Author Topic: Relief at last  (Read 2523 times)

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Re: Relief at last
« Reply #34 on: August 09, 2014, 09:46:00 AM »
Quote from: Krusty
Quote from: Air
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: E&C's
Quote from: THansen2413
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: spence249
Day 152 and still going.

Today started off crazy as usual. Getting my 2 daughters up, dressed, fed and so on. Then on my way to work I for some reason found myself on auto-pilot again. Heading right to the convenient store where I used to buy my chew. Not to waste my time, I went into the store, grabbed a mountain dew and went to the counter. Upon setting down my dew, the one clerk points at the rack of death and asks me if I needed any. My first thought was - YOU DICK! But before I could say anything, the other clerk piped in, called him a dick and reminded him that I quit and asked me what day I was on. Old habits are hard to break for everyone I guess. I was used to stopping there on my way to work to buy chew and he was used to being my supplier.

After that, I continued on down the road and stopped at a GNC for vitamins. Now GNC is not a place that I patronize as frequently as the convenient store. Maybe once a month. Maybe. I walk in and must have had the look of "I can't find shit" so the guy working there stops me and tells me to turn around and look on a different shelf. I then asked him how he knew what I was looking for. He didn't look familiar to me, again because I go to that store maybe once a month. He then proceeds to tell me that he remembered me because none of his other customers enter the store with a chew in their mouth. I then told him that it wasn't tobacco, it was Jake's mint. Anyways, we strike up a conversation about quitting because he said he's been "trying" to quit for a few months without any success. Said he's been chewing for 5 years and explained about how it was SOO hard to quit and that he didn't think something like fake would help him. He'd tried Smokey Mountain and said it just didn't compare to his Grizzly.
I proceeded to tell him how I chewed for over 20 years, give or take a day or two, and that in my opinion, fake chew alone wasn't what he needed to quit. I told him I hadn't had tobacco in 152 days. Spouting off that number off the top of my head without any hesitation caught his attention. I followed that up by telling him how and why I knew that number - KTC. I told him that KTC was all about quitting alongside other addicts. It is all about the brotherhood and helping each other stave off the seductive advances of the nic bitch.
I finished checking out and started towards the door. I then turned around and asked the kid if he sold anything in his store, that had absolutely no health benefits whatsoever if consumed. It was meant to be rhetorical and he didn't answer but was certainly thinking. I then asked him that if he sold something, that could never help anyone do anything but possibly cause cancer, would it sell? Again he looked dumbfounded. I told him that product exists. It's called chewing tobacco.
I started towards the door again and told him if he wanted help, all he had to do was ask. And ask he did. He ended up writing down the website address and I told him where to go buy some Jakes.
He seemed eager to quit. I just hope he follows thru and checks out the website. I'm going to give it a couple of days then I'm going back to the store, armed with a can of Jake's Wintergreen. If this kid really wants to quit I will show him the door. I just hope he uses it.
That's awesome!! I love quitters like you.
Epic...simply epic. Proud as fuck to call you my June brother, Spence!
Great job spence way to spread the wealth!
Drops mic...
Bro, with the various pissing matches to choose from on any given day and in any given group, reading your post was a breath of fresh air. Thanks for sharing, and for reminding us why we're all here. Quit on.
Great stuff, Spence. Well done, Brother.
We are what we repeatedly do. ~ Aristotle

Quit or get off the pot, Sally. ~ Diesel2112

The way I see it, you can either post roll daily or fuck off. ~ jost2brown

Bam! Right in the ass! ~ MonsterEMT

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Offline Krusty

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Re: Relief at last
« Reply #33 on: August 09, 2014, 03:33:00 AM »
Quote from: Air
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: E&C's
Quote from: THansen2413
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: spence249
Day 152 and still going.

Today started off crazy as usual. Getting my 2 daughters up, dressed, fed and so on. Then on my way to work I for some reason found myself on auto-pilot again. Heading right to the convenient store where I used to buy my chew. Not to waste my time, I went into the store, grabbed a mountain dew and went to the counter. Upon setting down my dew, the one clerk points at the rack of death and asks me if I needed any. My first thought was - YOU DICK! But before I could say anything, the other clerk piped in, called him a dick and reminded him that I quit and asked me what day I was on. Old habits are hard to break for everyone I guess. I was used to stopping there on my way to work to buy chew and he was used to being my supplier.

