So, full disclosure, this is not my first time. I sorta joined the KTC four years ago. I stayed quit about 70 days. Convinced myself nicotine wasn't that bad and went back on the can. I started dipping when I was 17 years old. I am 51 now.
As of this posting I am on day 3. I did not plan this. I did not pick a day and have a "count down." I was simply sitting in my truck at 2:20 PM on Friday, February 22, 2019, about to take another dip, and decided not to take it. I poured out the remainder of the can and told my wife I was quiting again. My wife made some comment about moving in with our daughter who is away at college right now, and she would see me in a few months. (This is not her first rodeo with me quiting)
I will be honest I have already bought the fake stuff. Haven't used it that much, just when I need help to deal with a trigger, like after meals. Funny story about the "fake stuff", remember when I said I tried this about four years ago, well, at that time, I told my brother-in-law (who dipped at that time as well), about this fake stuff. Now, he wasn't even trying to quite, he had not interest in quiting, but he was intrigued by this "fake stuff", and ask for the name and where I was getting it. I told him and he said he would check it out. Now jump forward 6 months. I see him at a family get together, and he asks how my quit is going. I said not well I am back on the can full dipper once again. He says, "well I used that stuff you told me about and I liked it and I don't dip anymore." I said, "Your kidding". He says, "No really, I started dipping that stuff you told me about for a few months and after a while I just kinda stopped using it as well. I haven't dipped in 6 months." That was about 3 1/2 years ago and he still doesn't dip. So while my attempt at quitting didn't work out for me 4 years ago, at least it helped another person get off the can.
So, here I am, back to quit again, FOR GOOD THIS TIME!!! Its strange, I am on day 3, I am in the FOG and it sucks, but I feel good about it. I am finally ready for a dip free life.