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Offline Wade67

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #9 on: February 28, 2019, 09:24:41 PM »
Thank you guys for the welcome back remarks. And thank you for the wonderful words of wisdom, from those who have walked this journey before me. I have tried quitting many times in the past. About 13 years ago, I actually quite for about 6 months. I had it whooped, cravings were almost non existent, I no longer drooled at the cash register with all the gleaming cans in the back. Honestly, I rarely even thought about it. Then I went hunting with my brother on a three day deer hunt. He still dipped, and you guessed it, I "bumbed" a few from him, thinking a couple won't hurt. Next thing you know I was buying a can after that hunt.

I have friends, family and client's that have quite. I like what I see in them. I want that independence they have from that can. I want to fill my truck up at the gas station and not check my current can to see if I need to go in and buy my next one. I want to take vacations without calculating how many cans I need to buy in advance and pack, just incase its hard to find where we are going. I want to go in to the movies without searching for a spare cup or bottle for spitting. I want to save that $176.70 per month I have been spending on dip. I want to be free of the worry about gum disease, cancer, heart disease and other medical problems that may be caused by my continuing to dip. I really WANT TO BE FREE OF THE CAN!!

I have a check box right next everyone on your second paragraph too. Except, I realize now I was sending about 250 a month. The price almost doubled in CT about a year ago to 7.50 a can. I tricked myself into only buying 2 at a time instead of roll. Stupid.
Damn, $7.50 a can! That's crazy. I was paying $5.80 a can and going g through a can a day. That alone should motivate us to kill the can!

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #8 on: February 26, 2019, 12:46:13 PM »
Thank you guys for the welcome back remarks. And thank you for the wonderful words of wisdom, from those who have walked this journey before me. I have tried quitting many times in the past. About 13 years ago, I actually quite for about 6 months. I had it whooped, cravings were almost non existent, I no longer drooled at the cash register with all the gleaming cans in the back. Honestly, I rarely even thought about it. Then I went hunting with my brother on a three day deer hunt. He still dipped, and you guessed it, I "bumbed" a few from him, thinking a couple won't hurt. Next thing you know I was buying a can after that hunt.

I have friends, family and client's that have quite. I like what I see in them. I want that independence they have from that can. I want to fill my truck up at the gas station and not check my current can to see if I need to go in and buy my next one. I want to take vacations without calculating how many cans I need to buy in advance and pack, just incase its hard to find where we are going. I want to go in to the movies without searching for a spare cup or bottle for spitting. I want to save that $176.70 per month I have been spending on dip. I want to be free of the worry about gum disease, cancer, heart disease and other medical problems that may be caused by my continuing to dip. I really WANT TO BE FREE OF THE CAN!!

I have a check box right next everyone on your second paragraph too. Except, I realize now I was sending about 250 a month. The price almost doubled in CT about a year ago to 7.50 a can. I tricked myself into only buying 2 at a time instead of roll. Stupid.

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #7 on: February 25, 2019, 05:49:09 PM »
Thank you guys for the welcome back remarks. And thank you for the wonderful words of wisdom, from those who have walked this journey before me. I have tried quitting many times in the past. About 13 years ago, I actually quite for about 6 months. I had it whooped, cravings were almost non existent, I no longer drooled at the cash register with all the gleaming cans in the back. Honestly, I rarely even thought about it. Then I went hunting with my brother on a three day deer hunt. He still dipped, and you guessed it, I "bumbed" a few from him, thinking a couple won't hurt. Next thing you know I was buying a can after that hunt.

I have friends, family and client's that have quite. I like what I see in them. I want that independence they have from that can. I want to fill my truck up at the gas station and not check my current can to see if I need to go in and buy my next one. I want to take vacations without calculating how many cans I need to buy in advance and pack, just incase its hard to find where we are going. I want to go in to the movies without searching for a spare cup or bottle for spitting. I want to save that $176.70 per month I have been spending on dip. I want to be free of the worry about gum disease, cancer, heart disease and other medical problems that may be caused by my continuing to dip. I really WANT TO BE FREE OF THE CAN!!

