Author Topic: Still growing it, but done dipping it.  (Read 3420 times)

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Offline Winter Green

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Re: Still growing it, but done dipping it.
« Reply #61 on: January 05, 2014, 11:04:00 AM »
Are you still quit native? If not get your ass back in here and get back on track
Quit~December - 2 - 2013
1st Floor~March - 11 - 2014

Offline B-loMatt

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Re: Still growing it, but done dipping it.
« Reply #60 on: December 22, 2013, 04:23:00 AM »
You are getting great advice and support here, and you seem willing to drink the kool-aide. I cannot blame you for wanting to hang with your friends, but stay strong. I still have a groups of friends from my school days, and it is once a year if we are lucky that all of us get together, so enjoy your time with them. My friends all dip too. Some have quit, one stopped for years and then restarted, and my best friend does not believe anyone can truly quit... I hope to help them by being quit for x days when they are ready to quit. All of us addicts had people in our lives who wanted us to quit, but none of us are quit until we want it...

Offline Grizzlyhasclaws

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Re: Still growing it, but done dipping it.
« Reply #59 on: December 21, 2013, 07:26:00 PM »
Quote from: AppleJack
Quote from: Native94
Advice taken. Thanks fellas I'll wait definitely till my HOF probably. Last night I think the fog got me pretty emotional haha that's a side of me I guess I couldn't hide forever. But feeling those emotions last night made me sad but made me pissed. There was some empty cans in some of my drawers and when I went to throw em away I finally said the words fuck you I hate you. To the dip that I thought I loved even through my quit up until last night. I finally hate the stuff and my quit just got a whole lot more serious. Today's a rainy day and I'm stuck inside reading and watching the UK game switching it up between seeds and Grinds (coffee pouches my roommate bought me for my birthday a month ago being a smart ass but I'm actually needing them now.) as for hanging out with my dipping friends I don't think I can cut down on seeing them. I only have three weeks of break left and one of those I'll be in Dallas at a catholic thing but after these two weeks it'll prolly be a whole semester before I ever really get to see em all again. I'm just gonna hang tough and make it through. I love all y'all's advice but that part is just a lil to hard to listen to. I'm not trying to be cocky or anything but i ain't gonna tell y'all I'm gonna not hang out with them when I know I will every chance I get this break. I just gotta make it through till I get to college and none of my friends dip there until then it's ODAAT
This is gonna sound harsh but ima say it anyway... You stay quit = life. You cave and start chewing again = death. This. Shit. Will. Kill. You.

Right now it's all about YOU staying quit. Stay strong.
This here is extremely well put AJ.
Nicotine Quit Date:10/31/2013
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Offline AppleJack

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Re: Still growing it, but done dipping it.
« Reply #58 on: December 21, 2013, 05:00:00 PM »
Quote from: Native94
Advice taken. Thanks fellas I'll wait definitely till my HOF probably. Last night I think the fog got me pretty emotional haha that's a side of me I guess I couldn't hide forever. But feeling those emotions last night made me sad but made me pissed. There was some empty cans in some of my drawers and when I went to throw em away I finally said the words fuck you I hate you. To the dip that I thought I loved even through my quit up until last night. I finally hate the stuff and my quit just got a whole lot more serious. Today's a rainy day and I'm stuck inside reading and watching the UK game switching it up between seeds and Grinds (coffee pouches my roommate bought me for my birthday a month ago being a smart ass but I'm actually needing them now.) as for hanging out with my dipping friends I don't think I can cut down on seeing them. I only have three weeks of break left and one of those I'll be in Dallas at a catholic thing but after these two weeks it'll prolly be a whole semester before I ever really get to see em all again. I'm just gonna hang tough and make it through. I love all y'all's advice but that part is just a lil to hard to listen to. I'm not trying to be cocky or anything but i ain't gonna tell y'all I'm gonna not hang out with them when I know I will every chance I get this break. I just gotta make it through till I get to college and none of my friends dip there until then it's ODAAT

This is gonna sound harsh but ima say it anyway... You stay quit = life. You cave and start chewing again = death. This. Shit. Will. Kill. You.

