Author Topic: Iza's last day one...  (Read 2448 times)

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Offline carumba10

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Re: Iza's last day one...
« Reply #33 on: July 20, 2012, 01:16:00 AM »
We have 3 trolls back to back to back all near the top of intro. Are the mods handcuffed to do anything ? A tad embarrassing.
Quit Date: March 23 2012

I am Quit today. Tomorrow ?
Not impressed with rants from the 'Do As I Say Not As I Do' crowd.

Offline Skoal Monster

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Re: Iza's last day one...
« Reply #32 on: July 20, 2012, 12:26:00 AM »
Quote from: Luby
Quote from: Notdeadyet
Quote from: 30yrAddict
Quote from: Greg5280
Quote from: Wedge
Quote from: Kubrick
Quote from: Steve1357
Quote from: Buddy
Quote from: Izanami
Update for those of you that have continued your time with KTC that remember me from months ago. It has been awhile, and much has changed.

First off, I am now a non smoker. I have no idea how long it has been since I quit smoking nicotine, but I stopped smoking my substitution blend over two weeks ago. And I quit no thanks to any of you who decided that one relapse was apparently unforgivable.

Second, I would like my name to be cleared of this "trolling" crap. I have never and will never troll a site. I came here months ago because I wanted the support of others. I relapsed one day, and everyone jumped all over me like I was some kind of monster that killed puppy dogs. All that kindness people had shown me vanished instantly because I made a simple mistake. A mistake no doubt the rest of you have made at some point in your lives as well, in your battle with nicotine. Shame on all of you. I hope that you have found a bit more compassion for others after that, because not everyone has the fortitude of character that I do. I know many of you do, but think of those that are not as strong; is it really more important to drive them away or to actually try to help them?

Lastly, I still forgive you all. There were a few of you that did not try to rip me a new one, and for those precious few I apologize for not sticking it out with this site. However, I have found that the negative reinforcement that this site provides as well as the constant update of remembering how many days exactly it has been to be very damaging to my quit. Negative reinforcement, the cajoling and name calling, only served to stress me out more than the withdrawl itself; and I smoked when I was stressed. Remembering how many days since I had a dose I found restricting, because it was like having a daily reminder that I was once a smoker... which caused instant cravings. I no longer have that now. It's actually very liberating.

It's nice to be at my parents' house and stand outside while they smoke and not feel the need to light up. It's even nicer to not feel the need to follow them. I still have trouble managing stress, but that is altogether another story. It hasn't been that long, I'm sure I'll figure out the right way to react to stress eventually.

I have no intention of coming back for good; I just wanted to make an update. I promised myself after a long cry from being bashed for hours that fateful day that when I had become a non-smoker I would come back and let you know about it. Well, now I have. And after this I never have to remember being a smoker again. This was my last real link to that. After today, I can let the memory fade into the background like when I wore diapers or the time before I started wearing a bra. Sure, I will never be able to deny that it happened; I'll have some vague recollection of it. But unlike most of you, I choose to be free of its haunting memory. Have fun continuing to count the days. I'll be living my life, thanks.

Iza 'Finger'
You have no idea how long it has been????? I am calling major BS here. Everyone serious about quitting nic knows how many days in they are without it, many of us know down to the hour. I second what MThomas said, please ban this lady, she is wasting our time..
I'm a nazi?
I thought we established he/she was a troll the first time around? Iza, If you're legit, glad you are quit. Now kindly GTFO! 'Finger'
I'm with this guy.

I recalled her after I heard the story that she was quit til her hubby/boyfriend came home.

Sway quit, but find somewhere else to annoy.
Nothing to see here....


Did you ever read the book "The Emperor's New Clothes" as a kid? You said that all the kindness vanished. You are mistaken. It is not kind to let anyone continue with their delusions. You didn't cave by mistake. You didn't cave by accident. You caved by CHOICE.

To clear up a couple of other misconceptions:
I promised myself after a long cry from being bashed for hours that fateful day that when I had become a non-smoker I would come back and let you know about it. Well, now I have.
On behalf of those who gave you a hard time: You're welcome.
And after this I never have to remember being a smoker again. This was my last real link to that. After today, I can let the memory fade into the background like when I wore diapers or the time before I started wearing a bra. Sure, I will never be able to deny that it happened; I'll have some vague recollection of it. But unlike most of you, I choose to be free of its haunting memory. Have fun continuing to count the days. I'll be living my life, thanks.
and this is why you will fail. You do not understand this right now. You will not agree. But one day it will hit you one day like a ton of bricks.
Nazi Troll, if you forget you are an addict you will become a smoker again. Never forget!
You guys know I Love KTC, I love my quit brothers and i admire the quit passion in this thread. We KNOW what works, we live it everyday, but you are wasting time and energy on this pile, someone comes here desperate for attention and thumbs their nose at a process we hold near and dear? Fuck em, let's use this energy to help real quitters.
Step 1 -go to ktc to quit. -so far so good
Step 2 - fail quit for lack of dedication
Step 3 - get beaten silly due to your choosing to cave
Step 4- get pissed but quit just so you can come back and waive your mail order quit diploma.

