Author Topic: The last day of the worm dirt  (Read 2123 times)

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Re: The last day of the worm dirt
« Reply #42 on: March 27, 2012, 08:08:00 PM »
Quote from: penutbuter
Day eight and still trucking along. I am doing good at work and my craves have been at a minimum all day. I am getting used to preemptively fighting off the craves as well with gum and candy. as soon as I am getting close to my house I pop something in so I wont start thinking about sittin on the couch and havin a chew before dinner.

It's getting better slowly but its cool I am a patient person most of the time.
Awesome Pb.. Keep up the strong quit and interact as much as possible on here.. You're almost done with what I thought was the hardest part of my quit..
If you need #'s, holler at me brother..
'Champions are made when there are no bodies looking'
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Offline Grizzly25

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Re: The last day of the worm dirt
« Reply #41 on: March 27, 2012, 07:06:00 PM »
Quote from: penutbuter
Day eight and still trucking along. I am doing good at work and my craves have been at a minimum all day. I am getting used to preemptively fighting off the craves as well with gum and candy. as soon as I am getting close to my house I pop something in so I wont start thinking about sittin on the couch and havin a chew before dinner.

It's getting better slowly but its cool I am a patient person most of the time.
You got this!

Drink lots of water all the time every day!

Keep up the candy and gum regiment they will help get you over the hump.

Your at day 8 so the physical addiction should be much less now its the pesky habitual addiction.......

Keep busy and be active your going to notice you have alot more time on your hands use it constructively

stay strong in your resolve bro and you will really like the results as they come along.

PM me if you need numbers or support bro.
"Remember you are either getting better or getting worse, nobody stays the same!" Woody Hayes

"Winning! That's all we do around here brotha! Failure is not an option, remove it as an option and the possibilities are endless...." Bruce317 5-18-2012

"...We'll be heroes or ghosts...But we won't be turned around." Wastepanel 6-15-2012




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Offline penutbuter

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Re: The last day of the worm dirt
« Reply #40 on: March 27, 2012, 05:26:00 PM »
Day eight and still trucking along. I am doing good at work and my craves have been at a minimum all day. I am getting used to preemptively fighting off the craves as well with gum and candy. as soon as I am getting close to my house I pop something in so I wont start thinking about sittin on the couch and havin a chew before dinner.

It's getting better slowly but its cool I am a patient person most of the time.
"Good .. Bad .. I'm the guy with the gun." -- Bruce Campbell

Offline Souliman

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Re: The last day of the worm dirt
« Reply #39 on: March 26, 2012, 10:17:00 PM »
Keep fighting brother. This ain't easy. Do whatever you can to keep the cancer candy out of your mouth. And if the rage sets in you get on in here and yell at one of us. I've been known to drop F-word here or there. Its therapeutic I feel. Like taking a giant deuce after hitting the Golden Coral for evening. You know, the kind of dump that you swear you see God when its leaving your ass. Yeah...therapeutic.

Offline Grizzly25

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Re: The last day of the worm dirt
« Reply #38 on: March 26, 2012, 04:18:00 PM »
Quote from: penutbuter
I am still quit. but it was a long weekend .. I did cook my modem this weekend though so i had to stay home and wait for some dude to come and give me a new one. apparently i can't just go grab one from them, hmmmm .. oh well .. it sucks but i am back online now so thats cool .. I went to a really awesome gun show on sunday and that was really cool .. Hope you guys had a great weekend and kept your heads tied up and out of the crave .. my family flaked on me on saturday and I was stranded with nothing to do, no car and a crave that would not quit .. I subsequently confronted my wife as to why they chose my first week of being quit to decide to be flaky and was countered with "What does it matter, why are you mad at me? you can't keep yourself busy around the house for one day? i thought this was supposed to be done after 3 days .. " I am keeping my composure though ..
A little advise would be dont expect to get support from her not that is not a great woman but right now she has no idea of whats happening with you....