Right now it's all about YOU staying quit. Stay strong.
Well, it’s one louder, isn’t it? It’s not ten.

Offline Native94

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Re: Still growing it, but done dipping it.
« Reply #57 on: December 21, 2013, 01:39:00 PM »
Advice taken. Thanks fellas I'll wait definitely till my HOF probably. Last night I think the fog got me pretty emotional haha that's a side of me I guess I couldn't hide forever. But feeling those emotions last night made me sad but made me pissed. There was some empty cans in some of my drawers and when I went to throw em away I finally said the words fuck you I hate you. To the dip that I thought I loved even through my quit up until last night. I finally hate the stuff and my quit just got a whole lot more serious. Today's a rainy day and I'm stuck inside reading and watching the UK game switching it up between seeds and Grinds (coffee pouches my roommate bought me for my birthday a month ago being a smart ass but I'm actually needing them now.) as for hanging out with my dipping friends I don't think I can cut down on seeing them. I only have three weeks of break left and one of those I'll be in Dallas at a catholic thing but after these two weeks it'll prolly be a whole semester before I ever really get to see em all again. I'm just gonna hang tough and make it through. I love all y'all's advice but that part is just a lil to hard to listen to. I'm not trying to be cocky or anything but i ain't gonna tell y'all I'm gonna not hang out with them when I know I will every chance I get this break. I just gotta make it through till I get to college and none of my friends dip there until then it's ODAAT

Offline Derk40

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Re: Still growing it, but done dipping it.
« Reply #56 on: December 21, 2013, 11:47:00 AM »
Quote from: Dave1903
Quote from: omahaflyer
Quote from: doc2quit4good
Quote from: Native94
New question from me idk where to post it so I'm posting here in my intro, I finally read se cancer stories, Randy's story especially hit me hard. I don't want to see met friends die like that nor myself but I'm the kinda guy that cares more about other people than myself that finds my happiness in serving others, hints the priest thing with me. My friends are all 18-19 year old
Hard core dippers a can a day plus like I was. They've all tried to quit multiple times like I have. They all don't want to dip deep inside but it's just what we do together. It makes the get togethers we have since we all pretty much quit drinking a year or so ago still somewhat rebellious (what any young gun likes) these guys are great guys. All of em. If I was to get married and have a daughter one day if a boy like any of my closest friends would want to marry her  id say yes in a heartbeat. I don't want to be at the bedside of one these guys dying with cancer  begging God to give me one more day with them. How do I convince them fellas they are all convinced it's pretty much impossible, convinced they are young and invincible and cancer won't get them. Should I wait till I hit my HOF and have some backbone when I bring it up with them. Or go for it right now. It'd make my next few weeks of hell from breaking the physical addiction so much easier. Should I start with one on ones or talk with the whole group of guys at once. Give me some advice fellas I was about to cave tonight and read some of the cancer stories and now  I'm close to shedding tears thinking about these my friends getting it.  If I could convince atleast one of these guys to quit maybe. I'd even grow the balls to confront my Dad about his smoking even though we never really have had a great relationship.

I type all this on a tiny ass iPhone and it's 3 AM so sorry if I don't take the time to correct mistakes lol just incase there's any grammar nazis on here.
Hey native. I'm not an old experienced quitter, but I do know a few things. First of all you need to protect your quit. Whatever that takes. You are going to have to get some days under your belt before you start worrying about everyone around you. I think you are on the right track thinking about waiting until you reach a milestone before you go saving your world of friends. It is just too much for you right now to think about your buds... Once you can show them you can quit it will be easier to convince them. AND I am seeing a major problem here in that if you continue to stick around dippers it will be much much harder to resist temptation. You really may have to ease off on the get togethers until you have the resolve to not dip ever again...