After that, I continued on down the road and stopped at a GNC for vitamins. Now GNC is not a place that I patronize as frequently as the convenient store. Maybe once a month. Maybe. I walk in and must have had the look of "I can't find shit" so the guy working there stops me and tells me to turn around and look on a different shelf. I then asked him how he knew what I was looking for. He didn't look familiar to me, again because I go to that store maybe once a month. He then proceeds to tell me that he remembered me because none of his other customers enter the store with a chew in their mouth. I then told him that it wasn't tobacco, it was Jake's mint. Anyways, we strike up a conversation about quitting because he said he's been "trying" to quit for a few months without any success. Said he's been chewing for 5 years and explained about how it was SOO hard to quit and that he didn't think something like fake would help him. He'd tried Smokey Mountain and said it just didn't compare to his Grizzly.
I proceeded to tell him how I chewed for over 20 years, give or take a day or two, and that in my opinion, fake chew alone wasn't what he needed to quit. I told him I hadn't had tobacco in 152 days. Spouting off that number off the top of my head without any hesitation caught his attention. I followed that up by telling him how and why I knew that number - KTC. I told him that KTC was all about quitting alongside other addicts. It is all about the brotherhood and helping each other stave off the seductive advances of the nic bitch.
I finished checking out and started towards the door. I then turned around and asked the kid if he sold anything in his store, that had absolutely no health benefits whatsoever if consumed. It was meant to be rhetorical and he didn't answer but was certainly thinking. I then asked him that if he sold something, that could never help anyone do anything but possibly cause cancer, would it sell? Again he looked dumbfounded. I told him that product exists. It's called chewing tobacco.
I started towards the door again and told him if he wanted help, all he had to do was ask. And ask he did. He ended up writing down the website address and I told him where to go buy some Jakes.
He seemed eager to quit. I just hope he follows thru and checks out the website. I'm going to give it a couple of days then I'm going back to the store, armed with a can of Jake's Wintergreen. If this kid really wants to quit I will show him the door. I just hope he uses it.
That's awesome!! I love quitters like you.
Epic...simply epic. Proud as fuck to call you my June brother, Spence!
Great job spence way to spread the wealth!
Drops mic...
Bro, with the various pissing matches to choose from on any given day and in any given group, reading your post was a breath of fresh air. Thanks for sharing, and for reminding us why we're all here. Quit on.

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Re: Relief at last
« Reply #32 on: August 08, 2014, 07:02:00 PM »
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: E&C's
Quote from: THansen2413
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: spence249
Day 152 and still going.

Today started off crazy as usual. Getting my 2 daughters up, dressed, fed and so on. Then on my way to work I for some reason found myself on auto-pilot again. Heading right to the convenient store where I used to buy my chew. Not to waste my time, I went into the store, grabbed a mountain dew and went to the counter. Upon setting down my dew, the one clerk points at the rack of death and asks me if I needed any. My first thought was - YOU DICK! But before I could say anything, the other clerk piped in, called him a dick and reminded him that I quit and asked me what day I was on. Old habits are hard to break for everyone I guess. I was used to stopping there on my way to work to buy chew and he was used to being my supplier.