I hate to hear the stranded part when what you needed was a good dose of KTC to help get past the inlaws being flaky, I would have to say get yourself right either with the use of this site or a jog or a walk or really anything other than trying to get the support from those around you who really dont understand why your wound up.....

Stay strong and good to see you got thru the weekend kudos for that!
"Remember you are either getting better or getting worse, nobody stays the same!" Woody Hayes

"Winning! That's all we do around here brotha! Failure is not an option, remove it as an option and the possibilities are endless...." Bruce317 5-18-2012

"...We'll be heroes or ghosts...But we won't be turned around." Wastepanel 6-15-2012




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Offline penutbuter

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Re: The last day of the worm dirt
« Reply #37 on: March 26, 2012, 04:11:00 PM »
I am still quit. but it was a long weekend .. I did cook my modem this weekend though so i had to stay home and wait for some dude to come and give me a new one. apparently i can't just go grab one from them, hmmmm .. oh well .. it sucks but i am back online now so thats cool .. I went to a really awesome gun show on sunday and that was really cool .. Hope you guys had a great weekend and kept your heads tied up and out of the crave .. my family flaked on me on saturday and I was stranded with nothing to do, no car and a crave that would not quit .. I subsequently confronted my wife as to why they chose my first week of being quit to decide to be flaky and was countered with "What does it matter, why are you mad at me? you can't keep yourself busy around the house for one day? i thought this was supposed to be done after 3 days .. " I am keeping my composure though ..
"Good .. Bad .. I'm the guy with the gun." -- Bruce Campbell

Offline Suck-It

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Re: The last day of the worm dirt
« Reply #36 on: March 24, 2012, 04:13:00 PM »
Thinking back to my first week quit - I was putting everything in site in my mouth. You name it, peanuts, lots of gum, candy, beef jerky, seeds, blow-pops, everything. My wife loaded me up with all kinds of quit aides. I've tried the fake stuff in past quits but felt like it kept me too close to the real deal so this time it was candy, food, etc. Well, I am happy to tell you that at day 29 I don't need all that stuff. I have slowly got over constantly putting shit in my mouth. I still chew a lot of gum, bout a pack a day, but I don't constantly feel the urge to always be looking for something to eat on. It does get better in those regards. Great job quitting and keep it up. Have a great weekend. Proud to be quit with you

Offline penutbuter

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Re: The last day of the worm dirt
« Reply #35 on: March 24, 2012, 12:21:00 PM »
Day 5 is going much better than yesterday. I woke up in a good mood and I didn't have a crave sitting on my night stand when i checked the clock.

I hope everyone is having a great weekend.
"Good .. Bad .. I'm the guy with the gun." -- Bruce Campbell

Offline penutbuter

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Re: The last day of the worm dirt
« Reply #34 on: March 23, 2012, 09:14:00 PM »
Quote from: wastepanel
Quote from: dgonseaux
Quote from: penutbuter
Quote from: dgonseaux
Quote from: penutbuter
It is day 4 of the quit and I am feeling worse than yesterday. javascript:emoticon("'zombie'")

I woke up this morning with the crave in my head and soaked in night sweat. my neck and head ache and i have put on 10 pounds over the last few days with all the salty snacks and water and soda and everything else I am taking to kill the crave and stay quit.

But none of that matters because it is simply proof of how desparate the nic bitch really is. I know that I will feel a million times better when I reach the HOF, and I stick with it. When these days of pain are over I want to remember them firmly in my head I want to remember the night sweats and the body ache and everything else so I wont find myself on day 1 again.

I am thankful to my brothers who are quit with me today and those that have and will quit.
You're doing great man! Keep it up! Have you tried some fake chew or coffee grounds to take the edge off? That helped me from gaining too much weight. I haven't checked my weight yet though, I'm scared to lol.

On a completely side and random note, this little zombie over here is dancing to the beat of my music that I have on right now. Slightly weird.
I havent tried the fake stuff yet .. I would like something to make it easier but I dont want to keep in the habit of putting something in my lip ya know .. Im kinda torn .. and I have no idea where to get it locally aside from walmart and thats kinda out of the way for me .. i will check fred meyers later when i go to lunch ..