I get that you could be a priest. Quit on for today!!!!
Congrats on your choice, I wish I was as smart as you at your age. My two cents, as much as you would love to drag your friends along the quit path with you, you can't. You can blaze the trial for them, show them the way, but you can't take them with you. This is your quit. The ones that want to quit will follow you.
God bless your journey.
I would just like to say congrats on your quit . You have focus on your own quit I was like you I wanted to bring my friends along with me on my quit to . It was said to me like this you can lead them .Like the old saying goes you can lead horse to water but you cant force them to drink . I know that is hard to understand but get strong in your quit the ones that want to quit with you will. Remember it is done one day at a time also get you some friends on here to help when you are having some bad days or just want to chat with someone.
Good advice above. We focus on our quit ODAAT for a reason. We control OUR actions today. We don't control the past .. The future .. Or decisions of other people. You have to focus on making you right. Who knows... Maybe one of you buddies will come along for the ride at some point. For now, focus on what you control... Your quit! QLF today.
Quit date: 6/23/2013
HOF Date: 9/30/2013

HOF Speech

Offline Dave1903

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Re: Still growing it, but done dipping it.
« Reply #55 on: December 21, 2013, 10:00:00 AM »
Quote from: omahaflyer
Quote from: doc2quit4good
Quote from: Native94
New question from me idk where to post it so I'm posting here in my intro, I finally read se cancer stories, Randy's story especially hit me hard. I don't want to see met friends die like that nor myself but I'm the kinda guy that cares more about other people than myself that finds my happiness in serving others, hints the priest thing with me. My friends are all 18-19 year old
Hard core dippers a can a day plus like I was. They've all tried to quit multiple times like I have. They all don't want to dip deep inside but it's just what we do together. It makes the get togethers we have since we all pretty much quit drinking a year or so ago still somewhat rebellious (what any young gun likes) these guys are great guys. All of em. If I was to get married and have a daughter one day if a boy like any of my closest friends would want to marry her  id say yes in a heartbeat. I don't want to be at the bedside of one these guys dying with cancer  begging God to give me one more day with them. How do I convince them fellas they are all convinced it's pretty much impossible, convinced they are young and invincible and cancer won't get them. Should I wait till I hit my HOF and have some backbone when I bring it up with them. Or go for it right now. It'd make my next few weeks of hell from breaking the physical addiction so much easier. Should I start with one on ones or talk with the whole group of guys at once. Give me some advice fellas I was about to cave tonight and read some of the cancer stories and now  I'm close to shedding tears thinking about these my friends getting it.  If I could convince atleast one of these guys to quit maybe. I'd even grow the balls to confront my Dad about his smoking even though we never really have had a great relationship.

I type all this on a tiny ass iPhone and it's 3 AM so sorry if I don't take the time to correct mistakes lol just incase there's any grammar nazis on here.
Hey native. I'm not an old experienced quitter, but I do know a few things. First of all you need to protect your quit. Whatever that takes. You are going to have to get some days under your belt before you start worrying about everyone around you. I think you are on the right track thinking about waiting until you reach a milestone before you go saving your world of friends. It is just too much for you right now to think about your buds... Once you can show them you can quit it will be easier to convince them. AND I am seeing a major problem here in that if you continue to stick around dippers it will be much much harder to resist temptation. You really may have to ease off on the get togethers until you have the resolve to not dip ever again...

I get that you could be a priest. Quit on for today!!!!
Congrats on your choice, I wish I was as smart as you at your age. My two cents, as much as you would love to drag your friends along the quit path with you, you can't. You can blaze the trial for them, show them the way, but you can't take them with you. This is your quit. The ones that want to quit will follow you.
God bless your journey.
I would just like to say congrats on your quit . You have focus on your own quit I was like you I wanted to bring my friends along with me on my quit to . It was said to me like this you can lead them .Like the old saying goes you can lead horse to water but you cant force them to drink . I know that is hard to understand but get strong in your quit the ones that want to quit with you will. Remember it is done one day at a time also get you some friends on here to help when you are having some bad days or just want to chat with someone.
The nic is a bitch, but it's gone one day at a time.

