Author Topic: June 1st, 2018 my last quit. IÂ’m done  (Read 3956 times)

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Offline BubbaM

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Re: June 1st, 2018 my last quit. IÂ’m done
« Reply #89 on: June 30, 2018, 04:29:00 PM »
Quote from: Clint31
Usually when I my heart races like it is today IÂ’m coming doe. With a virus. Had to pull over he side of the road and throw up. Heart rate was 128. This is not anxiety type stuff, I know the difference
Hope your alright, will text you in a few.

Offline Clint31

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Re: June 1st, 2018 my last quit. IÂ’m done
« Reply #88 on: June 30, 2018, 04:09:00 PM »
Usually when I my heart races like it is today IÂ’m coming doe. With a virus. Had to pull over he side of the road and throw up. Heart rate was 128. This is not anxiety type stuff, I know the difference

Offline Clint31

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Re: June 1st, 2018 my last quit. IÂ’m done
« Reply #87 on: June 30, 2018, 04:08:00 PM »
Any guys ever puke early on in their quit? I either have a bug or I have fast heart today and vomiting our kf rhe absolute blue. Rough ass day

Offline Clint31

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Re: June 1st, 2018 my last quit. IÂ’m done
« Reply #86 on: June 25, 2018, 04:52:00 PM »
Day 5.
I won against some things that normally would have sent me to failure today.

Horrible stressful workday. I got angry inside but didnÂ’t cave or ask a co worker for chew

My wife and I had a disagreement. No cave there.

Talked to a friend here about some things that make me depressed that make me wanna cave. And I didnÂ’t cave.

If I can get through this Los Angeles dodgers game tonight IÂ’ll be alright! And IÂ’ve given my word. Hoping my red fireballs jawbreakers come today as IÂ’ve gone through 40 of 50 (5 at work today and hooch) and the oral fixation helped.

I am also panicky about going to the gym. Having the time. Need to go to the sauna and walk some I feel like

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Re: June 1st, 2018 my last quit. IÂ’m done
« Reply #85 on: June 21, 2018, 09:24:00 PM »
Quote from: Clint31
Ok.. thanks again for the support!
Do you want support? If so, what do you want support for? For trying? We don't try here. We focking make up our minds to quit, and enjoy the freedom from our addiction, knowing that "just one" will lead us back into the cage.

If that's what you want to do, then do it. Don't focking give us excuses for how hard it is. We know how focking hard it is. We've been through it. You're either free from nicotine, or you are a slave.

Which are you? IDGAF until you do.
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Re: June 1st, 2018 my last quit. IÂ’m done
« Reply #84 on: June 21, 2018, 08:25:00 PM »
'bang head'
"I hope you find a thousand reasons to quit today" Rawls
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outdoortexan cancer

Offline Clint31

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Re: June 1st, 2018 my last quit. IÂ’m done
« Reply #83 on: June 21, 2018, 12:40:00 PM »
Ok.. thanks again for the support!

Offline worktowin

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Re: June 1st, 2018 my last quit. IÂ’m done
« Reply #82 on: June 21, 2018, 09:49:00 AM »
For sure want to make sure this one gets captured in your archive of stoppages, Clint.
Quote from: miker0351
Quote from: Leonidas
Quote from: Leonidas
Quote from: Clint31
What Happened - I went off the grid and fiended yesterday and chewed almost an entire tin. I had bought the tin earlier in the week and never should have had it. I thought that if I didnÂ’t post roll, and with my dentist opponent today; that I wouldnÂ’t be letting anyone down and I could have one last day of dipping and threw away several weeks of progress in the lie to myself.

Why? - I have the worse addictive personality of anyone IÂ’ve ever known. as I said above today is my meeting with the dentist which IÂ’m scared shitless of. My brothers who are quitting right now I have developed strong relationships with several and I let them down So I went off the grid because after the first one I was just upset.

