Author Topic: trying to quit with the patch  (Read 4675 times)

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Offline Spurbow

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Re: trying to quit with the patch
« Reply #81 on: October 08, 2010, 08:32:00 AM »
Quote from: bigduke45123
Well there is that damned header ( trying to quit using the patch) again. Figure I will update and let people know how much I appreciate their support and how my quit is going. I have seen April of 08 hit there commas great job. Been supporting May of 08 on their way to 1000. I am supporting a very bad ass quitter in December named Emily. In my group of shitbags I have some real good support from my quit bros.

Now on the flip side I am on day 57 and the blahs are kicking in. It feels a lot like day 3. Can't hardly sleep, on edge really bad lately. Haven't really been physically craving more mentally. This sucks but I know that I will get through it with the help of great people around me.

There will be no caving and no turning back. This is my quit and I am going to stay quit no matter how bad these damn blahs hit.
WHo would have thunk it? Right BD? What progress we have all made banding up as brothers. Thanks for all the support - keep hacking the legs off that miserable nick bitch one day at a time. WE are HOF bound.
"Silly rabbits, nicotine wasn't filling the void it was creating it." - Skoal Monster

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Re: trying to quit with the patch
« Reply #80 on: October 08, 2010, 07:56:00 AM »
Some damn fine quitting in here duke.

Offline cdforecheck

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Re: trying to quit with the patch
« Reply #79 on: October 08, 2010, 06:34:00 AM »
Quote from: bigduke45123
Well there is that damned header ( trying to quit using the patch) again. Figure I will update and let people know how much I appreciate their support and how my quit is going. I have seen April of 08 hit there commas great job. Been supporting May of 08 on their way to 1000. I am supporting a very bad ass quitter in December named Emily. In my group of shitbags I have some real good support from my quit bros.

Now on the flip side I am on day 57 and the blahs are kicking in. It feels a lot like day 3. Can't hardly sleep, on edge really bad lately. Haven't really been physically craving more mentally. This sucks but I know that I will get through it with the help of great people around me.

There will be no caving and no turning back. This is my quit and I am going to stay quit no matter how bad these damn blahs hit.
nice work, and the blahs or the funk are normal and suck balls many times but they get shorter and come less often, just a rhetorical question, didn't we get the blahs or go through funky periods when we used? maybe it is some come of natural body rhythm we have masked or covered by using nicotine
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Offline bigduke45123

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Re: trying to quit with the patch
« Reply #78 on: October 08, 2010, 04:52:00 AM »
Well there is that damned header ( trying to quit using the patch) again. Figure I will update and let people know how much I appreciate their support and how my quit is going. I have seen April of 08 hit there commas great job. Been supporting May of 08 on their way to 1000. I am supporting a very bad ass quitter in December named Emily. In my group of shitbags I have some real good support from my quit bros.

Now on the flip side I am on day 57 and the blahs are kicking in. It feels a lot like day 3. Can't hardly sleep, on edge really bad lately. Haven't really been physically craving more mentally. This sucks but I know that I will get through it with the help of great people around me.

There will be no caving and no turning back. This is my quit and I am going to stay quit no matter how bad these damn blahs hit.
Quit day - friday the 13th of August 2010
HOF day - November 20th 2010 - KTC's 4th bday
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Offline davenc

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Re: trying to quit with the patch
« Reply #77 on: August 23, 2010, 07:33:00 AM »
Quote from: bigduke45123
Well to day will mark day 11 for me and I have been trying to make some good friends along the way. Been ok on the craving so far day 8 and 9 was kinda hard but made it through them. Had a pissing match with gator last week but think I came out of that one with a friend, so never be afraid to tell people what you think. In the end we are all here for the same reason and if we all understand that then there ain't any reason to hate each other.
Also been trying to get involved with some of the new people below me. proud of Fort and Wilderjjay for making it through their first week end. Keep up the good work boys.
I have also seen a great thing happen over the weekend SOMEONE GOT THERE COMMA good job bman. Mule you are next on my list to hit it. Well I am done just wanted to let people know what was going on with me over the past week.
Duke its all a mind game from here on out. Just stay focused and keep setting 'em up and knocking 'em down.
Quit with extreme prejudice...
My orders say I'm not supposed to know where I'm taking this quit, so I don't! But one look at you and I know its gonna be hot!

