I caved on day 89 of my last attempt to quit. I was going through a rough patch and I just didn't care anymore. I have no excuses for what I did to myself my family. Hopefully I can earn the support back from my brothers here @ KTC. I know I don't deserve it, but I will work to get it back one day at time.
What happened?
What are you going to do different this time?
You owe an answer to these 3 questions for yourself, your old quit group and your new group.
That is the price of readmission. Think long and hard, quitting is the hardest thing you will ever do. Life will continue to happen around you, nicotine does not make it better. The only thing nicotine helps with, is withdrawal from nicotine. Post roll with October '14, lets make it happen Wookie. I caved at day 2 back in May '13, I quit this very day last year and have for 366 days in a row. If I can do this so can you.
Answer the questions, take your lumps from your old group and get to quitting.
PM me and I will support you and give you my number, but you need to take the ball and run with it today.