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Re: my quit
« Reply #45 on: March 08, 2019, 11:40:16 AM »
Same guy at work is quiting again but failing just the same. He made it to day 4 without nic and on 5th day he took 2 dips. People always justify only taking one or two dips as doing pretty good quitting. I told him the nic was out of his system now he will have to go 3 more days to get back there. When I see people like this its like there torchering themselves. He'll never quit doing it the way he is doing it.
794hell yeah
Thought I would update this intro with somethings that crossed my mind. Im past 7 months quit now but still an addict still have cravings for it few times a day. I'm using fake dip its deffently a crutch, I don't have the freedom that some have cause the habit of the addiction is still alive. The habit of the addiction has grown weaker over the months but I do reinforce it with fake. Its something I've noticed but I'm not ready to let it go but there will come a time that the habit of chewing will have to go for my quit to be final.

A guy I work with is quitting I told him to go to this site but dont think he will. He only had 5 days quit took a dip don't think he will stay quit. I've noticed something how much you dipped does make a difference on how hard it will be to quit. If you dipped none stop for years the chemical addiction will be stronger than if dipped couple times a day. The habit of the addiction will also be stronger. I've felt my triggers some are stronger than others. When you dipped none stop for years your gonna have triggers none stop. There are consequences to dipping heavy vs light but it's all the same addiction. What I'm saying is if you made your addiction a big part of your life you'll have to make your quit as big of a part. Day after day I keep saying no to the addiction its a house I built and a house only I can destroy and will.

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Re: my quit
« Reply #44 on: August 01, 2018, 11:22:00 AM »
Im much better than i was but have along ways to go. In last couple of months I've had a great deal of stress along with quitting porn. I can say this even being quit for as long as ive been quit i could definitely cave from stress if i let it happen. When the mind is stressed it goes back to the thing that made it happy addiction.

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Re: my quit
« Reply #43 on: April 21, 2018, 09:38:00 PM »
Quote from: jMcKay
Quote from: jMcKay
My service is up and down will try to get on here and post. Out camping while checking cattle working on fince and barns. This is where i have a hard time staying quit. Most the time i chewed i did it or I'd feel like crap but out camping and working on stuff outside i always had a dip and i liked it. Day 8 now so there is no nic in my system but my body is not happy. I am just not enjoying things the way i did. My resolve is super high i dont wonna be a slave to this crap i would like to see how i feel next year when i still haven't taken a chew.
Well well well one year later same place doing same thing. Feels good to reflect on this where I came from where I am now. Man I had some really shitty days. Crappy things happen make you have a fuck it attitude dip will make me feel better. My mind is blown on how my addictions masked my ability to cope with stress and my anxiety issus. I feel like I'm changing for the better and its not easy to change. Not once in the last year has nicotine been ingested. Last time I was here I was in fog felt like I couldn't enjoy anything. I can't put into words how I feel now but much better. I've now done most things I ever did chewing without chew with the exception I use fake dip daily. I've definitely struggled in the last year. The daily post on a few occasionally saved my quit. I've also been in contact with few people that also save my quit. I now realize more than ever this is a marathon not a sprint. We're supposed to take it one day at a time but I can't help but wonder how will I feel next year at this time. 'oh yeah' 'oh yeah' 'oh yeah' 'oh yeah' Jmckay 372
You feel like you are changing for the better, and you are. That is your motivation, and it will carry you along. Unlike fear of ill health, desire for better health will carry you. Learn as much as you can stomach about addiction and recovery. Find the person you were before you needed nicotine in your system all the time.
“Everything good that has happened to me has happened as a direct result of helping someone else, everything". - Danny Trejo

Offline JMckay

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Re: my quit
« Reply #42 on: April 21, 2018, 09:31:00 PM »
Quote from: jMcKay
My service is up and down will try to get on here and post. Out camping while checking cattle working on fince and barns. This is where i have a hard time staying quit. Most the time i chewed i did it or I'd feel like crap but out camping and working on stuff outside i always had a dip and i liked it. Day 8 now so there is no nic in my system but my body is not happy. I am just not enjoying things the way i did. My resolve is super high i dont wonna be a slave to this crap i would like to see how i feel next year when i still haven't taken a chew.
Well well well one year later same place doing same thing. Feels good to reflect on this where I came from where I am now. Man I had some really shitty days. Crappy things happen make you have a fuck it attitude dip will make me feel better. My mind is blown on how my addictions masked my ability to cope with stress and my anxiety issus. I feel like I'm changing for the better and its not easy to change. Not once in the last year has nicotine been ingested. Last time I was here I was in fog felt like I couldn't enjoy anything. I can't put into words how I feel now but much better. I've now done most things I ever did chewing without chew with the exception I use fake dip daily. I've definitely struggled in the last year. The daily post on a few occasionally saved my quit. I've also been in contact with few people that also save my quit. I now realize more than ever this is a marathon not a sprint. We're supposed to take it one day at a time but I can't help but wonder how will I feel next year at this time. 'oh yeah' 'oh yeah' 'oh yeah' 'oh yeah' Jmckay 372