Offline Diesel2112

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Re: Still growing it, but done dipping it.
« Reply #54 on: December 21, 2013, 09:25:00 AM »
Focus on YOU right now. You have to be selfish. If not, you may not be around to be at your buddies bedside.

Get a strong grip on your own quit before you try to convert others. iI will tell you from eexperience that if they don't WANT to quit, there's not a damn thing you can do about it. Priest, Deacon, or Pope.
Quit 06/04/12
HOF 9/11/12
2nd floor 12/20/12
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18th floor 05/08/17
19th floor 08/14/17
20th floor 11/27/17
21st floor 03/11/18

"Celebrate the moment as it turns into one more"..
"You can fight without ever winning, but never ever win, win without a fight".
"Onion rings...funyons. A connection? Yeah. I fucking think so."
"Honest Abe had a fake jaw".
"In a world that seems so small, I can't stop thinking big"
"Someone set a bad example. Made surrender seem all right
The act of a noble warrior. Who lost the will to fight."

Offline omahaflyer

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Re: Still growing it, but done dipping it.
« Reply #53 on: December 21, 2013, 07:55:00 AM »
Quote from: doc2quit4good
Quote from: Native94
New question from me idk where to post it so I'm posting here in my intro, I finally read se cancer stories, Randy's story especially hit me hard. I don't want to see met friends die like that nor myself but I'm the kinda guy that cares more about other people than myself that finds my happiness in serving others, hints the priest thing with me. My friends are all 18-19 year old
Hard core dippers a can a day plus like I was. They've all tried to quit multiple times like I have. They all don't want to dip deep inside but it's just what we do together. It makes the get togethers we have since we all pretty much quit drinking a year or so ago still somewhat rebellious (what any young gun likes) these guys are great guys. All of em. If I was to get married and have a daughter one day if a boy like any of my closest friends would want to marry her  id say yes in a heartbeat. I don't want to be at the bedside of one these guys dying with cancer  begging God to give me one more day with them. How do I convince them fellas they are all convinced it's pretty much impossible, convinced they are young and invincible and cancer won't get them. Should I wait till I hit my HOF and have some backbone when I bring it up with them. Or go for it right now. It'd make my next few weeks of hell from breaking the physical addiction so much easier. Should I start with one on ones or talk with the whole group of guys at once. Give me some advice fellas I was about to cave tonight and read some of the cancer stories and now  I'm close to shedding tears thinking about these my friends getting it.  If I could convince atleast one of these guys to quit maybe. I'd even grow the balls to confront my Dad about his smoking even though we never really have had a great relationship.

I type all this on a tiny ass iPhone and it's 3 AM so sorry if I don't take the time to correct mistakes lol just incase there's any grammar nazis on here.
Hey native. I'm not an old experienced quitter, but I do know a few things. First of all you need to protect your quit. Whatever that takes. You are going to have to get some days under your belt before you start worrying about everyone around you. I think you are on the right track thinking about waiting until you reach a milestone before you go saving your world of friends. It is just too much for you right now to think about your buds... Once you can show them you can quit it will be easier to convince them. AND I am seeing a major problem here in that if you continue to stick around dippers it will be much much harder to resist temptation. You really may have to ease off on the get togethers until you have the resolve to not dip ever again...

I get that you could be a priest. Quit on for today!!!!
Congrats on your choice, I wish I was as smart as you at your age. My two cents, as much as you would love to drag your friends along the quit path with you, you can't. You can blaze the trial for them, show them the way, but you can't take them with you. This is your quit. The ones that want to quit will follow you.
God bless your journey.
Memorial Stadium

Southeast: "In Commemoration of the men of Nebraska who served and fell in the Nation's Wars."
Southwest: "Not the victory but the action; Not the goal but the game; In the deed the glory."
Northwest: "Courage; Generosity; Fairness; Honor; In these are the true awards of manly sport."
Northeast: "Their Lives they held their country's trust; They kept its faith; They died its heroes."

