Author Topic: This sucks, but I am here  (Read 5287 times)

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Offline Monkey Wrench

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Re: This sucks, but I am here
« Reply #39 on: February 08, 2010, 08:54:00 PM »
Quote from: iuchewie
Quote from: theo3wood
Quote from: Stretch
Quote from: Monkey
Had some decent success out there last night.  Made a few pieces for our new suitcase boat.  The Hooch, sunflower seeds, and coffee helped out.  It's funny though, after 12 days, the cravings are less often, but are certainly stronger now.  Like they all pile on together.  I'm also giving myself one more week of Hooch and then I'm going to leave it behind as well.  It does feel good to be out there making stuff again!!!
Congrats on getting over the hump on this one Brad. Some of the biggest struggles in my Quit come screaming in when I am doing something that used to entail the use of Skoal. I thought I might have to forget the entire hunting season for fear of not being able to sit in a treestand without a chew in my mouth....I survived. You will keep being challenged as you move through your Quit but I promise you it will get better.

Keep up the good work......and good luck with that boat.
MW: Don't be in such a hurry to curb the fake dip. It never hurt anybody. Without any conscious effort, you'll get tired of it one day and just stop using it. I promise.

Till then, just look at it as an (un)guilty pleasure to take the place of that other stuff that was slowly killing you.

Totally agree with Theo here... I chewed about a can/day of the fake stuff for a good 200 days or so. Then one day I just didn't need it anymore. If it helps USE IT.

Alright, never it let it be said I didn't take good advice. Just ordered a 6 pack o' hooch. Since the company is local, it should be here tomorrow.

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Re: This sucks, but I am here
« Reply #38 on: February 08, 2010, 03:54:00 PM »
Quote from: theo3wood
Quote from: Stretch
Quote from: Monkey
Had some decent success out there last night.  Made a few pieces for our new suitcase boat.  The Hooch, sunflower seeds, and coffee helped out.  It's funny though, after 12 days, the cravings are less often, but are certainly stronger now.  Like they all pile on together.  I'm also giving myself one more week of Hooch and then I'm going to leave it behind as well.  It does feel good to be out there making stuff again!!!
Congrats on getting over the hump on this one Brad. Some of the biggest struggles in my Quit come screaming in when I am doing something that used to entail the use of Skoal. I thought I might have to forget the entire hunting season for fear of not being able to sit in a treestand without a chew in my mouth....I survived. You will keep being challenged as you move through your Quit but I promise you it will get better.

Keep up the good work......and good luck with that boat.
MW: Don't be in such a hurry to curb the fake dip. It never hurt anybody. Without any conscious effort, you'll get tired of it one day and just stop using it. I promise.

Till then, just look at it as an (un)guilty pleasure to take the place of that other stuff that was slowly killing you.

Totally agree with Theo here... I chewed about a can/day of the fake stuff for a good 200 days or so. Then one day I just didn't need it anymore. If it helps USE IT.

"Every man dies... not every man really lives." - William Wallace

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Offline theo3wood

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Re: This sucks, but I am here
« Reply #37 on: February 08, 2010, 03:34:00 PM »
Quote from: Stretch
Quote from: Monkey
Had some decent success out there last night.  Made a few pieces for our new suitcase boat.  The Hooch, sunflower seeds, and coffee helped out.  It's funny though, after 12 days, the cravings are less often, but are certainly stronger now.  Like they all pile on together.  I'm also giving myself one more week of Hooch and then I'm going to leave it behind as well.  It does feel good to be out there making stuff again!!!
Congrats on getting over the hump on this one Brad. Some of the biggest struggles in my Quit come screaming in when I am doing something that used to entail the use of Skoal. I thought I might have to forget the entire hunting season for fear of not being able to sit in a treestand without a chew in my mouth....I survived. You will keep being challenged as you move through your Quit but I promise you it will get better.

Keep up the good work......and good luck with that boat.
MW: Don't be in such a hurry to curb the fake dip. It never hurt anybody. Without any conscious effort, you'll get tired of it one day and just stop using it. I promise.