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Re: my quit
« Reply #41 on: April 21, 2018, 09:22:00 PM »
Quote from: jMcKay
My service is up and down will try to get on here and post. Out camping while checking cattle working on fince and barns. This is where i have a hard time staying quit. Most the time i chewed i did it or I'd feel like crap but out camping and working on stuff outside i always had a dip and i liked it. Day 8 now so there is no nic in my system but my body is not happy. I am just not enjoying things the way i did. My resolve is super high i dont wonna be a slave to this crap i would like to see how i feel next year when i still haven't taken a chew.
Well well well one year later same place doing same thing. Feels good to reflect on this where I came from where I am now. Man I had some really shitty days. Crappy things happen make you have a fuck it attitude dip will make me feel better. My mind is blown on how my addictions masked my ability to cope my anxiety issus. I feel like I'm changing for the better and its not easy to change.Not once in the last year has nicotine been ingested. Last time I was here I was in fog felt like I couldn't enjoy anything. I can't put into words how I feel now but much better. I've now done most things I ever did chewing without chew with the exception I use fake dip daily. I've definitely struggled in the last year. The daily post on a few occasionally saved my quit. I've also been in contact with few people that also save my quit. I now realize more than ever this is a marathon not a sprint. We're supposed to take it one day at a time but I can't help but wonder how will I feel next year at this time. 'oh yeah' 'oh yeah' 'oh yeah' 'oh yeah' Jmckay 372

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Re: my quit
« Reply #40 on: February 01, 2018, 05:17:00 PM »
Well last night I had my second dip dream. Its crazy almost 10 months and it was as strong as it was at 2 months quit. I was down at Disney land going there next Friday. A friend had a partial can threw it to me told me you can't enjoy Being here without little of this. I was like yeah just a little my mouth was watering I wanted that dip bad. Put that chew in I could feel nicotine flowing in my veins it was like uforia don't know if that's spelled right. Anyway it felt so dam amazing. After 5 mins I went ooooooo fuck spit it out and was like SHIT SHIT SHIT I have to start at day one again I don't wonna start at day one I'm 300 in. In my mind I justified 5 min doesn't count as a chew haha but I felt so bad it woke me up. This is how I know this place works you would think telling my wife I caved would be harder but tell everyone on Ktc I caved and was going back to day one was harder. I truly don't get it guess its the brotherhood. Real life that's why this place works when your guard is down it enough to keep a person on the path untell there will power is stronger.
Telling my wife would have also been unpleasant
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Re: my quit
« Reply #39 on: January 21, 2018, 09:28:00 AM »
Quote from: jMcKay
Last night felt like a win quitting. Went to a friend 40th birthday party at a bar of coarse. There was dipping and smoking everywhere. Couple times people walked up to me tried to get me to smoke a cigar and I was like hell no had to explain myself over and over. People were like it's a cigar you won't start chewing was like hell no. then one of my friends ask how much money would I need to give you for you to take just one chew. He asked would a thousand make you take a dip told him hell no get that shit out of here. 10000 I told him I still wouldn't take a dip 25000 told him nope won't do it. He told me you must be wealth to not take ONE chew for that much money. I told him I'm not wealth but I quit so I will never take one chew and I promised wouldn't take one. But I'm glad no one will have money to try to tempt me.

Jmckay 282
Congrats on the Victory Jay. A friend of mine had been quit for 10 years. He and his wife had a daughter and someone was passing out celebratory cigars. He thought what could just one cigar hurt at a moment like this. He struggled for years to get quit again.
It doesn't matter what my favorite method of nicotine delivery was, if I put Nic in my body, I'm hooked all over again.

Freedom from nicotine is one of my most valued possessions these days, just below my family. Like you, there no amount of money I'd sell it for.

Keep on quit'n brother!

Mike 644 days of freedom!!
Just one and you will be back where you started.
And where you started was desperately wishing
you were where you are right now.