After that, I continued on down the road and stopped at a GNC for vitamins. Now GNC is not a place that I patronize as frequently as the convenient store. Maybe once a month. Maybe. I walk in and must have had the look of "I can't find shit" so the guy working there stops me and tells me to turn around and look on a different shelf. I then asked him how he knew what I was looking for. He didn't look familiar to me, again because I go to that store maybe once a month. He then proceeds to tell me that he remembered me because none of his other customers enter the store with a chew in their mouth. I then told him that it wasn't tobacco, it was Jake's mint. Anyways, we strike up a conversation about quitting because he said he's been "trying" to quit for a few months without any success. Said he's been chewing for 5 years and explained about how it was SOO hard to quit and that he didn't think something like fake would help him. He'd tried Smokey Mountain and said it just didn't compare to his Grizzly.
I proceeded to tell him how I chewed for over 20 years, give or take a day or two, and that in my opinion, fake chew alone wasn't what he needed to quit. I told him I hadn't had tobacco in 152 days. Spouting off that number off the top of my head without any hesitation caught his attention. I followed that up by telling him how and why I knew that number - KTC. I told him that KTC was all about quitting alongside other addicts. It is all about the brotherhood and helping each other stave off the seductive advances of the nic bitch.
I finished checking out and started towards the door. I then turned around and asked the kid if he sold anything in his store, that had absolutely no health benefits whatsoever if consumed. It was meant to be rhetorical and he didn't answer but was certainly thinking. I then asked him that if he sold something, that could never help anyone do anything but possibly cause cancer, would it sell? Again he looked dumbfounded. I told him that product exists. It's called chewing tobacco.
I started towards the door again and told him if he wanted help, all he had to do was ask. And ask he did. He ended up writing down the website address and I told him where to go buy some Jakes.
He seemed eager to quit. I just hope he follows thru and checks out the website. I'm going to give it a couple of days then I'm going back to the store, armed with a can of Jake's Wintergreen. If this kid really wants to quit I will show him the door. I just hope he uses it.
That's awesome!! I love quitters like you.
Epic...simply epic. Proud as fuck to call you my June brother, Spence!
Great job spence way to spread the wealth!
Drops mic...

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Re: Relief at last
« Reply #31 on: August 08, 2014, 06:11:00 PM »
Quote from: E&C's
Quote from: THansen2413
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: spence249
Day 152 and still going.

Today started off crazy as usual. Getting my 2 daughters up, dressed, fed and so on. Then on my way to work I for some reason found myself on auto-pilot again. Heading right to the convenient store where I used to buy my chew. Not to waste my time, I went into the store, grabbed a mountain dew and went to the counter. Upon setting down my dew, the one clerk points at the rack of death and asks me if I needed any. My first thought was - YOU DICK! But before I could say anything, the other clerk piped in, called him a dick and reminded him that I quit and asked me what day I was on. Old habits are hard to break for everyone I guess. I was used to stopping there on my way to work to buy chew and he was used to being my supplier.

After that, I continued on down the road and stopped at a GNC for vitamins. Now GNC is not a place that I patronize as frequently as the convenient store. Maybe once a month. Maybe. I walk in and must have had the look of "I can't find shit" so the guy working there stops me and tells me to turn around and look on a different shelf. I then asked him how he knew what I was looking for. He didn't look familiar to me, again because I go to that store maybe once a month. He then proceeds to tell me that he remembered me because none of his other customers enter the store with a chew in their mouth. I then told him that it wasn't tobacco, it was Jake's mint. Anyways, we strike up a conversation about quitting because he said he's been "trying" to quit for a few months without any success. Said he's been chewing for 5 years and explained about how it was SOO hard to quit and that he didn't think something like fake would help him. He'd tried Smokey Mountain and said it just didn't compare to his Grizzly.
I proceeded to tell him how I chewed for over 20 years, give or take a day or two, and that in my opinion, fake chew alone wasn't what he needed to quit. I told him I hadn't had tobacco in 152 days. Spouting off that number off the top of my head without any hesitation caught his attention. I followed that up by telling him how and why I knew that number - KTC. I told him that KTC was all about quitting alongside other addicts. It is all about the brotherhood and helping each other stave off the seductive advances of the nic bitch.
I finished checking out and started towards the door. I then turned around and asked the kid if he sold anything in his store, that had absolutely no health benefits whatsoever if consumed. It was meant to be rhetorical and he didn't answer but was certainly thinking. I then asked him that if he sold something, that could never help anyone do anything but possibly cause cancer, would it sell? Again he looked dumbfounded. I told him that product exists. It's called chewing tobacco.
I started towards the door again and told him if he wanted help, all he had to do was ask. And ask he did. He ended up writing down the website address and I told him where to go buy some Jakes.
He seemed eager to quit. I just hope he follows thru and checks out the website. I'm going to give it a couple of days then I'm going back to the store, armed with a can of Jake's Wintergreen. If this kid really wants to quit I will show him the door. I just hope he uses it.
That's awesome!! I love quitters like you.
Epic...simply epic. Proud as fuck to call you my June brother, Spence!
Great job spence way to spread the wealth!

