Author Topic: My Introduction  (Read 2454 times)

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Re: My Introduction
« Reply #44 on: December 04, 2014, 04:50:00 PM »
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: cpoz421
Day 55- Day 50-55 have sucked, luckily I have been reading a lot and following closely with my text group. More or less just irritated no serious thoughts about caving.

*Just witnessed an almost 800 day quitter cave and explain it to his group*

Note to self: Do be a fucking idiot!

Wake up, piss, post roll, repeat.

Good job cpoz. I'm proud of you. Keep up the good work. It definitely seems like your heart is in this 100%.
Solid. Keep this up man. When someone rebounds from the depths you've come from can inspire people. You're getting it and your earning this every day. Way to be.
Certified Grade A Badass

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Re: My Introduction
« Reply #43 on: December 04, 2014, 04:42:00 PM »
Quote from: cpoz421
Day 55- Day 50-55 have sucked, luckily I have been reading a lot and following closely with my text group. More or less just irritated no serious thoughts about caving.

*Just witnessed an almost 800 day quitter cave and explain it to his group*

Note to self: Do be a fucking idiot!

Wake up, piss, post roll, repeat.

Good job cpoz. I'm proud of you. Keep up the good work. It definitely seems like your heart is in this 100%.
Nicotine Quit Date:10/31/2013
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Offline Nomore1011

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Re: My Introduction
« Reply #42 on: December 04, 2014, 03:36:00 PM »
Day 55- Day 50-55 have sucked, luckily I have been reading a lot and following closely with my text group. More or less just irritated no serious thoughts about caving.

*Just witnessed an almost 800 day quitter cave and explain it to his group*

Note to self: Do be a fucking idiot!

Wake up, piss, post roll, repeat.


Offline Nomore1011

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Re: My Introduction
« Reply #41 on: December 04, 2014, 03:34:00 PM »
Each and every one of you spent hours, sometimes even days, plotting and scheming how you were going to line up your next fix of nicotine. You'd skip important events for your kids so you could go pack a cat turd. You would scrounge whatever loose change you might have had just to make sure you had a tin - even if it meant having less or nothing to eat. You would spend day after day hiding your addiction from your friends and family while you would seek out times and places to be alone with the nic bitch for hours on end. You would think nothing of fishing a few tins out of the trash if you thought you could scrape enough grains together for one last dried out fatty.

It takes literally a fraction of that effort to post roll each day. Wake up, piss, post roll. 30 seconds, tops.

(wise words from Tuco that I want to keep close for the rough days)

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Re: My Introduction
« Reply #40 on: November 09, 2014, 11:31:00 AM »
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: cpoz421
Note to self:

You know you caved. You know you reflected and you know you are back.

Currently at day 29, I feel great about this quit.
Last time I stopped, I felt as though I was working towards a goal. I don't feel that way anymore, I understand this is a life decision not a temporary thing.
When I quit 29 days ago, I didn't really feel any sort of fog like last time, Just a very mild version. This time I rarely crave. Last time I was craving the entire time.

Things that work:
-Being on the boards more often than not.
-Helping out with the spreadsheet.
-Understanding I'm not missing anything
-Understanding everything I am gaining.

You can do this, use your resources and make it through One Day At A Time.
Good. Feel the freedom an cherish it.
Sounds good. But keep your guard up. Not craving today rarely means not craving tomorrow. Good luck and thanks for staying involved.

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Re: My Introduction
« Reply #39 on: November 09, 2014, 02:20:00 AM »
Quote from: cpoz421
Note to self:

You know you caved. You know you reflected and you know you are back.

Currently at day 29, I feel great about this quit.
Last time I stopped, I felt as though I was working towards a goal. I don't feel that way anymore, I understand this is a life decision not a temporary thing.
When I quit 29 days ago, I didn't really feel any sort of fog like last time, Just a very mild version. This time I rarely crave. Last time I was craving the entire time.

Things that work:
-Being on the boards more often than not.
-Helping out with the spreadsheet.
-Understanding I'm not missing anything
-Understanding everything I am gaining.

You can do this, use your resources and make it through One Day At A Time.
Good. Feel the freedom an cherish it.
Nicotine Quit Date:10/31/2013
Exercise Start Date: 6/29/2018

Offline Nomore1011

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Re: My Introduction
« Reply #38 on: November 09, 2014, 12:00:00 AM »
Note to self:

You know you caved. You know you reflected and you know you are back.

Currently at day 29, I feel great about this quit.
Last time I stopped, I felt as though I was working towards a goal. I don't feel that way anymore, I understand this is a life decision not a temporary thing.
When I quit 29 days ago, I didn't really feel any sort of fog like last time, Just a very mild version. This time I rarely crave. Last time I was craving the entire time.

