Author Topic: day one today  (Read 2487 times)

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Re: day one today
« Reply #74 on: January 05, 2013, 11:09:00 AM »
Quote from: Nolaq
Quote from: redtrain14
It's sad that certain people refuse to grab a hold of the support offered here.

Time to channel those efforts toward the quitters who have made the decision to accept the lifeline that has been tossed their way.
Agreed. Time to move on to someone who is here to Quit.
If he failed at this promise to quit on this day, I think he would fail to quit for today.

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Re: day one today
« Reply #73 on: January 05, 2013, 11:01:00 AM »
Quote from: redtrain14
It's sad that certain people refuse to grab a hold of the support offered here.

Time to channel those efforts toward the quitters who have made the decision to accept the lifeline that has been tossed their way.
Agreed. Time to move on to someone who is here to Quit.
What is your major malfunction?!?!?!?!

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Re: day one today
« Reply #72 on: January 05, 2013, 10:53:00 AM »
It's sad that certain people refuse to grab a hold of the support offered here.

Time to channel those efforts toward the quitters who have made the decision to accept the lifeline that has been tossed their way.

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Re: day one today
« Reply #71 on: January 05, 2013, 09:50:00 AM »
Quote from: tazbutane
Quote from: 30yrAddict
Quote from: per034
Quote from: Mike_Land
I don't really know if I have earned the right to write what is in this post but I feel like it needs to be said.

It's sad to see so many people sign up, make a few post and then disappear.  When all the support in the world is right here free for the taking.  If you are lurking on this site and considering quitting, please hear me out.  I am no expert.  I'm only 42 days in.  But I do know this.  This shit works.  Hard nosed determination and being held accountable by the brotherhood here at KTC is all you need to be able to quit.

Here is the alternative.  You can continue in your addiction.  You can continue to be a slave to the can, or pouch or whatever your chosen form of nicotine is.  You can continue to lose out on time with your family.  continue to lose out on the good times because you have to sneak away to have a tryst with a cat turd in your lip.  You can continue to spend endless amounts of cash on can after can of death.

Yep, I said "Death".  That is what is coming to you.  If your lucky it will happen fast and you will die quickly.  More than likely it will be a slow, lingering, painful death.  Have you read the story of Randy and his cancer?  Stop here a minute and go read that post if you haven't.  After you finish go read the story of the Kerns.  Maybe this will help you to make the committment it takes to get your quit going and keep it going.

Maybe you are hanging around here as one of the people who have signed up and posted a few days only to end up caving.  Maybe you don't want to listen to Wastepanel, Loot, Deisel, or some of us other fuckers chewing your ass and calling you out for caving.  What do you want?  You want us to coddle you  and tiptoe around you so we dont' hurt your feelings?  Fuck your feelings!!  We are talking about your life here!!  I don't want my wife and baby daughter to have to go it alone.  And I sure as  hell don't want your family to have to live without you either.  Hell, that would just be another family i'd have to help keep up with all the damn taxes I have to pay!  I know you didn't take care of your family.  You spent all your money on dip and killed yourself with it so I know they won't have enough to live on.  Get with the damn program people.  What the Fuck?  This ain't rocket science.  Make your committment, post to roll, keep your word, rinse and repeat.  that's all that  you have to do.  come on!!  There are a ton of people here to help you.  Let's get going.

where the hell is Chevytruck34, dipnsucks, and a couple of others that I recall in our March 13 group?  You guys are breaking my heart.  That is true.  Yes, When I get the chance I am really going to give some of you an ear full.  You deserve it.  How can you go several days, get through the hardest part of the physical addiction and then through it all away?  I know there is no easy answer.  But we have all been there.  We  have all dove in head first and we are swimming like hell to try and stay afloat and keep our heads above water.  That's what makes all of us such great resources to each other.  You guys get back here now!!  Take your kick in the teeth or ass and get back on the road to quit.

What really kills me is the guys who are disappearing are th young guys.  The guys who have to most to live for and the brightest futures.  They just keep throwing that shit in their mouth and daring the cancer and death to take them.  If I could lasso your asses and put you up some where I would but in the end you have to make the decision to qut.  And then you have to make the decision that you are going to stay quit.  One day at a time.

