Author Topic: The Quit.  (Read 48575 times)

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Offline Thefranks5

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Re: The Quit.
« Reply #150 on: September 07, 2021, 06:49:05 PM »
Still not sure if you want to quit? Last Week i called my uncle (prideful man) if you read more in my intro you will find alot of his throat cancer journey due to dipping. Anyhow he sounded so weak and tired, he stated he was in a lot of pain but that he was done with the radiation treatments now for good. which he was happy about, not sure if he was drugged up or just to tired to have emotion behind his words but he nonchalantly said he has been in loads of pain was exhausted and his gums have been bleeding. I said * your gums are bleeding? He said yup its kinda annoying. Now i didnt have the nerve to tell him how crazy that sounded like bro your GUMS ARE BLEEDING? but im sure he new but im assuming that was the LEAST of his problems.

Wanna put another dip in? Think one more day is smart? what are the Odds that it will happen to me? ^^^^ do you want to be on a phone call being nonchalant to your family telling them your gums bleeding and paper thin skin from chemo and radiation? I cant do it for you but trust me you dont wanna be on the wrong side of this coin. I PROMISE YOU! IVE WATCHED/WITNESSED/SEEN THE HORRORS OF DIPPING!

With ya my friend and it pains me to see young men chewing. I wish I could could give them an earful but when I was that age I was invincible. I don’t think the mindset has changed either that it won’t ever happen to me as it is always somebody else. Just wish that some would listen before its to late but that is on them. When I checked in tonight to look at the intro page I saw 52 guests. Good night, if we had all them in one month we would have some super busy conductors. To all who still dip and are looking to quit take it from me a 30 plus year addict that it can be done. Nick and I will be waiting here for ya to boost you up and help you along. That is what brothers/sisters here at KTC do, we take care of each other. Thank you Nick for all that you have contributed. It has not fell on deaf ears!!!

Offline nick-Otine Free

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Re: The Quit.
« Reply #149 on: September 02, 2021, 07:56:37 AM »
Still not sure if you want to quit? Last Week i called my uncle (prideful man) if you read more in my intro you will find alot of his throat cancer journey due to dipping. Anyhow he sounded so weak and tired, he stated he was in a lot of pain but that he was done with the radiation treatments now for good. which he was happy about, not sure if he was drugged up or just to tired to have emotion behind his words but he nonchalantly said he has been in loads of pain was exhausted and his gums have been bleeding. I said * your gums are bleeding? He said yup its kinda annoying. Now i didnt have the nerve to tell him how crazy that sounded like bro your GUMS ARE BLEEDING? but im sure he new but im assuming that was the LEAST of his problems.

Wanna put another dip in? Think one more day is smart? what are the Odds that it will happen to me? ^^^^ do you want to be on a phone call being nonchalant to your family telling them your gums bleeding and paper thin skin from chemo and radiation? I cant do it for you but trust me you dont wanna be on the wrong side of this coin. I PROMISE YOU! IVE WATCHED/WITNESSED/SEEN THE HORRORS OF DIPPING!

« Last Edit: September 02, 2021, 07:59:32 AM by nick-Otine Free »
I may not be a smart man, but I know what quit is! -Quitest Gump-
     -Don't plan for the future, Quit for today!-
"The way to get started is to (quit) talking and begin doing." Walt Disney
~you cant plan your quit you just have to do it, both feet free fall.~
"Cowards die many times before their deaths, the Valiant never taste of death but once"
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Offline nick-Otine Free

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Re: The Quit.
« Reply #148 on: August 31, 2021, 08:29:04 AM »
10 For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

                                                                      Ephesians 2:10

      We were all meant to shine in our own unique way, some wont see eye to eye and that's very ok, try to remain humble for we are all special and have something to offer. This has been given to us at birth and we are so very lucky. If your reading this and are newbie, a vet, or trying to find a reason as why to keep posting roll. Know each quitter matters to this site, you may not think your the difference but you very well could be the strongest block in the wall without even knowing it. I swing into multi different groups, and i do so because it helps my own quit seeing people still sticking around 10 years later, or the jokes they crack in their own group. Its special, your roll post matters and i hope everyone has a fantastic Taco Tuesday!

