Author Topic: Introduction Time  (Read 4486 times)

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Re: Introduction Time
« Reply #94 on: August 20, 2012, 10:13:00 PM »
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: T-Cell
Quote from: SirDerek
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: Tony1
Alright so I made a jackass of myself in here.  Incidentally, my old account I managed to screw somehow to get it stuck into a never ending validation cycle, or I was suspended, I'm not sure which.  In any case I wont be returning until I can take this shit seriously enough to quit fucking around with everyone elses quit.
'clap' 'clap' 'clap'
Please wake up before it's to late! Read Captian's update on Randy! This is serious shit we are dealing with, a matter of life and death! If you want to continue playing Russian roulette remember you are going to be fully loaded very soon!
Hey - I need to give a different perspective.

Yes this is very serious shit that we are dealing with, therefore it is something that should grab your attention and you should repect it for yourself, and whether you do or not, is your issue.


When you come on here and display the cave, that you have done, in the way that you have, that to me shows that you are not taking it seriously in PUBLIC, and therefore it becomes the issue of your quit brothers here and all others that are struggling here on this site to seriously kick this habit and get control of our addiction.

So as others have said, for the sake of the many take this serious and quit, or please do not disrespect what the rest of of are here accomplishing each day.
Too late boys. This is at least a 3rd cave... Dude even made it 100 days last time. He can respond to peer pressure for just so long, and lacks the maturity to keep his word to himself first. I hope he grows up some, becomes accountable to himself, then gets on with a quit...
Just sad how little some of these people put into staying quit 'finger point'
Don't take a seat in the lifeboat if you are not serious about saving your life.
Fuck off, 3rd time failure? Really? You ought to get the death penalty for attempted homicide for the 3rd time. I guess a life of parole reporting to the Nic bitch will kill you regardless.

Nice job fucktard!

Offline Scowick65

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Re: Introduction Time
« Reply #93 on: August 20, 2012, 11:43:00 AM »
Quote from: T-Cell
Quote from: SirDerek
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: Tony1
Alright so I made a jackass of myself in here.  Incidentally, my old account I managed to screw somehow to get it stuck into a never ending validation cycle, or I was suspended, I'm not sure which.  In any case I wont be returning until I can take this shit seriously enough to quit fucking around with everyone elses quit.
'clap' 'clap' 'clap'
Please wake up before it's to late! Read Captian's update on Randy! This is serious shit we are dealing with, a matter of life and death! If you want to continue playing Russian roulette remember you are going to be fully loaded very soon!
Hey - I need to give a different perspective.

Yes this is very serious shit that we are dealing with, therefore it is something that should grab your attention and you should repect it for yourself, and whether you do or not, is your issue.


When you come on here and display the cave, that you have done, in the way that you have, that to me shows that you are not taking it seriously in PUBLIC, and therefore it becomes the issue of your quit brothers here and all others that are struggling here on this site to seriously kick this habit and get control of our addiction.

So as others have said, for the sake of the many take this serious and quit, or please do not disrespect what the rest of of are here accomplishing each day.
Too late boys. This is at least a 3rd cave... Dude even made it 100 days last time. He can respond to peer pressure for just so long, and lacks the maturity to keep his word to himself first. I hope he grows up some, becomes accountable to himself, then gets on with a quit...
Just sad how little some of these people put into staying quit 'finger point'
Don't take a seat in the lifeboat if you are not serious about saving your life.

Offline T-Cell

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Re: Introduction Time
« Reply #92 on: August 20, 2012, 10:24:00 AM »
Quote from: SirDerek
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: Tony1
Alright so I made a jackass of myself in here.  Incidentally, my old account I managed to screw somehow to get it stuck into a never ending validation cycle, or I was suspended, I'm not sure which.  In any case I wont be returning until I can take this shit seriously enough to quit fucking around with everyone elses quit.
'clap' 'clap' 'clap'
Please wake up before it's to late! Read Captian's update on Randy! This is serious shit we are dealing with, a matter of life and death! If you want to continue playing Russian roulette remember you are going to be fully loaded very soon!
Hey - I need to give a different perspective.

Yes this is very serious shit that we are dealing with, therefore it is something that should grab your attention and you should repect it for yourself, and whether you do or not, is your issue.


When you come on here and display the cave, that you have done, in the way that you have, that to me shows that you are not taking it seriously in PUBLIC, and therefore it becomes the issue of your quit brothers here and all others that are struggling here on this site to seriously kick this habit and get control of our addiction.