Offline Doc2quit4good

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Re: Still growing it, but done dipping it.
« Reply #52 on: December 21, 2013, 07:01:00 AM »
Quote from: Native94
New question from me idk where to post it so I'm posting here in my intro, I finally read se cancer stories, Randy's story especially hit me hard. I don't want to see met friends die like that nor myself but I'm the kinda guy that cares more about other people than myself that finds my happiness in serving others, hints the priest thing with me. My friends are all 18-19 year old
Hard core dippers a can a day plus like I was. They've all tried to quit multiple times like I have. They all don't want to dip deep inside but it's just what we do together. It makes the get togethers we have since we all pretty much quit drinking a year or so ago still somewhat rebellious (what any young gun likes) these guys are great guys. All of em. If I was to get married and have a daughter one day if a boy like any of my closest friends would want to marry her id say yes in a heartbeat. I don't want to be at the bedside of one these guys dying with cancer begging God to give me one more day with them. How do I convince them fellas they are all convinced it's pretty much impossible, convinced they are young and invincible and cancer won't get them. Should I wait till I hit my HOF and have some backbone when I bring it up with them. Or go for it right now. It'd make my next few weeks of hell from breaking the physical addiction so much easier. Should I start with one on ones or talk with the whole group of guys at once. Give me some advice fellas I was about to cave tonight and read some of the cancer stories and now I'm close to shedding tears thinking about these my friends getting it. If I could convince atleast one of these guys to quit maybe. I'd even grow the balls to confront my Dad about his smoking even though we never really have had a great relationship.

I type all this on a tiny ass iPhone and it's 3 AM so sorry if I don't take the time to correct mistakes lol just incase there's any grammar nazis on here.
Hey native. I'm not an old experienced quitter, but I do know a few things. First of all you need to protect your quit. Whatever that takes. You are going to have to get some days under your belt before you start worrying about everyone around you. I think you are on the right track thinking about waiting until you reach a milestone before you go saving your world of friends. It is just too much for you right now to think about your buds... Once you can show them you can quit it will be easier to convince them. AND I am seeing a major problem here in that if you continue to stick around dippers it will be much much harder to resist temptation. You really may have to ease off on the get togethers until you have the resolve to not dip ever again...

I get that you could be a priest. Quit on for today!!!!
Real Quit Day 9/18/2013 8th Floor 11/26/15
HOF day: 12/26/2013. 9th Floor 3/5/16
2nd Floor: 4/5/14 Comma Day 6/13/16!!!
3rd Floor 7/14/2014. 3 Years 9/18/6!!!
1 Year 9/17/2014. 11th Floor 9/21/16
4th Floor 10/22/14. 12th Floor 12/30/16
Half Comma 1/30/15. 13th Floor 4/8/17
6th Floor 5/10/15 4 Years 9/18/17!!!
7th Floor 8/18/15. 15th Floor 10/26/17
2 Years 9/17/15 16th Floor 2/3/18
5 Years 9/18/18  17th Floor 5/14/18
18th Floor 08/22/2018  19th Floor 11/30/18

