Author Topic: jmag intro;  (Read 2163 times)

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Offline Scowick65

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Re: jmag intro;
« Reply #34 on: June 10, 2011, 12:44:00 PM »
Quote from: Souliman
Quote from: nomosko
Quote from: jmag
Day 31

My wife and daughter went out of town yesterday.  That used to be prime dip time.  I have been doing pretty well, a few days here and there but not to bad.  Last night the craves came in full force, almost like day 2 again.  If I hadn't given my word yesterday theres a good chance I would not be quit today.  Posting roll is the most important thing that I can do.  I rushed in today to make sure I posted roll first thing.  The craves are still there today but I have given my word.  Thanks for everyones support, it means the world to my quit.

Now back to your regularly scheduled quit.
Good job jmag. There used to be no better time for me to dip if the wife and kids went out of town. That hasn't happened yet in my quit but I am not looking forward to that. Consider this one more victory.
Nice work jmag. Yeah those weekends without the family were a huge binge time for me. Not anymore.
This site is amazing. I have stayed quit on several occasions simply because I posted roll the morning of a day that included monster crave. Thanks you for reminding me why it is so important to post roll everyday. You never know when it is going to save your quit.

Offline Souliman

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Re: jmag intro;
« Reply #33 on: June 10, 2011, 12:04:00 PM »
Quote from: nomosko
Quote from: jmag
Day 31

My wife and daughter went out of town yesterday.  That used to be prime dip time.  I have been doing pretty well, a few days here and there but not to bad.  Last night the craves came in full force, almost like day 2 again.  If I hadn't given my word yesterday theres a good chance I would not be quit today.  Posting roll is the most important thing that I can do.  I rushed in today to make sure I posted roll first thing.  The craves are still there today but I have given my word.  Thanks for everyones support, it means the world to my quit.

Now back to your regularly scheduled quit.
Good job jmag. There used to be no better time for me to dip if the wife and kids went out of town. That hasn't happened yet in my quit but I am not looking forward to that. Consider this one more victory.
Nice work jmag. Yeah those weekends without the family were a huge binge time for me. Not anymore.

Offline nomosko

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Re: jmag intro;
« Reply #32 on: June 10, 2011, 10:56:00 AM »
Quote from: jmag
Day 31

My wife and daughter went out of town yesterday. That used to be prime dip time. I have been doing pretty well, a few days here and there but not to bad. Last night the craves came in full force, almost like day 2 again. If I hadn't given my word yesterday theres a good chance I would not be quit today. Posting roll is the most important thing that I can do. I rushed in today to make sure I posted roll first thing. The craves are still there today but I have given my word. Thanks for everyones support, it means the world to my quit.

Now back to your regularly scheduled quit.
Good job jmag. There used to be no better time for me to dip if the wife and kids went out of town. That hasn't happened yet in my quit but I am not looking forward to that. Consider this one more victory.
Never give up!!!
Quit, Quit, Quit
Quit Date 2/6/11
HOF 5/16/11
2nd floor 8/24/11
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Offline jmag

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Re: jmag intro;
« Reply #31 on: June 10, 2011, 10:40:00 AM »
Day 31

My wife and daughter went out of town yesterday. That used to be prime dip time. I have been doing pretty well, a few days here and there but not to bad. Last night the craves came in full force, almost like day 2 again. If I hadn't given my word yesterday theres a good chance I would not be quit today. Posting roll is the most important thing that I can do. I rushed in today to make sure I posted roll first thing. The craves are still there today but I have given my word. Thanks for everyones support, it means the world to my quit.

Now back to your regularly scheduled quit.

Offline Parputt

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Re: jmag intro;
« Reply #30 on: May 17, 2011, 05:47:00 PM »
Quote from: nomosko
Quote from: jmag
I'm jmag and I'm and addict.  It took me a long time to figure that out.  I was a member of the August 09 group.  I made the HOF and in fact I made it more than 200 days without dip.  I failed!  I won't bore with the details because it doesn't matter.  I was weak and whatever I was going through wasn't helped by dipping.  The only thing that it did for me was add guilt and shame.