What are you gonna do differently? I still know I canÂ’t dip any more. I know this is my last fuckingshot and that my present wonÂ’t be my destiny. I donÂ’t want to ever slip or let anyone down again so if I walk out of the dentist today which I had nightmares about all night; sleeping 2-3 hours, and he doesnÂ’t say what I think he will and I get a clean bill, I will die before I ever have real dip again. I wonÂ’t miss roll ever again. I wonÂ’t let down the people who care about me who I have developed care for.
You're fucking kidding me, right?
This was a planned cave from the start.
I.... have a tin I somehow purchased earlier in the week...
I... Happened to not post roll..
I sat there like a total fucking dufus, chewing the whole can ALL FUCKING DAY!!!
Not once did you think of your brothers that you were shitting all over?
Is this a joke? The worst addictive personality ever? Off the grid? I texted you at 9:32 yesterday morning. I texted you at 8:53 the night before. I’ve texted with you almost every day since you said you quit almost 2 weeks ago. Addictive personality...bull fucking shit...we’re addicts. Period. Full stop. Everyone is scared of the dentist after years of tripling our risk for oral cancers. Bet you feel better now after stuffing your face with more poison for another day. This is straight up horse shit and it pissed me right the hell off at the start of my day. Make your promise, keep it, succeed. Or, fail. They’re both choices, you made yours be to fail. Im free today and it feels fucking awesome. I’m not free because I’m special or because I’m less addicted. I’m free today because I’ve chosen to take my freedom each day for the last 680 days. Cut the bullshit “I’ll never this” and “I’ll always that” choose today, win today, FUCK!
Clint, Here's some truth. You do not have the most addictive personality here. Stop making excuses.

I reached out to you constantly. Gave you my phone number. Begged you to reach out to me. Responded on your intro. But, instead you caved alone. You want to know why you caved alone? Because you, sir, do not want to quit. You want to think you want to quit, but you don't. You want to try to stop and then cave. You say you are terrified of cancer. Well, someone that is terrified of your gums bleeding and having cancer doesn't cave 2 times in a few weeks, particularly the day before you go to the dentist. That is some pretty fucked up caving right there.

Here's a guy that had cancer, my friend Traumagnet, the author of the intro that I highly suggested that you read... here's one of his last posts:

Well it appears that it has been awhile since I have put in an update. I had double pneumonia that landed me in the hospital for a week...then home health for a week giving me very strong antibiotics. After a week of that the nausea and pain were enough I woke up on a Monday morning and fired everyone. I called the VA and asked to be put on hospice. Hospice has been working with me to get me under control as far as pain and nausea go. I have been puking and dry heaving for days so finally last night they hooked me up to a morphine drip and a Tordol drip subQ. they have also discovered that I have chemo induced thrush from my mouth to my stomach so another obstacle to overcome.

I also carry a BRAF mutation with in the cancer war is like trying fight fires with gasoline. So I am on the hospice pony and just trying to ride whatever time I have left in relative comfort. So just trying to take it easy.

Once again just wanted to say thank you to everyone that has been on this ride with me, I also wanted to say if you text or email and I dont respond right away please dont take it personal there are days that just making it to tomorrow is the best I can do.

Read that carefully dude. You are playing with fire. I guess you are ok with it... but I'm not. See, I hit 2,000 days last Friday. Last Thursday, my father-in-law was rushed to the hospital throwing up blood. He has stage 4 espophagael cancer, which was discovered later that day much to everyone's surprise. He used to be a smoker. Guess it caught up to him. Your head is in the sand dude. My bet is that you will go to the dentist today, get a good report, and buy just one more can. Good luck with that. My father in law won't be able to swallow much longer, and he will probably aspirate to death in the next couple of months. Todd's 19 year old son called me last night to talk about how sad he is after fathers day. I guess these thoughts don't bother you. Enjoy your "last tin" bro. Weak shit.

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Re: June 1st, 2018 my last quit. IÂ’m done
« Reply #81 on: June 19, 2018, 04:19:00 PM »
Quote from: Clint31
Well my string of fuck ups continue

I overslept somehow and MISSED my dentist appointment. Woke up tasting blood when I bush mt teeth. My gums still hurt on the left side. I am real depressed about this. I am luckily going back at Thursday at 12:45, but still this bums me out. I needed to get in there today to ease my mind that something super sinister isnÂ’t going on. This really screwed up my entire day. Not sure how I didnÂ’t hear my alarm. I was in a deep sleep
Glad you are going in, bro. Please let us know how things turn out.

Offline Clint31

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Re: June 1st, 2018 my last quit. IÂ’m done
« Reply #80 on: June 19, 2018, 02:00:00 PM »
Well my string of fuck ups continue

I overslept somehow and MISSED my dentist appointment. Woke up tasting blood when I bush mt teeth. My gums still hurt on the left side. I am real depressed about this. I am luckily going back at Thursday at 12:45, but still this bums me out. I needed to get in there today to ease my mind that something super sinister isnÂ’t going on. This really screwed up my entire day. Not sure how I didnÂ’t hear my alarm. I was in a deep sleep