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Re: Still growing it, but done dipping it.
« Reply #51 on: December 21, 2013, 04:50:00 AM »
Quote from: Native94
New question from me idk where to post it so I'm posting here in my intro, I finally read se cancer stories, Randy's story especially hit me hard. I don't want to see met friends die like that nor myself but I'm the kinda guy that cares more about other people than myself that finds my happiness in serving others, hints the priest thing with me. My friends are all 18-19 year old
Hard core dippers a can a day plus like I was. They've all tried to quit multiple times like I have. They all don't want to dip deep inside but it's just what we do together. It makes the get togethers we have since we all pretty much quit drinking a year or so ago still somewhat rebellious (what any young gun likes) these guys are great guys. All of em. If I was to get married and have a daughter one day if a boy like any of my closest friends would want to marry her id say yes in a heartbeat. I don't want to be at the bedside of one these guys dying with cancer begging God to give me one more day with them. How do I convince them fellas they are all convinced it's pretty much impossible, convinced they are young and invincible and cancer won't get them. Should I wait till I hit my HOF and have some backbone when I bring it up with them. Or go for it right now. It'd make my next few weeks of hell from breaking the physical addiction so much easier. Should I start with one on ones or talk with the whole group of guys at once. Give me some advice fellas I was about to cave tonight and read some of the cancer stories and now I'm close to shedding tears thinking about these my friends getting it. If I could convince atleast one of these guys to quit maybe. I'd even grow the balls to confront my Dad about his smoking even though we never really have had a great relationship.

I type all this on a tiny ass iPhone and it's 3 AM so sorry if I don't take the time to correct mistakes lol just incase there's any grammar nazis on here.
Congrats on your quit bud, and the only back bone and foundation you need to have credibility with your friends is your heart and friendship... Live with no regrets I had deployments where when I came back I lost brothers to loved ones and memories to this day, wishing I had the balls to reach out about certain things.. But showing and PROVEING tomorrow's not guaranteed so go for it today bud. And sorry for misspells and punctuation I'm on here from my phone.. But lets right the food fight but right now I could use some sleeping pills lol tc

Offline Native94

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Re: Still growing it, but done dipping it.
« Reply #50 on: December 21, 2013, 03:48:00 AM »
New question from me idk where to post it so I'm posting here in my intro, I finally read se cancer stories, Randy's story especially hit me hard. I don't want to see met friends die like that nor myself but I'm the kinda guy that cares more about other people than myself that finds my happiness in serving others, hints the priest thing with me. My friends are all 18-19 year old
Hard core dippers a can a day plus like I was. They've all tried to quit multiple times like I have. They all don't want to dip deep inside but it's just what we do together. It makes the get togethers we have since we all pretty much quit drinking a year or so ago still somewhat rebellious (what any young gun likes) these guys are great guys. All of em. If I was to get married and have a daughter one day if a boy like any of my closest friends would want to marry her id say yes in a heartbeat. I don't want to be at the bedside of one these guys dying with cancer begging God to give me one more day with them. How do I convince them fellas they are all convinced it's pretty much impossible, convinced they are young and invincible and cancer won't get them. Should I wait till I hit my HOF and have some backbone when I bring it up with them. Or go for it right now. It'd make my next few weeks of hell from breaking the physical addiction so much easier. Should I start with one on ones or talk with the whole group of guys at once. Give me some advice fellas I was about to cave tonight and read some of the cancer stories and now I'm close to shedding tears thinking about these my friends getting it. If I could convince atleast one of these guys to quit maybe. I'd even grow the balls to confront my Dad about his smoking even though we never really have had a great relationship.

I type all this on a tiny ass iPhone and it's 3 AM so sorry if I don't take the time to correct mistakes lol just incase there's any grammar nazis on here.

Offline Doc2quit4good

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Re: Still growing it, but done dipping it.
« Reply #49 on: December 19, 2013, 07:12:00 PM »
Quote from: rickddd
Quote from: Native94
Quote from: Wintergreen
Quote from: Native94
I'm still with y'all boys  I made a bad first impression I can tell but I'll just have to prove my self not as big an idiot as I came across. My ass is a lil sore from the beating I got from y'all but I am not scared just motivated by it.
This is Day 11 for me, I get it. It sucks and I want one really badly on pretty regular basis. I haven't done anything about it, though. I made a promise this morning and I will keep it. You posted roll today. You keep your promise too. Failure to keep promises makes for shitty quitters and shitty priests too. Think about that the next time you're about to cave. Then reach out if you still need help getting through. That's what this site is about.