Hmmmnnn , congrats on your "stopping" are nice. I applaud your progress however short lived . You quit for us . Not you. Therefore you'll fail .

And you really should send some thank you cards to anyone who referred to you as a window licking donkey fluffer after you caved. They at least got you this far. So I guess that system of zero tolerance for spelunkers and lack of ball cuddling. Actually worked for even your goofy ass.

Izzatroll- zerrrroooooooooo
"CLOSE THE DOOR. In my opinion, it?s the single most important step in your final quit. There is one moment, THE moment, when you finally let go and surrender to the quit. After that moment, no temptation will be great enough, no lie persuasive enough to make you commit suicide by using tobacco."

Offline luby

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Re: Iza's last day one...
« Reply #31 on: July 19, 2012, 10:33:00 PM »
Quote from: Notdeadyet
Quote from: 30yrAddict
Quote from: Greg5280
Quote from: Wedge
Quote from: Kubrick
Quote from: Steve1357
Quote from: Buddy
Quote from: Izanami
Update for those of you that have continued your time with KTC that remember me from months ago. It has been awhile, and much has changed.

First off, I am now a non smoker. I have no idea how long it has been since I quit smoking nicotine, but I stopped smoking my substitution blend over two weeks ago. And I quit no thanks to any of you who decided that one relapse was apparently unforgivable.

Second, I would like my name to be cleared of this "trolling" crap. I have never and will never troll a site. I came here months ago because I wanted the support of others. I relapsed one day, and everyone jumped all over me like I was some kind of monster that killed puppy dogs. All that kindness people had shown me vanished instantly because I made a simple mistake. A mistake no doubt the rest of you have made at some point in your lives as well, in your battle with nicotine. Shame on all of you. I hope that you have found a bit more compassion for others after that, because not everyone has the fortitude of character that I do. I know many of you do, but think of those that are not as strong; is it really more important to drive them away or to actually try to help them?

Lastly, I still forgive you all. There were a few of you that did not try to rip me a new one, and for those precious few I apologize for not sticking it out with this site. However, I have found that the negative reinforcement that this site provides as well as the constant update of remembering how many days exactly it has been to be very damaging to my quit. Negative reinforcement, the cajoling and name calling, only served to stress me out more than the withdrawl itself; and I smoked when I was stressed. Remembering how many days since I had a dose I found restricting, because it was like having a daily reminder that I was once a smoker... which caused instant cravings. I no longer have that now. It's actually very liberating.

It's nice to be at my parents' house and stand outside while they smoke and not feel the need to light up. It's even nicer to not feel the need to follow them. I still have trouble managing stress, but that is altogether another story. It hasn't been that long, I'm sure I'll figure out the right way to react to stress eventually.

I have no intention of coming back for good; I just wanted to make an update. I promised myself after a long cry from being bashed for hours that fateful day that when I had become a non-smoker I would come back and let you know about it. Well, now I have. And after this I never have to remember being a smoker again. This was my last real link to that. After today, I can let the memory fade into the background like when I wore diapers or the time before I started wearing a bra. Sure, I will never be able to deny that it happened; I'll have some vague recollection of it. But unlike most of you, I choose to be free of its haunting memory. Have fun continuing to count the days. I'll be living my life, thanks.

Iza 'Finger'
You have no idea how long it has been????? I am calling major BS here. Everyone serious about quitting nic knows how many days in they are without it, many of us know down to the hour. I second what MThomas said, please ban this lady, she is wasting our time..
I'm a nazi?
I thought we established he/she was a troll the first time around? Iza, If you're legit, glad you are quit. Now kindly GTFO! 'Finger'
I'm with this guy.

I recalled her after I heard the story that she was quit til her hubby/boyfriend came home.

Sway quit, but find somewhere else to annoy.
Nothing to see here....


Did you ever read the book "The Emperor's New Clothes" as a kid? You said that all the kindness vanished. You are mistaken. It is not kind to let anyone continue with their delusions. You didn't cave by mistake. You didn't cave by accident. You caved by CHOICE.

To clear up a couple of other misconceptions:
I promised myself after a long cry from being bashed for hours that fateful day that when I had become a non-smoker I would come back and let you know about it. Well, now I have.
On behalf of those who gave you a hard time: You're welcome.
And after this I never have to remember being a smoker again. This was my last real link to that. After today, I can let the memory fade into the background like when I wore diapers or the time before I started wearing a bra. Sure, I will never be able to deny that it happened; I'll have some vague recollection of it. But unlike most of you, I choose to be free of its haunting memory. Have fun continuing to count the days. I'll be living my life, thanks.
and this is why you will fail. You do not understand this right now. You will not agree. But one day it will hit you one day like a ton of bricks.
Nazi Troll, if you forget you are an addict you will become a smoker again. Never forget!
You guys know I Love KTC, I love my quit brothers and i admire the quit passion in this thread. We KNOW what works, we live it everyday, but you are wasting time and energy on this pile, someone comes here desperate for attention and thumbs their nose at a process we hold near and dear? Fuck em, let's use this energy to help real quitters.