Till then, just look at it as an (un)guilty pleasure to take the place of that other stuff that was slowly killing you.

"the cycle is over. we are clean. we are shining beacons to the masses that think it can't be done." ...LooT

"We have the right to watch our children grow and have earned the right to participate in their lives. We will not be denied. Success can be our only option now. We can never tire, give up, fail, or falter. We are worth more than this addiction and will stop at nothing to beat it." ...Sweenz

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Re: This sucks, but I am here
« Reply #36 on: February 08, 2010, 02:14:00 PM »
Quote from: Monkey
Had some decent success out there last night. Made a few pieces for our new suitcase boat. The Hooch, sunflower seeds, and coffee helped out. It's funny though, after 12 days, the cravings are less often, but are certainly stronger now. Like they all pile on together. I'm also giving myself one more week of Hooch and then I'm going to leave it behind as well. It does feel good to be out there making stuff again!!!
Congrats on getting over the hump on this one Brad. Some of the biggest struggles in my Quit come screaming in when I am doing something that used to entail the use of Skoal. I thought I might have to forget the entire hunting season for fear of not being able to sit in a treestand without a chew in my mouth....I survived. You will keep being challenged as you move through your Quit but I promise you it will get better.

Keep up the good work......and good luck with that boat.
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Re: This sucks, but I am here
« Reply #35 on: February 07, 2010, 06:19:00 PM »
Awesome job Brad!!!! You will find you can do everything you used to do with a Fat Lip as time goes on!!!! Lawns can still be mowed, trucks can still be washed, road trips still go on etc!!!!!
One day at a time!!!!

Offline Monkey Wrench

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Re: This sucks, but I am here
« Reply #34 on: February 07, 2010, 05:24:00 PM »
Had some decent success out there last night. Made a few pieces for our new suitcase boat. The Hooch, sunflower seeds, and coffee helped out. It's funny though, after 12 days, the cravings are less often, but are certainly stronger now. Like they all pile on together. I'm also giving myself one more week of Hooch and then I'm going to leave it behind as well. It does feel good to be out there making stuff again!!!

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Re: This sucks, but I am here
« Reply #33 on: February 02, 2010, 03:08:00 PM »
1. Hook up the airhose to the compressor.
2. Open the garage door.
3. Blow that bitch down the driveway.

Thats your garage, not hers. She has no place there anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: This sucks, but I am here
« Reply #32 on: February 02, 2010, 09:37:00 AM »
Monkey Man...You definitely have the right perspective and attitude. Awesome. Keep that perspective and attitude up front every day. Own this quit every day.

If you don't, you will fail. Guaranteed.

And no one wants that. Yourself, first and foremost.

Sidebar: Ask yourself what fucking business the nic bitch has out in your garage. That cunt who will only lure, poison and kill you. Your garage is a good place, and nicotine is a bad thing. Don't let it make your good place filthy.

Offline Monkey Wrench

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Re: This sucks, but I am here
« Reply #31 on: February 01, 2010, 06:33:00 PM »
Your more than welcome to it. For some reason, when I start craving in the evenings, I post something like that and it helps me get through it.

However, on a good note, the cravings weren't bad at all so far today, not sure what happened. Hoping to repeat!

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Re: This sucks, but I am here
« Reply #30 on: February 01, 2010, 02:27:00 PM »
Quote from: markr
Quote from: Toddy
Quote from: quit_aug_27_08
Quote from: Monkey
I've built more stuff in my garage in the last 3 or 4 years that most guys do in a whole lifetime.  A few cars (frame up, custom body and steel fab), authentic native american longbows, working on a boat with the kids now, etc. etc.  My garage is a big part of my personality.

And now...the kids are gone to a b-day party at chuck-e-cheese, prime time to head to the garage and start building.  Get a little bit of the boat laid out before they get home, so I can have the "prime stuff" ready for them to dive right into.

But I ain't going.

Fuck you nic bitch.  I can hear you walking around out there, and I'm not opening the door.