Hell yeah brother, that complacency, that "I've got it beat what the hell" has caused quite a few of us to lose our progress. Thats where that brotherhood and accountability really come into play by posting your promise to yourself and your brothers, you cant just think "Well, I'll just have one" cause you already promised your boys that you wouldn't that morning. I've let myself down many times with that "well, one wont hurt" line until I found this site, now there hasn't been a one wont hurt for 406 days because one day at a time for over a year I've promised I wouldn't to people who depended on me to stay quit to help them stay quit. Take that shit off the table cause you are free of the can, for today. A man is only as good as his word and as long as you promise me you're good, you can't go back on a promise once its been made. Give me that promise every day and I'll give you the same and pretty soon the fog will clear and you'll be living the good life not even thinking about that nasty shit.

Offline Wade67

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2019, 12:41:25 PM »
Thank you guys for the welcome back remarks. And thank you for the wonderful words of wisdom, from those who have walked this journey before me. I have tried quitting many times in the past. About 13 years ago, I actually quite for about 6 months. I had it whooped, cravings were almost non existent, I no longer drooled at the cash register with all the gleaming cans in the back. Honestly, I rarely even thought about it. Then I went hunting with my brother on a three day deer hunt. He still dipped, and you guessed it, I "bumbed" a few from him, thinking a couple won't hurt. Next thing you know I was buying a can after that hunt.

I have friends, family and client's that have quite. I like what I see in them. I want that independence they have from that can. I want to fill my truck up at the gas station and not check my current can to see if I need to go in and buy my next one. I want to take vacations without calculating how many cans I need to buy in advance and pack, just incase its hard to find where we are going. I want to go in to the movies without searching for a spare cup or bottle for spitting. I want to save that $176.70 per month I have been spending on dip. I want to be free of the worry about gum disease, cancer, heart disease and other medical problems that may be caused by my continuing to dip. I really WANT TO BE FREE OF THE CAN!! 

Offline Dundippin

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2019, 07:07:23 AM »

Welcome back to KTC.

I also quit for a while, about ten years ago, then my mom died and my brother who had tried to quitting smoking and failed convinced me that I needed a dip and then I was done. I waited several more years until I got pushed out of my job and found this place. I have been 3 years and can not believe it. In the past, I could not last more than an hour without a dip.

Here are some words of advice that I found invaluable.

The main way to be successful is to just decide that you have quit. Once you stop the negotiating in your head as to whether you will do one more or not the rest becomes far more simple.

The next important thing is to learn how to distract your attention. When you get those thoughts about dipping, switch your attention and think about something else. Anything else that you like. This ability to change your focus will guarantee your success and make your quit that much easier.

When you place a dip in your mouth, your brain releases sugars. Well, those sugars are now going to be gone.

However, you can replace them with OJ or other fruit juices with sugar. This will provide some comfort, especially on your initial quit days.

Make sure to exercise with weights and cardio when you feel that nagging tension in your muscles, you feel that rage, when you can not sleep and when you cannot focus. Exercise really helps.

Here is one that most people overlook. Get at least 3 square meals a day. Hunger can really bring on those urges so squash those urges before they come. Eat full healthy meals and do not let yourself get excessively hungry. You will see this helps a great deal.

I waited until I was 59 quit after using tobacco for 40 years. You are wise to quit now.

I quit with you today.

Dundippin day 1260

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #4 on: February 24, 2019, 03:30:19 PM »
So, full disclosure, this is not my first time. I sorta joined the KTC four years ago. I stayed quit about 70 days. Convinced myself nicotine wasn't that bad and went back on the can. I started dipping when I was 17 years old. I am 51 now.

As of this posting I am on day 3. I did not plan this. I did not pick a day and have a "count down." I was simply sitting in my truck at 2:20 PM on Friday, February 22, 2019, about to take another dip, and decided not to take it. I poured out the remainder of the can and told my wife I was quiting again. My wife made some comment about moving in with our daughter who is away at college right now, and she would see me in a few months. (This is not her first rodeo with me quiting)