Nick- 8 months LTBE
« Last Edit: August 31, 2021, 08:31:24 AM by nick-Otine Free »
I may not be a smart man, but I know what quit is! -Quitest Gump-
     -Don't plan for the future, Quit for today!-
"The way to get started is to (quit) talking and begin doing." Walt Disney
~you cant plan your quit you just have to do it, both feet free fall.~
"Cowards die many times before their deaths, the Valiant never taste of death but once"
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Offline DaddysJunk

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Re: The Quit.
« Reply #147 on: August 28, 2021, 06:57:05 PM »
How do we make Cavers understand!

     I am writing this in my intro because i think there is a break somewhere and it starts with a addict wanting to keep doing things their way. Caving wont be and never will be accepted which we all internally know even on a personal level. So now comes the big question!  why argue with a bunch of vets that know how to quit? they came to this Very site, KTC, there are other weaker less demanding sites out there but they picked this one again.

1)They have tried to stop many times and have failed time and time again.
2) They had a health scare and now need help digging out of that hole
3) their familys are being effected or are angry because of the awful habit
4) They quit once with this site but dont think their cave was serious enough to answer 3 really easy and important questions

Are they arguing and pissed off because they failed themselves and lots of people counting on them? Is their Pride bigger than their concept to humble themselves to answer such questions? Is the thought of digging deep and being truly honest with their self to much share?

     I have not figured it out, I just read a Bad ass message from another quitter about how only 15% of people that quit stay nicotine fee with a support system. That number is shockingly low and tell you how hard this addiction is to quit even with a team of support. So why would you not invest your all into to try and be in that 15%? 3 simple questions with deep honest answers may be the ticket that gets you in that low percent of life time quit!

-I dont owe you or anyone anything!( than why are you hear?)
-im not gonna answer to a bunch of assholes and dudes with a hard egos( you mean the ones that are investing their time to make you understand?)
-Bunch of power hungry Admin and Mods trying to show they mean something ( you mean the guys that have been pro quitters, are apart of that 15% and have brought other countless quitters into that 15% because of their dedication?)
-Just bring all their buddies to gang up on me ( This is a community! were all in this! every quitter ! its why KTC works! its not buddys its Brotherhood)

     It takes one weak link and the chain breaks, The worst thing a vet can do is invest into a new quitter who is not serious and watch them cave. Worse they don't even come back for a day 1, They just dip for another 7 years. Yes groups should be tight but i would not be working on getting into that 15% myself with out pocket loads of vets who invested in me. I dont wanna Give my Time to a repeat caver thats headed into the same direction that lead them to a 10 year dip spree.

     This site offers so much insight and its the hard nose way to quit. And this is the exact reason  why answering the 3 questions is important. Dont care if someone invest in you? its probably because you showed you cant be relied on and need coddled because you fucked up the first time. Were Assholes until you see the light and realize were hear for accountability and if you cant hold yourself accountable and be honest with your own self first how can you ask someone to help you along the way. Brotherhood is def important and  part of glue, how do you build that with mistrust? takes a village to raise a quitter or however that saying goes.

Nick-240 days LTBE- Let Today Be Enough- yesterday is long gone, tomorrow may never come, But TODAY, TODAY is Enough!

Outfuckingstanding @nick-Otine Free this just gave me a quit chub :wood. @Administrator I know we used to have a place called Words of Wisdom or some sort that only Admins could add great things. I do believe this is one of those.