So as others have said, for the sake of the many take this serious and quit, or please do not disrespect what the rest of of are here accomplishing each day.
Too late boys. This is at least a 3rd cave... Dude even made it 100 days last time. He can respond to peer pressure for just so long, and lacks the maturity to keep his word to himself first. I hope he grows up some, becomes accountable to himself, then gets on with a quit...
Just sad how little some of these people put into staying quit 'finger point'
Fish, eat, sleep. Repeat.
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Offline rangy96

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Re: Introduction Time
« Reply #91 on: August 19, 2012, 10:17:00 AM »
Quote from: Skoal
Quote from: tony,Aug
For many of us this isn't a game, the stakes are real and they are literally our lives. Smoking a bowl of hookah may not seem like a big deal , but for some of us who know the pain of decades of addiction it is huge. It represents falling back into a trap that could very well kill us, rip us from our freedom and steal us from our families. When you casually dismiss it you fail to see that your cave makes all of us wonder, if just for a second, what it would be like to use again.
Very well put and needed to be said. Caves hurt us all and I've got shit-ton of stuff riding on this quit. A shit-ton. Everything.

Bye Tony. I won't miss you.

Offline SirDerek

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Re: Introduction Time
« Reply #90 on: August 18, 2012, 10:22:00 PM »
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: Tony1
Alright so I made a jackass of myself in here.  Incidentally, my old account I managed to screw somehow to get it stuck into a never ending validation cycle, or I was suspended, I'm not sure which.  In any case I wont be returning until I can take this shit seriously enough to quit fucking around with everyone elses quit.
'clap' 'clap' 'clap'
Please wake up before it's to late! Read Captian's update on Randy! This is serious shit we are dealing with, a matter of life and death! If you want to continue playing Russian roulette remember you are going to be fully loaded very soon!
Hey - I need to give a different perspective.

Yes this is very serious shit that we are dealing with, therefore it is something that should grab your attention and you should repect it for yourself, and whether you do or not, is your issue.


When you come on here and display the cave, that you have done, in the way that you have, that to me shows that you are not taking it seriously in PUBLIC, and therefore it becomes the issue of your quit brothers here and all others that are struggling here on this site to seriously kick this habit and get control of our addiction.

So as others have said, for the sake of the many take this serious and quit, or please do not disrespect what the rest of of are here accomplishing each day.

Offline Wt57

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Re: Introduction Time
« Reply #89 on: August 18, 2012, 09:27:00 PM »
Quote from: Tony1
Alright so I made a jackass of myself in here.  Incidentally, my old account I managed to screw somehow to get it stuck into a never ending validation cycle, or I was suspended, I'm not sure which.  In any case I wont be returning until I can take this shit seriously enough to quit fucking around with everyone elses quit.
'clap' 'clap' 'clap'
Please wake up before it's to late! Read Captian's update on Randy! This is serious shit we are dealing with, a matter of life and death! If you want to continue playing Russian roulette remember you are going to be fully loaded very soon!
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
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Offline Tony1

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Re: Introduction Time
« Reply #88 on: August 18, 2012, 08:03:00 PM »
Alright so I made a jackass of myself in here. Incidentally, my old account I managed to screw somehow to get it stuck into a never ending validation cycle, or I was suspended, I'm not sure which. In any case I wont be returning until I can take this shit seriously enough to quit fucking around with everyone elses quit.

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Re: Introduction Time
« Reply #87 on: August 18, 2012, 04:56:00 PM »
Quote from: Zam
Quote from: Skoal
Quote from: tony
I'm cancelling my account.  Fuck this shit.  I dont need to owe up to a bach full of internet pusses.  I had a bowl of hookah.  Boohoo! The world has ended.  And for your IP logs-how does Europe feel?  Baaaaaah
Your a silly little excuse for a man. You can dodge our accountability yes. But can you dodge your own? For many of us this isn't a game, the stakes are real and they are literally our lives. Smoking a bowl of hookah may not seem like a big deal , but for some of us who know the pain of decades of addiction it is huge. It represents falling back into a trap that could very well kill us, rip us from our freedom and steal us from our families. When you casually dismiss it you fail to see that your cave makes all of us wonder, if just for a second, what it would be like to use again. Your bowl of hookah is like opening a crack in the door. So fuck you. I don't want that door opened, and neither do the rest of us. If you wanna suck on a some flavored lung cancer, go do it somewhere else. You can change your name, change your ip or even your story, but it's harder to change your character . Right now, your showing a lack of respect for those that supported you, a lack of resolve , a lack of respect for yourself, and have demonstrated a total lack of personal integrity. In short,fuck you,you caving little 6 year old worm licker. I wouldn't trust you to feed my goldfish let alone keep your word . We don't need you here, this is a QUIT SITE and you my trolling little douchetard are no quitter, so GTFO

SM day 1300 and that feels fucking good. YOU, can't have that without earning it. Baaaaaah right back bitch
Tony, you are a child. I feel like some old fogey phasing it that way, but there is no real better way. You are a child. Come back when you grow up. Until then, there is no reason to be here.
Damn Zam. I'll even call him a child. I'm only two years older than him, and I've stirred up shit, thrown a tantrum or two, and I'm a retread myself. But I like to think that I owned it when I failed. I took it seriously. I decided to do it different. I'm in here every day. Hell I'm in here most of every day. And this "Let the shit pounding begin!" bullshit really chaps my little, white ass.

