day I will continue to promise everybody that IQWYT and I am a firm believer in NAFAR. As President Trump has for his campaign slogan “promises made, promises kept” works the same for me. Thank you again for being the leaders and big brothers that all us addicts need. Stay safe, stay strong and God bless you.

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Re: Garbage feeling
« Reply #25 on: July 11, 2020, 10:30:33 AM »
Well time to talk again. Never in my life did I ever think that this addiction would bring me down so bad. I am 127 days in and totally exhausted, mentally and physically. I always look for the silver lining in situations and this one is there but so far out of reach yet. So my throat is better to a point as the level of discomfort comes and goes. Sometimes all I feel is like something is stuck and sometimes everything feels like its burning which bothers my speech. That usually includes my throat, my sinus, my tongue, my mouth all with a slight bitter taste. With these issues it really fires the anxiety and depression plus I drive a lot for my job so there is no way to keep your mind off it. Today I woke up with what feels like a dry mouth issue with weird feeling tongue and back of mouth. At least thats what it feels like and its all classic signs of silent reflux. The ent doctor did not provide anything other then a prescription which is disappointing. So after researching the cure is to lower the acid level in your stomach and maintain it with diet. So if you are diagnosed with this be prepared to stop eating 3/4 of what your used to. I have also read that even after you controlled it per say you will have issues for 2-6 weeks until you heal. So we need to be looking down the road before that can be somewhat better. In the mean time I understand what it can cause your brain to do but remember, did you have these issues before when you constantly was washing yourself with tobacco juice? I didn’t, so we need to stay the course going forward to get thru all the new issues without caving. Caving is not going to fix your issues its just going to make it worse by covering it up. I looked at the older posts to see if I could figure out when this started. I saw 6 weeks in one and 50 days in another so for the last 75 days or so (over 2 months) I have had this issue. When will it stop? I hope as soon as I can get my diet and what I can eat straightened out and stay on it then it can start the repair the damage but the reflux needs to stop first. So anybody out there that has these symptoms look it up and research it and get the proper diet going. This is not going to bring me down and lead me the wrong way. I have come to far to fail and throw it all away. As an exdipper we just want to feel like we did when we dipped. Well for me it will take a while as it has for others. Even though I have a quit date of 3/5 I actually started to wean myself on 2/6. So I have been fighting this battle for 156 days if my math is correct. I can feel the new normal and it is better than the old normal with nicotine. Boy the party it will be when I get all this reflux crap under control though.  This is your quit and YES its personal. You are permanently divorcing yourself from nicotine and I truly believe that its a tool of satan and if you know how he works he will never let go. It will always be there the nagging, the buy me you need me, you can’t live without me and its ok I am what you need. Its been a long uphill battle that will eventually get easier. So stay strong, stay safe and God bless.
P.S. sorry if it seemed I rambled. Its my state of mind, lol.

Promises kept

Hang in there brother.  I admire your courage and fortitude.  Regardless of the cause of your throat/mouth issues, one thing is for sure: worm turds in the lip will not help.  Stay the course my friend.  Continue to lean on folks here for support.  We will get through this together. 

Hold the line yo
Looking back, quitting has been like riding a wave. Some moments you are in control and others you are fighting just to survive. The key is to just keep fighting and realize the great times become more and more frequent. For most quitters I have talked to, every 100 days quitting really gets better. Doesn’t mean it is easy every day. Challenges still appear. Stay loyal to your routine. Quit one day at a time and let the days add up. Reach out as often as you need to stay quit.


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Re: Garbage feeling
« Reply #24 on: July 10, 2020, 07:00:45 PM »
Well time to talk again. Never in my life did I ever think that this addiction would bring me down so bad. I am 127 days in and totally exhausted, mentally and physically. I always look for the silver lining in situations and this one is there but so far out of reach yet. So my throat is better to a point as the level of discomfort comes and goes. Sometimes all I feel is like something is stuck and sometimes everything feels like its burning which bothers my speech. That usually includes my throat, my sinus, my tongue, my mouth all with a slight bitter taste. With these issues it really fires the anxiety and depression plus I drive a lot for my job so there is no way to keep your mind off it. Today I woke up with what feels like a dry mouth issue with weird feeling tongue and back of mouth. At least thats what it feels like and its all classic signs of silent reflux. The ent doctor did not provide anything other then a prescription which is disappointing. So after researching the cure is to lower the acid level in your stomach and maintain it with diet. So if you are diagnosed with this be prepared to stop eating 3/4 of what your used to. I have also read that even after you controlled it per say you will have issues for 2-6 weeks until you heal. So we need to be looking down the road before that can be somewhat better. In the mean time I understand what it can cause your brain to do but remember, did you have these issues before when you constantly was washing yourself with tobacco juice? I didn’t, so we need to stay the course going forward to get thru all the new issues without caving. Caving is not going to fix your issues its just going to make it worse by covering it up. I looked at the older posts to see if I could figure out when this started. I saw 6 weeks in one and 50 days in another so for the last 75 days or so (over 2 months) I have had this issue. When will it stop? I hope as soon as I can get my diet and what I can eat straightened out and stay on it then it can start the repair the damage but the reflux needs to stop first. So anybody out there that has these symptoms look it up and research it and get the proper diet going. This is not going to bring me down and lead me the wrong way. I have come to far to fail and throw it all away. As an exdipper we just want to feel like we did when we dipped. Well for me it will take a while as it has for others. Even though I have a quit date of 3/5 I actually started to wean myself on 2/6. So I have been fighting this battle for 156 days if my math is correct. I can feel the new normal and it is better than the old normal with nicotine. Boy the party it will be when I get all this reflux crap under control though.  This is your quit and YES its personal. You are permanently divorcing yourself from nicotine and I truly believe that its a tool of satan and if you know how he works he will never let go. It will always be there the nagging, the buy me you need me, you can’t live without me and its ok I am what you need. Its been a long uphill battle that will eventually get easier. So stay strong, stay safe and God bless.
P.S. sorry if it seemed I rambled. Its my state of mind, lol.

Promises kept

Hang in there brother.  I admire your courage and fortitude.  Regardless of the cause of your throat/mouth issues, one thing is for sure: worm turds in the lip will not help.  Stay the course my friend.  Continue to lean on folks here for support.  We will get through this together. 

Hold the line yo