Author Topic: June 1st, 2018 my last quit. IÂ’m done  (Read 3967 times)

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Offline Clint31

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Re: June 1st, 2018 my last quit. IÂ’m done
« Reply #74 on: June 10, 2018, 11:11:00 AM »
Son screaming nonstop for hours bc heÂ’s teething
Huge fight with wife complete
Basically sitting there like I do on most Sundays in church, so clear why I am upset with the things I am....

Still not gonna buy a tin; today anyways; wonÂ’t solve anything. I donÂ’t think. But itÂ’s like fuck I never stood a chance at being a non addict

Offline Clint31

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Re: June 1st, 2018 my last quit. IÂ’m done
« Reply #73 on: June 10, 2018, 09:50:00 AM »
This is not to say IÂ’m going back. IÂ’m just so annoyed. I promised I wouldnÂ’t dip today and I wouldnÂ’t. DonÂ’t know if all this shit is for me. IÂ’m a real addict and a bunch of working out doesnÂ’t help that IÂ’m still an addict nor does it fit into my life when a bunch of clients start grating my nerves and fucking with me on weekend hours over stuff. Again all reasons I dip to begin with. ItÂ’s so clear to me

Offline Clint31

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Re: June 1st, 2018 my last quit. IÂ’m done
« Reply #72 on: June 10, 2018, 09:41:00 AM »
still have the chills. IÂ’ll be honest the whole things putting me in a bad mood. I donÂ’t need any of. This shit. I donÂ’t feel any better physically without dip. Not one bit. Arguably worse. IÂ’m in. A horrible mood. Need to stay away from this shit for a while. Not even church helped it just made it worse
The whole “I’m going trail running so I can stay quit today” is grating me that I hear. Feels so fraud and that’s not my life. I’ve got two fucking kids in diapers. If I went on 7 mile bike rides my wife would laugh me out of the House with some papers in hand. All this is half the reason I’ve dipped so long to begin with. Just so pissed today

Offline Clint31

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Re: June 1st, 2018 my last quit. IÂ’m done
« Reply #71 on: June 10, 2018, 06:53:00 AM »
My red hot jawbreakers get here this week early on. Got 40 off eBay. Looking forward to that. Woke up early as shit today and thinking about dip and how I will do Sunday after church without any.

Offline Clint31

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Re: June 1st, 2018 my last quit. IÂ’m done
« Reply #70 on: June 09, 2018, 11:56:00 AM »
Quote from: BubbaM
Quote from: Clint31
Just kind of journaling my journey again.

Went to the gym tonight. Walked about two miles. Kept my mind off dipping for the most part, still in a haze/fog.

Sat in the sauna. Wanted to sit in there 20-30minutes. Felt like I was. looked at my watch and it had only been 10 minutes. Couldn't take anymore Will head back tomorrow.

Hopefully the chills and hot skin shit leaves me alone tomorrow. This quitting has almost felt like a flu.
Yes, I cannot even explain my first few months. My first week was easy. Then it got tough. Would sweat and get chills a lot. Take something for sleeping to help you out. I wish I would have known how imporant sleep was the first few days.
So glad to know this is normal. Thank you for checking in Bubba.... fuck my anxiety over this sucks. Feels like worse than alcohol DTÂ’z

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Re: June 1st, 2018 my last quit. IÂ’m done
« Reply #69 on: June 09, 2018, 10:11:00 AM »
Quote from: Clint31
Just kind of journaling my journey again.

Went to the gym tonight. Walked about two miles. Kept my mind off dipping for the most part, still in a haze/fog.

Sat in the sauna. Wanted to sit in there 20-30minutes. Felt like I was. looked at my watch and it had only been 10 minutes. Couldn't take anymore Will head back tomorrow.

Hopefully the chills and hot skin shit leaves me alone tomorrow. This quitting has almost felt like a flu.
Yes, I cannot even explain my first few months. My first week was easy. Then it got tough. Would sweat and get chills a lot. Take something for sleeping to help you out. I wish I would have known how imporant sleep was the first few days.

Offline Clint31

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Re: June 1st, 2018 my last quit. IÂ’m done
« Reply #68 on: June 08, 2018, 10:33:00 PM »
Just kind of journaling my journey again.

Went to the gym tonight. Walked about two miles. Kept my mind off dipping for the most part, still in a haze/fog.

Sat in the sauna. Wanted to sit in there 20-30minutes. Felt like I was. looked at my watch and it had only been 10 minutes. Couldn't take anymore Will head back tomorrow.

Hopefully the chills and hot skin shit leaves me alone tomorrow. This quitting has almost felt like a flu.

