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Re: General Discussion - 2015
« Reply #820 on: December 31, 2015, 11:58:00 PM »
Good night 2015, we'll see you all in the 2016 thread.
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Re: General Discussion - 2015
« Reply #819 on: December 31, 2015, 06:51:00 PM »
Quote from: drstober
Quote from: rmorrison292
Hi guys,

My name is Ryan. I'm 23 Living in Central IL. Got introduced to Camel Snuss when I was 18 and eventually moved to copenhagen/skoal over the last 5 years. It's gotten so bad that it's hard to go 2-3 hours without the stuff, and I'm really starting to hate myself for it.

I tried quitting about this time last year. I knew it was going to be hard to quit, so I bought some Jake's Mint Chew to at least have something in my mouth to help with boredom that comes with not chewing. I lasted a week before I bought another can. Pretty disappointed in myself. That being said, has anyone tried triumph chew? I saw that it has different levels of nicotine in it. I know that I'm too big of a pussy to quit cold turkey so I ordered some cans of that to give it a try. I plan on quitting as soon as those cans come in, which should be monday or tuesday next week. I'll shoot you guys an update once I quit.

Look forward to talking to you guys, didn't even know this website existed until today.

Have a great new year! -Ryan
Ryan, some folks around here may have tried Triumph before coming here. However, we're a cold turkey group. Patches, gum, special versions of cat turds to suck on only prolong the pain. The healing doesn't start until you stop using completely.

I tried cutting back many times before I quit. I tried patches too. Each time I'd go for a little while and slowly creep back up past where I was before. At one point I was dipping with patches, "just to help until the patch kicks in." Maybe you're special, and this won't happen to you.

I'd guess what you were missing before was a lot like what I was missing: brotherhood and accountability. Fortunately we have lots of people here that'll help you work through the suck days and you'll help others out too.

Man up. Just put the shit down and be done with it. It was the best decision I ever made.
Hey Ryan. Great decision. Glad you have joined us. Go post roll and keep your promise. There are many people here willing do lend a hand. We have been there and know exactly what you are going through. I pitched the can for good 3 years ago and have made some great friends along the way.

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Re: General Discussion - 2015
« Reply #818 on: December 31, 2015, 03:42:00 PM »
Quote from: rmorrison292
Hi guys,

My name is Ryan. I'm 23 Living in Central IL. Got introduced to Camel Snuss when I was 18 and eventually moved to copenhagen/skoal over the last 5 years. It's gotten so bad that it's hard to go 2-3 hours without the stuff, and I'm really starting to hate myself for it.

I tried quitting about this time last year. I knew it was going to be hard to quit, so I bought some Jake's Mint Chew to at least have something in my mouth to help with boredom that comes with not chewing. I lasted a week before I bought another can. Pretty disappointed in myself. That being said, has anyone tried triumph chew? I saw that it has different levels of nicotine in it. I know that I'm too big of a pussy to quit cold turkey so I ordered some cans of that to give it a try. I plan on quitting as soon as those cans come in, which should be monday or tuesday next week. I'll shoot you guys an update once I quit.

Look forward to talking to you guys, didn't even know this website existed until today.

Have a great new year! -Ryan
Ryan, some folks around here may have tried Triumph before coming here. However, we're a cold turkey group. Patches, gum, special versions of cat turds to suck on only prolong the pain. The healing doesn't start until you stop using completely.

I tried cutting back many times before I quit. I tried patches too. Each time I'd go for a little while and slowly creep back up past where I was before. At one point I was dipping with patches, "just to help until the patch kicks in." Maybe you're special, and this won't happen to you.

I'd guess what you were missing before was a lot like what I was missing: brotherhood and accountability. Fortunately we have lots of people here that'll help you work through the suck days and you'll help others out too.

Man up. Just put the shit down and be done with it. It was the best decision I ever made.

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Re: General Discussion - 2015
« Reply #817 on: December 31, 2015, 03:35:00 PM »
Hi guys,

My name is Ryan. I'm 23 Living in Central IL. Got introduced to Camel Snuss when I was 18 and eventually moved to copenhagen/skoal over the last 5 years. It's gotten so bad that it's hard to go 2-3 hours without the stuff, and I'm really starting to hate myself for it.

I tried quitting about this time last year. I knew it was going to be hard to quit, so I bought some Jake's Mint Chew to at least have something in my mouth to help with boredom that comes with not chewing. I lasted a week before I bought another can. Pretty disappointed in myself. That being said, has anyone tried triumph chew? I saw that it has different levels of nicotine in it. I know that I'm too big of a pussy to quit cold turkey so I ordered some cans of that to give it a try. I plan on quitting as soon as those cans come in, which should be monday or tuesday next week. I'll shoot you guys an update once I quit.