Keep up the great quit Nick   'clap' 'clap'
I second the motion for Words of Wisdom. This is gold.
Quit date: 2/17/21    HOF:5/27/21

The Lord God who created us created us to be free, slave to neither man nor substance. -Athan

“Me not wanting dip was the beginning of me
wanting myself thank you.”
~Nayyquitirah Waquitheed(Stillbrewing)

Offline bubblehed668

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Re: The Quit.
« Reply #146 on: August 27, 2021, 09:37:11 AM »
How do we make Cavers understand!

     I am writing this in my intro because i think there is a break somewhere and it starts with a addict wanting to keep doing things their way. Caving wont be and never will be accepted which we all internally know even on a personal level. So now comes the big question!  why argue with a bunch of vets that know how to quit? they came to this Very site, KTC, there are other weaker less demanding sites out there but they picked this one again.

1)They have tried to stop many times and have failed time and time again.
2) They had a health scare and now need help digging out of that hole
3) their familys are being effected or are angry because of the awful habit
4) They quit once with this site but dont think their cave was serious enough to answer 3 really easy and important questions

Are they arguing and pissed off because they failed themselves and lots of people counting on them? Is their Pride bigger than their concept to humble themselves to answer such questions? Is the thought of digging deep and being truly honest with their self to much share?

     I have not figured it out, I just read a Bad ass message from another quitter about how only 15% of people that quit stay nicotine fee with a support system. That number is shockingly low and tell you how hard this addiction is to quit even with a team of support. So why would you not invest your all into to try and be in that 15%? 3 simple questions with deep honest answers may be the ticket that gets you in that low percent of life time quit!

-I dont owe you or anyone anything!( than why are you hear?)
-im not gonna answer to a bunch of assholes and dudes with a hard egos( you mean the ones that are investing their time to make you understand?)
-Bunch of power hungry Admin and Mods trying to show they mean something ( you mean the guys that have been pro quitters, are apart of that 15% and have brought other countless quitters into that 15% because of their dedication?)
-Just bring all their buddies to gang up on me ( This is a community! were all in this! every quitter ! its why KTC works! its not buddys its Brotherhood)

     It takes one weak link and the chain breaks, The worst thing a vet can do is invest into a new quitter who is not serious and watch them cave. Worse they don't even come back for a day 1, They just dip for another 7 years. Yes groups should be tight but i would not be working on getting into that 15% myself with out pocket loads of vets who invested in me. I dont wanna Give my Time to a repeat caver thats headed into the same direction that lead them to a 10 year dip spree.

     This site offers so much insight and its the hard nose way to quit. And this is the exact reason  why answering the 3 questions is important. Dont care if someone invest in you? its probably because you showed you cant be relied on and need coddled because you fucked up the first time. Were Assholes until you see the light and realize were hear for accountability and if you cant hold yourself accountable and be honest with your own self first how can you ask someone to help you along the way. Brotherhood is def important and  part of glue, how do you build that with mistrust? takes a village to raise a quitter or however that saying goes.

Nick-240 days LTBE- Let Today Be Enough- yesterday is long gone, tomorrow may never come, But TODAY, TODAY is Enough!

Outfuckingstanding @nick-Otine Free this just gave me a quit chub :wood. @Administrator I know we used to have a place called Words of Wisdom or some sort that only Admins could add great things. I do believe this is one of those.

Keep up the great quit Nick   'clap' 'clap'
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Offline nick-Otine Free

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Re: The Quit.
« Reply #145 on: August 26, 2021, 08:33:35 AM »
How do we make Cavers understand!

     I am writing this in my intro because i think there is a break somewhere and it starts with a addict wanting to keep doing things their way. Caving wont be and never will be accepted which we all internally know even on a personal level. So now comes the big question!  why argue with a bunch of vets that know how to quit? they came to this Very site, KTC, there are other weaker less demanding sites out there but they picked this one again.

1)They have tried to stop many times and have failed time and time again.
2) They had a health scare and now need help digging out of that hole
3) their familys are being effected or are angry because of the awful habit
4) They quit once with this site but dont think their cave was serious enough to answer 3 really easy and important questions

Are they arguing and pissed off because they failed themselves and lots of people counting on them? Is their Pride bigger than their concept to humble themselves to answer such questions? Is the thought of digging deep and being truly honest with their self to much share?