Your rambling qut brother

Goddam it Mike you got every right to post here. You got your head on straight. You get it. Hot fucking damn I love this shit. Good Quit righ hee-ah.
Here, Here! Well put Mike!
Nicely said Mike! For the record we have had 61 people leave the March 2013 quit group. A couple of them may still be quit and just not posting, who knows, and one is now posting in April.
It is sad, but it's a good reminder for me each day in regards to why I quit. I was a slave to the shit - even knowing the ultimate consequences, I had to buy that damn can each day. I have a buddy right now who is still a slave to it. Each he says he'll quit during Lent, and doesnt. Or says he'll quit for new year, and doesnt. After I quit last year, he said that he would quit as soon as he got braces on his teeth. Well, he came over last week and guess what - he's got braces on his teeth but is still dripping.

i feel bad for the people who havent quit, but it's ultimately their own fault. Quitting is not easy and only someone willing to devote themselves to it will overcome it.

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Re: day one today
« Reply #70 on: January 05, 2013, 07:58:00 AM »
Quote from: 30yrAddict
Quote from: per034
Quote from: Mike_Land
I don't really know if I have earned the right to write what is in this post but I feel like it needs to be said.

It's sad to see so many people sign up, make a few post and then disappear.  When all the support in the world is right here free for the taking.  If you are lurking on this site and considering quitting, please hear me out.  I am no expert.  I'm only 42 days in.  But I do know this.  This shit works.  Hard nosed determination and being held accountable by the brotherhood here at KTC is all you need to be able to quit.

Here is the alternative.  You can continue in your addiction.  You can continue to be a slave to the can, or pouch or whatever your chosen form of nicotine is.  You can continue to lose out on time with your family.  continue to lose out on the good times because you have to sneak away to have a tryst with a cat turd in your lip.  You can continue to spend endless amounts of cash on can after can of death.

Yep, I said "Death".  That is what is coming to you.  If your lucky it will happen fast and you will die quickly.  More than likely it will be a slow, lingering, painful death.  Have you read the story of Randy and his cancer?  Stop here a minute and go read that post if you haven't.  After you finish go read the story of the Kerns.  Maybe this will help you to make the committment it takes to get your quit going and keep it going.

Maybe you are hanging around here as one of the people who have signed up and posted a few days only to end up caving.  Maybe you don't want to listen to Wastepanel, Loot, Deisel, or some of us other fuckers chewing your ass and calling you out for caving.  What do you want?  You want us to coddle you  and tiptoe around you so we dont' hurt your feelings?  Fuck your feelings!!  We are talking about your life here!!  I don't want my wife and baby daughter to have to go it alone.  And I sure as  hell don't want your family to have to live without you either.  Hell, that would just be another family i'd have to help keep up with all the damn taxes I have to pay!  I know you didn't take care of your family.  You spent all your money on dip and killed yourself with it so I know they won't have enough to live on.  Get with the damn program people.  What the Fuck?  This ain't rocket science.  Make your committment, post to roll, keep your word, rinse and repeat.  that's all that  you have to do.  come on!!  There are a ton of people here to help you.  Let's get going.

where the hell is Chevytruck34, dipnsucks, and a couple of others that I recall in our March 13 group?  You guys are breaking my heart.  That is true.  Yes, When I get the chance I am really going to give some of you an ear full.  You deserve it.  How can you go several days, get through the hardest part of the physical addiction and then through it all away?  I know there is no easy answer.  But we have all been there.  We  have all dove in head first and we are swimming like hell to try and stay afloat and keep our heads above water.  That's what makes all of us such great resources to each other.  You guys get back here now!!  Take your kick in the teeth or ass and get back on the road to quit.

What really kills me is the guys who are disappearing are th young guys.  The guys who have to most to live for and the brightest futures.  They just keep throwing that shit in their mouth and daring the cancer and death to take them.  If I could lasso your asses and put you up some where I would but in the end you have to make the decision to qut.  And then you have to make the decision that you are going to stay quit.  One day at a time.

