Author Topic: New guy  (Read 4551 times)

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Offline bmartin

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Re: New guy
« Reply #45 on: June 02, 2010, 11:33:00 PM »
Quote from: jjms62
Dipnomor took the heat on this thread without cause. I made the comment about a designated quit date. Have never tried quitting cold turkey in my 13 year love/hate relationship with Copenhagen. I do not want to take Chantix, gum, or patches. I am spending these next few days studying my weakness and what triggers me to throw in a fatty. I'm taking the know your enemy to defeat your enemy approach. If that makes me a pussy, perhaps I'm on the wrong website. I play to win.

I am very jealous of your success stories. I am reading your struggles and I am trying hard to learn. KB81, I did not intend to offend you or minimalize anyone on here. I have the utmost respect for all who are man enough to kill the can.
Bummer for Dipnomor - New guy took his thread.

jjms62 - If I had a dollar for each time I said I would quit tomorrow or on this date I would have a lot of money as would a lot of people on this site. I hate to break to you dude but it aint going to be any easier tomorrow or whatever date you decide. Best to throw the shit away and start the quit clock right now. 72 hours of pain and the shit will be out of your system. It is not easy but after 56 days of this I can tell you that quiting is the best decision I have made and I wish I would have quit long ago. Throw the shit away and quit 1 day at a time.

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Re: New guy
« Reply #44 on: June 02, 2010, 10:10:00 PM »
Quote from: RagingJew
Quote from: kb81
Quote from: jdferguson07
WOW.. Dip Nation has a thread entitled 'Buying Dip Underage'

Every reply contains tips and advice on how to get a cashier to think you are of legal age to buy tobacco. Enjoy:

14 year olds talking about buying dip
Yeah, the whole thing is ridiculous. It's truly unbelievable.
I dunno, but several of us are, 'visiting', you might say. PM me if you want to know who's who over there. :)
The Rozzers--Catching crims and locking them your community

Offline RagingJew

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Re: New guy
« Reply #43 on: June 02, 2010, 10:08:00 PM »
Quote from: kb81
Quote from: jdferguson07
WOW.. Dip Nation has a thread entitled 'Buying Dip Underage'

Every reply contains tips and advice on how to get a cashier to think you are of legal age to buy tobacco. Enjoy:

14 year olds talking about buying dip
Yeah, the whole thing is ridiculous. It's truly unbelievable.

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Re: New guy
« Reply #42 on: June 02, 2010, 09:55:00 PM »
Quote from: jjms62
Dipnomor took the heat on this thread without cause. I made the comment about a designated quit date. Have never tried quitting cold turkey in my 13 year love/hate relationship with Copenhagen. I do not want to take Chantix, gum, or patches. I am spending these next few days studying my weakness and what triggers me to throw in a fatty. I'm taking the know your enemy to defeat your enemy approach. If that makes me a pussy, perhaps I'm on the wrong website. I play to win.

I am very jealous of your success stories. I am reading your struggles and I am trying hard to learn. KB81, I did not intend to offend you or minimalize anyone on here. I have the utmost respect for all who are man enough to kill the can.
You offended me with the use of the word 'minimalize'. Not a word. 'Minimize'.

Now, flush your mouth crap down the john and nut up. You'll enjoy the ride. :D
The Rozzers--Catching crims and locking them your community

Offline kb81

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Re: New guy
« Reply #41 on: June 02, 2010, 08:41:00 PM »
Quote from: jjms62
Dipnomor took the heat on this thread without cause. I made the comment about a designated quit date. Have never tried quitting cold turkey in my 13 year love/hate relationship with Copenhagen. I do not want to take Chantix, gum, or patches. I am spending these next few days studying my weakness and what triggers me to throw in a fatty. I'm taking the know your enemy to defeat your enemy approach. If that makes me a pussy, perhaps I'm on the wrong website. I play to win.

I am very jealous of your success stories. I am reading your struggles and I am trying hard to learn. KB81, I did not intend to offend you or minimalize anyone on here. I have the utmost respect for all who are man enough to kill the can.
You need to read this and you will understand where we are all coming from:

( . )( . )

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Re: New guy
« Reply #40 on: June 02, 2010, 08:17:00 PM »
Dipnomor took the heat on this thread without cause. I made the comment about a designated quit date. Have never tried quitting cold turkey in my 13 year love/hate relationship with Copenhagen. I do not want to take Chantix, gum, or patches. I am spending these next few days studying my weakness and what triggers me to throw in a fatty. I'm taking the know your enemy to defeat your enemy approach. If that makes me a pussy, perhaps I'm on the wrong website. I play to win.