Things that work:
-Being on the boards more often than not.
-Helping out with the spreadsheet.
-Understanding I'm not missing anything
-Understanding everything I am gaining.

You can do this, use your resources and make it through One Day At A Time.

Offline Nomore1011

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Re: My Introduction
« Reply #37 on: November 09, 2014, 12:00:00 AM »
Note to self:

You know you caved. You know you reflected and you know you are back.

Currently at day 29, I feel great about this quit.
Last time I stopped, I felt as though I was working towards a goal. I don't feel that way anymore, I understand this is a life decision not a temporary thing.
When I quit 29 days ago, I didn't really feel any sort of fog like last time, Just a very mild version. This time I rarely crave. Last time I was craving the entire time.

Things that work:
-Being on the boards more often than not.
-Helping out with the spreadsheet.
-Understanding I'm not missing anything
-Understanding everything I am gaining.

You can do this, use your resources and make it through One Day At A Time.

Offline Florida Longhorn

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Re: My Introduction
« Reply #36 on: October 14, 2014, 04:54:00 AM »
Quote from: Lipizzaner
Quote from: Florida
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: Florida
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: Florida
I agree with Menace. Don't listen to the bullies that obviously are overcompensating for shortcomings in their personal lives. Just quit. The trolls will shut up after you put a little time in.
Maybe I shouldn't be personally offended by Cpoz' failure? For some reason I am. Maybe I shouldn't express those feelings to him on this message board so he, and others, might learn? Is questioning someone who fails a rude thing to do?
Absolutely not. Being a part of a "brotherhood" and support group and telling others you don't care about them and calling them idiots is rude. Failure should be questioned so that we can all learn from it. My remarks were in no way directed towards you. Sorry if you felt that way.
I agree 100% with the anti-caver basic premise. Anti-caver language is a tad offensive but the point is crystal clear----It is difficult to support someone who bitches out and caves. But I feel obligated to make an effort since we were originally in the same group and in a text group together. Hopefully cpoz sticks around and honors his word. It's hard to get excited about the prospect though. Especially when we've seen this play out in a certain way an overwhelming majority of the time. I hope cpoz is successful this time. I really do.

Cpoz, get this shit. Post roll as soon as you wake up. Nobody wants their tongue to be replaced with part of their calf muscle.
That's the concern I'm talking about. Ride his ass and tell him to straighten up but calling people idiots and telling them you don't care is unproductive and childish. Be offensive all you want to but keep the focus on quitting. Most of the guys here are experts at that but a few just don't get it.
Longhorn- you have been here for several months, and have 40 posts in that time frame. Stop acting like you have the first clue what is going on around here.
It doesn't take 1,000 posts at KTC to identify someone with a little man complex or childish behavior.

Offline Lipizzaner

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Re: My Introduction
« Reply #35 on: October 13, 2014, 11:20:00 PM »
Quote from: Florida
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: Florida
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: Florida
I agree with Menace. Don't listen to the bullies that obviously are overcompensating for shortcomings in their personal lives. Just quit. The trolls will shut up after you put a little time in.
Maybe I shouldn't be personally offended by Cpoz' failure? For some reason I am. Maybe I shouldn't express those feelings to him on this message board so he, and others, might learn? Is questioning someone who fails a rude thing to do?
Absolutely not. Being a part of a "brotherhood" and support group and telling others you don't care about them and calling them idiots is rude. Failure should be questioned so that we can all learn from it. My remarks were in no way directed towards you. Sorry if you felt that way.
I agree 100% with the anti-caver basic premise. Anti-caver language is a tad offensive but the point is crystal clear----It is difficult to support someone who bitches out and caves. But I feel obligated to make an effort since we were originally in the same group and in a text group together. Hopefully cpoz sticks around and honors his word. It's hard to get excited about the prospect though. Especially when we've seen this play out in a certain way an overwhelming majority of the time. I hope cpoz is successful this time. I really do.

Cpoz, get this shit. Post roll as soon as you wake up. Nobody wants their tongue to be replaced with part of their calf muscle.
That's the concern I'm talking about. Ride his ass and tell him to straighten up but calling people idiots and telling them you don't care is unproductive and childish. Be offensive all you want to but keep the focus on quitting. Most of the guys here are experts at that but a few just don't get it.
Longhorn- you have been here for several months, and have 40 posts in that time frame. Stop acting like you have the first clue what is going on around here.