Offline Notdeadyet

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Re: Iza's last day one...
« Reply #30 on: July 19, 2012, 09:17:00 PM »
Quote from: 30yrAddict
Quote from: Greg5280
Quote from: Wedge
Quote from: Kubrick
Quote from: Steve1357
Quote from: Buddy
Quote from: Izanami
Update for those of you that have continued your time with KTC that remember me from months ago. It has been awhile, and much has changed.

First off, I am now a non smoker. I have no idea how long it has been since I quit smoking nicotine, but I stopped smoking my substitution blend over two weeks ago. And I quit no thanks to any of you who decided that one relapse was apparently unforgivable.

Second, I would like my name to be cleared of this "trolling" crap. I have never and will never troll a site. I came here months ago because I wanted the support of others. I relapsed one day, and everyone jumped all over me like I was some kind of monster that killed puppy dogs. All that kindness people had shown me vanished instantly because I made a simple mistake. A mistake no doubt the rest of you have made at some point in your lives as well, in your battle with nicotine. Shame on all of you. I hope that you have found a bit more compassion for others after that, because not everyone has the fortitude of character that I do. I know many of you do, but think of those that are not as strong; is it really more important to drive them away or to actually try to help them?

Lastly, I still forgive you all. There were a few of you that did not try to rip me a new one, and for those precious few I apologize for not sticking it out with this site. However, I have found that the negative reinforcement that this site provides as well as the constant update of remembering how many days exactly it has been to be very damaging to my quit. Negative reinforcement, the cajoling and name calling, only served to stress me out more than the withdrawl itself; and I smoked when I was stressed. Remembering how many days since I had a dose I found restricting, because it was like having a daily reminder that I was once a smoker... which caused instant cravings. I no longer have that now. It's actually very liberating.

It's nice to be at my parents' house and stand outside while they smoke and not feel the need to light up. It's even nicer to not feel the need to follow them. I still have trouble managing stress, but that is altogether another story. It hasn't been that long, I'm sure I'll figure out the right way to react to stress eventually.

I have no intention of coming back for good; I just wanted to make an update. I promised myself after a long cry from being bashed for hours that fateful day that when I had become a non-smoker I would come back and let you know about it. Well, now I have. And after this I never have to remember being a smoker again. This was my last real link to that. After today, I can let the memory fade into the background like when I wore diapers or the time before I started wearing a bra. Sure, I will never be able to deny that it happened; I'll have some vague recollection of it. But unlike most of you, I choose to be free of its haunting memory. Have fun continuing to count the days. I'll be living my life, thanks.

Iza 'Finger'
You have no idea how long it has been????? I am calling major BS here. Everyone serious about quitting nic knows how many days in they are without it, many of us know down to the hour. I second what MThomas said, please ban this lady, she is wasting our time..
I'm a nazi?
I thought we established he/she was a troll the first time around? Iza, If you're legit, glad you are quit. Now kindly GTFO! 'Finger'
I'm with this guy.

I recalled her after I heard the story that she was quit til her hubby/boyfriend came home.

Sway quit, but find somewhere else to annoy.
Nothing to see here....


Did you ever read the book "The Emperor's New Clothes" as a kid? You said that all the kindness vanished. You are mistaken. It is not kind to let anyone continue with their delusions. You didn't cave by mistake. You didn't cave by accident. You caved by CHOICE.

To clear up a couple of other misconceptions:
I promised myself after a long cry from being bashed for hours that fateful day that when I had become a non-smoker I would come back and let you know about it. Well, now I have.
On behalf of those who gave you a hard time: You're welcome.
And after this I never have to remember being a smoker again. This was my last real link to that. After today, I can let the memory fade into the background like when I wore diapers or the time before I started wearing a bra. Sure, I will never be able to deny that it happened; I'll have some vague recollection of it. But unlike most of you, I choose to be free of its haunting memory. Have fun continuing to count the days. I'll be living my life, thanks.
and this is why you will fail. You do not understand this right now. You will not agree. But one day it will hit you one day like a ton of bricks.
Nazi Troll, if you forget you are an addict you will become a smoker again. Never forget!
38 yr slave
Dumbass No More 8/31/2011

Anyone can stop, but can you quit? A "Stopper" versus a "Quitter"

Dumbass No More - A Quitter's Tale Of Ending Stupid Behavior

Offline 30yraddict

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Re: Iza's last day one...
« Reply #29 on: July 19, 2012, 06:56:00 PM »
Quote from: Greg5280
Quote from: Wedge
Quote from: Kubrick
Quote from: Steve1357
Quote from: Buddy
Quote from: Izanami
Update for those of you that have continued your time with KTC that remember me from months ago. It has been awhile, and much has changed.