I am very jealous of your success stories. I am reading your struggles and I am trying hard to learn. KB81, I did not intend to offend you or minimalize anyone on here. I have the utmost respect for all who are man enough to kill the can.

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Re: New guy
« Reply #39 on: June 02, 2010, 04:24:00 PM »
Quote from: GlennFtheKodiak
Quote from: kb81
Quote from: dipnomor
Quote from: kb81
DIPNOMOR, we are being hard on you right now, because you need to understand all of us are very serious about our quit. We all understand how hard it is to quit and all are here for each other's back. We get those who are VERY weak and have NO backbone, and those are the one's who PICK dates to quit, instead of dumping the can. Those are the ones who post day one and maybe up to day 10, sometimes a bit longer and sometimes a bit shorter. Then those are the ones who disappear. Let me tell you something: it is very frustrating and pisses us all off. Why? Well, it's simple: accountability. I have to rely on you just like you have to rely on me. If you cave, you are telling me and everybody else, "hey, buddy, not only do I not care about my quit, but I don't care about yours either. Better yet, I don't give a damn if your wife and children have to live a day without you because I'm weak and don't give a shit." It hits home, brother. This is why you need to be serious about your quit or get out of here. Understand? I hope you do.
And you're not being hard on were actually being hard on some guy named jjms...something something. He was the one with the designated quit date. I quit on Saturday and found this site on Tuesday, so...


ahhh...ur right haha. Well, stay quit and right back to you 'Finger'
i knew you were quit all along, i was just testing you, dnm.

'Crazy' 'Crazy' 'Crazy' 'Crazy' 'Crazy' 'Crazy' 'Crazy' 'na na' 'na na' 'na na' 'na na' 'na na' 'na na' 'na na' 'na na' 'crackup' 'crackup' 'crackup' 'crackup' 'crackup' 'Sno' 'Sno' 'Sno' 'Sno'
Looks like new guy is going to fit in nicely with some of you. Welcome newbie. PM if you want another number.
The Rozzers--Catching crims and locking them your community

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Re: New guy
« Reply #38 on: June 02, 2010, 04:23:00 PM »
Quote from: Instigator
Quote from: klark
Quote from: jdferguson07
WOW.. Dip Nation has a thread entitled 'Buying Dip Underage'

Every reply contains tips and advice on how to get a cashier to think you are of legal age to buy tobacco. Enjoy:

14 year olds talking about buying dip
Have you created an account there? If so, send me a PM with your name over there.
I actually did a few weeks ago. Not sure if I remember it though. If I do, I'll pm you.
bad news...I forgot my password and I'm not that inclined to email off for it. At least not right now. Perhaps tonight from home.
The Rozzers--Catching crims and locking them your community

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Re: New guy
« Reply #37 on: June 02, 2010, 04:21:00 PM »
Quote from: klark
Quote from: jdferguson07
WOW.. Dip Nation has a thread entitled 'Buying Dip Underage'

Every reply contains tips and advice on how to get a cashier to think you are of legal age to buy tobacco. Enjoy:

14 year olds talking about buying dip
Have you created an account there? If so, send me a PM with your name over there.
I actually did a few weeks ago. Not sure if I remember it though. If I do, I'll pm you.
The Rozzers--Catching crims and locking them your community

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Re: New guy
« Reply #36 on: June 02, 2010, 04:20:00 PM »
Quote from: jdferguson07
WOW.. Dip Nation has a thread entitled 'Buying Dip Underage'

Every reply contains tips and advice on how to get a cashier to think you are of legal age to buy tobacco. Enjoy:

14 year olds talking about buying dip
Have you created an account there? If so, send me a PM with your name over there.
A promise not kept is the road to exile.

If quitting is cool, consider me Myles Davis.

Unless you bring value onto my 1/2 acre, I don't want to hear it.

