For question #3 my answer was that I don't really feel that I have to do anything different. The whole 113 days I thought I missed nicotine and now I can see that I hate it. I bet you hate that answer.
You are right Joe, I don't like that answer. I do hope you hate tobacco, but obviously that wasn't the case throughout your first 100+ days. I agree with Zam, give it some real thought and build a *better* quit than the stop you had before...
I think we all fight differently. I have observed quitter who do not think its right to hold UST accountable for their addiction. Maybe that's fair and maybe that naive.
I have seen that the truly quit are the ones that don't glamorize nicotine. We have served nicotine, worshiped nicotine and loved nicotine.
If I had a shred of respect, love or understanding for that weed, my quit would have been a bigger battle.
I think that my quit didn't really become strong until I was pissed at what I became with her. Yeah I think my quit really was determined once I put enmity between me and her.
Hate isn't the ingredient for quit. Its more about honesty. The first step in overcoming addiction is in being honest. I am addicted to nicotine and I hate nicotine.
I fight a war to death when I protect my freedom and hate any product or person that thinks they can make me a subject!
Fuck Nicotine and Fuck what it made me and I HATE USTobacco and the product the fuckers sell. The secretly enslave children.
hey Joe,
On your day one you said:
"MOST IMPORTANLY is my goal to quit the nic."
1. you are not here by accident.
2. you obviously want to "be quit".
3. you forgot your "day one". You got proud and helps to stay humble and accept you're really an addict for life.
I dipped for 30 years, come from a family of nic and alcohol addicts. Trust me, you can do this if you reeeeeaaaalllllyy want to. I find the only way to do this is ODAAT and staying active in my quit and this site.
Try and and do this for YOU and only you.
You really don't want to be on your cancer bed wishing you had more time on this earth.
Listen to Mthomas, T-Cell and the other men fighting the same war.