Author Topic: Introduction  (Read 1912 times)

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Offline copingwithoutcopen

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #21 on: February 15, 2013, 09:08:00 AM »
Quote from: FUDIP
Day 5:

Again thank you all for the support.

So far this has been a journey of the mind fuck-a-saurs. I have a business trip coming up and I had a full on panic attack thinking "Oh my god, I won't be able to dip during this trip". What the fuck does that even mean? No shit I am not going to dip you fucking brain. I just feel there is this bitch with her long needle like fingers slowly pulling out her poison fingers out of my back and hissing in my out of a fucking aliens vs. predator's movie.

What has helped me so far:

1. Posting Roll
2. Running
3. Reading all the cancer stories (Randy)
4. Running
5. Drinking water
6. Gum
7. Reading every little forum topic on this site
8. Looking at my pregnant wife and realizing I will not be a dick to her again
9. Looking at 'boob' once in a while
10. Watching "Games of Thrones"

Also, I still can't write or think straight....the headaches are getting worse.

Cheers everyone. Have a great quit day today!!1

Drink more water, brother and reduce your coffee intake. The exercise and caffeine intake might be making you dehydrated and causing the headaches. The effects of coffee get amplified without the cancer weed on board. You got this, all day.

Offline FUDIP

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #20 on: February 15, 2013, 07:29:00 AM »
Day 5:

Again thank you all for the support.

So far this has been a journey of the mind fuck-a-saurs. I have a business trip coming up and I had a full on panic attack thinking "Oh my god, I won't be able to dip during this trip". What the fuck does that even mean? No shit I am not going to dip you fucking brain. I just feel there is this bitch with her long needle like fingers slowly pulling out her poison fingers out of my back and hissing in my out of a fucking aliens vs. predator's movie.

What has helped me so far:

1. Posting Roll
2. Running
3. Reading all the cancer stories (Randy)
4. Running
5. Drinking water
6. Gum
7. Reading every little forum topic on this site
8. Looking at my pregnant wife and realizing I will not be a dick to her again
9. Looking at 'boob' once in a while
10. Watching "Games of Thrones"

Also, I still can't write or think straight....the headaches are getting worse.

Cheers everyone. Have a great quit day today!!1


Offline 30isEnuff

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #19 on: February 12, 2013, 08:52:00 PM »
Quote from: Adigg
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: Luby
Quote from: Mthomas3824
Quote from: cdaniels
Quote from: FUDIP
Day 2:

I wanted to thank everyone who has reached out  to me.  I know that I could not do this right now with out support.

I would like to keep a journal so I can go back and see my journey and also as a "lessons learned" for any new individual who comes along.

There has been so many ups and downs.  One second I am happy, then I am mad, then sad, then mad again.  So far I have ran twice today, every time I get angry I go for a run.  I need to go buy more gum as well.  I have bitten all my fingers down to a bloody stub.  I don't even think I can write a paragraph let alone a sentence.  My brain feels like it is in sand and these 2 days feel like 2 years.  Time is moving like well like slow as fuck.

I found out that I will be a father in 9 months, and I am so glad I am going through this shit now.  There is no way that I will let myself be an asshole when my child is born, let alone die of cancer.

Time to grow the fuck up and realize this life it not about me and stop being so fucking selfish.

I think I will go for another run, since I am not making any sense what so ever.

Oh and if any of you have not read the post of getting gum graphs in "words of wisdom" go read it now.  Never again.

'boob'  'boob'  'boob'  'boob'  'boob'  'boob'  'boob'  'boob'  'boob'  'boob'  'boob'  'boob'  'boob'
nice job. enjoy the suck..... and always remember it. you only have to go through it once. keep up the awesome work proud of you. check your in box for my number. you got this..
'clap' 'clap' 'clap'

If I had to put money one this, I would push all my chips to the center of the table and bet we will be reading a HOF speech from FUDIP.

Looks like we have a bad ass quitter in the making.

FUDIP, I like your style and I am heading to your group and quitting with you today.