     I have not figured it out, I just read a Bad ass message from another quitter about how only 15% of people that quit stay nicotine fee with a support system. That number is shockingly low and tell you how hard this addiction is to quit even with a team of support. So why would you not invest your all into to try and be in that 15%? 3 simple questions with deep honest answers may be the ticket that gets you in that low percent of life time quit!

-I dont owe you or anyone anything!( than why are you hear?)
-im not gonna answer to a bunch of assholes and dudes with a hard egos( you mean the ones that are investing their time to make you understand?)
-Bunch of power hungry Admin and Mods trying to show they mean something ( you mean the guys that have been pro quitters, are apart of that 15% and have brought other countless quitters into that 15% because of their dedication?)
-Just bring all their buddies to gang up on me ( This is a community! were all in this! every quitter ! its why KTC works! its not buddys its Brotherhood)

     It takes one weak link and the chain breaks, The worst thing a vet can do is invest into a new quitter who is not serious and watch them cave. Worse they don't even come back for a day 1, They just dip for another 7 years. Yes groups should be tight but i would not be working on getting into that 15% myself with out pocket loads of vets who invested in me. I dont wanna Give my Time to a repeat caver thats headed into the same direction that lead them to a 10 year dip spree.

     This site offers so much insight and its the hard nose way to quit. And this is the exact reason  why answering the 3 questions is important. Dont care if someone invest in you? its probably because you showed you cant be relied on and need coddled because you fucked up the first time. Were Assholes until you see the light and realize were hear for accountability and if you cant hold yourself accountable and be honest with your own self first how can you ask someone to help you along the way. Brotherhood is def important and  part of glue, how do you build that with mistrust? takes a village to raise a quitter or however that saying goes.

Nick-240 days LTBE- Let Today Be Enough- yesterday is long gone, tomorrow may never come, But TODAY, TODAY is Enough!
« Last Edit: August 26, 2021, 08:42:09 AM by nick-Otine Free »
I may not be a smart man, but I know what quit is! -Quitest Gump-
     -Don't plan for the future, Quit for today!-
"The way to get started is to (quit) talking and begin doing." Walt Disney
~you cant plan your quit you just have to do it, both feet free fall.~
"Cowards die many times before their deaths, the Valiant never taste of death but once"
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Offline nick-Otine Free

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Re: The Quit.
« Reply #144 on: August 25, 2021, 08:25:52 AM »

     This was a good listen this morning, What are you going to Do? Keep dipping and planning your Quit? Keep doing the same old "same dip different day"? How are you going to really change the direction of your own health? We all been where you are! We know what it takes to quit! we all took responsibility for our own health and maned up and accepted the cancer can is not the way. But you have to go all in "like your life Depends on it" its not for the faint of heart and its not for the weak minded. Takes pride and tenacity to really push you forward every day and accept that you are a addict but live a nicotine free life in the same sentence.

Nick-239 LTBE
« Last Edit: August 25, 2021, 08:32:42 AM by nick-Otine Free »
I may not be a smart man, but I know what quit is! -Quitest Gump-
     -Don't plan for the future, Quit for today!-
"The way to get started is to (quit) talking and begin doing." Walt Disney
~you cant plan your quit you just have to do it, both feet free fall.~
"Cowards die many times before their deaths, the Valiant never taste of death but once"
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Offline bubblehed668

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Re: The Quit.
« Reply #143 on: August 21, 2021, 01:46:14 PM »

People who take complete responsibility for their lives experience joy and control of circumstances. They are able to make choices because they understand that they are responsible for their choices.

Indeed, even when events that are not under your control go awry, you can at the very least determine how you will react to the event. You can make an event a disaster or you can use it as an opportunity to learn and to grow.

