Thanks fellas. If you are use reading this with a dip in your mouth wondering what it's like to be dip free for 500 days, l'll help: the freedom is indescribable, it's that good. It's so good, it almost brings tears to my eyes thinking about the journey from the first post in my intro to here. It DID bring tears to my eyes when I logged on to post roll on my HOF and saw the train with MY name below it. I'll tell you, I never thought it was possible. Ever. I had accepted that one day it would take my life. I had accepted that id be suckling from nic's teet, hiding in the corner getting my fix like a heroin junkie, until the day I die. But I've got news for you: surrender. In order to win, you must give up. Give up your pride, your plans, and your preconceptions. Your HOF class will become your rock and they will lend you a hand when you just can't do it anymore. We take it one day at a time here, sometimes one hour or one minute at a time. I never understood what that meant until I fought nicotine. I was once just like you. Lurking. Reading. Wanting. Scared out of my mind. The beauty is that we all are just like you. Post an intro thread and let me know why you aren't going to quit. Let that be your first step and see what happens. I've seen it before: lives change. Surrender happens. As Soul would say, own it. Own your day instead of being somethings bitch. Own your life. Own your decisions. Take control back right now. Either that or be owned. I promised today that I will not be owned, just for today, and that feels great. Maybe some can do it on their own but not me. Today I'm 501 days nicotine free and have posted roll call 501 days in a row. In the end, I decided to be quit this long, but the brotherhood (and sista'hood) that I have found here have saved my butt hundreds of times. I will be eternally greatful to everyone here that invested in my quit. To all of you that helped teach me what it means to surrender, to quit one day at a time, to OWN IT, thank you. Not just from me but my family thanks you too, this has been an awesome journey.
Day 501