I will be honest I have already bought the fake stuff. Haven't used it that much, just when I need help to deal with a trigger, like after meals. Funny story about the "fake stuff", remember when I said I tried this about four years ago, well, at that time, I told my brother-in-law (who dipped at that time as well), about this fake stuff. Now, he wasn't even trying to quite, he had not interest in quiting, but he was intrigued by this "fake stuff", and ask for the name and where I was getting it. I told him and he said he would check it out. Now jump forward 6 months. I see him at a family get together, and he asks how my quit is going. I said not well I am back on the can full dipper once again. He says, "well I used that stuff you told me about and I liked it and I don't dip anymore." I said, "Your kidding". He says, "No really, I started dipping that stuff you told me about for a few months and after a while I just kinda stopped using it as well. I haven't dipped in 6 months."  That was about 3 1/2 years ago and he still doesn't dip. So while my attempt at quitting didn't work out for me 4 years ago, at least it helped another person get off the can.

So, here I am, back to quit again, FOR GOOD THIS TIME!!! Its strange, I am on day 3, I am in the FOG and it sucks, but I feel good about it. I am finally ready for a dip free life.

Glad to see you here Wade. Seeds, gum, toothpicks, grinds coffee pouches, jakes mint chew, doesn't matter, if it helps you get through, utilize every tool at your disposal. Just as long as you have told the nic bitch goodbye, that's all that matters. Good luck on your journey, and congrats on reachin day 3! It aint easy, but you're going to like yourself more, and i think your wife may as well 😉. Post up with June, it's a small group for now, but won't be for long. Exchange digits with folks in your group and hold each other accountable. Your group is who is going to get you through, remember that.
Hit me up any time, and if you need any extra digits let me know.
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Offline Wade67

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2019, 03:17:11 PM »
Thanks for the advice. I am going  to try not to use the fake stuff, but if it helps get through a tough period, why not, as long as there is no nic.

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2019, 12:14:15 PM »
Welcome Wade. I'm new to KTC, but I've hacking a new path out of the jungle for 719 days without dip. I'm also a retread. I stopped using for several months in 2010. It's a familiar story. I was in a quit group, posting roll call every day. I  drifted further away because I never got completely on board. My addiction protected itself. On March 8th, 2017, I could no longer face myself in the mirror. Knew I had to quit, but thought I couldn't. It was then that I decided I was going to go about my quit 180 degrees differently than last time around. Before I never stuck out a hand.

No shame in using fake chew. Give yourself your best chance. You can decide how that goes. No nicotine is the rule. If you have found some fake shit that actually tastes good... well count me in as intrigued.
June 2017 Quit Mafia

Offline Wade67

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« on: February 24, 2019, 11:06:15 AM »
So, full disclosure, this is not my first time. I sorta joined the KTC four years ago. I stayed quit about 70 days. Convinced myself nicotine wasn't that bad and went back on the can. I started dipping when I was 17 years old. I am 51 now.

As of this posting I am on day 3. I did not plan this. I did not pick a day and have a "count down." I was simply sitting in my truck at 2:20 PM on Friday, February 22, 2019, about to take another dip, and decided not to take it. I poured out the remainder of the can and told my wife I was quiting again. My wife made some comment about moving in with our daughter who is away at college right now, and she would see me in a few months. (This is not her first rodeo with me quiting)

I will be honest I have already bought the fake stuff. Haven't used it that much, just when I need help to deal with a trigger, like after meals. Funny story about the "fake stuff", remember when I said I tried this about four years ago, well, at that time, I told my brother-in-law (who dipped at that time as well), about this fake stuff. Now, he wasn't even trying to quite, he had not interest in quiting, but he was intrigued by this "fake stuff", and ask for the name and where I was getting it. I told him and he said he would check it out. Now jump forward 6 months. I see him at a family get together, and he asks how my quit is going. I said not well I am back on the can full dipper once again. He says, "well I used that stuff you told me about and I liked it and I don't dip anymore." I said, "Your kidding". He says, "No really, I started dipping that stuff you told me about for a few months and after a while I just kinda stopped using it as well. I haven't dipped in 6 months."  That was about 3 1/2 years ago and he still doesn't dip. So while my attempt at quitting didn't work out for me 4 years ago, at least it helped another person get off the can.

So, here I am, back to quit again, FOR GOOD THIS TIME!!! Its strange, I am on day 3, I am in the FOG and it sucks, but I feel good about it. I am finally ready for a dip free life.