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Re: June 1st, 2018 my last quit. IÂ’m done
« Reply #79 on: June 14, 2018, 07:57:00 AM »
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: Alpine
Quote from: Clint31
This is not to say IÂ’m going back. IÂ’m just so annoyed. I promised I wouldnÂ’t dip today and I wouldnÂ’t. DonÂ’t know if all this shit is for me. IÂ’m a real addict and a bunch of working out doesnÂ’t help that IÂ’m still an addict nor does it fit into my life when a bunch of clients start grating my nerves and fucking with me on weekend hours over stuff. Again all reasons I dip to begin with. ItÂ’s so clear to me
You can't control your kids, your wife, or your clients. You can only control yourself, your own actions, and your own mindset. You are facing adversity right now... are you going to give in like a coward, or push through the pain? The choice is yours... don't blame the situation on family or work or physiology. YOU are in control, and if it doesn't feel like it right now then WAKE THE FUCK UP and TAKE CONTROL.

You say you "don't know if all this shit is for me. I'm a real addict and a bunch of working out doesn't help that." You are right about being an addict: Psychologists say there is no cure for substance addiction. But the rest of your statement is bullshit. Quitting doesn't fit into your life? Well take control and make it fit. Working out doesn't resolve your cravings? News flash, nothing will, but you can focus your energy on something new to better yourself instead of destroy yourself when the cravings arise. Getting fucked with on weekend hours? That would happen whether you dip or not, so why tie that stress to your quit? You quit, it's done, stop flirting with caving and commit.
^^great post and advice.

Dude did you know that nicotine is a neurotoxin? Did you know that it is one of the most powerful herbicides on earth? Did you know that nicotine itself is lethal? Look it up. Know your opponent. It is as addictive as heroin. A tin has the same amount of nicotine as 3 packs of cigs. 3 packs.

This is not the new you. Better days are ahead. Just get through today.
Clint, buddy, where are you? Missing you on roll today.

Getting your name on roll is the most important part of your day. Quit as a team.
Glad to see your post last night bro.

This is not the new normal. It gets better. Reach out herewhen things get tough. IÂ’m sending you a PM w my digits.

Offline worktowin

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Re: June 1st, 2018 my last quit. IÂ’m done
« Reply #78 on: June 13, 2018, 03:05:00 PM »
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: Alpine
Quote from: Clint31
This is not to say IÂ’m going back. IÂ’m just so annoyed. I promised I wouldnÂ’t dip today and I wouldnÂ’t. DonÂ’t know if all this shit is for me. IÂ’m a real addict and a bunch of working out doesnÂ’t help that IÂ’m still an addict nor does it fit into my life when a bunch of clients start grating my nerves and fucking with me on weekend hours over stuff. Again all reasons I dip to begin with. ItÂ’s so clear to me
You can't control your kids, your wife, or your clients. You can only control yourself, your own actions, and your own mindset. You are facing adversity right now... are you going to give in like a coward, or push through the pain? The choice is yours... don't blame the situation on family or work or physiology. YOU are in control, and if it doesn't feel like it right now then WAKE THE FUCK UP and TAKE CONTROL.

You say you "don't know if all this shit is for me. I'm a real addict and a bunch of working out doesn't help that." You are right about being an addict: Psychologists say there is no cure for substance addiction. But the rest of your statement is bullshit. Quitting doesn't fit into your life? Well take control and make it fit. Working out doesn't resolve your cravings? News flash, nothing will, but you can focus your energy on something new to better yourself instead of destroy yourself when the cravings arise. Getting fucked with on weekend hours? That would happen whether you dip or not, so why tie that stress to your quit? You quit, it's done, stop flirting with caving and commit.
^^great post and advice.

Dude did you know that nicotine is a neurotoxin? Did you know that it is one of the most powerful herbicides on earth? Did you know that nicotine itself is lethal? Look it up. Know your opponent. It is as addictive as heroin. A tin has the same amount of nicotine as 3 packs of cigs. 3 packs.

This is not the new you. Better days are ahead. Just get through today.
Clint, buddy, where are you? Missing you on roll today.

Getting your name on roll is the most important part of your day. Quit as a team.

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Re: June 1st, 2018 my last quit. IÂ’m done
« Reply #77 on: June 10, 2018, 07:28:00 PM »
Quote from: Alpine
Quote from: Clint31
This is not to say IÂ’m going back. IÂ’m just so annoyed. I promised I wouldnÂ’t dip today and I wouldnÂ’t. DonÂ’t know if all this shit is for me. IÂ’m a real addict and a bunch of working out doesnÂ’t help that IÂ’m still an addict nor does it fit into my life when a bunch of clients start grating my nerves and fucking with me on weekend hours over stuff. Again all reasons I dip to begin with. ItÂ’s so clear to me
You can't control your kids, your wife, or your clients. You can only control yourself, your own actions, and your own mindset. You are facing adversity right now... are you going to give in like a coward, or push through the pain? The choice is yours... don't blame the situation on family or work or physiology. YOU are in control, and if it doesn't feel like it right now then WAKE THE FUCK UP and TAKE CONTROL.