Brad, day 3.
Solid, Brad. Very solid. That is the way to keep your quit secure. Without any hesitation, I will tell you that before you know it, you will be in your garage, dip free, enjoying yourself. Give it time.

Knowing that going out there on day three could put you in a bad position just shows your resolve to kill the bitch permanently. Way to stay strong and stay quit.
Agree 100%!!! Do what you gotta do to make it through each day. If that means avoiding the poker game, your best friend who chews, your favorite hobby, etc.....DOES NOT MATTER. You are reclaiming your life here. Eventually those triggers will get much easier to deal with, guaranteed.

Amen...It won't always be this way Monkey Wrench. After your first experience doing those favorite things without nicotine, you start breaking the chain and your mind makes new connections. Its hard in the early days when all of your memories and activities include tobacco. Give yourself opportunities to make these new connections in a safe environment. Maybe go out into the garage when the family comes back with a piece of gum in your mouth, etc. You can do it man! It just takes practice!
Hang tough buddy. I too enjoy the shop I do woodworking and restore old tractors. It was a couple weeks before I could work out there comfortably. Go out there prove that you can enter the shop without dip stay as long as you can. You may only be there for a couple minutes but you proved that you could be there without dip. Go back the next day because you already proved you could be there with no dip. Stay longer the next thing you are back in the saddle again.
Good luck on your boat sounds like a great project post some pictures when you get it done.
Fuck you nic bitch.  I can hear you walking around out there, and I'm not opening the door.
Brilliant. A lot of wisdom in that line. Cranky, I am always looking to the vets for insight and motivation who knew it would come from a guy with less than a week of quit. If you don't mind, I stoled this line for my signature. If you do, let me know and it is gone.
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Re: This sucks, but I am here
« Reply #29 on: February 01, 2010, 10:50:00 AM »
Quote from: Toddy
Quote from: quit_aug_27_08
Quote from: Monkey
I've built more stuff in my garage in the last 3 or 4 years that most guys do in a whole lifetime.  A few cars (frame up, custom body and steel fab), authentic native american longbows, working on a boat with the kids now, etc. etc.  My garage is a big part of my personality.

And now...the kids are gone to a b-day party at chuck-e-cheese, prime time to head to the garage and start building.  Get a little bit of the boat laid out before they get home, so I can have the "prime stuff" ready for them to dive right into.

But I ain't going.

Fuck you nic bitch.  I can hear you walking around out there, and I'm not opening the door.

Brad, day 3.
Solid, Brad. Very solid. That is the way to keep your quit secure. Without any hesitation, I will tell you that before you know it, you will be in your garage, dip free, enjoying yourself. Give it time.

Knowing that going out there on day three could put you in a bad position just shows your resolve to kill the bitch permanently. Way to stay strong and stay quit.
Agree 100%!!! Do what you gotta do to make it through each day. If that means avoiding the poker game, your best friend who chews, your favorite hobby, etc.....DOES NOT MATTER. You are reclaiming your life here. Eventually those triggers will get much easier to deal with, guaranteed.

Amen...It won't always be this way Monkey Wrench. After your first experience doing those favorite things without nicotine, you start breaking the chain and your mind makes new connections. Its hard in the early days when all of your memories and activities include tobacco. Give yourself opportunities to make these new connections in a safe environment. Maybe go out into the garage when the family comes back with a piece of gum in your mouth, etc. You can do it man! It just takes practice!
Hang tough buddy. I too enjoy the shop I do woodworking and restore old tractors. It was a couple weeks before I could work out there comfortably. Go out there prove that you can enter the shop without dip stay as long as you can. You may only be there for a couple minutes but you proved that you could be there without dip. Go back the next day because you already proved you could be there with no dip. Stay longer the next thing you are back in the saddle again.
Good luck on your boat sounds like a great project post some pictures when you get it done.

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Re: This sucks, but I am here
« Reply #28 on: January 30, 2010, 10:21:00 PM »
I agree 100%, time to make a new connection in the garage, go out there and moon that neighbor you've always wanted to. That is my safehaven for the dip also, so many empties out there. Keep strong brother and smack that bitch!