Offline Clint31

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Re: June 1st, 2018 my last quit. IÂ’m done
« Reply #67 on: June 08, 2018, 06:04:00 PM »
Quote from: JGromo
Quote from: Clint31
To anyone who sees this can you please list any physical symptoms you had with your quit. I am either imagining things or itÂ’s:

Diarrhea slight
Horrible crippling migraines
Slow thought/confusion
Brain foggy
Definitely anxiety
foggyness/slow thought/confusion
Migraines were pretty bad but were a lot easier than my caffeine stoppage migraines.
weight gain

Things that helped me were:
Drink lots of water
Drink fruit juice
Drink coffee/tea/some caffeinated beverage. (I go for the bulletproof coffee recipe link in my sig.)
And the magnesium powder and lemon balm leaf pills really helped me for my anxiety (links also in signature)

And for the weight gain, you can always lose weight, you can't regrow your jaw.
Gromo. Wish I could pull off this coffee recipe man. IÂ’m such a dipshit. Might see if my wife can pull it off... sounds amazing

Offline Clint31

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Re: June 1st, 2018 my last quit. IÂ’m done
« Reply #66 on: June 08, 2018, 05:41:00 PM »
Just downloaded the dipquit app. Definitely will Help in my quit more than anything maybe yet. Reccomend it

Offline Clint31

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Re: June 1st, 2018 my last quit. IÂ’m done
« Reply #65 on: June 08, 2018, 05:32:00 PM »
This fake dip sucks. Ordered some Hooch. Ordered 40 jawbreaker red hots. DonÂ’t wanna go through this hell again or I might relapse. So thatÂ’s helping keep me quit. I mean my skin has been hot and have had real actual physical symptoms from this. I was expecting the mental but not the physical at all. I did not struggle like this on my honeymoon when I didnÂ’t dip bc I was sea sick....

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Re: June 1st, 2018 my last quit. IÂ’m done
« Reply #64 on: June 08, 2018, 04:12:00 PM »
Quote from: JGromo
Quote from: Clint31
To anyone who sees this can you please list any physical symptoms you had with your quit. I am either imagining things or itÂ’s:

Diarrhea slight
Horrible crippling migraines
Slow thought/confusion
Brain foggy
Definitely anxiety
foggyness/slow thought/confusion
Migraines were pretty bad but were a lot easier than my caffeine stoppage migraines.
weight gain

Things that helped me were:
Drink lots of water
Drink fruit juice
Drink coffee/tea/some caffeinated beverage. (I go for the bulletproof coffee recipe link in my sig.)
And the magnesium powder and lemon balm leaf pills really helped me for my anxiety (links also in signature)

And for the weight gain, you can always lose weight, you can't regrow your jaw. ... t-dipping/

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Re: June 1st, 2018 my last quit. IÂ’m done
« Reply #63 on: June 08, 2018, 03:54:00 PM »
Quote from: JGromo
One big suggestion. not many people take it, but it made my early symptoms pretty bearable...Take Ice cold showers/Ice baths. Also throw in a fasting day every once in awhile. Show yourself what it really feels like to be uncomfortable and you will be able to handle a lot more than you can right now. You wanna know what gets rid of cravings? Shivering to the bone and all you can think about is "get me the fuck out of this place!!" I mean screaming cold. Your brain wont give a flying fuck about dip at that moment.
Thanks for this suggestion. I actually watched that Ted talk when I was studying for the LSAT and tried it for 30 days. It actually did a lot for me. Might have to do it again while I'm in the early stages of the quit.

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Re: June 1st, 2018 my last quit. IÂ’m done
« Reply #62 on: June 08, 2018, 02:10:00 PM »
One big suggestion. not many people take it, but it made my early symptoms pretty bearable...Take Ice cold showers/Ice baths. Also throw in a fasting day every once in awhile. Show yourself what it really feels like to be uncomfortable and you will be able to handle a lot more than you can right now. You wanna know what gets rid of cravings? Shivering to the bone and all you can think about is "get me the fuck out of this place!!" I mean screaming cold. Your brain wont give a flying fuck about dip at that moment.

Offline Gromo

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Re: June 1st, 2018 my last quit. IÂ’m done
« Reply #61 on: June 08, 2018, 02:04:00 PM »
Quote from: Clint31
To anyone who sees this can you please list any physical symptoms you had with your quit. I am either imagining things or itÂ’s:

Diarrhea slight
Horrible crippling migraines
Slow thought/confusion
Brain foggy
Definitely anxiety
foggyness/slow thought/confusion
Migraines were pretty bad but were a lot easier than my caffeine stoppage migraines.
weight gain

Things that helped me were:
Drink lots of water
Drink fruit juice
Drink coffee/tea/some caffeinated beverage. (I go for the bulletproof coffee recipe link in my sig.)
And the magnesium powder and lemon balm leaf pills really helped me for my anxiety (links also in signature)

And for the weight gain, you can always lose weight, you can't regrow your jaw.

Offline Clint31

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Re: June 1st, 2018 my last quit. IÂ’m done
« Reply #60 on: June 08, 2018, 12:49:00 PM »
To anyone who sees this can you please list any physical symptoms you had with your quit. I am either imagining things or itÂ’s:

Diarrhea slight
Horrible crippling migraines
Slow thought/confusion
Brain foggy