That is awesome that the zom-b is groovin to your tunes .. I was listening to Harry Belafonte and for some reason it made perfect sense to have it there explaining my mood ..
I hear ya. I had an "substitute addiction" thread I created because I was worried about being addicted to coffee grounds (which is what I'm using now). From what I've read, eventually the substitute addictions just "go away" one day. Sometimes at day 50 and sometimes at day 200. I've already gone hours without it on a couple of occasions so that has eased my fears somewhat.

That being said, if you can do it without having anything in the lip, more power to you. I think that's awesome. Kicking it all to the curb in one fell swoop.
We're all familiar with the Tyrannosaurus Rex and his small, visceral arms.

The T-Rex is thought to once have sported arms that were were (in size) comparable to its frame. However, through years and years of evolution, the T-Rex's arms shrunk through evolution. The T-Rex became more and more reliant on his giant steel trap mouth to clench things that his arms became useless.

Yet, they hung there on his chest like a limp dick. (Which is ironic as masterbation would be impossible with those little thing and I would be a raging asshole of epic proportions as well...)

As quitters, we will always have the albotross of use attached to us. Be it our addiction, or that pocket in our lips that doesn't quite heal back, we will always carry these like small, visceral arms.

If I was a sex starved T-Rex, I'd be out fucking random trees or something. Fuck raging around about why I can't listen to the Devinyl's without screaming and eating a random species. I'd find something that would get me (off) through the day. I'd fuck a turtle. Those basterds are slow, and worse case scenerio, I'd rub against the shell enough to get off and still win.

Do whatever you have to do to stay quit today!

Fake stuff can help you out when you are in dire need of a placebo. That is all it is. It is like gum, seeds, etc. but it gives you the mental pleasure of packing the can and putting one in. It fulfills your menal need, but it does nothing for your physical side. It does not exercise your addiction.

I used it up until the 130s. And then I stopped.

Stopping its use is nothing like quitting nicotine. There are no physical withdrawals, and it's more like an uncomfortable empty feeling in your mouth. You are probably feeling much worse right now.

I used it because it satisfied the mental aspect of my addiction. I put off dealing with that until later when I was much more comfortable in my quit. If you don't feel strong enough to battle the physical and mental side of your addiction simultaneously, then by all means use the fake.
Nice analogy, I will probably pick up some not chew chew this weekend. I would definitely rather throw that in my mouth in a caving panic than break my word.
"Good .. Bad .. I'm the guy with the gun." -- Bruce Campbell

Offline wastepanel

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Re: The last day of the worm dirt
« Reply #33 on: March 23, 2012, 01:24:00 PM »
Quote from: dgonseaux
Quote from: penutbuter
Quote from: dgonseaux
Quote from: penutbuter
It is day 4 of the quit and I am feeling worse than yesterday. javascript:emoticon("'zombie'")

I woke up this morning with the crave in my head and soaked in night sweat. my neck and head ache and i have put on 10 pounds over the last few days with all the salty snacks and water and soda and everything else I am taking to kill the crave and stay quit.

But none of that matters because it is simply proof of how desparate the nic bitch really is. I know that I will feel a million times better when I reach the HOF, and I stick with it. When these days of pain are over I want to remember them firmly in my head I want to remember the night sweats and the body ache and everything else so I wont find myself on day 1 again.

I am thankful to my brothers who are quit with me today and those that have and will quit.
You're doing great man! Keep it up! Have you tried some fake chew or coffee grounds to take the edge off? That helped me from gaining too much weight. I haven't checked my weight yet though, I'm scared to lol.

On a completely side and random note, this little zombie over here is dancing to the beat of my music that I have on right now. Slightly weird.
I havent tried the fake stuff yet .. I would like something to make it easier but I dont want to keep in the habit of putting something in my lip ya know .. Im kinda torn .. and I have no idea where to get it locally aside from walmart and thats kinda out of the way for me .. i will check fred meyers later when i go to lunch ..