Stay the course. You're in hell and to get out, just keep walking.
Great job! The running is a great idea. Also drink shit tons of water. Another thing that helped was Arnold palmers for some reason. Drank em by the gallon the first few days. Can't remember having one since then. Remember how these two days feel, and know you'll have to repeat it if you fuck up. But You won't fuck up cus you posted roll today, and you are a man of your word and I am proud to quit with you today. PM me if you need anything.
Your quit looks good on you!
seriously it looks really good one you...really good. B)
hey FUDIP,
You're drinking the Kool Aid that will save your life...stay thirsty sir!
Post every a.m. the earlier the better for your quit, keep your word to yourself and your brothers for the day, get to bed wake and repeat and your daze will stack up before you know it.
Great to see another addict who "gets it" and who wants his freedom!!! 'bang head'
Just remember, change is a process not an event. We start our process of being quit every day by posting roll. It is sacred and has kept me quit for 263 days.
As a 30 yr 24/7 1-2 can a day dumbass dipper, I know that if I can do this, then YOU can TOO.
Remember day 1, as to never ever do day 1 again!!! 'zombie'
Keeping my jaw and tongue...I like them.
It's poison I tell ya, You wouldn't drink Liquid Drano, would ya?

Offline Adigg

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #18 on: February 12, 2013, 05:46:00 PM »
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: Luby
Quote from: Mthomas3824
Quote from: cdaniels
Quote from: FUDIP
Day 2:

I wanted to thank everyone who has reached out  to me.  I know that I could not do this right now with out support.

I would like to keep a journal so I can go back and see my journey and also as a "lessons learned" for any new individual who comes along.

There has been so many ups and downs.  One second I am happy, then I am mad, then sad, then mad again.  So far I have ran twice today, every time I get angry I go for a run.  I need to go buy more gum as well.  I have bitten all my fingers down to a bloody stub.  I don't even think I can write a paragraph let alone a sentence.  My brain feels like it is in sand and these 2 days feel like 2 years.  Time is moving like well like slow as fuck.

I found out that I will be a father in 9 months, and I am so glad I am going through this shit now.  There is no way that I will let myself be an asshole when my child is born, let alone die of cancer.

Time to grow the fuck up and realize this life it not about me and stop being so fucking selfish.

I think I will go for another run, since I am not making any sense what so ever.

Oh and if any of you have not read the post of getting gum graphs in "words of wisdom" go read it now.  Never again.

'boob'  'boob'  'boob'  'boob'  'boob'  'boob'  'boob'  'boob'  'boob'  'boob'  'boob'  'boob'  'boob'
nice job. enjoy the suck..... and always remember it. you only have to go through it once. keep up the awesome work proud of you. check your in box for my number. you got this..
'clap' 'clap' 'clap'

If I had to put money one this, I would push all my chips to the center of the table and bet we will be reading a HOF speech from FUDIP.

Looks like we have a bad ass quitter in the making.

FUDIP, I like your style and I am heading to your group and quitting with you today.

Stay the course. You're in hell and to get out, just keep walking.
Great job! The running is a great idea. Also drink shit tons of water. Another thing that helped was Arnold palmers for some reason. Drank em by the gallon the first few days. Can't remember having one since then. Remember how these two days feel, and know you'll have to repeat it if you fuck up. But You won't fuck up cus you posted roll today, and you are a man of your word and I am proud to quit with you today. PM me if you need anything.
Your quit looks good on you!
seriously it looks really good one you...really good. B)

Offline Scowick65

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #17 on: February 12, 2013, 05:36:00 PM »
Quote from: Luby
Quote from: Mthomas3824
Quote from: cdaniels
Quote from: FUDIP
Day 2:

I wanted to thank everyone who has reached out  to me.  I know that I could not do this right now with out support.

I would like to keep a journal so I can go back and see my journey and also as a "lessons learned" for any new individual who comes along.

There has been so many ups and downs.  One second I am happy, then I am mad, then sad, then mad again.  So far I have ran twice today, every time I get angry I go for a run.  I need to go buy more gum as well.  I have bitten all my fingers down to a bloody stub.  I don't even think I can write a paragraph let alone a sentence.  My brain feels like it is in sand and these 2 days feel like 2 years.  Time is moving like well like slow as fuck.

I found out that I will be a father in 9 months, and I am so glad I am going through this shit now.  There is no way that I will let myself be an asshole when my child is born, let alone die of cancer.

Time to grow the fuck up and realize this life it not about me and stop being so fucking selfish.

I think I will go for another run, since I am not making any sense what so ever.

Oh and if any of you have not read the post of getting gum graphs in "words of wisdom" go read it now.  Never again.

'boob'  'boob'  'boob'  'boob'  'boob'  'boob'  'boob'  'boob'  'boob'  'boob'  'boob'  'boob'  'boob'
nice job. enjoy the suck..... and always remember it. you only have to go through it once. keep up the awesome work proud of you. check your in box for my number. you got this..
'clap' 'clap' 'clap'

If I had to put money one this, I would push all my chips to the center of the table and bet we will be reading a HOF speech from FUDIP.

Looks like we have a bad ass quitter in the making.