The most important aspect of taking responsibility for your life is to acknowledge that your life is your responsibility. No one can live your life for you. You are in charge. No matter how hard you try to blame others for the events of your life, each event is the result of choices you made and are making.

Want to quit? Then, quit. It is not your job, your spouse or partner, the cost, or the time that holds you back from achieving your dreams. It is you. Want to weigh a certain number of pounds? Then, eat and exercise like the person who would weigh that particular weight.

Happy Friday Team we all took on a huge responsibility quitting, I did it for myself the first 6 months now i do it for all of you as well. Keeping pushing brothas I caved shortly after a year on my own about 7 years ago so i know this game is not over.

Daily Motivation:  “Knowing trees, I understand the meaning of patience. Knowing grass, I can appreciate persistence.~Hal Borland~

@nick-Otine Free that is freaking awesome. I am goin to tag this in my signature titled "Choices". This is total word porn.
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Offline nick-Otine Free

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Re: The Quit.
« Reply #142 on: August 20, 2021, 07:25:04 AM »

People who take complete responsibility for their lives experience joy and control of circumstances. They are able to make choices because they understand that they are responsible for their choices.

Indeed, even when events that are not under your control go awry, you can at the very least determine how you will react to the event. You can make an event a disaster or you can use it as an opportunity to learn and to grow.

The most important aspect of taking responsibility for your life is to acknowledge that your life is your responsibility. No one can live your life for you. You are in charge. No matter how hard you try to blame others for the events of your life, each event is the result of choices you made and are making.

Want to quit? Then, quit. It is not your job, your spouse or partner, the cost, or the time that holds you back from achieving your dreams. It is you. Want to weigh a certain number of pounds? Then, eat and exercise like the person who would weigh that particular weight.

Happy Friday Team we all took on a huge responsibility quitting, I did it for myself the first 6 months now i do it for all of you as well. Keeping pushing brothas I caved shortly after a year on my own about 7 years ago so i know this game is not over.

Daily Motivation:  “Knowing trees, I understand the meaning of patience. Knowing grass, I can appreciate persistence.~Hal Borland~
I may not be a smart man, but I know what quit is! -Quitest Gump-
     -Don't plan for the future, Quit for today!-
"The way to get started is to (quit) talking and begin doing." Walt Disney
~you cant plan your quit you just have to do it, both feet free fall.~
"Cowards die many times before their deaths, the Valiant never taste of death but once"
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Offline Stranger999

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Re: The Quit.
« Reply #141 on: August 19, 2021, 12:08:12 AM »
     I Had some pondering on my way to work this morning, maybe its me practicing some meditation but i like to know what sets people on the path of growth of change and betterment. So as i went back further and further trying to dial into what got this quit ball rolling I found 1 really big factor. In October of 2020 i decided it was time to grow up and find myself a PC doctor. After checking everything she stated i was healthy and seen that i had chewed this was her response " Im not your parents so im not going to lecture you, But know i do not support nicotine in any form and you may not see it but its damaging your body and it will catch up to you one day" This is all she had to say on the matter as she went to check my lungs next.

     I sat and rolled that comment around in my head for 2 months, pissed off! who the hell was she? Talk to me as if i was a child! what does she even know about how addictive this habit is! Maybe i should find another PC doctor. And as that rage built the day came where i was sick and tired of chasing poison. You can read about the day i quit(2 months later 12-30-2020) in my HOF speech, but after thinking about it i believe it was my will to show my PC doctor that im better than i thought she thought of me. She never said she was disappointed or ashamed or guilt tripped me, she probably thinks im amazing, which of course i am. But in my mind her pure honesty struck the spark that forever changed my life.

    Do some digging, Why did you quit? what's stopping your from quitting? How are you going to change your life for good? I hope newbies here read this and realize the Vets here are that PC Doctor that talked to me back in October! Were brutally honesty and come off as rude assholes! but if you dig deep after your fog has cleared you will realize we were that spark that ignited your fire! This site is not always for the faint of heart, but it will change your life and help you remain nicotine free if you let it and do the work. I urge anyone reading this that has not joined a group yet to do so immediately going it alone only takes you so far.