That is awesome that the zom-b is groovin to your tunes .. I was listening to Harry Belafonte and for some reason it made perfect sense to have it there explaining my mood ..
I hear ya. I had an "substitute addiction" thread I created because I was worried about being addicted to coffee grounds (which is what I'm using now). From what I've read, eventually the substitute addictions just "go away" one day. Sometimes at day 50 and sometimes at day 200. I've already gone hours without it on a couple of occasions so that has eased my fears somewhat.

That being said, if you can do it without having anything in the lip, more power to you. I think that's awesome. Kicking it all to the curb in one fell swoop.
We're all familiar with the Tyrannosaurus Rex and his small, visceral arms.

The T-Rex is thought to once have sported arms that were were (in size) comparable to its frame. However, through years and years of evolution, the T-Rex's arms shrunk through evolution. The T-Rex became more and more reliant on his giant steel trap mouth to clench things that his arms became useless.

Yet, they hung there on his chest like a limp dick. (Which is ironic as masterbation would be impossible with those little thing and I would be a raging asshole of epic proportions as well...)

As quitters, we will always have the albotross of use attached to us. Be it our addiction, or that pocket in our lips that doesn't quite heal back, we will always carry these like small, visceral arms.

If I was a sex starved T-Rex, I'd be out fucking random trees or something. Fuck raging around about why I can't listen to the Devinyl's without screaming and eating a random species. I'd find something that would get me (off) through the day. I'd fuck a turtle. Those basterds are slow, and worse case scenerio, I'd rub against the shell enough to get off and still win.

Do whatever you have to do to stay quit today!

Fake stuff can help you out when you are in dire need of a placebo. That is all it is. It is like gum, seeds, etc. but it gives you the mental pleasure of packing the can and putting one in. It fulfills your menal need, but it does nothing for your physical side. It does not exercise your addiction.

I used it up until the 130s. And then I stopped.

Stopping its use is nothing like quitting nicotine. There are no physical withdrawals, and it's more like an uncomfortable empty feeling in your mouth. You are probably feeling much worse right now.

I used it because it satisfied the mental aspect of my addiction. I put off dealing with that until later when I was much more comfortable in my quit. If you don't feel strong enough to battle the physical and mental side of your addiction simultaneously, then by all means use the fake.
In the end I Surrender, I and I alone accept that I have and always will have a Nicotene ADDICTION. It is my choice to quit, but I can't do it alone. I get to go down this path one time, I want to do it right. I recognize that my word, my integrety to you is on the line and is only as good as my actions. Caving is not an option in this plan-Eafman 7/11

I am not cured. I will quit one day at a time. I will continue to do what works. Posting roll everyday. To do otherwise would be foolish on my part. You can do this-Ready 12/11

To overcome your addiction you must comprehend what it means to fail-Razd 3/12

Theres a lot of people that come here, especially vets, that WANT to be reminded that they are addicts.-Tarpon 6/12

Just as a building starts with architectural drawings. Your daily quit begins with a promise.-Scowick 2/13

Here and now, focused on today, minute by minute, whatever it takes, I promise to all my bros and myself not to become a negative stat and stay quit!-krok 1/15

I want everyone to be quit. Even the assholes.-Probe1957 1/18

Ignoring history or erasing history fixes nothing and leads you inevitably down the same path.-69franx 04/30/2021

Offline djr2

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Re: The last day of the worm dirt
« Reply #32 on: March 23, 2012, 12:48:00 PM »
Quote from: penutbuter
It is day 4 of the quit and I am feeling worse than yesterday. javascript:emoticon("'zombie'")

I woke up this morning with the crave in my head and soaked in night sweat. my neck and head ache and i have put on 10 pounds over the last few days with all the salty snacks and water and soda and everything else I am taking to kill the crave and stay quit.