First off, I am now a non smoker. I have no idea how long it has been since I quit smoking nicotine, but I stopped smoking my substitution blend over two weeks ago. And I quit no thanks to any of you who decided that one relapse was apparently unforgivable.

Second, I would like my name to be cleared of this "trolling" crap. I have never and will never troll a site. I came here months ago because I wanted the support of others. I relapsed one day, and everyone jumped all over me like I was some kind of monster that killed puppy dogs. All that kindness people had shown me vanished instantly because I made a simple mistake. A mistake no doubt the rest of you have made at some point in your lives as well, in your battle with nicotine. Shame on all of you. I hope that you have found a bit more compassion for others after that, because not everyone has the fortitude of character that I do. I know many of you do, but think of those that are not as strong; is it really more important to drive them away or to actually try to help them?

Lastly, I still forgive you all. There were a few of you that did not try to rip me a new one, and for those precious few I apologize for not sticking it out with this site. However, I have found that the negative reinforcement that this site provides as well as the constant update of remembering how many days exactly it has been to be very damaging to my quit. Negative reinforcement, the cajoling and name calling, only served to stress me out more than the withdrawl itself; and I smoked when I was stressed. Remembering how many days since I had a dose I found restricting, because it was like having a daily reminder that I was once a smoker... which caused instant cravings. I no longer have that now. It's actually very liberating.

It's nice to be at my parents' house and stand outside while they smoke and not feel the need to light up. It's even nicer to not feel the need to follow them. I still have trouble managing stress, but that is altogether another story. It hasn't been that long, I'm sure I'll figure out the right way to react to stress eventually.

I have no intention of coming back for good; I just wanted to make an update. I promised myself after a long cry from being bashed for hours that fateful day that when I had become a non-smoker I would come back and let you know about it. Well, now I have. And after this I never have to remember being a smoker again. This was my last real link to that. After today, I can let the memory fade into the background like when I wore diapers or the time before I started wearing a bra. Sure, I will never be able to deny that it happened; I'll have some vague recollection of it. But unlike most of you, I choose to be free of its haunting memory. Have fun continuing to count the days. I'll be living my life, thanks.

Iza 'Finger'
You have no idea how long it has been????? I am calling major BS here. Everyone serious about quitting nic knows how many days in they are without it, many of us know down to the hour. I second what MThomas said, please ban this lady, she is wasting our time..
I'm a nazi?
I thought we established he/she was a troll the first time around? Iza, If you're legit, glad you are quit. Now kindly GTFO! 'Finger'
I'm with this guy.

I recalled her after I heard the story that she was quit til her hubby/boyfriend came home.

Sway quit, but find somewhere else to annoy.
Nothing to see here....


Did you ever read the book "The Emperor's New Clothes" as a kid? You said that all the kindness vanished. You are mistaken. It is not kind to let anyone continue with their delusions. You didn't cave by mistake. You didn't cave by accident. You caved by CHOICE.

To clear up a couple of other misconceptions:
I promised myself after a long cry from being bashed for hours that fateful day that when I had become a non-smoker I would come back and let you know about it. Well, now I have.
On behalf of those who gave you a hard time: You're welcome.
And after this I never have to remember being a smoker again. This was my last real link to that. After today, I can let the memory fade into the background like when I wore diapers or the time before I started wearing a bra. Sure, I will never be able to deny that it happened; I'll have some vague recollection of it. But unlike most of you, I choose to be free of its haunting memory. Have fun continuing to count the days. I'll be living my life, thanks.
and this is why you will fail. You do not understand this right now. You will not agree. But one day it will hit you one day like a ton of bricks.

Offline Greg5280

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Re: Iza's last day one...
« Reply #28 on: July 19, 2012, 03:02:00 PM »
Quote from: Wedge
Quote from: Kubrick
Quote from: Steve1357
Quote from: Buddy
Quote from: Izanami
Update for those of you that have continued your time with KTC that remember me from months ago. It has been awhile, and much has changed.

First off, I am now a non smoker. I have no idea how long it has been since I quit smoking nicotine, but I stopped smoking my substitution blend over two weeks ago. And I quit no thanks to any of you who decided that one relapse was apparently unforgivable.

Second, I would like my name to be cleared of this "trolling" crap. I have never and will never troll a site. I came here months ago because I wanted the support of others. I relapsed one day, and everyone jumped all over me like I was some kind of monster that killed puppy dogs. All that kindness people had shown me vanished instantly because I made a simple mistake. A mistake no doubt the rest of you have made at some point in your lives as well, in your battle with nicotine. Shame on all of you. I hope that you have found a bit more compassion for others after that, because not everyone has the fortitude of character that I do. I know many of you do, but think of those that are not as strong; is it really more important to drive them away or to actually try to help them?