~I am forever thankful for my Quit, Nick- LTBE= Let Today Be Enough
Sometimes that is the gentle kick in the ass that we need. Fist pump her and say thanks but if allowed that PC deserves a hug. Love how sometimes it just a random person that wakes us up.

A dental visit pushed me towards quitting too, but it is not why I quit.  In the end I had to put my foot down and make that decision for myself.  I quit because I came to hate the mechanics of chewing - the random gagging, the spit cup spills, the feeling like I was going to vomit, and hiding all of this from those I love.

Offline Thefranks5

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Re: The Quit.
« Reply #140 on: August 18, 2021, 10:15:01 AM »
     I Had some pondering on my way to work this morning, maybe its me practicing some meditation but i like to know what sets people on the path of growth of change and betterment. So as i went back further and further trying to dial into what got this quit ball rolling I found 1 really big factor. In October of 2020 i decided it was time to grow up and find myself a PC doctor. After checking everything she stated i was healthy and seen that i had chewed this was her response " Im not your parents so im not going to lecture you, But know i do not support nicotine in any form and you may not see it but its damaging your body and it will catch up to you one day" This is all she had to say on the matter as she went to check my lungs next.

     I sat and rolled that comment around in my head for 2 months, pissed off! who the hell was she? Talk to me as if i was a child! what does she even know about how addictive this habit is! Maybe i should find another PC doctor. And as that rage built the day came where i was sick and tired of chasing poison. You can read about the day i quit(2 months later 12-30-2020) in my HOF speech, but after thinking about it i believe it was my will to show my PC doctor that im better than i thought she thought of me. She never said she was disappointed or ashamed or guilt tripped me, she probably thinks im amazing, which of course i am. But in my mind her pure honesty struck the spark that forever changed my life.

    Do some digging, Why did you quit? what's stopping your from quitting? How are you going to change your life for good? I hope newbies here read this and realize the Vets here are that PC Doctor that talked to me back in October! Were brutally honesty and come off as rude assholes! but if you dig deep after your fog has cleared you will realize we were that spark that ignited your fire! This site is not always for the faint of heart, but it will change your life and help you remain nicotine free if you let it and do the work. I urge anyone reading this that has not joined a group yet to do so immediately going it alone only takes you so far.

~I am forever thankful for my Quit, Nick- LTBE= Let Today Be Enough
Sometimes that is the gentle kick in the ass that we need. Fist pump her and say thanks but if allowed that PC deserves a hug. Love how sometimes it just a random person that wakes us up.

Offline nick-Otine Free

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Re: The Quit.
« Reply #139 on: August 18, 2021, 08:58:25 AM »
     I Had some pondering on my way to work this morning, maybe its me practicing some meditation but i like to know what sets people on the path of growth of change and betterment. So as i went back further and further trying to dial into what got this quit ball rolling I found 1 really big factor. In October of 2020 i decided it was time to grow up and find myself a PC doctor. After checking everything she stated i was healthy and seen that i had chewed this was her response " Im not your parents so im not going to lecture you, But know i do not support nicotine in any form and you may not see it but its damaging your body and it will catch up to you one day" This is all she had to say on the matter as she went to check my lungs next.

     I sat and rolled that comment around in my head for 2 months, pissed off! who the hell was she? Talk to me as if i was a child! what does she even know about how addictive this habit is! Maybe i should find another PC doctor. And as that rage built the day came where i was sick and tired of chasing poison. You can read about the day i quit(2 months later 12-30-2020) in my HOF speech, but after thinking about it i believe it was my will to show my PC doctor that im better than i thought she thought of me. She never said she was disappointed or ashamed or guilt tripped me, she probably thinks im amazing, which of course i am. But in my mind her pure honesty struck the spark that forever changed my life.