But none of that matters because it is simply proof of how desparate the nic bitch really is. I know that I will feel a million times better when I reach the HOF, and I stick with it. When these days of pain are over I want to remember them firmly in my head I want to remember the night sweats and the body ache and everything else so I wont find myself on day 1 again.

I am thankful to my brothers who are quit with me today and those that have and will quit.
I'm proud of ya PB.. Stick at it man, the suck is different for everyone.. Keep pounding down the water, and worry about your weight gain later.. You're on the back end of the worst part of it, you should start to see the light at the end of the tunnel real soon!!

For me, I figured that I'll kick the nic now, and worry about the oral fixation later as I trusted what I read was right about the need for the fixation will just leave.. It certainly did for me.. Since I play college ball, I just use Smokey Mountain when I'm on the field and around dip.. Otherwise I dont need it.. It left me at around 40 days..

Keep on keeping on brother. One day at a time!
'Champions are made when there are no bodies looking'
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Offline dgonseaux

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Re: The last day of the worm dirt
« Reply #31 on: March 23, 2012, 12:25:00 PM »
Quote from: penutbuter
Quote from: dgonseaux
Quote from: penutbuter
It is day 4 of the quit and I am feeling worse than yesterday. javascript:emoticon("'zombie'")

I woke up this morning with the crave in my head and soaked in night sweat. my neck and head ache and i have put on 10 pounds over the last few days with all the salty snacks and water and soda and everything else I am taking to kill the crave and stay quit.

But none of that matters because it is simply proof of how desparate the nic bitch really is. I know that I will feel a million times better when I reach the HOF, and I stick with it. When these days of pain are over I want to remember them firmly in my head I want to remember the night sweats and the body ache and everything else so I wont find myself on day 1 again.

I am thankful to my brothers who are quit with me today and those that have and will quit.
You're doing great man! Keep it up! Have you tried some fake chew or coffee grounds to take the edge off? That helped me from gaining too much weight. I haven't checked my weight yet though, I'm scared to lol.

On a completely side and random note, this little zombie over here is dancing to the beat of my music that I have on right now. Slightly weird.
I havent tried the fake stuff yet .. I would like something to make it easier but I dont want to keep in the habit of putting something in my lip ya know .. Im kinda torn .. and I have no idea where to get it locally aside from walmart and thats kinda out of the way for me .. i will check fred meyers later when i go to lunch ..

That is awesome that the zom-b is groovin to your tunes .. I was listening to Harry Belafonte and for some reason it made perfect sense to have it there explaining my mood ..
I hear ya. I had an "substitute addiction" thread I created because I was worried about being addicted to coffee grounds (which is what I'm using now). From what I've read, eventually the substitute addictions just "go away" one day. Sometimes at day 50 and sometimes at day 200. I've already gone hours without it on a couple of occasions so that has eased my fears somewhat.

That being said, if you can do it without having anything in the lip, more power to you. I think that's awesome. Kicking it all to the curb in one fell swoop.
Nic Quit: February 23rd, 2012
Alchohol Quit: July 27, 2011
KTP Quit: January 5th, 2013

You are more than the choices that you?ve made
You are more than the sum of your past mistakes
You are more than the problems you create
You?ve been remade

-Tenth Avenue North - You Are More

It's worth the pain, God's in the rain. It's not to late to start again, it's worth the pain.
So hold on tonight, there's grace. When you're at wits end, begging for it, He'll take you by the hand. There's grace.

-Disciple - Worth the Pain

Phillipians 4:13

Offline penutbuter

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Re: The last day of the worm dirt
« Reply #30 on: March 23, 2012, 11:51:00 AM »
Quote from: dgonseaux
Quote from: penutbuter
It is day 4 of the quit and I am feeling worse than yesterday. javascript:emoticon("'zombie'")

I woke up this morning with the crave in my head and soaked in night sweat. my neck and head ache and i have put on 10 pounds over the last few days with all the salty snacks and water and soda and everything else I am taking to kill the crave and stay quit.