Maybe my story can help someone else out.  I felt so strong in my quit, mainly because of this site and the help that I recieved.  I didn't take advantage of all the great help that was here.  I didn't get any numbers and I didn't give mine out.  I didn't know it was KTC that kept me strong.  I started to fade away from the site, only posting roll occasionally.  After awhile I quit coming here.  At some point I caved and the nicotine convinced me that I wasn't supposed to be quit.  She was my friend.  F*ck That!

I want to apologize to all of my previous quit brothers and all the vets who helped me when I was clean for a while.  I disrespected all of you and for that I am ashamed.  I understand if want to call me names and even if don't want to try and support me in this.  I will be here posting roll though and winning the battle, starting today. 

THis is Day 7 for me without the dip.  I guess I didn't feel worthy to be here the first few days.  I now know that I need this place and your support for the long haul.  I will try to get numbers and give my number to anyone who needs it.  I failed because I didn't realize the power of this site and its quiters.  I won't make that mistake again.
This should be warning to all of us in May feeling good about making the HOF. This isn't over, not by a long shot. One day at a time. The HOF is a victory and an accomplishment to be proud of but the war will rage for the rest of our lifes. Fight, fight, fight the daily battle. Jmag I'll support you in your new group.
This should be a warning to any addict that has ever quit anything. You loose your support you loose your quit.
QD:  1-13-11
HOF: 4-22-11
Sobriety date: 3-4-07

One is one too many
One more is never enough

This Is My Quit

You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself, any direction you choose ~ Dr. Seuss

Offline LaQuitter

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Re: jmag intro;
« Reply #29 on: May 17, 2011, 02:04:00 PM »
Quote from: husker06484
Quote from: jmag
Thanks guys for the direction and support.  As for trying to get numbers, that was a statement about whether or not anyone would give me there number.  Miles was nice enough to give me his and I gave him mine.  I am not trying to quit.  I am quit!

I will go and post roll in Aug 09'.  I owe those guys as least that much.  I deserve all the crap that I get.  I didn't use the tools that I had at my disposal.  There is no one to blame but myself.
I told you to PM me for mine...I see no PM from you....You can do it..I dont bite....Well sometimes but your not my type
PM me for my number as well if you want it. We all want to see you succeed. Yeah, you'll catch some hell, which is deserved. You know why you failed. Learn from your mistakes and don't repeat them. Post roll every day, and invest in someone elses quit. Pay it forward. That's how you'll rebuild trust and increase the accountability. Welcome us what you've got.
Quit: Saturday, May 2, 2009
HOF: Monday, August 10, 2009

La's HOF Speech

"Post roll like 8 pounds 6 ounces... new born infant jesus himself was telling you to do it" - Jaydisco

Offline Radman

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Re: jmag intro;
« Reply #28 on: May 17, 2011, 01:16:00 PM »
Quote from: LaQuitter
.... Stop "trying" to quit. Retreat isnt an option.....
Burn your boat. Goad ahead, set the thing on fire and set it adrift.

Offline husker06484

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Re: jmag intro;
« Reply #27 on: May 17, 2011, 12:48:00 PM »
Quote from: jmag
Thanks guys for the direction and support. As for trying to get numbers, that was a statement about whether or not anyone would give me there number. Miles was nice enough to give me his and I gave him mine. I am not trying to quit. I am quit!

I will go and post roll in Aug 09'. I owe those guys as least that much. I deserve all the crap that I get. I didn't use the tools that I had at my disposal. There is no one to blame but myself.
I told you to PM me for mine...I see no PM from you....You can do it..I dont bite....Well sometimes but your not my type

Offline jmag

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Re: jmag intro;
« Reply #26 on: May 17, 2011, 12:34:00 PM »
Thanks guys for the direction and support. As for trying to get numbers, that was a statement about whether or not anyone would give me there number. Miles was nice enough to give me his and I gave him mine. I am not trying to quit. I am quit!

I will go and post roll in Aug 09'. I owe those guys as least that much. I deserve all the crap that I get. I didn't use the tools that I had at my disposal. There is no one to blame but myself.

Offline LaQuitter

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Re: jmag intro;
« Reply #25 on: May 17, 2011, 11:37:00 AM »
JMag, I'm August 09, and I still post roll regularly. Not daily, but regularly. I'm still quit, 746 days. You could be over 2 years quit as well if you had stuck with the program.