Look forward to talking to you guys, didn't even know this website existed until today.

Have a great new year! -Ryan

Offline drstober

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Re: General Discussion - 2015
« Reply #816 on: December 31, 2015, 12:42:00 AM »
Quote from: Wetfeet
Not sure where this goes but been looking around the site for a few days and finally signed up tonight.
Brandon "wetfeet" here 40 yrs old been dipping since I was 13. I did manage to trash the can about 12 years ago only to pick it back up 5 years later. A little more then 24 hrs from now I will do the same. It has become nothing more then a habit and something that I truly wish I would have never picked up the first time. Wish me luck, tolerances and faith in my direction. Any guidance for the site would be greatly appreciated.
Welcome! Why wait 24 hours more?

If you're like me, I was just about to quit too many times to count. Fortunately I finally hit my culminating point and just up and quit.

Why not put the can down right now? Enjoy New Year's Eve dip free. Don't wait to start 2016 right. Finish 2015 off right!

When you're nicotine free, head over to April 2016. Find a post with a list of names and numbers. This is roll. It's where we make a daily promise not to use nicotine today. It'll have instructions for how to post roll.

You're headed in the right direction. Just take the final step. And you don't need luck. Quit ain't about luck. It's about making a promise and keeping that promise.

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Re: General Discussion - 2015
« Reply #815 on: December 30, 2015, 11:44:00 PM »
Not sure where this goes but been looking around the site for a few days and finally signed up tonight.
Brandon "wetfeet" here 40 yrs old been dipping since I was 13. I did manage to trash the can about 12 years ago only to pick it back up 5 years later. A little more then 24 hrs from now I will do the same. It has become nothing more then a habit and something that I truly wish I would have never picked up the first time. Wish me luck, tolerances and faith in my direction. Any guidance for the site would be greatly appreciated.

Offline dougiequits

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Re: General Discussion - 2015
« Reply #814 on: December 30, 2015, 04:22:00 PM »
Quote from: dougiequits
Quote from: drstober
Quote from: dougiequits
This might be the dumbest question you read all day...and I'm not even sure if this is the place to ask....

Being new and not too familiar with blogs/forums....I see when multiple people reply to someones topic, the responses stagger themselves with those blue are you guys doing that? When I quote, it just copies...or when I reply it just posts as a new topic or message.

Sorry for the dumbass question 'bang head'
Not a dumb question. We all start somewhere.

In the lower right corner of a post is a button labeled "quote".

That will bring you to a posting screen that has two large text boxes. The top box is for you to add your comments. The bottom box contains the quoted post(s).

Note 1: For posting roll you must cut the text from the lower box and paste it into the top box. This keeps roll from vortexing.

Note 2: You can manually make a quote box by using the bbcode quote tag.

Hope that helps!
I think I got it, lets see...
So freakin simple....

But thank you!

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Re: General Discussion - 2015
« Reply #813 on: December 30, 2015, 04:19:00 PM »
Quote from: drstober
Quote from: dougiequits
This might be the dumbest question you read all day...and I'm not even sure if this is the place to ask....

Being new and not too familiar with blogs/forums....I see when multiple people reply to someones topic, the responses stagger themselves with those blue are you guys doing that? When I quote, it just copies...or when I reply it just posts as a new topic or message.

Sorry for the dumbass question 'bang head'
Not a dumb question. We all start somewhere.

In the lower right corner of a post is a button labeled "quote".

That will bring you to a posting screen that has two large text boxes. The top box is for you to add your comments. The bottom box contains the quoted post(s).

Note 1: For posting roll you must cut the text from the lower box and paste it into the top box. This keeps roll from vortexing.

Note 2: You can manually make a quote box by using the bbcode quote tag.

Hope that helps!
I think I got it, lets see...

Offline drstober

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Re: General Discussion - 2015
« Reply #812 on: December 30, 2015, 02:43:00 PM »
Quote from: dougiequits
This might be the dumbest question you read all day...and I'm not even sure if this is the place to ask....

Being new and not too familiar with blogs/forums....I see when multiple people reply to someones topic, the responses stagger themselves with those blue are you guys doing that? When I quote, it just copies...or when I reply it just posts as a new topic or message.

Sorry for the dumbass question 'bang head'
Not a dumb question. We all start somewhere.

In the lower right corner of a post is a button labeled "quote".

That will bring you to a posting screen that has two large text boxes. The top box is for you to add your comments. The bottom box contains the quoted post(s).

Note 1: For posting roll you must cut the text from the lower box and paste it into the top box. This keeps roll from vortexing.

Note 2: You can manually make a quote box by using the bbcode quote tag.

Hope that helps!

Offline dougiequits

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Re: General Discussion - 2015
« Reply #811 on: December 30, 2015, 02:16:00 PM »
This might be the dumbest question you read all day...and I'm not even sure if this is the place to ask....