Tony, they're pounding you for being a pussy. (And everyone likes pounding pussies, but I digress.) They're pounding you for slinking back in here, not being sorry for shitting on the entire site, and then making a mockery of it. They're pounding you for being a little bitch whose word doesn't mean shit. 55 days. FIFTY-MOTHER-ASSBAG-NEEDLEDICK-FUCKING-FIVE DAYS!!! And then you're not even sorry?

I would like you to do me a favor. Go find a fence. One with the spikes on top. Climb up it. Slide down with one leg on each side. Let that spike slide right up your sorry, weak, little vagina, and get fucked. (Disclaimer: There are some kick-ass quitters on this site with vaginas. However, in the figurative sense, you ladies have some big cajones.) Now, maybe, hopefully, you'll enjoy that fence. It'll hit your G-spot and make you squeal like a little piggy. And maybe that will cheer you up enough that you'll change your attitude and get with the goddamn program. Or maybe, you just piss off and get fucked. Your choice.

I needed a reason to let that out. Thanks

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Re: Introduction Time
« Reply #86 on: August 18, 2012, 01:24:00 PM »
Quote from: Skoal
Quote from: tony
I'm cancelling my account.  Fuck this shit.  I dont need to owe up to a bach full of internet pusses.  I had a bowl of hookah.  Boohoo! The world has ended.  And for your IP logs-how does Europe feel?  Baaaaaah
Your a silly little excuse for a man. You can dodge our accountability yes. But can you dodge your own? For many of us this isn't a game, the stakes are real and they are literally our lives. Smoking a bowl of hookah may not seem like a big deal , but for some of us who know the pain of decades of addiction it is huge. It represents falling back into a trap that could very well kill us, rip us from our freedom and steal us from our families. When you casually dismiss it you fail to see that your cave makes all of us wonder, if just for a second, what it would be like to use again. Your bowl of hookah is like opening a crack in the door. So fuck you. I don't want that door opened, and neither do the rest of us. If you wanna suck on a some flavored lung cancer, go do it somewhere else. You can change your name, change your ip or even your story, but it's harder to change your character . Right now, your showing a lack of respect for those that supported you, a lack of resolve , a lack of respect for yourself, and have demonstrated a total lack of personal integrity. In short,fuck you,you caving little 6 year old worm licker. I wouldn't trust you to feed my goldfish let alone keep your word . We don't need you here, this is a QUIT SITE and you my trolling little douchetard are no quitter, so GTFO

SM day 1300 and that feels fucking good. YOU, can't have that without earning it. Baaaaaah right back bitch
Tony, you are a child. I feel like some old fogey phasing it that way, but there is no real better way. You are a child. Come back when you grow up. Until then, there is no reason to be here.
*Quit today. Full stop. No qualifiers. Tomorrow?... IDK, IDC.

Offline Skoal Monster

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Re: Introduction Time
« Reply #85 on: August 18, 2012, 01:11:00 PM »
Quote from: tony
I'm cancelling my account.  Fuck this shit.  I dont need to owe up to a bach full of internet pusses.  I had a bowl of hookah.  Boohoo! The world has ended.  And for your IP logs-how does Europe feel?  Baaaaaah
Your a silly little excuse for a man. You can dodge our accountability yes. But can you dodge your own? For many of us this isn't a game, the stakes are real and they are literally our lives. Smoking a bowl of hookah may not seem like a big deal , but for some of us who know the pain of decades of addiction it is huge. It represents falling back into a trap that could very well kill us, rip us from our freedom and steal us from our families. When you casually dismiss it you fail to see that your cave makes all of us wonder, if just for a second, what it would be like to use again. Your bowl of hookah is like opening a crack in the door. So fuck you. I don't want that door opened, and neither do the rest of us. If you wanna suck on a some flavored lung cancer, go do it somewhere else. You can change your name, change your ip or even your story, but it's harder to change your character . Right now, your showing a lack of respect for those that supported you, a lack of resolve , a lack of respect for yourself, and have demonstrated a total lack of personal integrity. In short,fuck you,you caving little 6 year old worm licker. I wouldn't trust you to feed my goldfish let alone keep your word . We don't need you here, this is a QUIT SITE and you my trolling little douchetard are no quitter, so GTFO

SM day 1300 and that feels fucking good. YOU, can't have that without earning it. Baaaaaah right back bitch
"CLOSE THE DOOR. In my opinion, it?s the single most important step in your final quit. There is one moment, THE moment, when you finally let go and surrender to the quit. After that moment, no temptation will be great enough, no lie persuasive enough to make you commit suicide by using tobacco."