Offline Florida Longhorn

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Re: My Introduction
« Reply #34 on: October 13, 2014, 04:54:00 PM »
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: Florida
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: Florida
I agree with Menace. Don't listen to the bullies that obviously are overcompensating for shortcomings in their personal lives. Just quit. The trolls will shut up after you put a little time in.
Maybe I shouldn't be personally offended by Cpoz' failure? For some reason I am. Maybe I shouldn't express those feelings to him on this message board so he, and others, might learn? Is questioning someone who fails a rude thing to do?
Absolutely not. Being a part of a "brotherhood" and support group and telling others you don't care about them and calling them idiots is rude. Failure should be questioned so that we can all learn from it. My remarks were in no way directed towards you. Sorry if you felt that way.
I agree 100% with the anti-caver basic premise. Anti-caver language is a tad offensive but the point is crystal clear----It is difficult to support someone who bitches out and caves. But I feel obligated to make an effort since we were originally in the same group and in a text group together. Hopefully cpoz sticks around and honors his word. It's hard to get excited about the prospect though. Especially when we've seen this play out in a certain way an overwhelming majority of the time. I hope cpoz is successful this time. I really do.

Cpoz, get this shit. Post roll as soon as you wake up. Nobody wants their tongue to be replaced with part of their calf muscle.
That's the concern I'm talking about. Ride his ass and tell him to straighten up but calling people idiots and telling them you don't care is unproductive and childish. Be offensive all you want to but keep the focus on quitting. Most of the guys here are experts at that but a few just don't get it.

Offline Grizzlyhasclaws

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Re: My Introduction
« Reply #33 on: October 13, 2014, 02:04:00 PM »
Quote from: Florida
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: Florida
I agree with Menace. Don't listen to the bullies that obviously are overcompensating for shortcomings in their personal lives. Just quit. The trolls will shut up after you put a little time in.
Maybe I shouldn't be personally offended by Cpoz' failure? For some reason I am. Maybe I shouldn't express those feelings to him on this message board so he, and others, might learn? Is questioning someone who fails a rude thing to do?
Absolutely not. Being a part of a "brotherhood" and support group and telling others you don't care about them and calling them idiots is rude. Failure should be questioned so that we can all learn from it. My remarks were in no way directed towards you. Sorry if you felt that way.
I agree 100% with the anti-caver basic premise. Anti-caver language is a tad offensive but the point is crystal clear----It is difficult to support someone who bitches out and caves. But I feel obligated to make an effort since we were originally in the same group and in a text group together. Hopefully cpoz sticks around and honors his word. It's hard to get excited about the prospect though. Especially when we've seen this play out in a certain way an overwhelming majority of the time. I hope cpoz is successful this time. I really do.

Cpoz, get this shit. Post roll as soon as you wake up. Nobody wants their tongue to be replaced with part of their calf muscle.
Nicotine Quit Date:10/31/2013
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Re: My Introduction
« Reply #32 on: October 13, 2014, 01:19:00 PM »
Quote from: Bronc
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: Florida
I agree with Menace. Don't listen to the bullies that obviously are overcompensating for shortcomings in their personal lives. Just quit. The trolls will shut up after you put a little time in.
Maybe I shouldn't be personally offended by Cpoz' failure? For some reason I am. Maybe I shouldn't express those feelings to him on this message board so he, and others, might learn? Is questioning someone who fails a rude thing to do?
CopZ - Everyone here is here to support you...the human being, the man that is in there. No one is here to support that addict, caving, pussy mindset that each one of us has within us that prevents our true selves from being alive and well. Each one of the hateful rants you got, was to that douche that caved. So ya, Lipi doesn't give two shits about that caver. We work every day to kill that caving/lying/dishonorable asshat addict within us. But YOU, and only you, have to decide which guy you want to let live. The pussy caver guy, has no place in here and isn't welcome. The badass quitter in there, the man you were made to be, your father's son....he is welcome. He has always been welcome. He had brothers that cared about him and wanted him to live. You gave up on yourself and your brothers.

Now you have to nut up and EARN brotherhood back. It's a trust thing. Once you break trust, you don't just get it back. It takes hard work and time. Every other newbie or vet that reads your cave and the subsequent thrashing that occurs, gets reminded of what a gift that brotherhood is and what it means if you break that. What it means if you break your word to these guys. Honor, integrity, truth are all keys to the way quit works here. The first order of business for any quitter after he/she dumps his can in the toilet is to understand those words, give his word and keep it. We only GIVE a first chance. Second chances, well those are earned by showing you have learned what honor, integrity and truth is and that no matter what, you would rather die than give that up. It's that simple and it applies across life.

Aren't you tired of not respecting yourself? Aren't you just flat fricking tired of knowing others don't respect you? Are you at that place where you scream "no more" and it means more than just no more nicotine, but no more being a lying ass caving pussy that US Tobacco turned you into?