Being new and not too familiar with blogs/forums....I see when multiple people reply to someones topic, the responses stagger themselves with those blue are you guys doing that? When I quote, it just copies...or when I reply it just posts as a new topic or message.

Sorry for the dumbass question 'bang head'

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Re: General Discussion - 2015
« Reply #810 on: December 29, 2015, 12:53:00 PM »
Quote from: gettinganswers
No idea if this is the right place to ask, but how long does the constipation and general intestines feeling out of whack last? I know everyone is different and the best answer is probably "it lasts as long as it lasts" but if there seems to be a consensus. Thanks
It takes a couple weeks for sure. Coffee helps and if not get on some fiber and drink tons of water, etc.
Quitting will uncover all kinds a hidden issues like diets and lake of drinking water, etc.

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Re: General Discussion - 2015
« Reply #809 on: December 29, 2015, 12:05:00 PM »
No idea if this is the right place to ask, but how long does the constipation and general intestines feeling out of whack last? I know everyone is different and the best answer is probably "it lasts as long as it lasts" but if there seems to be a consensus. Thanks

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Re: General Discussion - 2015
« Reply #808 on: December 25, 2015, 12:11:00 AM »
Im cross posting this from March 2016 group, but if any potential words help anyone...

This is a great quote, and will relate to nicotine.

"I hate losing more than I like winning. There's no doubt about that. The feeling that sticks with you when you fail or don't have success or lose, that's what drives you to keep trying to do it the right way. I don't know if it's fear of failure as much as it is the fear of the feeling of failing. You just don't want to have that feeling of what it's like to lose" - Nick Saban

Dont lose the fight. Quit EDD


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Re: General Discussion - 2015
« Reply #807 on: December 23, 2015, 10:17:00 PM »
Quote from: drstober
Quote from: JB65
Quote from: KingNothing
Quote from: whiteman
The only reason I asked was because my doctor brought up nicotine replacement when I told him I was quitting.
You don't need nicotine to quit nicotine Whitey. Trust me and trust the close to 30,000 other people on this site. We've done it with no NRT. How stupid is that name anyway? Nicotine Replacement Therapy? First, you're not replacing nicotine, but you're still introducing it into your system, just through a different method. Second, what the hell kind of therapy is killing yourself?

You can do this man. It's not always going to be easy, but you will never regret being on this side of the fence.
What King said... for sure.

Get the SUCK over with now. NRT just prolongs the inevitable. You are going to have to quit it altogether someday. Why not just do it now? If an old 30+ year dipper like me can do it, you certainly can bro. Join us and set yourself free!
Doctors bring up NRT, because it's what they know. Depending on the study, NRT seems to have very little long term effect on someone's likelihood of quitting for life. But hey, it's something they can offer up because they aren't set up to provide the level of support quitting really tends to require. Fortunately, you found KTC.

FWIW, I worked with a guy who had been a pretty heavy dipper. He'd stopped dipping five years ago. You could hear him smacking nicotine gum in the office pretty much constantly.
NRT is just another delivery platform. Even if you DO it correctly, you're simply prolonging the withdrawals.

Why would anyone want to do that? It's like ripping off a bandaid. Cold turkey is best.

I tried my own "NRT" by "cutting back." Never worked. Was just miserable all the time and wound up dipping more.

There's a guy in my office who has walked around sucking on nic gum for as long as I've known him.

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Re: General Discussion - 2015
« Reply #806 on: December 22, 2015, 11:53:00 AM »
Quote from: JB65
Quote from: KingNothing
Quote from: whiteman
The only reason I asked was because my doctor brought up nicotine replacement when I told him I was quitting.
You don't need nicotine to quit nicotine Whitey. Trust me and trust the close to 30,000 other people on this site. We've done it with no NRT. How stupid is that name anyway? Nicotine Replacement Therapy? First, you're not replacing nicotine, but you're still introducing it into your system, just through a different method. Second, what the hell kind of therapy is killing yourself?

You can do this man. It's not always going to be easy, but you will never regret being on this side of the fence.
What King said... for sure.

Get the SUCK over with now. NRT just prolongs the inevitable. You are going to have to quit it altogether someday. Why not just do it now? If an old 30+ year dipper like me can do it, you certainly can bro. Join us and set yourself free!
Doctors bring up NRT, because it's what they know. Depending on the study, NRT seems to have very little long term effect on someone's likelihood of quitting for life. But hey, it's something they can offer up because they aren't set up to provide the level of support quitting really tends to require. Fortunately, you found KTC.

FWIW, I worked with a guy who had been a pretty heavy dipper. He'd stopped dipping five years ago. You could hear him smacking nicotine gum in the office pretty much constantly.