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Re: New guy
« Reply #35 on: June 02, 2010, 04:15:00 PM »
Quote from: kb81
Quote from: dipnomor
Quote from: kb81
DIPNOMOR, we are being hard on you right now, because you need to understand all of us are very serious about our quit. We all understand how hard it is to quit and all are here for each other's back. We get those who are VERY weak and have NO backbone, and those are the one's who PICK dates to quit, instead of dumping the can. Those are the ones who post day one and maybe up to day 10, sometimes a bit longer and sometimes a bit shorter. Then those are the ones who disappear. Let me tell you something: it is very frustrating and pisses us all off. Why? Well, it's simple: accountability. I have to rely on you just like you have to rely on me. If you cave, you are telling me and everybody else, "hey, buddy, not only do I not care about my quit, but I don't care about yours either. Better yet, I don't give a damn if your wife and children have to live a day without you because I'm weak and don't give a shit." It hits home, brother. This is why you need to be serious about your quit or get out of here. Understand? I hope you do.
And you're not being hard on were actually being hard on some guy named jjms...something something. He was the one with the designated quit date. I quit on Saturday and found this site on Tuesday, so...


ahhh...ur right haha. Well, stay quit and right back to you 'Finger'
i knew you were quit all along, i was just testing you, dnm.

'Crazy' 'Crazy' 'Crazy' 'Crazy' 'Crazy' 'Crazy' 'Crazy' 'na na' 'na na' 'na na' 'na na' 'na na' 'na na' 'na na' 'na na' 'crackup' 'crackup' 'crackup' 'crackup' 'crackup' 'Sno' 'Sno' 'Sno' 'Sno'
football rules, soccer drools

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Offline kb81

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Re: New guy
« Reply #34 on: June 02, 2010, 04:12:00 PM »
Quote from: dipnomor
Quote from: kb81
DIPNOMOR, we are being hard on you right now, because you need to understand all of us are very serious about our quit. We all understand how hard it is to quit and all are here for each other's back. We get those who are VERY weak and have NO backbone, and those are the one's who PICK dates to quit, instead of dumping the can. Those are the ones who post day one and maybe up to day 10, sometimes a bit longer and sometimes a bit shorter. Then those are the ones who disappear. Let me tell you something: it is very frustrating and pisses us all off. Why? Well, it's simple: accountability. I have to rely on you just like you have to rely on me. If you cave, you are telling me and everybody else, "hey, buddy, not only do I not care about my quit, but I don't care about yours either. Better yet, I don't give a damn if your wife and children have to live a day without you because I'm weak and don't give a shit." It hits home, brother. This is why you need to be serious about your quit or get out of here. Understand? I hope you do.
And you're not being hard on were actually being hard on some guy named jjms...something something. He was the one with the designated quit date. I quit on Saturday and found this site on Tuesday, so...


ahhh...ur right haha. Well, stay quit and right back to you 'Finger'
( . )( . )

Offline dipnomor

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Re: New guy
« Reply #33 on: June 02, 2010, 04:10:00 PM »
Quote from: kb81
DIPNOMOR, we are being hard on you right now, because you need to understand all of us are very serious about our quit. We all understand how hard it is to quit and all are here for each other's back. We get those who are VERY weak and have NO backbone, and those are the one's who PICK dates to quit, instead of dumping the can. Those are the ones who post day one and maybe up to day 10, sometimes a bit longer and sometimes a bit shorter. Then those are the ones who disappear. Let me tell you something: it is very frustrating and pisses us all off. Why? Well, it's simple: accountability. I have to rely on you just like you have to rely on me. If you cave, you are telling me and everybody else, "hey, buddy, not only do I not care about my quit, but I don't care about yours either. Better yet, I don't give a damn if your wife and children have to live a day without you because I'm weak and don't give a shit." It hits home, brother. This is why you need to be serious about your quit or get out of here. Understand? I hope you do.
And you're not being hard on were actually being hard on some guy named jjms...something something. He was the one with the designated quit date. I quit on Saturday and found this site on Tuesday, so...



Offline dipnomor

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Re: New guy
« Reply #32 on: June 02, 2010, 04:08:00 PM »
Quote from: kb81
I think we may have lost DIPNOMOR 'Crazy'
I think your fog has you lost. I'M not the guy that posted about a quit date. I signed on here last night, posted roll early this morning, and already have four phone numbers in my wallet. Some other jack-pipe posted a follow-up about a quit date. I'm on day five and doing ok so far.

...except for a little dip rage, so excuse me for the following...

You pinheaded, ADHD, dumbass, finger pointing motherfucker!!!

And I can't wait to stay quit with each of you!


Offline Nolaq

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Re: New guy
« Reply #31 on: June 02, 2010, 03:53:00 PM »
Quote from: GlennFtheKodiak
Quote from: noonelikesaquitter
What are NRT's?
nicotine replacement therapy.

it's highly encouraged on that site i was talking about.
Gotcha. That would be gum and patches and shit?
What is your major malfunction?!?!?!?!