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Re: Relief at last
« Reply #30 on: August 08, 2014, 03:00:00 PM »
Quote from: THansen2413
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: spence249
Day 152 and still going.

Today started off crazy as usual. Getting my 2 daughters up, dressed, fed and so on. Then on my way to work I for some reason found myself on auto-pilot again. Heading right to the convenient store where I used to buy my chew. Not to waste my time, I went into the store, grabbed a mountain dew and went to the counter. Upon setting down my dew, the one clerk points at the rack of death and asks me if I needed any. My first thought was - YOU DICK! But before I could say anything, the other clerk piped in, called him a dick and reminded him that I quit and asked me what day I was on. Old habits are hard to break for everyone I guess. I was used to stopping there on my way to work to buy chew and he was used to being my supplier.

After that, I continued on down the road and stopped at a GNC for vitamins. Now GNC is not a place that I patronize as frequently as the convenient store. Maybe once a month. Maybe. I walk in and must have had the look of "I can't find shit" so the guy working there stops me and tells me to turn around and look on a different shelf. I then asked him how he knew what I was looking for. He didn't look familiar to me, again because I go to that store maybe once a month. He then proceeds to tell me that he remembered me because none of his other customers enter the store with a chew in their mouth. I then told him that it wasn't tobacco, it was Jake's mint. Anyways, we strike up a conversation about quitting because he said he's been "trying" to quit for a few months without any success. Said he's been chewing for 5 years and explained about how it was SOO hard to quit and that he didn't think something like fake would help him. He'd tried Smokey Mountain and said it just didn't compare to his Grizzly.
I proceeded to tell him how I chewed for over 20 years, give or take a day or two, and that in my opinion, fake chew alone wasn't what he needed to quit. I told him I hadn't had tobacco in 152 days. Spouting off that number off the top of my head without any hesitation caught his attention. I followed that up by telling him how and why I knew that number - KTC. I told him that KTC was all about quitting alongside other addicts. It is all about the brotherhood and helping each other stave off the seductive advances of the nic bitch.
I finished checking out and started towards the door. I then turned around and asked the kid if he sold anything in his store, that had absolutely no health benefits whatsoever if consumed. It was meant to be rhetorical and he didn't answer but was certainly thinking. I then asked him that if he sold something, that could never help anyone do anything but possibly cause cancer, would it sell? Again he looked dumbfounded. I told him that product exists. It's called chewing tobacco.
I started towards the door again and told him if he wanted help, all he had to do was ask. And ask he did. He ended up writing down the website address and I told him where to go buy some Jakes.
He seemed eager to quit. I just hope he follows thru and checks out the website. I'm going to give it a couple of days then I'm going back to the store, armed with a can of Jake's Wintergreen. If this kid really wants to quit I will show him the door. I just hope he uses it.
That's awesome!! I love quitters like you.
Epic...simply epic. Proud as fuck to call you my June brother, Spence!
Great job spence way to spread the wealth!

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Re: Relief at last
« Reply #29 on: August 08, 2014, 02:56:00 PM »
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: spence249
Day 152 and still going.

Today started off crazy as usual. Getting my 2 daughters up, dressed, fed and so on. Then on my way to work I for some reason found myself on auto-pilot again. Heading right to the convenient store where I used to buy my chew. Not to waste my time, I went into the store, grabbed a mountain dew and went to the counter. Upon setting down my dew, the one clerk points at the rack of death and asks me if I needed any. My first thought was - YOU DICK! But before I could say anything, the other clerk piped in, called him a dick and reminded him that I quit and asked me what day I was on. Old habits are hard to break for everyone I guess. I was used to stopping there on my way to work to buy chew and he was used to being my supplier.