QD: 07/28/2010
HOF: 11/04/2010
2nd Floor: 02/12/2011
3rd Floor: 05/23/2011
1 Year: 07/27/2011
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Offline bigduke45123

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Re: trying to quit with the patch
« Reply #76 on: August 23, 2010, 02:12:00 AM »
Well to day will mark day 11 for me and I have been trying to make some good friends along the way. Been ok on the craving so far day 8 and 9 was kinda hard but made it through them. Had a pissing match with gator last week but think I came out of that one with a friend, so never be afraid to tell people what you think. In the end we are all here for the same reason and if we all understand that then there ain't any reason to hate each other.
Also been trying to get involved with some of the new people below me. proud of Fort and Wilderjjay for making it through their first week end. Keep up the good work boys.
I have also seen a great thing happen over the weekend SOMEONE GOT THERE COMMA good job bman. Mule you are next on my list to hit it. Well I am done just wanted to let people know what was going on with me over the past week.
Quit day - friday the 13th of August 2010
HOF day - November 20th 2010 - KTC's 4th bday
2nd Floor - Febuary 28th 2011

Offline mule

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Re: trying to quit with the patch
« Reply #75 on: August 18, 2010, 06:55:00 AM »
Quote from: bigduke45123
Hey Mule or anyone else reading this why do some people crave a lot more than others. I know when I tryed to quit a few years back I couldn't go no time without craving. But for some reason this time around I haven't had that many cravings at all. Could it be because I was thinking of quitting everyday for the last three months and finally done it last week with support from ya all?
Just can't understand why so many people in here with the support that they have can't get a grip on quitting. Hell it only took two days of saying that I was using the patch and you all had me quit that and go nic free.
Are people so weak minded that they can't see that we are all here to support them even a newbie like myself I am always around to listin might not be able to give the best advice but still willing to try.
If anyone needs someone to talk to just pm me always answer emails back. I don't like talking on the phone but always answer emails back. If any of my Nov bros or sisters need an ear to listin just let me know. I have read that we have a lot of cavers in my group lets try and stop that and get back on track.

Good post. You need to post thots like this in your group as well. Here's a word of caution....

you will go thru peaks and valleys. There will be times when, yeah, this is easy.

There will be other times when you will have what you believe to be the worst case of the "dontgivashits" known to man.

They are all just phases. REALIZE the addiction (nic bitch) is and will always be there.....this site will teach you how to deal with her, but make no mistake....she will always be there waiting to "win" you back over.

The number one cause of caving on this site is complacency. If you post roll every morning, buy into it's sacredness, never forget how hard fought every victory is, determine that once a day is won, you will not give it back.....ever.....then complacency will be kept at bay. There will come a time when you will think you are cured and there will be days when you don't even think about it. I'm there.....but for me, posting roll is still something i must just takes it off the table....and allows me to truly say....Today, I am Quit.

Again, the site will give you the is up to you to individually use them every day.

Offline bigduke45123

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Re: trying to quit with the patch
« Reply #74 on: August 18, 2010, 02:51:00 AM »
Hey Mule or anyone else reading this why do some people crave a lot more than others. I know when I tryed to quit a few years back I couldn't go no time without craving. But for some reason this time around I haven't had that many cravings at all. Could it be because I was thinking of quitting everyday for the last three months and finally done it last week with support from ya all?
Just can't understand why so many people in here with the support that they have can't get a grip on quitting. Hell it only took two days of saying that I was using the patch and you all had me quit that and go nic free.
Are people so weak minded that they can't see that we are all here to support them even a newbie like myself I am always around to listin might not be able to give the best advice but still willing to try.
If anyone needs someone to talk to just pm me always answer emails back. I don't like talking on the phone but always answer emails back. If any of my Nov bros or sisters need an ear to listin just let me know. I have read that we have a lot of cavers in my group lets try and stop that and get back on track.

