Damn, you were just so predictable jlewis.
I really do hope you are and remain quit. That is the entire reason for me communicating with you. You have failed to build an obvious accountability network. You have failed to attempt to post roll every day. Those are 2 of the primary ingedients to a KTC quit. While you mimic the words back (so people stay off you), you simply haven't bought in to the KTC way of quitting. Your own home group has taken you off the accountability sheet, that should have told you something.
Perhaps you are the special person that can quit on their own. If so, great and congrats. If not, it is not to late to actually buy in to the KTC way. Otherwise the rest of the prediction is cave within 2 years... Anyone want to place a bet?
'bang head' it does piss me off when someone asks for help then doesn't take it...