    Do some digging, Why did you quit? what's stopping your from quitting? How are you going to change your life for good? I hope newbies here read this and realize the Vets here are that PC Doctor that talked to me back in October! Were brutally honesty and come off as rude assholes! but if you dig deep after your fog has cleared you will realize we were that spark that ignited your fire! This site is not always for the faint of heart, but it will change your life and help you remain nicotine free if you let it and do the work. I urge anyone reading this that has not joined a group yet to do so immediately going it alone only takes you so far.

~I am forever thankful for my Quit, Nick- LTBE= Let Today Be Enough
« Last Edit: August 18, 2021, 09:03:19 AM by nick-Otine Free »
I may not be a smart man, but I know what quit is! -Quitest Gump-
     -Don't plan for the future, Quit for today!-
"The way to get started is to (quit) talking and begin doing." Walt Disney
~you cant plan your quit you just have to do it, both feet free fall.~
"Cowards die many times before their deaths, the Valiant never taste of death but once"
Daily Devotional

Offline bubblehed668

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Re: The Quit.
« Reply #138 on: August 03, 2021, 10:31:03 AM »
6 Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. 7 Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 8 And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.

                                                                        2 Corinthians 9:6-8

This is a perfect verse for KTC, to me i rings that bell i hear alot around here "take what you need, leave the rest". But to A deeper level. You see KTC is bigger than that and if your just taking what you need how is that helping anyone else? anyone can post a day count on a phone app, Calendar, or their fridge. But if you "sow Sparingly" and dig deep roots into this site it will help your quit ten fold. Making it to 100 days is huge but the reality is, what keeps people free of this harmful and deadly addiction is the investment. Each of us decides how much and how important our quit journey is. over and over again you see people struggling in their 500s or 1000s and its a clear sign that these little battle we win are far from over. giving back and helping newer quitters or even popping jokes in other groups has helped me stay quit on some of those darker day, have no clue what i would do if i left after HOF or didn't at least try to help someone here with their struggles. I dont do this " reluctantly or under compulsion" I do it because it helps others and more importantly it helps me. Have a Fantasitc Day borthers and sisters and i hope you all remain Forever quit! New here? join a group , Join my group , i dont care as long as you make the effort to toss that can Im on your side.

~Nick-Otine Free-217 days free for another day, LTBE

I hear people bitch about it all the time say when I'm on KTC all I think about is nic and when I'm away I don't think about it. One thing I have learned over time is that you want to be here thinking about it, that way it is in front of you and you can handle it with help. If you are not here the nic biotch is behind you a nd you never know when she will show up and try to pull you back in.

Keep killing it and leading Nick, you are what KTC is built on.
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Offline nick-Otine Free

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  • Interests: traveling,Hunting,backpacking, Fully Sending it, working out, reading, God, Motivation
  • Likes Given: 1869
Re: The Quit.
« Reply #137 on: August 03, 2021, 09:52:18 AM »
6 Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. 7 Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 8 And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.

                                                                        2 Corinthians 9:6-8

This is a perfect verse for KTC, to me i rings that bell i hear alot around here "take what you need, leave the rest". But to A deeper level. You see KTC is bigger than that and if your just taking what you need how is that helping anyone else? anyone can post a day count on a phone app, Calendar, or their fridge. But if you "sow Sparingly" and dig deep roots into this site it will help your quit ten fold. Making it to 100 days is huge but the reality is, what keeps people free of this harmful and deadly addiction is the investment. Each of us decides how much and how important our quit journey is. over and over again you see people struggling in their 500s or 1000s and its a clear sign that these little battle we win are far from over. giving back and helping newer quitters or even popping jokes in other groups has helped me stay quit on some of those darker day, have no clue what i would do if i left after HOF or didn't at least try to help someone here with their struggles. I dont do this " reluctantly or under compulsion" I do it because it helps others and more importantly it helps me. Have a Fantasitc Day borthers and sisters and i hope you all remain Forever quit! New here? join a group , Join my group , i dont care as long as you make the effort to toss that can Im on your side.