FUDIP, I like your style and I am heading to your group and quitting with you today.

Stay the course. You're in hell and to get out, just keep walking.
Great job! The running is a great idea. Also drink shit tons of water. Another thing that helped was Arnold palmers for some reason. Drank em by the gallon the first few days. Can't remember having one since then. Remember how these two days feel, and know you'll have to repeat it if you fuck up. But You won't fuck up cus you posted roll today, and you are a man of your word and I am proud to quit with you today. PM me if you need anything.
Your quit looks good on you!

Offline luby

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #16 on: February 12, 2013, 02:49:00 PM »
Quote from: Mthomas3824
Quote from: cdaniels
Quote from: FUDIP
Day 2:

I wanted to thank everyone who has reached out  to me.  I know that I could not do this right now with out support.

I would like to keep a journal so I can go back and see my journey and also as a "lessons learned" for any new individual who comes along.

There has been so many ups and downs.  One second I am happy, then I am mad, then sad, then mad again.  So far I have ran twice today, every time I get angry I go for a run.  I need to go buy more gum as well.  I have bitten all my fingers down to a bloody stub.  I don't even think I can write a paragraph let alone a sentence.  My brain feels like it is in sand and these 2 days feel like 2 years.  Time is moving like well like slow as fuck.

I found out that I will be a father in 9 months, and I am so glad I am going through this shit now.  There is no way that I will let myself be an asshole when my child is born, let alone die of cancer.

Time to grow the fuck up and realize this life it not about me and stop being so fucking selfish.

I think I will go for another run, since I am not making any sense what so ever.

Oh and if any of you have not read the post of getting gum graphs in "words of wisdom" go read it now.  Never again.

'boob'  'boob'  'boob'  'boob'  'boob'  'boob'  'boob'  'boob'  'boob'  'boob'  'boob'  'boob'  'boob'
nice job. enjoy the suck..... and always remember it. you only have to go through it once. keep up the awesome work proud of you. check your in box for my number. you got this..
'clap' 'clap' 'clap'

If I had to put money one this, I would push all my chips to the center of the table and bet we will be reading a HOF speech from FUDIP.

Looks like we have a bad ass quitter in the making.

FUDIP, I like your style and I am heading to your group and quitting with you today.

Stay the course. You're in hell and to get out, just keep walking.
Great job! The running is a great idea. Also drink shit tons of water. Another thing that helped was Arnold palmers for some reason. Drank em by the gallon the first few days. Can't remember having one since then. Remember how these two days feel, and know you'll have to repeat it if you fuck up. But You won't fuck up cus you posted roll today, and you are a man of your word and I am proud to quit with you today. PM me if you need anything.

Offline Mthomas3824

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #15 on: February 12, 2013, 02:20:00 PM »
Quote from: cdaniels
Quote from: FUDIP
Day 2:

I wanted to thank everyone who has reached out  to me.  I know that I could not do this right now with out support.

I would like to keep a journal so I can go back and see my journey and also as a "lessons learned" for any new individual who comes along.

There has been so many ups and downs.  One second I am happy, then I am mad, then sad, then mad again.  So far I have ran twice today, every time I get angry I go for a run.  I need to go buy more gum as well.  I have bitten all my fingers down to a bloody stub.  I don't even think I can write a paragraph let alone a sentence.  My brain feels like it is in sand and these 2 days feel like 2 years.  Time is moving like well like slow as fuck.

I found out that I will be a father in 9 months, and I am so glad I am going through this shit now.  There is no way that I will let myself be an asshole when my child is born, let alone die of cancer.

Time to grow the fuck up and realize this life it not about me and stop being so fucking selfish.

I think I will go for another run, since I am not making any sense what so ever.

Oh and if any of you have not read the post of getting gum graphs in "words of wisdom" go read it now.  Never again.

'boob'  'boob'  'boob'  'boob'  'boob'  'boob'  'boob'  'boob'  'boob'  'boob'  'boob'  'boob'  'boob'
nice job. enjoy the suck..... and always remember it. you only have to go through it once. keep up the awesome work proud of you. check your in box for my number. you got this..
'clap' 'clap' 'clap'

If I had to put money one this, I would push all my chips to the center of the table and bet we will be reading a HOF speech from FUDIP.

Looks like we have a bad ass quitter in the making.

FUDIP, I like your style and I am heading to your group and quitting with you today.

Stay the course. You're in hell and to get out, just keep walking.
Quit And Be Free

HOF Speech

Offline cdaniels

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #14 on: February 12, 2013, 02:08:00 PM »
Quote from: FUDIP
Day 2:

I wanted to thank everyone who has reached out to me. I know that I could not do this right now with out support.