Lastly, I still forgive you all. There were a few of you that did not try to rip me a new one, and for those precious few I apologize for not sticking it out with this site. However, I have found that the negative reinforcement that this site provides as well as the constant update of remembering how many days exactly it has been to be very damaging to my quit. Negative reinforcement, the cajoling and name calling, only served to stress me out more than the withdrawl itself; and I smoked when I was stressed. Remembering how many days since I had a dose I found restricting, because it was like having a daily reminder that I was once a smoker... which caused instant cravings. I no longer have that now. It's actually very liberating.

It's nice to be at my parents' house and stand outside while they smoke and not feel the need to light up. It's even nicer to not feel the need to follow them. I still have trouble managing stress, but that is altogether another story. It hasn't been that long, I'm sure I'll figure out the right way to react to stress eventually.

I have no intention of coming back for good; I just wanted to make an update. I promised myself after a long cry from being bashed for hours that fateful day that when I had become a non-smoker I would come back and let you know about it. Well, now I have. And after this I never have to remember being a smoker again. This was my last real link to that. After today, I can let the memory fade into the background like when I wore diapers or the time before I started wearing a bra. Sure, I will never be able to deny that it happened; I'll have some vague recollection of it. But unlike most of you, I choose to be free of its haunting memory. Have fun continuing to count the days. I'll be living my life, thanks.

Iza 'Finger'
You have no idea how long it has been????? I am calling major BS here. Everyone serious about quitting nic knows how many days in they are without it, many of us know down to the hour. I second what MThomas said, please ban this lady, she is wasting our time..
I'm a nazi?
I thought we established he/she was a troll the first time around? Iza, If you're legit, glad you are quit. Now kindly GTFO! 'Finger'
I'm with this guy.

I recalled her after I heard the story that she was quit til her hubby/boyfriend came home.

Sway quit, but find somewhere else to annoy.
Nothing to see here....


Offline Wedge

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Re: Iza's last day one...
« Reply #27 on: July 19, 2012, 01:12:00 PM »
Quote from: Kubrick
Quote from: Steve1357
Quote from: Buddy
Quote from: Izanami
Update for those of you that have continued your time with KTC that remember me from months ago. It has been awhile, and much has changed.

First off, I am now a non smoker. I have no idea how long it has been since I quit smoking nicotine, but I stopped smoking my substitution blend over two weeks ago. And I quit no thanks to any of you who decided that one relapse was apparently unforgivable.

Second, I would like my name to be cleared of this "trolling" crap. I have never and will never troll a site. I came here months ago because I wanted the support of others. I relapsed one day, and everyone jumped all over me like I was some kind of monster that killed puppy dogs. All that kindness people had shown me vanished instantly because I made a simple mistake. A mistake no doubt the rest of you have made at some point in your lives as well, in your battle with nicotine. Shame on all of you. I hope that you have found a bit more compassion for others after that, because not everyone has the fortitude of character that I do. I know many of you do, but think of those that are not as strong; is it really more important to drive them away or to actually try to help them?

Lastly, I still forgive you all. There were a few of you that did not try to rip me a new one, and for those precious few I apologize for not sticking it out with this site. However, I have found that the negative reinforcement that this site provides as well as the constant update of remembering how many days exactly it has been to be very damaging to my quit. Negative reinforcement, the cajoling and name calling, only served to stress me out more than the withdrawl itself; and I smoked when I was stressed. Remembering how many days since I had a dose I found restricting, because it was like having a daily reminder that I was once a smoker... which caused instant cravings. I no longer have that now. It's actually very liberating.

It's nice to be at my parents' house and stand outside while they smoke and not feel the need to light up. It's even nicer to not feel the need to follow them. I still have trouble managing stress, but that is altogether another story. It hasn't been that long, I'm sure I'll figure out the right way to react to stress eventually.

I have no intention of coming back for good; I just wanted to make an update. I promised myself after a long cry from being bashed for hours that fateful day that when I had become a non-smoker I would come back and let you know about it. Well, now I have. And after this I never have to remember being a smoker again. This was my last real link to that. After today, I can let the memory fade into the background like when I wore diapers or the time before I started wearing a bra. Sure, I will never be able to deny that it happened; I'll have some vague recollection of it. But unlike most of you, I choose to be free of its haunting memory. Have fun continuing to count the days. I'll be living my life, thanks.

Iza 'Finger'
You have no idea how long it has been????? I am calling major BS here. Everyone serious about quitting nic knows how many days in they are without it, many of us know down to the hour. I second what MThomas said, please ban this lady, she is wasting our time..
I'm a nazi?
I thought we established he/she was a troll the first time around? Iza, If you're legit, glad you are quit. Now kindly GTFO! 'Finger'
I'm with this guy.

I recalled her after I heard the story that she was quit til her hubby/boyfriend came home.