Quit day - friday the 13th of August 2010
HOF day - November 20th 2010 - KTC's 4th bday
2nd Floor - Febuary 28th 2011

Offline Greg5280

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Re: trying to quit with the patch
« Reply #73 on: August 17, 2010, 01:33:00 PM »
Quote from: mule21
Quote from: bigduke45123
Thanks Theo for the support I really appreciate it. And the thing with my uncle not being very supportive is the fact that last summer we both tried to stop nic use together. The docs told him to quit and I said I would quit with and for him. We caved aroung the same time. He went first and then pissed me off and I caved with him.
     This go around though I am mainly quitting for me. Not for anyone else this time but for myself. I have mor support then I ever have had and am very humbled by how they treat me on here and tell them thanks everyday. I have other family well some that are not legal family yet (my brothers girlfriend) that help a lot to.

Anyway thanks for the support keep up the fight
Here's a "nugget".....

While i would stop a bullet for my wife or kids....gladly and without any hesitation...

I would not stop dipping Copenhagen for them.....I committed slow suicide for almost 30 years. I tried and failed time and again.....until i found this site.

Here's what made the difference for me.....

I realized i was not alone....i was not the only doomass that got sold a bill of goods by UST. I realized there was a lot of folks that struggled with this addiction and had/were stood/standing in my shoes.....and they truly "got it".

I couldn't stop chewing for my family.....but i will stop for Buckfever36, Jpine, LooT, Quittintime, Chewie, Remshot, Ldiddy, Skoalmonster, Rockymountainman, Ready, Bman, Fal....(and the list goes on and on)....most of whom i've never met and will prolly never meet.

I know they have looked the same devil in the eye that i do every day......and make the choice to win.

Do this for yourself bro......knowing you have the full strength of every quitter on this site backing you up. Nobody else in your life (family friends etc...) may get this.....and they may try to discourage you and bring you down to thier not allow this to happen.

We got your back.....and expect you to have ours. Don't just "sip" the kool-aide.....

Chug that shit.

Offline mule

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Re: trying to quit with the patch
« Reply #72 on: August 17, 2010, 01:00:00 PM »
Quote from: bigduke45123
Thanks Theo for the support I really appreciate it. And the thing with my uncle not being very supportive is the fact that last summer we both tried to stop nic use together. The docs told him to quit and I said I would quit with and for him. We caved aroung the same time. He went first and then pissed me off and I caved with him.
    This go around though I am mainly quitting for me. Not for anyone else this time but for myself. I have mor support then I ever have had and am very humbled by how they treat me on here and tell them thanks everyday. I have other family well some that are not legal family yet (my brothers girlfriend) that help a lot to.

Anyway thanks for the support keep up the fight
Here's a "nugget".....

While i would stop a bullet for my wife or kids....gladly and without any hesitation...

I would not stop dipping Copenhagen for them.....I committed slow suicide for almost 30 years. I tried and failed time and again.....until i found this site.

Here's what made the difference for me.....

I realized i was not alone....i was not the only doomass that got sold a bill of goods by UST. I realized there was a lot of folks that struggled with this addiction and had/were stood/standing in my shoes.....and they truly "got it".

I couldn't stop chewing for my family.....but i will stop for Buckfever36, Jpine, LooT, Quittintime, Chewie, Remshot, Ldiddy, Skoalmonster, Rockymountainman, Ready, Bman, Fal....(and the list goes on and on)....most of whom i've never met and will prolly never meet.

I know they have looked the same devil in the eye that i do every day......and make the choice to win.

Do this for yourself bro......knowing you have the full strength of every quitter on this site backing you up. Nobody else in your life (family friends etc...) may get this.....and they may try to discourage you and bring you down to thier not allow this to happen.

We got your back.....and expect you to have ours. Don't just "sip" the kool-aide.....

Chug that shit.

Offline bigduke45123

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Re: trying to quit with the patch
« Reply #71 on: August 17, 2010, 12:36:00 PM »
Thanks Theo for the support I really appreciate it. And the thing with my uncle not being very supportive is the fact that last summer we both tried to stop nic use together. The docs told him to quit and I said I would quit with and for him. We caved aroung the same time. He went first and then pissed me off and I caved with him.
This go around though I am mainly quitting for me. Not for anyone else this time but for myself. I have mor support then I ever have had and am very humbled by how they treat me on here and tell them thanks everyday. I have other family well some that are not legal family yet (my brothers girlfriend) that help a lot to.