After that, I continued on down the road and stopped at a GNC for vitamins. Now GNC is not a place that I patronize as frequently as the convenient store. Maybe once a month. Maybe. I walk in and must have had the look of "I can't find shit" so the guy working there stops me and tells me to turn around and look on a different shelf. I then asked him how he knew what I was looking for. He didn't look familiar to me, again because I go to that store maybe once a month. He then proceeds to tell me that he remembered me because none of his other customers enter the store with a chew in their mouth. I then told him that it wasn't tobacco, it was Jake's mint. Anyways, we strike up a conversation about quitting because he said he's been "trying" to quit for a few months without any success. Said he's been chewing for 5 years and explained about how it was SOO hard to quit and that he didn't think something like fake would help him. He'd tried Smokey Mountain and said it just didn't compare to his Grizzly.
I proceeded to tell him how I chewed for over 20 years, give or take a day or two, and that in my opinion, fake chew alone wasn't what he needed to quit. I told him I hadn't had tobacco in 152 days. Spouting off that number off the top of my head without any hesitation caught his attention. I followed that up by telling him how and why I knew that number - KTC. I told him that KTC was all about quitting alongside other addicts. It is all about the brotherhood and helping each other stave off the seductive advances of the nic bitch.
I finished checking out and started towards the door. I then turned around and asked the kid if he sold anything in his store, that had absolutely no health benefits whatsoever if consumed. It was meant to be rhetorical and he didn't answer but was certainly thinking. I then asked him that if he sold something, that could never help anyone do anything but possibly cause cancer, would it sell? Again he looked dumbfounded. I told him that product exists. It's called chewing tobacco.
I started towards the door again and told him if he wanted help, all he had to do was ask. And ask he did. He ended up writing down the website address and I told him where to go buy some Jakes.
He seemed eager to quit. I just hope he follows thru and checks out the website. I'm going to give it a couple of days then I'm going back to the store, armed with a can of Jake's Wintergreen. If this kid really wants to quit I will show him the door. I just hope he uses it.
That's awesome!! I love quitters like you.
Epic...simply epic. Proud as fuck to call you my June brother, Spence!
Quitters I've met in person : Keddy, boelker62, Big Brother Jack, baitbanjo, SirDerek, Chewie, Scowick65, theo3wood, mcarmo44, MonsterEMT, Bronc, dforbes, rocketman, Lance from SD, kdip, wastepanel, quitspit, basshaug, greenspidy, 30yrAddict, btdogboy, cmark, chrisTKE1982, Jeffro Dolfie, Clampy, carlh2o, JGlav, ReWire, Chewrouski_Philly, Sranger999, walterwhite, DWEIRICK, spit cup, FranPro, ericfluck

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Re: Relief at last
« Reply #28 on: August 08, 2014, 02:52:00 PM »
Quote from: spence249
Day 152 and still going.

Today started off crazy as usual. Getting my 2 daughters up, dressed, fed and so on. Then on my way to work I for some reason found myself on auto-pilot again. Heading right to the convenient store where I used to buy my chew. Not to waste my time, I went into the store, grabbed a mountain dew and went to the counter. Upon setting down my dew, the one clerk points at the rack of death and asks me if I needed any. My first thought was - YOU DICK! But before I could say anything, the other clerk piped in, called him a dick and reminded him that I quit and asked me what day I was on. Old habits are hard to break for everyone I guess. I was used to stopping there on my way to work to buy chew and he was used to being my supplier.