Do yourself, and your August 09 brothers a favor. Post roll every day in Aug '11 and Aug '09.

I don't have much else to say. Stop "trying" to quit. Retreat isnt an option. There is no excuse for failure if you use the tools that this place provides.

Whose number did you have in Aug '09? Had you ever spoke to a quit brother? I'm just curious.
Quit: Saturday, May 2, 2009
HOF: Monday, August 10, 2009

La's HOF Speech

"Post roll like 8 pounds 6 ounces... new born infant jesus himself was telling you to do it" - Jaydisco

Offline husker06484

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Re: jmag intro;
« Reply #24 on: May 17, 2011, 11:20:00 AM »
Quote from: nomosko
Quote from: jmag
I'm jmag and I'm and addict.  It took me a long time to figure that out.  I was a member of the August 09 group.  I made the HOF and in fact I made it more than 200 days without dip.  I failed!  I won't bore with the details because it doesn't matter.  I was weak and whatever I was going through wasn't helped by dipping.  The only thing that it did for me was add guilt and shame.

Maybe my story can help someone else out.  I felt so strong in my quit, mainly because of this site and the help that I recieved.  I didn't take advantage of all the great help that was here.  I didn't get any numbers and I didn't give mine out.  I didn't know it was KTC that kept me strong.  I started to fade away from the site, only posting roll occasionally.  After awhile I quit coming here.  At some point I caved and the nicotine convinced me that I wasn't supposed to be quit.  She was my friend.  F*ck That!

I want to apologize to all of my previous quit brothers and all the vets who helped me when I was clean for a while.  I disrespected all of you and for that I am ashamed.  I understand if want to call me names and even if don't want to try and support me in this.  I will be here posting roll though and winning the battle, starting today. 

THis is Day 7 for me without the dip.  I guess I didn't feel worthy to be here the first few days.  I now know that I need this place and your support for the long haul.  I will try to get numbers and give my number to anyone who needs it.  I failed because I didn't realize the power of this site and its quiters.  I won't make that mistake again.
This should be warning to all of us in May feeling good about making the HOF. This isn't over, not by a long shot. One day at a time. The HOF is a victory and an accomplishment to be proud of but the war will rage for the rest of our lifes. Fight, fight, fight the daily battle. Jmag I'll support you in your new group.
jmag....I am already pissed off at something in your post...."I will try to get numbers" Dude you are already setting yourself up for failure....Go to August post roll...PM someone ask for a number, then PM someone else ask for a number, then PM someone else and ask for a number...etc....You have an advantage you know how this site works and you know how powerful it is....Lets get this done....PM me and you can have my number...You also need to get to Aug 09 and start posting there... Are you quitting or are you quit?(Nolaq) be quit today and worry about tomorrow when it gets here....

Offline bnlelliott

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Re: jmag intro;
« Reply #23 on: May 17, 2011, 11:13:00 AM »
Quote from: jmag
I'm jmag and I'm and addict. It took me a long time to figure that out. I was a member of the August 09 group. I made the HOF and in fact I made it more than 200 days without dip. I failed! I won't bore with the details because it doesn't matter. I was weak and whatever I was going through wasn't helped by dipping. The only thing that it did for me was add guilt and shame.

Maybe my story can help someone else out. I felt so strong in my quit, mainly because of this site and the help that I recieved. I didn't take advantage of all the great help that was here. I didn't get any numbers and I didn't give mine out. I didn't know it was KTC that kept me strong. I started to fade away from the site, only posting roll occasionally. After awhile I quit coming here. At some point I caved and the nicotine convinced me that I wasn't supposed to be quit. She was my friend. F*ck That!

I want to apologize to all of my previous quit brothers and all the vets who helped me when I was clean for a while. I disrespected all of you and for that I am ashamed. I understand if want to call me names and even if don't want to try and support me in this. I will be here posting roll though and winning the battle, starting today.

THis is Day 7 for me without the dip. I guess I didn't feel worthy to be here the first few days. I now know that I need this place and your support for the long haul. I will try to get numbers and give my number to anyone who needs it. I failed because I didn't realize the power of this site and its quiters. I won't make that mistake again.
Jmag-be ready for the's coming. Please go post in August 2009...those guys desrve to know. Also, let each vet know that assisted you personally in your quit.