Sway quit, but find somewhere else to annoy.

Offline Nolaq

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Re: Iza's last day one...
« Reply #26 on: July 19, 2012, 12:59:00 PM »
Quote from: Kubrick
Quote from: Steve1357
Quote from: Buddy
Quote from: Izanami
Update for those of you that have continued your time with KTC that remember me from months ago. It has been awhile, and much has changed.

First off, I am now a non smoker. I have no idea how long it has been since I quit smoking nicotine, but I stopped smoking my substitution blend over two weeks ago. And I quit no thanks to any of you who decided that one relapse was apparently unforgivable.

Second, I would like my name to be cleared of this "trolling" crap. I have never and will never troll a site. I came here months ago because I wanted the support of others. I relapsed one day, and everyone jumped all over me like I was some kind of monster that killed puppy dogs. All that kindness people had shown me vanished instantly because I made a simple mistake. A mistake no doubt the rest of you have made at some point in your lives as well, in your battle with nicotine. Shame on all of you. I hope that you have found a bit more compassion for others after that, because not everyone has the fortitude of character that I do. I know many of you do, but think of those that are not as strong; is it really more important to drive them away or to actually try to help them?

Lastly, I still forgive you all. There were a few of you that did not try to rip me a new one, and for those precious few I apologize for not sticking it out with this site. However, I have found that the negative reinforcement that this site provides as well as the constant update of remembering how many days exactly it has been to be very damaging to my quit. Negative reinforcement, the cajoling and name calling, only served to stress me out more than the withdrawl itself; and I smoked when I was stressed. Remembering how many days since I had a dose I found restricting, because it was like having a daily reminder that I was once a smoker... which caused instant cravings. I no longer have that now. It's actually very liberating.

It's nice to be at my parents' house and stand outside while they smoke and not feel the need to light up. It's even nicer to not feel the need to follow them. I still have trouble managing stress, but that is altogether another story. It hasn't been that long, I'm sure I'll figure out the right way to react to stress eventually.

I have no intention of coming back for good; I just wanted to make an update. I promised myself after a long cry from being bashed for hours that fateful day that when I had become a non-smoker I would come back and let you know about it. Well, now I have. And after this I never have to remember being a smoker again. This was my last real link to that. After today, I can let the memory fade into the background like when I wore diapers or the time before I started wearing a bra. Sure, I will never be able to deny that it happened; I'll have some vague recollection of it. But unlike most of you, I choose to be free of its haunting memory. Have fun continuing to count the days. I'll be living my life, thanks.

Iza 'Finger'
You have no idea how long it has been????? I am calling major BS here. Everyone serious about quitting nic knows how many days in they are without it, many of us know down to the hour. I second what MThomas said, please ban this lady, she is wasting our time..
I'm a nazi?
I thought we established he/she was a troll the first time around? Iza, If you're legit, glad you are quit. Now kindly GTFO! 'Finger'

"...outside my parent's house..."

What is your major malfunction?!?!?!?!

Offline ERDVM

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Re: Iza's last day one...
« Reply #25 on: July 19, 2012, 12:58:00 PM »
For those reading this thread:

Effectiveness of interventions to help people stop smoking: finding from the Cochrane Library

If you would like the Cliff notes version:
Summary points (to help people stop smoking)

Advice from doctors, structured interventions from nurses, and individual and group counselling are effective interventions
Generic self help materials are no better than brief advice but more effective than doing nothing; personalised materials are more effective than standard materials
All forms of nicotine replacement therapy are effective
The antidepressants bupropion and nortriptyline increased quit rates in a small number of trials; the usefulness of the antihypertensive drug clonidine is limited by side effects
Anxiolytics and lobeline are ineffective
The effectiveness of aversion therapy, mecamylamine, acupuncture, hypnotherapy, and exercise is uncertain

*So before you come trotting in here on your "you guys are doing wrong and there isn't any evidence based research and I am the expert because I did it my way and I am no longer an addict" horse, get your facts straight. Don't give us your pseudo science witch doctor advise about "indian tobacco" and claim that KTC isn't effective. I don't know if you are female or male, but you sir/madam are most certainly a troll-braless and diaperless- but still a troll. Go start your own site and stay the fuck away.

**To others reading - notice the above summary is how to stop smoking, not stop nicotine. The statement "All forms of NRT are effective" is correct in the proper context. In other words, I could stop freebase smoking heroine by injecting it IV. I would still be a heroine addict, but would no longer be smoking it.

***I am tired of spooks coming in here spewing advice. You want to share the spoils of KTC, but you refuse to adhere to what works. Spooks STOP through spite. We QUIT here everyday. One day at time. And we do not forget. EVER.

I posted and quit with Euty, Kemper, Fanpro, and Jerry today in Dec 2006. They have collectively been quit 25 years! 6 years of quit a piece. Go ask them how they DO it.

