August 10th 2016...Angry, Frustrated, Tired, Scared. Found this place while trying to find out what the odds really were that I would get cancer from chewing. Decided I was ready to give quitting another good old college soon as I got to the weekend and wouldn't have the stress of work/commuting/whatever else for at least the first couple of days of quitting. Was "gently encouraged" to quit immediately and got kinda pissed off about it and thought about saying "Screw these guys. I don't need this!"
Instead, I sacked up (after a delay of a some hours) and posted a day one on August 11th. I thought the boards were stupid. I thought the website setup was stupid. I thought sharing my number with strangers was stupid. I even kinda thought quitting was stupid (after all, the government doesn't even consider 2x weekly to be a tobacco user).
Today I am quitting for my 365th day. I am excited. I am proud. I am happy. I am no longer trying to play my odds against cancer and poor oral health. If you are considering quitting, even a little bit, just go for it! It can be done. You can be the one who does it. Quit on!