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Re: Introduction Time
« Reply #84 on: August 18, 2012, 01:07:00 PM »
Quote from: tony
I'm cancelling my account. Fuck this shit. I dont need to owe up to a bach full of internet pusses. I had a bowl of hookah. Boohoo! The world has ended. And for your IP logs-how does Europe feel? Baaaaaah
You are right you don't need to own up to us Internet "pussies" as you say. At least not anymore.... You only need to answer to yourself. When you look in the mirror everyday you will still be a slave to fucking nicotine. But me I will not because I had the balls to give up the shit. So go ahead and delete your account and run away like a "Pussy". Don't expect a happy welcome when you find yourself crawling back in here.
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Re: Introduction Time
« Reply #83 on: August 18, 2012, 12:29:00 PM »
I'm cancelling my account. Fuck this shit. I dont need to owe up to a bach full of internet pusses. I had a bowl of hookah. Boohoo! The world has ended. And for your IP logs-how does Europe feel? Baaaaaah
Quit since 3/25/12

Offline ERDVM

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Re: Introduction Time
« Reply #82 on: August 18, 2012, 12:27:00 PM »
Quote from: T-Cell
Quote from: TonySelle
Quote from: ERDVM
100 days ago I doubted you had what it takes to stay quit.  I doubted your sincerity based on your age and history.  Tony, I am proud as fuck that you proved me wrong.  Don't let up now.  Quitting still requires guts and nuts.  Remind yourself everyday. 

Exact same story for me, Tony. I didn't think you could stay quit for the same reasons Vadge lists. Nice job, keep it up and keep proving us wrong!
Damn it, I hate when I'm proven right. Dude, I have no idea why you want to keep restarting your quit, but obviously deep down you do not take this as life or death. Hookas? Wasn't it cigars last time? I wish you the best, but multi-time cavers don't get my respect or support...
Thanks for the advice.

Rgross-i am pissed at tobacco. I'm convinced the only reason its legal, is either because of the huge tax revenue it pulls in, or as some sort of pop control device.

Vadge I have what it takes. I just need to fully embrace the quit this time and make those life changes. Please don't discriminate my efforts at this because I'm a younger guy.
Hey at least you made it past the 6 week mark this time 'cs'
You had my number. Although you did tell me your quit was "good" 3 weeks ago when I texted you and posted for you. 'cs'
Enjoy your nicotine liar. 'cs'

Vadge 218.
I have decided to keep my promise today.

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Re: Introduction Time
« Reply #81 on: August 18, 2012, 12:19:00 PM »
Quote from: Coach
Quote from: tony
I dont think I asked for forgivness in my "confession".  I smoked hookah with some friends, and fucked up.  Thats really all there is to it.

I'm done with you dude. Flat out done. This is your 3rd such fuck up and I for one am not wasting anymore time on your lackluster efforts at quitting. You knew what you were doing and that is shameful and disrespectful to those on KTC that are fighting everyday to stay quit against all odds. Please don't waste another groups's time and effort. You need to just go away until you can actually take this seriously. As of right now, I just don't think you're capable of doing that nor are you capable of appreciating the importance of removing nicotine from your life.

Let the shit pounding begin! Please, will all the "vets" please come forward? Its so lonely without all of you.
Quit since 3/25/12

Offline Coach Steve

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Re: Introduction Time
« Reply #80 on: August 18, 2012, 12:13:00 PM »
Quote from: tony
I dont think I asked for forgivness in my "confession".  I smoked hookah with some friends, and fucked up.  Thats really all there is to it.

I'm done with you dude. Flat out done. This is your 3rd such fuck up and I for one am not wasting anymore time on your lackluster efforts at quitting. You knew what you were doing and that is shameful and disrespectful to those on KTC that are fighting everyday to stay quit against all odds. Please don't waste another groups's time and effort. You need to just go away until you can actually take this seriously. As of right now, I just don't think you're capable of doing that nor are you capable of appreciating the importance of removing nicotine from your life.

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