You say you "don't know if all this shit is for me. I'm a real addict and a bunch of working out doesn't help that." You are right about being an addict: Psychologists say there is no cure for substance addiction. But the rest of your statement is bullshit. Quitting doesn't fit into your life? Well take control and make it fit. Working out doesn't resolve your cravings? News flash, nothing will, but you can focus your energy on something new to better yourself instead of destroy yourself when the cravings arise. Getting fucked with on weekend hours? That would happen whether you dip or not, so why tie that stress to your quit? You quit, it's done, stop flirting with caving and commit.
^^great post and advice.

Dude did you know that nicotine is a neurotoxin? Did you know that it is one of the most powerful herbicides on earth? Did you know that nicotine itself is lethal? Look it up. Know your opponent. It is as addictive as heroin. A tin has the same amount of nicotine as 3 packs of cigs. 3 packs.

This is not the new you. Better days are ahead. Just get through today.

Offline Alpine

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Re: June 1st, 2018 my last quit. IÂ’m done
« Reply #76 on: June 10, 2018, 12:40:00 PM »
Quote from: Clint31
Son screaming nonstop for hours bc heÂ’s teething
Huge fight with wife complete
Basically sitting there like I do on most Sundays in church, so clear why I am upset with the things I am....

Still not gonna buy a tin; today anyways; wonÂ’t solve anything. I donÂ’t think. But itÂ’s like fuck I never stood a chance at being a non addict
WhatÂ’s your problem? I think I know. You see it in the mirror every morning: temptation and doubt stand hip to hip inside your head. You know itÂ’s not supposed to be like this. But you doubt your own quit and live without commitment.

ArenÂ’t you sick of being tempted by an alternative lifestyle, but bound by chains of your own choosing? Of the gnawing doubt that the path of least resistance is the right way for you? As long as you have a safety net, you act without commitment. YouÂ’ll return to whatÂ’s comfortable when you hit a little resistance. You need the warriorÂ’s desperateness.

Burn the bridge so thereÂ’s no way out. Nuke the foundation so you canÂ’t be complacent. Back yourself up against a wall. Have an opinion one way or another. Get off the fence and rip it up. Cut yourself off so there is no going back. Once you are committed the truth will come out. You ask about security, comfort, and stress? What you need is uncertainty. What you need is confusion, chaos, ambiguity; something that forces you to reinvent yourself, a whip to drive you harder. You need to wonder, "How the fuck am I going to stay quit today?" then press forward with it, just to prove that you can.

Life is a meritocracy, with death as the final auditor. Inconsistency, incompetence, and lies are cut short by that final word. Death will change you if you canÂ’t change yourself.

So are you strong or weak? Driven or controlled? Impactful or inconsequential? The choice is yours. No one has predestined you for any one type of life, you have only to choose, peruse, and create your own new reality.

Offline Alpine

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Re: June 1st, 2018 my last quit. IÂ’m done
« Reply #75 on: June 10, 2018, 12:31:00 PM »
Quote from: Clint31
This is not to say IÂ’m going back. IÂ’m just so annoyed. I promised I wouldnÂ’t dip today and I wouldnÂ’t. DonÂ’t know if all this shit is for me. IÂ’m a real addict and a bunch of working out doesnÂ’t help that IÂ’m still an addict nor does it fit into my life when a bunch of clients start grating my nerves and fucking with me on weekend hours over stuff. Again all reasons I dip to begin with. ItÂ’s so clear to me
You can't control your kids, your wife, or your clients. You can only control yourself, your own actions, and your own mindset. You are facing adversity right now... are you going to give in like a coward, or push through the pain? The choice is yours... don't blame the situation on family or work or physiology. YOU are in control, and if it doesn't feel like it right now then WAKE THE FUCK UP and TAKE CONTROL.

You say you "don't know if all this shit is for me. I'm a real addict and a bunch of working out doesn't help that." You are right about being an addict: Psychologists say there is no cure for substance addiction. But the rest of your statement is bullshit. Quitting doesn't fit into your life? Well take control and make it fit. Working out doesn't resolve your cravings? News flash, nothing will, but you can focus your energy on something new to better yourself instead of destroy yourself when the cravings arise. Getting fucked with on weekend hours? That would happen whether you dip or not, so why tie that stress to your quit? You quit, it's done, stop flirting with caving and commit.