I would like to keep a journal so I can go back and see my journey and also as a "lessons learned" for any new individual who comes along.

There has been so many ups and downs. One second I am happy, then I am mad, then sad, then mad again. So far I have ran twice today, every time I get angry I go for a run. I need to go buy more gum as well. I have bitten all my fingers down to a bloody stub. I don't even think I can write a paragraph let alone a sentence. My brain feels like it is in sand and these 2 days feel like 2 years. Time is moving like well like slow as fuck.

I found out that I will be a father in 9 months, and I am so glad I am going through this shit now. There is no way that I will let myself be an asshole when my child is born, let alone die of cancer.

Time to grow the fuck up and realize this life it not about me and stop being so fucking selfish.

I think I will go for another run, since I am not making any sense what so ever.

Oh and if any of you have not read the post of getting gum graphs in "words of wisdom" go read it now. Never again.

'boob' 'boob' 'boob' 'boob' 'boob' 'boob' 'boob' 'boob' 'boob' 'boob' 'boob' 'boob' 'boob'
nice job. enjoy the suck..... and always remember it. you only have to go through it once. keep up the awesome work proud of you. check your in box for my number. you got this..
Quit date 11-20-12
Never again for any reason. I quit for today. Today I live.

Offline FUDIP

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #13 on: February 12, 2013, 01:59:00 PM »
Day 2:

I wanted to thank everyone who has reached out to me. I know that I could not do this right now with out support.

I would like to keep a journal so I can go back and see my journey and also as a "lessons learned" for any new individual who comes along.

There has been so many ups and downs. One second I am happy, then I am mad, then sad, then mad again. So far I have ran twice today, every time I get angry I go for a run. I need to go buy more gum as well. I have bitten all my fingers down to a bloody stub. I don't even think I can write a paragraph let alone a sentence. My brain feels like it is in sand and these 2 days feel like 2 years. Time is moving like well like slow as fuck.

I found out that I will be a father in 9 months, and I am so glad I am going through this shit now. There is no way that I will let myself be an asshole when my child is born, let alone die of cancer.

Time to grow the fuck up and realize this life it not about me and stop being so fucking selfish.

I think I will go for another run, since I am not making any sense what so ever.

Oh and if any of you have not read the post of getting gum graphs in "words of wisdom" go read it now. Never again.

'boob' 'boob' 'boob' 'boob' 'boob' 'boob' 'boob' 'boob' 'boob' 'boob' 'boob' 'boob' 'boob'


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Re: Introduction
« Reply #12 on: February 12, 2013, 07:16:00 AM »
Welcome. Sounds like a great quit plan. Get some numbers to reach out to when you need that extra support. Post roll everyday in your quit group and check out this group under the 'wildcard' area. 'QSX Endurance Enthusiasts Club' lots of runners there who are quit too.
Enough is enough. Time to take control back from the nic bitch. My HOF speechGR8WHITEBUFFALO

Offline FUDIP

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #11 on: February 12, 2013, 06:51:00 AM »

Thank you so much for the support-I am raging pretty hard and I jump on this site whenever I need to. Day 2 and I feel okay so far-the rage comes in 3 mins spurts. Ran 3.5 miles yesterday and going to run 4 miles today to get all my rage out. God this sucks but it is worth it.

Thanks again.

Offline dipweasel

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #10 on: February 11, 2013, 09:46:00 PM »
Welcome FU! Awesome choice you've made! You'll get lots of advice. One of the most powerful things for me was printing out the contract and reading it. You can find it here:

Offline Roamcountry

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #9 on: February 11, 2013, 05:50:00 PM »
Quote from: Adigg
Quote from: 30isEnuff
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: Luby
Quote from: copingwithoutcopen
Quote from: FUDIP

I wanted to introduce myself as an individual who needs/wants to quit dipping.  I took my last depressing, gross and sad dip yesterday around 10 am and realized that I am an addict. The realization that I can not quit on my own was very humbling, sad, but some how liberating.  I already have anger issues that seem to be generating from not having dip in the last 24 hours.  This again makes me disappointed in myself, but I am ready for this quit.  I have tons of water, about 1,000 pieces of gum and would like to join one of the quitting groups.

Thank you to everyone on this site in advanced for helping me.

I look forward to the road in front of me.