Offline JMckay

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Re: my quit
« Reply #38 on: January 20, 2018, 04:34:00 PM »
Last night felt like a win quitting. Went to a friend 40th birthday party at a bar of coarse. There was dipping and smoking everywhere. Couple times people walked up to me tried to get me to smoke a cigar and I was like hell no had to explain myself over and over. People were like it's a cigar you won't start chewing was like hell no. then one of my friends ask how much money would I need to give you for you to take just one chew. He asked would a thousand make you take a dip told him hell no get that shit out of here. 10000 I told him I still wouldn't take a dip 25000 told him nope won't do it. He told me you must be wealth to not take ONE chew for that much money. I told him I'm not wealth but I quit so I will never take one chew and I promised wouldn't take one. But I'm glad no one will have money to try to tempt me.

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Re: my quit
« Reply #37 on: January 09, 2018, 04:08:00 PM »
Quote from: AppleJack
Quote from: jMcKay
I've been on 30 day diet i only made it 8 days I went without eating any wheat rye soy oats no grains no rice no milk product no sugar or processed foods. I could have meat vegetables fruits which should be just fine. Im not sure what the hell happened I would have times when I'd Feind for carbs sugar. My muscles got tight on like 6th and 7th day had head ache head fog muscle spasms racing heart had full out anxiety I could feel my body wanted nicotine also probably to calm me. I was dipping fake chew twice as much as I usually did. I don't know what the hell but thought I would post it. Think I was reacting to cutting out carbs and sugar and nicotine jumped back in the mix to help make it super withdraw fuck up. So went ahead and quit the diet for now didn't wonna start chewing agian. I've never cut out carbs like that before in my life. Is my body just that use to sugar that it withdraw like that from lack of sugar. Anyone diet like this before and felt like shit.
Yep... that sucks balls!

IÂ’m a very low carb/natural eater and let me tell ya... what you just went through is textbook normal. Our over carbed eating fÂ’s up the body like you wouldnÂ’t believe. When you have all that crap in your body thereÂ’s no end of material for your body to burn. Carb upon carb.

When you dump all that shit it one fell swoop, there’s comes a point when the carbs get burned up and your body has to switch gears in a BIG way... it has to start burning fat as fuel. That time period of switch over can make you feel like complete shit... it’s called the “Carb Flu”. Your body is adjusting to its new way of burning energy. It’s totally normal... not fun but normal. It’s at this point where most people fail. It only last for a short period... 2-4 days maybe? Everyone is different. Push through because the flip side feels pretty damn great. If it’s too much... step it down. It’s a good thing you’re doing for your body so don’t sabotage it and quit too early. Maybe you went a little too hardcore. No big. Do some research on it through Authority Nutrition... great website. Good luck man!
I already jacked up the diet its suppose to end after 30 days you bring back one group at a time and see how the body reacts to it. Well I brought some of them back way to early so for that purpose Im done with the diet. Its also suppose to change the way I think about food and after a week it did. I wasn't eating vegetables much and was eating way to many carbs from bread cheeses yogurts crackers of all kind and chips. I hadn't missed a day of bread carbs Or sugars in over a decade I bet. The withdraw was very similar to nicotine so much so it made me wonna chew more and I've been quit 271 days. It was crazy my muscles were so tight I was having spasms that hurt crazy shit. I've learned USA is all about eating carbs and I'm gonna need to change my mind set.Thanks for responding

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Re: my quit
« Reply #36 on: January 09, 2018, 12:56:00 PM »
Quote from: jMcKay
I've been on 30 day diet i only made it 8 days I went without eating any wheat rye soy oats no grains no rice no milk product no sugar or processed foods. I could have meat vegetables fruits which should be just fine. Im not sure what the hell happened I would have times when I'd Feind for carbs sugar. My muscles got tight on like 6th and 7th day had head ache head fog muscle spasms racing heart had full out anxiety I could feel my body wanted nicotine also probably to calm me. I was dipping fake chew twice as much as I usually did. I don't know what the hell but thought I would post it. Think I was reacting to cutting out carbs and sugar and nicotine jumped back in the mix to help make it super withdraw fuck up. So went ahead and quit the diet for now didn't wonna start chewing agian. I've never cut out carbs like that before in my life. Is my body just that use to sugar that it withdraw like that from lack of sugar. Anyone diet like this before and felt like shit.
Yep... that sucks balls!