Anyway thanks for the support keep up the fight
Quit day - friday the 13th of August 2010
HOF day - November 20th 2010 - KTC's 4th bday
2nd Floor - Febuary 28th 2011

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Re: trying to quit with the patch
« Reply #70 on: August 17, 2010, 10:25:00 AM »
Quote from: bigduke45123
I think the hardest part about my quit has to be family members not beleiving that I can do it. I have an uncle that smokes and has smoked for many years and he says there is no way that I can do it. He is not a strong and determened man that could ever quit cigs he has tryed but he won't do it no matter how hard you try to get him to.
People that are weak mined like him don't want you to do it and quit. They want you to keep killing yourself with them not knowwing that you or I would offer to help them in any way that we can if they would just take the help.
My uncle told me this morning as a matter of a fact " I know that you haven't Quit because you have been to calm." He doesn't know about this great site and the people on here helping me get through it day by day.
Mentally I can do this because every morning i get on here and post up so that all my brothers and peers know that I am with them in this fight for the rest of our lives. Anyway so for rambling on just blabbing befor heading to work.

Mr. Duke:

Your uncle is pretty much just like every other active nicotine addict. He wishes he could quit, but he's resolved for himself that he can't. The fact that you're quit is just too mindblowing form him to grasp. AND worse yet, it reminds him of how weak he is. When you quit, he lost a fellow user, and that hurts him.

Keep up the good work, and be grateful that you're not in your uncle's shoes anymore.

"the cycle is over. we are clean. we are shining beacons to the masses that think it can't be done." ...LooT

"We have the right to watch our children grow and have earned the right to participate in their lives. We will not be denied. Success can be our only option now. We can never tire, give up, fail, or falter. We are worth more than this addiction and will stop at nothing to beat it." ...Sweenz

Offline bigduke45123

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Re: trying to quit with the patch
« Reply #69 on: August 16, 2010, 02:04:00 PM »
I think the hardest part about my quit has to be family members not beleiving that I can do it. I have an uncle that smokes and has smoked for many years and he says there is no way that I can do it. He is not a strong and determened man that could ever quit cigs he has tryed but he won't do it no matter how hard you try to get him to.
People that are weak mined like him don't want you to do it and quit. They want you to keep killing yourself with them not knowwing that you or I would offer to help them in any way that we can if they would just take the help.
My uncle told me this morning as a matter of a fact " I know that you haven't Quit because you have been to calm." He doesn't know about this great site and the people on here helping me get through it day by day.
Mentally I can do this because every morning i get on here and post up so that all my brothers and peers know that I am with them in this fight for the rest of our lives. Anyway so for rambling on just blabbing befor heading to work.

Quit day - friday the 13th of August 2010
HOF day - November 20th 2010 - KTC's 4th bday
2nd Floor - Febuary 28th 2011

Offline mule

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Re: trying to quit with the patch
« Reply #68 on: August 16, 2010, 09:21:00 AM »
Quote from: bman50317
Quote from: bigduke45123

        Today is going to be any easy day for me on my journey to hit 950+ days like mule21. I think he is the person that I look up to the most on here seems like a great person but then most all seem like great people.
I tought him everything he knows! :)

Keep your guard up, Day 4 was the toughest day of my quit.

Don't be sorry for being an asshole. Better to be one in here around us that are used to it.
Just another quitter up in here that couldn't get-er-done by myself. Just keep putting one foot in front of the a strong foundation here and in your group.

Ole mule'll let you in on a little are helping me stay quit today just as much as I am you. That's what this place is all about.....keeping a bunch of conniving, justifying, procrastinatin, self-destructive, addicted idjets on the straight and narrow by utilizing integrity and accountability.

Today...we have posted way, no how i break my word. It would dishonor those that gave a shit bout me and took an interest in helping me, it would adversely affect those i have tried to pass it on to....and it would give victory to UST.

It just ain't worth it.

Congrats on bustin thru the, it is a mind thang. 'Crazy'

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Re: trying to quit with the patch
« Reply #67 on: August 16, 2010, 07:43:00 AM »
Quote from: bigduke45123

Today is going to be any easy day for me on my journey to hit 950+ days like mule21. I think he is the person that I look up to the most on here seems like a great person but then most all seem like great people.
I tought him everything he knows! :)

Keep your guard up, Day 4 was the toughest day of my quit.

Don't be sorry for being an asshole. Better to be one in here around us that are used to it.
Time heals but I'm forever broken