This Is ALL part of growing up. Take it like a man, learn from it, and stay quit. I'm a big believer in second chances, and if you need help, PM me...take care of business and take care of your quit this time.
May '09

Somebody has to do something, and it's just incredibly pathetic that it has to be us.
-Jerry Garcia

Read My HOF Speech, Maybe It'll Help!

That Decision Has Been Made Today!

Quit Date 2/17/2009
HOF Date 5/27/2009
1 Year 2/16/2010
2 Years 2/16/2011

Offline nomosko

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Re: jmag intro;
« Reply #22 on: May 17, 2011, 11:09:00 AM »
Quote from: jmag
I'm jmag and I'm and addict. It took me a long time to figure that out. I was a member of the August 09 group. I made the HOF and in fact I made it more than 200 days without dip. I failed! I won't bore with the details because it doesn't matter. I was weak and whatever I was going through wasn't helped by dipping. The only thing that it did for me was add guilt and shame.

Maybe my story can help someone else out. I felt so strong in my quit, mainly because of this site and the help that I recieved. I didn't take advantage of all the great help that was here. I didn't get any numbers and I didn't give mine out. I didn't know it was KTC that kept me strong. I started to fade away from the site, only posting roll occasionally. After awhile I quit coming here. At some point I caved and the nicotine convinced me that I wasn't supposed to be quit. She was my friend. F*ck That!

I want to apologize to all of my previous quit brothers and all the vets who helped me when I was clean for a while. I disrespected all of you and for that I am ashamed. I understand if want to call me names and even if don't want to try and support me in this. I will be here posting roll though and winning the battle, starting today.

THis is Day 7 for me without the dip. I guess I didn't feel worthy to be here the first few days. I now know that I need this place and your support for the long haul. I will try to get numbers and give my number to anyone who needs it. I failed because I didn't realize the power of this site and its quiters. I won't make that mistake again.
This should be warning to all of us in May feeling good about making the HOF. This isn't over, not by a long shot. One day at a time. The HOF is a victory and an accomplishment to be proud of but the war will rage for the rest of our lifes. Fight, fight, fight the daily battle. Jmag I'll support you in your new group.
Never give up!!!
Quit, Quit, Quit
Quit Date 2/6/11
HOF 5/16/11
2nd floor 8/24/11
3rd floor 12/2/11
1 Year 2/5/12
4th floor 3/11/12
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Re: jmag intro;
« Reply #21 on: May 17, 2011, 10:57:00 AM »
Glad your back. I hope you are serious about your quit this time. I imagine your old group will be disappointed. You might want to post there as well.

I'll quit with ya every day. Let's get this shit done.
I quit with with you all!

Offline jmag

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Re: jmag intro;
« Reply #20 on: May 17, 2011, 10:46:00 AM »
I'm jmag and I'm and addict. It took me a long time to figure that out. I was a member of the August 09 group. I made the HOF and in fact I made it more than 200 days without dip. I failed! I won't bore with the details because it doesn't matter. I was weak and whatever I was going through wasn't helped by dipping. The only thing that it did for me was add guilt and shame.

Maybe my story can help someone else out. I felt so strong in my quit, mainly because of this site and the help that I recieved. I didn't take advantage of all the great help that was here. I didn't get any numbers and I didn't give mine out. I didn't know it was KTC that kept me strong. I started to fade away from the site, only posting roll occasionally. After awhile I quit coming here. At some point I caved and the nicotine convinced me that I wasn't supposed to be quit. She was my friend. F*ck That!

I want to apologize to all of my previous quit brothers and all the vets who helped me when I was clean for a while. I disrespected all of you and for that I am ashamed. I understand if want to call me names and even if don't want to try and support me in this. I will be here posting roll though and winning the battle, starting today.

THis is Day 7 for me without the dip. I guess I didn't feel worthy to be here the first few days. I now know that I need this place and your support for the long haul. I will try to get numbers and give my number to anyone who needs it. I failed because I didn't realize the power of this site and its quiters. I won't make that mistake again.