But none of that matters because it is simply proof of how desparate the nic bitch really is. I know that I will feel a million times better when I reach the HOF, and I stick with it. When these days of pain are over I want to remember them firmly in my head I want to remember the night sweats and the body ache and everything else so I wont find myself on day 1 again.

I am thankful to my brothers who are quit with me today and those that have and will quit.
You're doing great man! Keep it up! Have you tried some fake chew or coffee grounds to take the edge off? That helped me from gaining too much weight. I haven't checked my weight yet though, I'm scared to lol.

On a completely side and random note, this little zombie over here is dancing to the beat of my music that I have on right now. Slightly weird.
I havent tried the fake stuff yet .. I would like something to make it easier but I dont want to keep in the habit of putting something in my lip ya know .. Im kinda torn .. and I have no idea where to get it locally aside from walmart and thats kinda out of the way for me .. i will check fred meyers later when i go to lunch ..

That is awesome that the zom-b is groovin to your tunes .. I was listening to Harry Belafonte and for some reason it made perfect sense to have it there explaining my mood ..
"Good .. Bad .. I'm the guy with the gun." -- Bruce Campbell

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Re: The last day of the worm dirt
« Reply #29 on: March 23, 2012, 11:31:00 AM »
Quote from: dgonseaux
Quote from: penutbuter
It is day 4 of the quit and I am feeling worse than yesterday. javascript:emoticon("'zombie'")

I woke up this morning with the crave in my head and soaked in night sweat. my neck and head ache and i have put on 10 pounds over the last few days with all the salty snacks and water and soda and everything else I am taking to kill the crave and stay quit.

But none of that matters because it is simply proof of how desparate the nic bitch really is. I know that I will feel a million times better when I reach the HOF, and I stick with it. When these days of pain are over I want to remember them firmly in my head I want to remember the night sweats and the body ache and everything else so I wont find myself on day 1 again.

I am thankful to my brothers who are quit with me today and those that have and will quit.
You're doing great man! Keep it up! Have you tried some fake chew or coffee grounds to take the edge off? That helped me from gaining too much weight. I haven't checked my weight yet though, I'm scared to lol.

On a completely side and random note, this little zombie over here is dancing to the beat of my music that I have on right now. Slightly weird.
Worry about the weight gain later.

Quitting is most important.

You guys are rocking it out!
I quit with with you all!

Offline dgonseaux

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Re: The last day of the worm dirt
« Reply #28 on: March 23, 2012, 11:17:00 AM »
Quote from: penutbuter
It is day 4 of the quit and I am feeling worse than yesterday. javascript:emoticon("'zombie'")

I woke up this morning with the crave in my head and soaked in night sweat. my neck and head ache and i have put on 10 pounds over the last few days with all the salty snacks and water and soda and everything else I am taking to kill the crave and stay quit.

But none of that matters because it is simply proof of how desparate the nic bitch really is. I know that I will feel a million times better when I reach the HOF, and I stick with it. When these days of pain are over I want to remember them firmly in my head I want to remember the night sweats and the body ache and everything else so I wont find myself on day 1 again.

I am thankful to my brothers who are quit with me today and those that have and will quit.
You're doing great man! Keep it up! Have you tried some fake chew or coffee grounds to take the edge off? That helped me from gaining too much weight. I haven't checked my weight yet though, I'm scared to lol.

On a completely side and random note, this little zombie over here is dancing to the beat of my music that I have on right now. Slightly weird.
Nic Quit: February 23rd, 2012
Alchohol Quit: July 27, 2011
KTP Quit: January 5th, 2013

You are more than the choices that you?ve made
You are more than the sum of your past mistakes
You are more than the problems you create
You?ve been remade

-Tenth Avenue North - You Are More

It's worth the pain, God's in the rain. It's not to late to start again, it's worth the pain.
So hold on tonight, there's grace. When you're at wits end, begging for it, He'll take you by the hand. There's grace.

-Disciple - Worth the Pain

Phillipians 4:13