Be back here to explain in a bit. I have not used tobacco since my departure for a few weeks. I owe you all an apology for not being more proactive and while this is not an excuse nor does it excuse my lack of participation this is what has been going on in a nut shell-
Had a suicide, a death and a maternity leave go out all within 3 weeks of each other at work. I have been pulling 200+ hour pay periods. While at work I don't bring my laptop but I do have my phone. I should be using it more but I don't. I gotta run now to go pee in a cup, talk to Mr. Policeman and have a physical done today for a new job. I have also during that time had 3 interviews, and been offered two new jobs. So lots of things going on.
I will get back on tonight.
Thanks guys, I am still quit and will remain quit and I do apologize for my dissapearing act.
Well I am back from HR. I gotta go do that pee cup test later this afternoon. Reading the union contract, I am getting a big upgrade from my previous job and what is more? Being tobacco free and proving I am results in even more cash in the pocket and even more "free" medical coverage.
Its a good thing I am quit.
Krusty has been a god send and has posted for me multiple times as well as today. I can't thank him enough. I also would like to thank zillahcowboy for checking in on me.
These last few weeks have been tough. I have been here before, this is not anything new. Wild Fires last year? Hurricane Sandy? All the bad weather this past winter? (just to be clear I was not deployed to Sandy, but had to back cover in areas where folks were) In fact if Zillah reads this he will know all about a fire a little bit north of where I assume he lives with that name? I was on the clock for essentially 2 months straight during that fiasco. What is different is how I feel. I feel "great". As some of you know I made this quit a life style change. I am down over 26lbs as of last week (check every 2) and have noticed I feel better, am more productive and look better. I don't know if any of you have ever seen the Nicholas Cage movie "bringing out the dead?" Imagine a 1-2 can a day chewer that was a fatter version of that. That is what I was before I found KTC.
I actually think the positive things that have happened in my life of recent can be attributed to my choice to stop using tobacco. That decision led to this site, which led to me reading other intros, other threads, other peoples discussions, other addictions and problems. I actually found some links to some great health related and eating videos. I watched them over and over, applied what I read and made it a "big change". It was nothing I didn't know and that is what is scary. We all know how to eat right, we all know not to chew. We did it anyways. It is about getting in that mind set and that is what this website is all about.
My lack of participation sucks and it is a let down for all the folks that helped me out. Here I am explaining the why. What do I plan on doing about it? Posting regularly in the future, going for another 100 days and participating and helping newbies that come along.
Thanks guys... sorry for the rambling.