After that, I continued on down the road and stopped at a GNC for vitamins. Now GNC is not a place that I patronize as frequently as the convenient store. Maybe once a month. Maybe. I walk in and must have had the look of "I can't find shit" so the guy working there stops me and tells me to turn around and look on a different shelf. I then asked him how he knew what I was looking for. He didn't look familiar to me, again because I go to that store maybe once a month. He then proceeds to tell me that he remembered me because none of his other customers enter the store with a chew in their mouth. I then told him that it wasn't tobacco, it was Jake's mint. Anyways, we strike up a conversation about quitting because he said he's been "trying" to quit for a few months without any success. Said he's been chewing for 5 years and explained about how it was SOO hard to quit and that he didn't think something like fake would help him. He'd tried Smokey Mountain and said it just didn't compare to his Grizzly.
I proceeded to tell him how I chewed for over 20 years, give or take a day or two, and that in my opinion, fake chew alone wasn't what he needed to quit. I told him I hadn't had tobacco in 152 days. Spouting off that number off the top of my head without any hesitation caught his attention. I followed that up by telling him how and why I knew that number - KTC. I told him that KTC was all about quitting alongside other addicts. It is all about the brotherhood and helping each other stave off the seductive advances of the nic bitch.
I finished checking out and started towards the door. I then turned around and asked the kid if he sold anything in his store, that had absolutely no health benefits whatsoever if consumed. It was meant to be rhetorical and he didn't answer but was certainly thinking. I then asked him that if he sold something, that could never help anyone do anything but possibly cause cancer, would it sell? Again he looked dumbfounded. I told him that product exists. It's called chewing tobacco.
I started towards the door again and told him if he wanted help, all he had to do was ask. And ask he did. He ended up writing down the website address and I told him where to go buy some Jakes.
He seemed eager to quit. I just hope he follows thru and checks out the website. I'm going to give it a couple of days then I'm going back to the store, armed with a can of Jake's Wintergreen. If this kid really wants to quit I will show him the door. I just hope he uses it.
That's awesome!! I love quitters like you.
Nicotine Quit Date:10/31/2013
Exercise Start Date: 6/29/2018

Offline Spence249

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Re: Relief at last
« Reply #27 on: August 08, 2014, 02:48:00 PM »
Day 152 and still going.

Today started off crazy as usual. Getting my 2 daughters up, dressed, fed and so on. Then on my way to work I for some reason found myself on auto-pilot again. Heading right to the convenient store where I used to buy my chew. Not to waste my time, I went into the store, grabbed a mountain dew and went to the counter. Upon setting down my dew, the one clerk points at the rack of death and asks me if I needed any. My first thought was - YOU DICK! But before I could say anything, the other clerk piped in, called him a dick and reminded him that I quit and asked me what day I was on. Old habits are hard to break for everyone I guess. I was used to stopping there on my way to work to buy chew and he was used to being my supplier.

After that, I continued on down the road and stopped at a GNC for vitamins. Now GNC is not a place that I patronize as frequently as the convenient store. Maybe once a month. Maybe. I walk in and must have had the look of "I can't find shit" so the guy working there stops me and tells me to turn around and look on a different shelf. I then asked him how he knew what I was looking for. He didn't look familiar to me, again because I go to that store maybe once a month. He then proceeds to tell me that he remembered me because none of his other customers enter the store with a chew in their mouth. I then told him that it wasn't tobacco, it was Jake's mint. Anyways, we strike up a conversation about quitting because he said he's been "trying" to quit for a few months without any success. Said he's been chewing for 5 years and explained about how it was SOO hard to quit and that he didn't think something like fake would help him. He'd tried Smokey Mountain and said it just didn't compare to his Grizzly.
I proceeded to tell him how I chewed for over 20 years, give or take a day or two, and that in my opinion, fake chew alone wasn't what he needed to quit. I told him I hadn't had tobacco in 152 days. Spouting off that number off the top of my head without any hesitation caught his attention. I followed that up by telling him how and why I knew that number - KTC. I told him that KTC was all about quitting alongside other addicts. It is all about the brotherhood and helping each other stave off the seductive advances of the nic bitch.
I finished checking out and started towards the door. I then turned around and asked the kid if he sold anything in his store, that had absolutely no health benefits whatsoever if consumed. It was meant to be rhetorical and he didn't answer but was certainly thinking. I then asked him that if he sold something, that could never help anyone do anything but possibly cause cancer, would it sell? Again he looked dumbfounded. I told him that product exists. It's called chewing tobacco.
I started towards the door again and told him if he wanted help, all he had to do was ask. And ask he did. He ended up writing down the website address and I told him where to go buy some Jakes.
He seemed eager to quit. I just hope he follows thru and checks out the website. I'm going to give it a couple of days then I'm going back to the store, armed with a can of Jake's Wintergreen. If this kid really wants to quit I will show him the door. I just hope he uses it.