Y'all lost me with the home alone references haha but I made it through yesterday and the fog is beginning today so it's gonna be a tough one. Special thanks to wintergreen though what you said about shitty quitters and shitty priest is the only thing I could think about yesterday when craving. Thanks for helping me get through I'll be sure to always keep that in mind.
That is great, Native!! you are kicking ass, bro, keep it up! You are in the worst of it now, I can promise you it gets better, but dont even worry about that - One day at a time. Just take care of today. Whatever it takes, whatever you need to do - no nicotine. I quit with you today.

OK native. I am glad you got through the day ok even with the Home Alone references. One day I'll tell you why I quoted the movie. Maybe you'll figure it out before I do. Quit on brother. We are in this with you!
Real Quit Day 9/18/2013 8th Floor 11/26/15
HOF day: 12/26/2013. 9th Floor 3/5/16
2nd Floor: 4/5/14 Comma Day 6/13/16!!!
3rd Floor 7/14/2014. 3 Years 9/18/6!!!
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4th Floor 10/22/14. 12th Floor 12/30/16
Half Comma 1/30/15. 13th Floor 4/8/17
6th Floor 5/10/15 4 Years 9/18/17!!!
7th Floor 8/18/15. 15th Floor 10/26/17
2 Years 9/17/15 16th Floor 2/3/18
5 Years 9/18/18  17th Floor 5/14/18
18th Floor 08/22/2018  19th Floor 11/30/18

Offline rickddd

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Re: Still growing it, but done dipping it.
« Reply #48 on: December 19, 2013, 02:47:00 PM »
Quote from: Native94
Quote from: Wintergreen
Quote from: Native94
I'm still with y'all boys  I made a bad first impression I can tell but I'll just have to prove my self not as big an idiot as I came across. My ass is a lil sore from the beating I got from y'all but I am not scared just motivated by it.
This is Day 11 for me, I get it. It sucks and I want one really badly on pretty regular basis. I haven't done anything about it, though. I made a promise this morning and I will keep it. You posted roll today. You keep your promise too. Failure to keep promises makes for shitty quitters and shitty priests too. Think about that the next time you're about to cave. Then reach out if you still need help getting through. That's what this site is about.

Y'all lost me with the home alone references haha but I made it through yesterday and the fog is beginning today so it's gonna be a tough one. Special thanks to wintergreen though what you said about shitty quitters and shitty priest is the only thing I could think about yesterday when craving. Thanks for helping me get through I'll be sure to always keep that in mind.
That is great, Native!! you are kicking ass, bro, keep it up! You are in the worst of it now, I can promise you it gets better, but dont even worry about that - One day at a time. Just take care of today. Whatever it takes, whatever you need to do - no nicotine. I quit with you today.

Quit Date: 1/6/2013
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42nd floor: 7/6/2024

Offline Native94

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Re: Still growing it, but done dipping it.
« Reply #47 on: December 19, 2013, 01:31:00 PM »
Quote from: Wintergreen
Quote from: Native94
I'm still with y'all boys  I made a bad first impression I can tell but I'll just have to prove my self not as big an idiot as I came across. My ass is a lil sore from the beating I got from y'all but I am not scared just motivated by it.
This is Day 11 for me, I get it. It sucks and I want one really badly on pretty regular basis. I haven't done anything about it, though. I made a promise this morning and I will keep it. You posted roll today. You keep your promise too. Failure to keep promises makes for shitty quitters and shitty priests too. Think about that the next time you're about to cave. Then reach out if you still need help getting through. That's what this site is about.

Y'all lost me with the home alone references haha but I made it through yesterday and the fog is beginning today so it's gonna be a tough one. Special thanks to wintergreen though what you said about shitty quitters and shitty priest is the only thing I could think about yesterday when craving. Thanks for helping me get through I'll be sure to always keep that in mind.