1. Post Roll
2. Keep Your Word
3. Rinse and Repeat Daily.


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Re: Iza's last day one...
« Reply #24 on: July 19, 2012, 11:10:00 AM »
Quote from: Steve1357
Quote from: Buddy
Quote from: Izanami
Update for those of you that have continued your time with KTC that remember me from months ago. It has been awhile, and much has changed.

First off, I am now a non smoker. I have no idea how long it has been since I quit smoking nicotine, but I stopped smoking my substitution blend over two weeks ago. And I quit no thanks to any of you who decided that one relapse was apparently unforgivable.

Second, I would like my name to be cleared of this "trolling" crap. I have never and will never troll a site. I came here months ago because I wanted the support of others. I relapsed one day, and everyone jumped all over me like I was some kind of monster that killed puppy dogs. All that kindness people had shown me vanished instantly because I made a simple mistake. A mistake no doubt the rest of you have made at some point in your lives as well, in your battle with nicotine. Shame on all of you. I hope that you have found a bit more compassion for others after that, because not everyone has the fortitude of character that I do. I know many of you do, but think of those that are not as strong; is it really more important to drive them away or to actually try to help them?

Lastly, I still forgive you all. There were a few of you that did not try to rip me a new one, and for those precious few I apologize for not sticking it out with this site. However, I have found that the negative reinforcement that this site provides as well as the constant update of remembering how many days exactly it has been to be very damaging to my quit. Negative reinforcement, the cajoling and name calling, only served to stress me out more than the withdrawl itself; and I smoked when I was stressed. Remembering how many days since I had a dose I found restricting, because it was like having a daily reminder that I was once a smoker... which caused instant cravings. I no longer have that now. It's actually very liberating.

It's nice to be at my parents' house and stand outside while they smoke and not feel the need to light up. It's even nicer to not feel the need to follow them. I still have trouble managing stress, but that is altogether another story. It hasn't been that long, I'm sure I'll figure out the right way to react to stress eventually.

I have no intention of coming back for good; I just wanted to make an update. I promised myself after a long cry from being bashed for hours that fateful day that when I had become a non-smoker I would come back and let you know about it. Well, now I have. And after this I never have to remember being a smoker again. This was my last real link to that. After today, I can let the memory fade into the background like when I wore diapers or the time before I started wearing a bra. Sure, I will never be able to deny that it happened; I'll have some vague recollection of it. But unlike most of you, I choose to be free of its haunting memory. Have fun continuing to count the days. I'll be living my life, thanks.

Iza 'Finger'
You have no idea how long it has been????? I am calling major BS here. Everyone serious about quitting nic knows how many days in they are without it, many of us know down to the hour. I second what MThomas said, please ban this lady, she is wasting our time..
I'm a nazi?
I thought we established he/she was a troll the first time around? Iza, If you're legit, glad you are quit. Now kindly GTFO! 'Finger'
Quit date 03/24/2012
HOF date 07/01/2012

"The only regret I ever see on this site is from those who fail..." - Sac

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Re: Iza's last day one...
« Reply #23 on: July 19, 2012, 10:58:00 AM »
Quote from: Buddy
Quote from: Izanami
Update for those of you that have continued your time with KTC that remember me from months ago. It has been awhile, and much has changed.

First off, I am now a non smoker. I have no idea how long it has been since I quit smoking nicotine, but I stopped smoking my substitution blend over two weeks ago. And I quit no thanks to any of you who decided that one relapse was apparently unforgivable.

Second, I would like my name to be cleared of this "trolling" crap. I have never and will never troll a site. I came here months ago because I wanted the support of others. I relapsed one day, and everyone jumped all over me like I was some kind of monster that killed puppy dogs. All that kindness people had shown me vanished instantly because I made a simple mistake. A mistake no doubt the rest of you have made at some point in your lives as well, in your battle with nicotine. Shame on all of you. I hope that you have found a bit more compassion for others after that, because not everyone has the fortitude of character that I do. I know many of you do, but think of those that are not as strong; is it really more important to drive them away or to actually try to help them?

Lastly, I still forgive you all. There were a few of you that did not try to rip me a new one, and for those precious few I apologize for not sticking it out with this site. However, I have found that the negative reinforcement that this site provides as well as the constant update of remembering how many days exactly it has been to be very damaging to my quit. Negative reinforcement, the cajoling and name calling, only served to stress me out more than the withdrawl itself; and I smoked when I was stressed. Remembering how many days since I had a dose I found restricting, because it was like having a daily reminder that I was once a smoker... which caused instant cravings. I no longer have that now. It's actually very liberating.

It's nice to be at my parents' house and stand outside while they smoke and not feel the need to light up. It's even nicer to not feel the need to follow them. I still have trouble managing stress, but that is altogether another story. It hasn't been that long, I'm sure I'll figure out the right way to react to stress eventually.