Offline SirDerek

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Re: Relief at last
« Reply #26 on: July 14, 2014, 08:25:00 PM »
Quote from: spence249
I haven't posted in a long time. dumb dick

I guess I didn't have anything profound to say. Still don't. But just wanted to jot down some thoughts.

Got my HOF coin today. I'm on day 128. No, it didn't take Chewie that long to mail it, it took me that long to order it. I was debating with myself as to buy one or not. Part of me said that I really didn't need a $25 reminder of being an addict. Then the other side of my brain took over and started to make sense. I'm quit, KTC is a huge part of that along with the June Pooners, and this coin is going to remind me of a place and time that I never want visit again. And hopefully, if I can ever get a weekend pass from my wife, I may even use it as a ball mark. Thanks EC. Still can't believe you missed that putt.

Also, a little update on the convenient store that I used to buy my chew from - they still have a SHITLOAD of Skoal Citrus, collecting dust. Fuck em.

Hey Nic Bitch - 'Finger' - It's real nice. I got it at Target. It was on sale.
can think of that coin as something well earned. Make it a reminder of what you have accomplished and what you went through so that you do not have to do it again.

well done.

Offline Spence249

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Re: Relief at last
« Reply #25 on: July 14, 2014, 08:04:00 PM »
I haven't posted in a long time. dumb dick

I guess I didn't have anything profound to say. Still don't. But just wanted to jot down some thoughts.

Got my HOF coin today. I'm on day 128. No, it didn't take Chewie that long to mail it, it took me that long to order it. I was debating with myself as to buy one or not. Part of me said that I really didn't need a $25 reminder of being an addict. Then the other side of my brain took over and started to make sense. I'm quit, KTC is a huge part of that along with the June Pooners, and this coin is going to remind me of a place and time that I never want visit again. And hopefully, if I can ever get a weekend pass from my wife, I may even use it as a ball mark. Thanks EC. Still can't believe you missed that putt.

Also, a little update on the convenient store that I used to buy my chew from - they still have a SHITLOAD of Skoal Citrus, collecting dust. Fuck em.

Hey Nic Bitch - 'Finger' - It's real nice. I got it at Target. It was on sale.

Offline Spence249

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Re: Relief at last
« Reply #24 on: May 21, 2014, 12:14:00 AM »
Wow. 73 days.

Haven't posted to my intro for quite some time, but today I read some great thoughts. Really deep emotional thoughts.

Somebody caved after being quit for 104 days. He is certainly not the first to fail since I've joined the site, but it certainly has gained the most attention that I've noticed anyways. I absolutely love the passion that people have for quitting with each other. It truly is a brotherhood. Reminds me of growing up. My best friend growing up had a brother a few years younger than us. We picked on that poor kid like it was our job. At the same time, we were very protective of him. If he ever fucked up, we certainly let him have it and he knew he had it coming. The dust would finally settle and all would be well again, until the next fuck up, but we were still there.

Point being, this person that caved, needed to hear from his brothers, and did he ever hear it. I just hope he listened.

In chat tonight, there were some truly pissed off people. It's amazing how we quit for ourselves, but so many people are affected by our quits.

I sat down with my keyboard, full of thoughts. Most of them seem to have escaped before touching the keys. Probably a good thing. Until next time.

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Re: Relief at last
« Reply #23 on: April 07, 2014, 03:53:00 PM »
Quote from: spence249
day 30 update

Sitting here at my desk at work, typing away and realized that I never even had a thought of stopping at the convenient store on my way to work this morning. Feels pretty damn good.

So much has changed in 30 days. Physically, my mouth feels better. My gums use to be sore but that pain is gone. Still have to make a trip to the dentist to get fully checked out and cleaned. Damn I can't stand the dentist.

One thing that really pisses me off, is how I used to let the nic bitch control so much of my life. Looking back, it's pretty fucked up. It feels so good not having to think about shit like, do I have enough chew to get me thru the day? I remember making up excuses on why I needed to run to the grocery store at 11:00 at night, just to go get dip.