IÂ’m a very low carb/natural eater and let me tell ya... what you just went through is textbook normal. Our over carbed eating fÂ’s up the body like you wouldnÂ’t believe. When you have all that crap in your body thereÂ’s no end of material for your body to burn. Carb upon carb.

When you dump all that shit it one fell swoop, there’s comes a point when the carbs get burned up and your body has to switch gears in a BIG way... it has to start burning fat as fuel. That time period of switch over can make you feel like complete shit... it’s called the “Carb Flu”. Your body is adjusting to its new way of burning energy. It’s totally normal... not fun but normal. It’s at this point where most people fail. It only last for a short period... 2-4 days maybe? Everyone is different. Push through because the flip side feels pretty damn great. If it’s too much... step it down. It’s a good thing you’re doing for your body so don’t sabotage it and quit too early. Maybe you went a little too hardcore. No big. Do some research on it through Authority Nutrition... great website. Good luck man!
Well, it’s one louder, isn’t it? It’s not ten.

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Re: my quit
« Reply #35 on: January 09, 2018, 12:28:00 PM »
I've been on 30 day diet i only made it 8 days I went without eating any wheat rye soy oats no grains no rice no milk product no sugar or processed foods. I could have meat vegetables fruits which should be just fine. Im not sure what the hell happened I would have times when I'd Feind for carbs sugar. My muscles got tight on like 6th and 7th day had head ache head fog muscle spasms racing heart had full out anxiety I could feel my body wanted nicotine also probably to calm me. I was dipping fake chew twice as much as I usually did. I don't know what the hell but thought I would post it. Think I was reacting to cutting out carbs and sugar and nicotine jumped back in the mix to help make it super withdraw fuck up. So went ahead and quit the diet for now didn't wonna start chewing agian. I've never cut out carbs like that before in my life. Is my body just that use to sugar that it withdraw like that from lack of sugar. Anyone diet like this before and felt like shit.

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Re: my quit
« Reply #34 on: November 21, 2017, 11:16:00 AM »
Quote from: jMcKay
Day after day I keep saying no to the addiction its a house I built and a house only I can destroy and will.
I like that analogy... and yes! It is something only you can destroy.

Only you can say "to hell with it"
Only you can say "my family isn't worth it"
Only you can say "a dead plant is more important than _____"

Nobody is gonna hold you down and shove that shit in your mouth. Only you can destroy what you have built. The best part is, your house is something that gets stronger with every storm, and every day you post roll. It has gotten easier, and will continue to do so.

Your house looks pretty good brother...
To remain quit requires focus
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Re: my quit
« Reply #33 on: November 18, 2017, 02:11:00 PM »
Quote from: Thumblewort
Quote from: jMcKay
Today was good untell i got agitated and it just festered and than i felt super angry. At day 12 hoping thats not the new normal and just withdral effects. The ups and downs of quiting this crap.
It's normal for awhile. Bring that anger here and pick a fight, we can take it!
That was awhile back. In april I quit and everything was making me wonna snap. Anger now is good pretty much I'd say normal.

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Re: my quit
« Reply #32 on: November 18, 2017, 11:47:00 AM »
Quote from: jMcKay
Today was good untell i got agitated and it just festered and than i felt super angry. At day 12 hoping thats not the new normal and just withdral effects. The ups and downs of quiting this crap.
It's normal for awhile. Bring that anger here and pick a fight, we can take it!
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Re: my quit
« Reply #31 on: November 18, 2017, 10:48:00 AM »
Thought I would update this intro with somethings that crossed my mind. Im past 7 months quit now but still an addict still have cravings for it few times a day. I'm using fake dip its deffently a crutch, I don't have the freedom that some have cause the habit of the addiction is still alive. The habit of the addiction has grown weaker over the months but I do reinforce it with fake. Its something I've noticed but I'm not ready to let it go but there will come a time that the habit of chewing will have to go for my quit to be final.

A guy I work with is quitting I told him to go to this site but dont think he will. He only had 5 days quit took a dip don't think he will stay quit. I've noticed something how much you dipped does make a difference on how hard it will be to quit. If you dipped none stop for years the chemical addiction will be stronger than if dipped couple times a day. The habit of the addiction will also be stronger. I've felt my triggers some are stronger than others. When you dipped none stop for years your gonna have triggers none stop. There are consequences to dipping heavy vs light but it's all the same addiction. What I'm saying is if you made your addiction a big part of your life you'll have to make your quit as big of a part. Day after day I keep saying no to the addiction its a house I built and a house only I can destroy and will.