Here's the protocol. Do your job. Quit today. AND build others quits today. Reach out and help the newbies. Don't be that selfish asshat. Brotherhood is two that you can be a brother to others. It'll be there. You want some inspiration....check out my quit brother Nate McPherson. Nate was in my June group. He caved, and then immediately posted a day 1 again. We kicked the shit out of him. He has texted me every single day with his promise to quit and is somewhere around day 150 now I think. He's bad ass. He did it one day at a time. He never sat around and argued about why people were being mean....he knew it and wanted it bad enough to work his ass of for it. I think it's got to be exponentially harder to quit after you cave, so I give mad props and much respect to Nate, as I do another one of my quit brothers Sixer. But let me tell you, both these guys are badass 100% through and through. They have no tolerance for that pussy caver. I hope I get to write about you like these two one day too. The odds are stacked against you, but you can do it, IF, you decide to. Purely up to you.

Bronc - [phone number edited out- please exchange via pm] Use it if you need it.

Here are some links to read:

Why are we dicks?
Why the rough treatment?
Caves affect everyone by Chewie
To Cavers by SOS
The Sound of Cancer
Randy's Story
Tom and Jenny Kern
Ignorance and Naivete'
Bronc, please take your number off this post unless you want to get pics of GmannÂ’s junk.
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Re: My Introduction
« Reply #31 on: October 13, 2014, 12:39:00 PM »
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: Florida
I agree with Menace. Don't listen to the bullies that obviously are overcompensating for shortcomings in their personal lives. Just quit. The trolls will shut up after you put a little time in.
Maybe I shouldn't be personally offended by Cpoz' failure? For some reason I am. Maybe I shouldn't express those feelings to him on this message board so he, and others, might learn? Is questioning someone who fails a rude thing to do?
CopZ - Everyone here is here to support you...the human being, the man that is in there. No one is here to support that addict, caving, pussy mindset that each one of us has within us that prevents our true selves from being alive and well. Each one of the hateful rants you got, was to that douche that caved. So ya, Lipi doesn't give two shits about that caver. We work every day to kill that caving/lying/dishonorable asshat addict within us. But YOU, and only you, have to decide which guy you want to let live. The pussy caver guy, has no place in here and isn't welcome. The badass quitter in there, the man you were made to be, your father's son....he is welcome. He has always been welcome. He had brothers that cared about him and wanted him to live. You gave up on yourself and your brothers.

Now you have to nut up and EARN brotherhood back. It's a trust thing. Once you break trust, you don't just get it back. It takes hard work and time. Every other newbie or vet that reads your cave and the subsequent thrashing that occurs, gets reminded of what a gift that brotherhood is and what it means if you break that. What it means if you break your word to these guys. Honor, integrity, truth are all keys to the way quit works here. The first order of business for any quitter after he/she dumps his can in the toilet is to understand those words, give his word and keep it. We only GIVE a first chance. Second chances, well those are earned by showing you have learned what honor, integrity and truth is and that no matter what, you would rather die than give that up. It's that simple and it applies across life.

Aren't you tired of not respecting yourself? Aren't you just flat fricking tired of knowing others don't respect you? Are you at that place where you scream "no more" and it means more than just no more nicotine, but no more being a lying ass caving pussy that US Tobacco turned you into?

Here's the protocol. Do your job. Quit today. AND build others quits today. Reach out and help the newbies. Don't be that selfish asshat. Brotherhood is two that you can be a brother to others. It'll be there. You want some inspiration....check out my quit brother Nate McPherson. Nate was in my June group. He caved, and then immediately posted a day 1 again. We kicked the shit out of him. He has texted me every single day with his promise to quit and is somewhere around day 150 now I think. He's bad ass. He did it one day at a time. He never sat around and argued about why people were being mean....he knew it and wanted it bad enough to work his ass of for it. I think it's got to be exponentially harder to quit after you cave, so I give mad props and much respect to Nate, as I do another one of my quit brothers Sixer. But let me tell you, both these guys are badass 100% through and through. They have no tolerance for that pussy caver. I hope I get to write about you like these two one day too. The odds are stacked against you, but you can do it, IF, you decide to. Purely up to you.

Bronc - [phone number edited out- please exchange via pm] Use it if you need it.

Here are some links to read:

Why are we dicks?
Why the rough treatment?
Caves affect everyone by Chewie
To Cavers by SOS
The Sound of Cancer
Randy's Story
Tom and Jenny Kern
Ignorance and Naivete'

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Re: My Introduction
« Reply #30 on: October 13, 2014, 10:38:00 AM »
What I don't get is that you were excited for your friend. Your friend is leaving a drug riddled environment. So to celebrate, YOU use drugs?
Some of my fondest and clearest memories are peeing in places that aren't bathrooms.