~Nick-Otine Free-217 days free for another day, LTBE
I may not be a smart man, but I know what quit is! -Quitest Gump-
     -Don't plan for the future, Quit for today!-
"The way to get started is to (quit) talking and begin doing." Walt Disney
~you cant plan your quit you just have to do it, both feet free fall.~
"Cowards die many times before their deaths, the Valiant never taste of death but once"
Daily Devotional

Offline nick-Otine Free

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  • Posts: 13,813
  • LTBE- Quittin since 12/30/20
  • Interests: traveling,Hunting,backpacking, Fully Sending it, working out, reading, God, Motivation
  • Likes Given: 1869
Re: The Quit.
« Reply #136 on: July 28, 2021, 08:14:43 AM »
Day 209

     It is funny how long nicotine try's to hang on. I felt pretty bad from day 180 to about day 200. Craving, jaw/gum itch, irritation, annoyed. All the other symptoms  have passed away but those. Even conducting June 21 i can honestly say i walked to the ledge every damn day. Deciding if my quit was worth it, My brain still trying to figure out why i even started this campaign, O how easy it would be to just stop and buy a can. looking out wondering if just one fix would help with the turmoil swirling in my mind. I have done this every day since my own HOF. And i can honestly say its Exhausting. Every damn day i walk to that ledge and weigh my options. And than my biggest test came at me. Divorce, now i don't want to dive to much into it but that type of stress, emotional roller-coaster, and loss had me over that ledge holding on with one hand. Mind telling my i dont have a wife to nag me any more, you could just go back and no one will care, Was/is all this effort worth it? But here i am posting another day and here is why folks.

1) I have been WUPPing so long its second nature to me now, its soooo easy.
2) when the Nicotine bitch talks, my name on roll early reminds it that i promised you all i would make it for today.
3) A special pieace of info i read here early on my quit called "choose your Harder" I've told myself this everyday since i read it, and even more so through my divorce.
4) I built my Quit wall extremely high with newbies, half dangle quitters, and vets alike that not only count on my text message but i theirs. (By far the best way to back away from that ledge is through your quit brothers and sisters)
5) The Accountability and effort i put in had people reaching out to me checking to see if i was still solid because i was only posting roll in my group.

Its hard  being a quitter, but is it worth it? HELL YES! Its worth everything! The freedom of not tracking down a can, The free landscape your home/car/job has without nasty ass spitters. The knowing that im actively  trying to take care of my health for myself and for my family. that they wont have to see me go through Chemo and radiation as i have watch my Uncle. We work at this thing Every Damn Day and i would not have it any other way. Divorce, Family deaths, favorite pet died they are just prefect opportunity's  for that nic bitch thats been waiting to open the door. Today i stand at that ledge again and weigh my options mentally, and again i am choosing freedom for today.Be better , Dip does not define you any more so toss it the finger and keep pushing.

Nick- LTBE

Every once in a while you will see one. It's rare, but it happens. Some quitter with a few hundred days under their belt that you just know is going to be one of the greats. Just keep making that bitch your whore on the daily brother.

Walking to the ledge. That is frightening and beautiful at the same time.

" That is frightening and beautiful at the same time" ahhhh thisss, the sense of reality makes it humbling, we can only truly be free(er) from our addiction with honesty. the true balance is what keeps you aware in the first place. I quit with you .
« Last Edit: July 28, 2021, 08:17:36 AM by nick-Otine Free »
I may not be a smart man, but I know what quit is! -Quitest Gump-
     -Don't plan for the future, Quit for today!-
"The way to get started is to (quit) talking and begin doing." Walt Disney
~you cant plan your quit you just have to do it, both feet free fall.~
"Cowards die many times before their deaths, the Valiant never taste of death but once"
Daily Devotional