Don't be so down on yourself, man. Todays the day you took your life back and you'll remember it as one of the best ten days of your life. Today's the day you grew a set, reached down deep and looked long and hard in the mirror. Yesterday you didn't like what you saw so you did something about it. Today you're quit, you're free and on your way to becoming the person you were meant to be. Today's a good day brother, honor your word and shout out if you need anything. Believe it or not, after a while it gets even better!
I agree but would also add any time you even think about dipping again remember that sad, depressing, disgusting feeling you had. Today you chose to be better than that, you chose to be free of the chains. Today you have won, and I quit with you today.
FU I quit with you today, that is possible! Pm me for any support you need.
hey FUDIP,
Good to see another addict taking back his life. You're in the right place, stay here for 20 years and you'll be quit for 20 years...didn't we do the stupidest, most rIdiculous things for all of dipping years?

You can do this!

Take that rage out here. We can handle it. Do not take it out on your loved ones. You want to cuss someone out. Let loose in you quit group, here in your intro or anywhere else on this site. Drink the Kool-Aid here and quit one day at a time. Post roll early and everyday. PM me if you need anything!
Agree with all my brothers here, come in chat and let out the rage, post about it, drink the kool aide, but above all stay quit. This period will suck for you, but it will get better, I promise.

Offline Adigg

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #8 on: February 11, 2013, 04:25:00 PM »
Quote from: 30isEnuff
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: Luby
Quote from: copingwithoutcopen
Quote from: FUDIP

I wanted to introduce myself as an individual who needs/wants to quit dipping.  I took my last depressing, gross and sad dip yesterday around 10 am and realized that I am an addict. The realization that I can not quit on my own was very humbling, sad, but some how liberating.  I already have anger issues that seem to be generating from not having dip in the last 24 hours.  This again makes me disappointed in myself, but I am ready for this quit.  I have tons of water, about 1,000 pieces of gum and would like to join one of the quitting groups.

Thank you to everyone on this site in advanced for helping me.

I look forward to the road in front of me.


Don't be so down on yourself, man. Todays the day you took your life back and you'll remember it as one of the best ten days of your life. Today's the day you grew a set, reached down deep and looked long and hard in the mirror. Yesterday you didn't like what you saw so you did something about it. Today you're quit, you're free and on your way to becoming the person you were meant to be. Today's a good day brother, honor your word and shout out if you need anything. Believe it or not, after a while it gets even better!
I agree but would also add any time you even think about dipping again remember that sad, depressing, disgusting feeling you had. Today you chose to be better than that, you chose to be free of the chains. Today you have won, and I quit with you today.
FU I quit with you today, that is possible! Pm me for any support you need.
hey FUDIP,
Good to see another addict taking back his life. You're in the right place, stay here for 20 years and you'll be quit for 20 years...didn't we do the stupidest, most rIdiculous things for all of dipping years?

You can do this!

Take that rage out here. We can handle it. Do not take it out on your loved ones. You want to cuss someone out. Let loose in you quit group, here in your intro or anywhere else on this site. Drink the Kool-Aid here and quit one day at a time. Post roll early and everyday. PM me if you need anything!

Offline 30isEnuff

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #7 on: February 11, 2013, 04:05:00 PM »
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: Luby
Quote from: copingwithoutcopen
Quote from: FUDIP

I wanted to introduce myself as an individual who needs/wants to quit dipping.  I took my last depressing, gross and sad dip yesterday around 10 am and realized that I am an addict. The realization that I can not quit on my own was very humbling, sad, but some how liberating.  I already have anger issues that seem to be generating from not having dip in the last 24 hours.  This again makes me disappointed in myself, but I am ready for this quit.  I have tons of water, about 1,000 pieces of gum and would like to join one of the quitting groups.

Thank you to everyone on this site in advanced for helping me.

I look forward to the road in front of me.


Don't be so down on yourself, man. Todays the day you took your life back and you'll remember it as one of the best ten days of your life. Today's the day you grew a set, reached down deep and looked long and hard in the mirror. Yesterday you didn't like what you saw so you did something about it. Today you're quit, you're free and on your way to becoming the person you were meant to be. Today's a good day brother, honor your word and shout out if you need anything. Believe it or not, after a while it gets even better!
I agree but would also add any time you even think about dipping again remember that sad, depressing, disgusting feeling you had. Today you chose to be better than that, you chose to be free of the chains. Today you have won, and I quit with you today.
FU I quit with you today, that is possible! Pm me for any support you need.
hey FUDIP,
Good to see another addict taking back his life. You're in the right place, stay here for 20 years and you'll be quit for 20 years...didn't we do the stupidest, most rIdiculous things for all of dipping years?

You can do this!

Keeping my jaw and tongue...I like them.
It's poison I tell ya, You wouldn't drink Liquid Drano, would ya?