I have no intention of coming back for good; I just wanted to make an update. I promised myself after a long cry from being bashed for hours that fateful day that when I had become a non-smoker I would come back and let you know about it. Well, now I have. And after this I never have to remember being a smoker again. This was my last real link to that. After today, I can let the memory fade into the background like when I wore diapers or the time before I started wearing a bra. Sure, I will never be able to deny that it happened; I'll have some vague recollection of it. But unlike most of you, I choose to be free of its haunting memory. Have fun continuing to count the days. I'll be living my life, thanks.

Iza 'Finger'
You have no idea how long it has been????? I am calling major BS here. Everyone serious about quitting nic knows how many days in they are without it, many of us know down to the hour. I second what MThomas said, please ban this lady, she is wasting our time..
I'm a nazi?

Offline Grizzly25

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Re: Iza's last day one...
« Reply #22 on: July 19, 2012, 10:07:00 AM »
Quote from: Mthomas3824
Quote from: Wt57
Oh yea I remember you!  Five hours sue!! Fiancé comes home you fall off the horse!  start sucking dick and cigs at the same time.  Moderators we don't need this shit ban her and clear the thread off the site!!!!  Sour grapes bitch!!!
'crackup' 'crackup'
"Remember you are either getting better or getting worse, nobody stays the same!" Woody Hayes

"Winning! That's all we do around here brotha! Failure is not an option, remove it as an option and the possibilities are endless...." Bruce317 5-18-2012

"...We'll be heroes or ghosts...But we won't be turned around." Wastepanel 6-15-2012




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Re: Iza's last day one...
« Reply #21 on: July 19, 2012, 09:52:00 AM »
Quote from: Wt57
Oh yea I remember you! Five hours sue!! Fiancé comes home you fall off the horse! start sucking dick and cigs at the same time. Moderators we don't need this shit ban her and clear the thread off the site!!!! Sour grapes bitch!!!
Quit And Be Free

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Re: Iza's last day one...
« Reply #20 on: July 19, 2012, 09:14:00 AM »
Oh yea I remember you! Five hours sue!! Fiancé comes home you fall off the horse! start sucking dick and cigs at the same time. Moderators we don't need this shit ban her and clear the thread off the site!!!! Sour grapes bitch!!!
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
7/9/12: HOF The Missing Warning Label
TODAY is the day that counts
"Do, or do not, there is no try." Yoda

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Re: Iza's last day one...
« Reply #19 on: July 19, 2012, 08:24:00 AM »
Quote from: Izanami
Update for those of you that have continued your time with KTC that remember me from months ago. It has been awhile, and much has changed.

First off, I am now a non smoker. I have no idea how long it has been since I quit smoking nicotine, but I stopped smoking my substitution blend over two weeks ago. And I quit no thanks to any of you who decided that one relapse was apparently unforgivable.

Second, I would like my name to be cleared of this "trolling" crap. I have never and will never troll a site. I came here months ago because I wanted the support of others. I relapsed one day, and everyone jumped all over me like I was some kind of monster that killed puppy dogs. All that kindness people had shown me vanished instantly because I made a simple mistake. A mistake no doubt the rest of you have made at some point in your lives as well, in your battle with nicotine. Shame on all of you. I hope that you have found a bit more compassion for others after that, because not everyone has the fortitude of character that I do. I know many of you do, but think of those that are not as strong; is it really more important to drive them away or to actually try to help them?

Lastly, I still forgive you all. There were a few of you that did not try to rip me a new one, and for those precious few I apologize for not sticking it out with this site. However, I have found that the negative reinforcement that this site provides as well as the constant update of remembering how many days exactly it has been to be very damaging to my quit. Negative reinforcement, the cajoling and name calling, only served to stress me out more than the withdrawl itself; and I smoked when I was stressed. Remembering how many days since I had a dose I found restricting, because it was like having a daily reminder that I was once a smoker... which caused instant cravings. I no longer have that now. It's actually very liberating.

It's nice to be at my parents' house and stand outside while they smoke and not feel the need to light up. It's even nicer to not feel the need to follow them. I still have trouble managing stress, but that is altogether another story. It hasn't been that long, I'm sure I'll figure out the right way to react to stress eventually.

I have no intention of coming back for good; I just wanted to make an update. I promised myself after a long cry from being bashed for hours that fateful day that when I had become a non-smoker I would come back and let you know about it. Well, now I have. And after this I never have to remember being a smoker again. This was my last real link to that. After today, I can let the memory fade into the background like when I wore diapers or the time before I started wearing a bra. Sure, I will never be able to deny that it happened; I'll have some vague recollection of it. But unlike most of you, I choose to be free of its haunting memory. Have fun continuing to count the days. I'll be living my life, thanks.

Iza 'Finger'
You have no idea how long it has been????? I am calling major BS here. Everyone serious about quitting nic knows how many days in they are without it, many of us know down to the hour. I second what MThomas said, please ban this lady, she is wasting our time..
Buddy Mac