I used to stay up well after everyone else went to bed, actually anticipating everyone going to bed, just so I could have a peaceful, quiet moment with the nic bitch. That's fucked up considering I could have been laying in bed with my wife! That being said, I've been to bed earlier lately and feel so much better.

I know we need to take this one day at a time, but I'm really looking forward to this summer. I can't wait to go swimming and play golf without having to be a ninja. Maybe without having to spit before every shot, my golf game will improve. Doubtful, but at least it will be one less distraction running thru my brain. The only thing that can fix my hook is a fishing pole!

I haven't been the most active person on this website in terms of posting, but I have read everything that I can find. This site is in some ways, a social media site for quitters. I get this site, i just don't understand other social media sites like Facebook. Actually, i just don't understand the fascination with other people's business. Who gives a fuck that you went to the mall or whatever. What I'm getting at is, I appreciate this site tremendously because we all share mostly meaningful stuff about each other. Sometimes you need to hear some crazy shit like one of Slug.go's tree-top-flying stories, but mostly we talk about quitting and how it affects our lives. I thank all of you for that. It really helps to know that so many people are going thru or have gone thru the same shit.

Quit on ya bunch of quitters.
I loved reading this post. Thanks for sharing and being here.

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Re: Relief at last
« Reply #22 on: April 07, 2014, 01:37:00 PM »
Nice post, Spence. Well done and keep up the good work. Quitting with you today.
We are what we repeatedly do. ~ Aristotle

Quit or get off the pot, Sally. ~ Diesel2112

The way I see it, you can either post roll daily or fuck off. ~ jost2brown

Bam! Right in the ass! ~ MonsterEMT

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Re: Relief at last
« Reply #21 on: April 07, 2014, 12:25:00 PM »
Spence, I read your original intro, and it's amazing how similar we are. I am purposely avoiding a Speedway here in town since I know the manager will have a backlog of Skoal Cherry for me and is probably pissed I haven't been in for a month. Quit on bro.
Some of my fondest and clearest memories are peeing in places that aren't bathrooms.

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Re: Relief at last
« Reply #20 on: April 07, 2014, 12:21:00 PM »
Quote from: spence249
day 30 update

Sitting here at my desk at work, typing away and realized that I never even had a thought of stopping at the convenient store on my way to work this morning.  Feels pretty damn good.

So much has changed in 30 days.  Physically, my mouth feels better.  My gums use to be sore but that pain is gone.  Still have to make a trip to the dentist to get fully checked out and cleaned.  Damn I can't stand the dentist.

One thing that really pisses me off, is how I used to let the nic bitch control so much of my life.  Looking back, it's pretty fucked up.  It feels so good not having to think about shit like, do I have enough chew to get me thru the day?  I remember making up excuses on why I needed to run to the grocery store at 11:00 at night, just to go get dip. 

I used to stay up well after everyone else went to bed, actually anticipating everyone going to bed, just so I could have a peaceful, quiet moment with the nic bitch.  That's fucked up considering I could have been laying in bed with my wife!  That being said, I've been to bed earlier lately and feel so much better.

I know we need to take this one day at a time, but I'm really looking forward to this summer.  I can't wait to go swimming and play golf without having to be a ninja.  Maybe without having to spit before every shot, my golf game will improve.  Doubtful, but at least it will be one less distraction running thru my brain.  The only thing that can fix my hook is a fishing pole!

I haven't been the most active person on this website in terms of posting, but I have read everything that I can find.  This site is in some ways, a social media site for quitters.  I get this site, i just don't understand other social media sites like Facebook.  Actually, i just don't understand the fascination with other people's business.  Who gives a fuck that you went to the mall or whatever.  What I'm getting at is, I appreciate this site tremendously because we all share mostly meaningful stuff about each other.  Sometimes you need to hear some crazy shit like one of Slug.go's tree-top-flying stories, but mostly we talk about quitting and how it affects our lives.  I thank all of you for that.  It really helps to know that so many people are going thru or have gone thru the same shit.

Quit on ya bunch of quitters.
Nice when you get a little insight on just how awesome freedom can be. Solid comments, quit on!!! Look back on this post when a tough day rears it's head!