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Re: This sucks, but I am here
« Reply #27 on: January 30, 2010, 01:28:00 PM »
Quote from: quit_aug_27_08
Quote from: Monkey
I've built more stuff in my garage in the last 3 or 4 years that most guys do in a whole lifetime.  A few cars (frame up, custom body and steel fab), authentic native american longbows, working on a boat with the kids now, etc. etc.  My garage is a big part of my personality.

And now...the kids are gone to a b-day party at chuck-e-cheese, prime time to head to the garage and start building.  Get a little bit of the boat laid out before they get home, so I can have the "prime stuff" ready for them to dive right into.

But I ain't going.

Fuck you nic bitch.  I can hear you walking around out there, and I'm not opening the door.

Brad, day 3.
Solid, Brad. Very solid. That is the way to keep your quit secure. Without any hesitation, I will tell you that before you know it, you will be in your garage, dip free, enjoying yourself. Give it time.

Knowing that going out there on day three could put you in a bad position just shows your resolve to kill the bitch permanently. Way to stay strong and stay quit.
Agree 100%!!! Do what you gotta do to make it through each day. If that means avoiding the poker game, your best friend who chews, your favorite hobby, etc.....DOES NOT MATTER. You are reclaiming your life here. Eventually those triggers will get much easier to deal with, guaranteed.

Amen...It won't always be this way Monkey Wrench. After your first experience doing those favorite things without nicotine, you start breaking the chain and your mind makes new connections. Its hard in the early days when all of your memories and activities include tobacco. Give yourself opportunities to make these new connections in a safe environment. Maybe go out into the garage when the family comes back with a piece of gum in your mouth, etc. You can do it man! It just takes practice!
Life takes practice...practice every day!

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Re: This sucks, but I am here
« Reply #26 on: January 30, 2010, 09:42:00 AM »
Quote from: quit_aug_27_08
Quote from: Monkey
I've built more stuff in my garage in the last 3 or 4 years that most guys do in a whole lifetime.  A few cars (frame up, custom body and steel fab), authentic native american longbows, working on a boat with the kids now, etc. etc.  My garage is a big part of my personality.

And now...the kids are gone to a b-day party at chuck-e-cheese, prime time to head to the garage and start building.  Get a little bit of the boat laid out before they get home, so I can have the "prime stuff" ready for them to dive right into.

But I ain't going.

Fuck you nic bitch.  I can hear you walking around out there, and I'm not opening the door.

Brad, day 3.
Solid, Brad. Very solid. That is the way to keep your quit secure. Without any hesitation, I will tell you that before you know it, you will be in your garage, dip free, enjoying yourself. Give it time.

Knowing that going out there on day three could put you in a bad position just shows your resolve to kill the bitch permanently. Way to stay strong and stay quit.
Agree 100%!!! Do what you gotta do to make it through each day. If that means avoiding the poker game, your best friend who chews, your favorite hobby, etc.....DOES NOT MATTER. You are reclaiming your life here. Eventually those triggers will get much easier to deal with, guaranteed.
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Re: This sucks, but I am here
« Reply #25 on: January 30, 2010, 12:29:00 AM »
Quote from: Monkey
I've built more stuff in my garage in the last 3 or 4 years that most guys do in a whole lifetime. A few cars (frame up, custom body and steel fab), authentic native american longbows, working on a boat with the kids now, etc. etc. My garage is a big part of my personality.

And now...the kids are gone to a b-day party at chuck-e-cheese, prime time to head to the garage and start building. Get a little bit of the boat laid out before they get home, so I can have the "prime stuff" ready for them to dive right into.

But I ain't going.

Fuck you nic bitch. I can hear you walking around out there, and I'm not opening the door.

Brad, day 3.
Solid, Brad. Very solid. That is the way to keep your quit secure. Without any hesitation, I will tell you that before you know it, you will be in your garage, dip free, enjoying yourself. Give it time.

Knowing that going out there on day three could put you in a bad position just shows your resolve to kill the bitch permanently. Way to stay strong and stay quit.