Your rambling qut brother

Goddam it Mike you got every right to post here. You got your head on straight. You get it. Hot fucking damn I love this shit. Good Quit righ hee-ah.
Here, Here! Well put Mike!
Nicely said Mike! For the record we have had 61 people leave the March 2013 quit group. A couple of them may still be quit and just not posting, who knows, and one is now posting in April.
March 2013 - Mad Men of Quit        
Quit date: 11/22/12          
Sobriety Date: 4/10/2006         
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Semper Fidelis

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Re: day one today
« Reply #69 on: January 05, 2013, 07:06:00 AM »
Quote from: per034
Quote from: Mike_Land
I don't really know if I have earned the right to write what is in this post but I feel like it needs to be said.

It's sad to see so many people sign up, make a few post and then disappear.  When all the support in the world is right here free for the taking.  If you are lurking on this site and considering quitting, please hear me out.  I am no expert.  I'm only 42 days in.  But I do know this.  This shit works.  Hard nosed determination and being held accountable by the brotherhood here at KTC is all you need to be able to quit.

Here is the alternative.  You can continue in your addiction.  You can continue to be a slave to the can, or pouch or whatever your chosen form of nicotine is.  You can continue to lose out on time with your family.  continue to lose out on the good times because you have to sneak away to have a tryst with a cat turd in your lip.  You can continue to spend endless amounts of cash on can after can of death.

Yep, I said "Death".  That is what is coming to you.  If your lucky it will happen fast and you will die quickly.  More than likely it will be a slow, lingering, painful death.  Have you read the story of Randy and his cancer?  Stop here a minute and go read that post if you haven't.  After you finish go read the story of the Kerns.  Maybe this will help you to make the committment it takes to get your quit going and keep it going.

Maybe you are hanging around here as one of the people who have signed up and posted a few days only to end up caving.  Maybe you don't want to listen to Wastepanel, Loot, Deisel, or some of us other fuckers chewing your ass and calling you out for caving.  What do you want?  You want us to coddle you  and tiptoe around you so we dont' hurt your feelings?  Fuck your feelings!!  We are talking about your life here!!  I don't want my wife and baby daughter to have to go it alone.  And I sure as  hell don't want your family to have to live without you either.  Hell, that would just be another family i'd have to help keep up with all the damn taxes I have to pay!  I know you didn't take care of your family.  You spent all your money on dip and killed yourself with it so I know they won't have enough to live on.  Get with the damn program people.  What the Fuck?  This ain't rocket science.  Make your committment, post to roll, keep your word, rinse and repeat.  that's all that  you have to do.  come on!!  There are a ton of people here to help you.  Let's get going.

where the hell is Chevytruck34, dipnsucks, and a couple of others that I recall in our March 13 group?  You guys are breaking my heart.  That is true.  Yes, When I get the chance I am really going to give some of you an ear full.  You deserve it.  How can you go several days, get through the hardest part of the physical addiction and then through it all away?  I know there is no easy answer.  But we have all been there.  We  have all dove in head first and we are swimming like hell to try and stay afloat and keep our heads above water.  That's what makes all of us such great resources to each other.  You guys get back here now!!  Take your kick in the teeth or ass and get back on the road to quit.

What really kills me is the guys who are disappearing are th young guys.  The guys who have to most to live for and the brightest futures.  They just keep throwing that shit in their mouth and daring the cancer and death to take them.  If I could lasso your asses and put you up some where I would but in the end you have to make the decision to qut.  And then you have to make the decision that you are going to stay quit.  One day at a time.

Your rambling qut brother

Goddam it Mike you got every right to post here. You got your head on straight. You get it. Hot fucking damn I love this shit. Good Quit righ hee-ah.
Here, Here! Well put Mike!

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Re: day one today
« Reply #68 on: January 05, 2013, 12:09:00 AM »
Quote from: Mike_Land
I don't really know if I have earned the right to write what is in this post but I feel like it needs to be said.

It's sad to see so many people sign up, make a few post and then disappear. When all the support in the world is right here free for the taking. If you are lurking on this site and considering quitting, please hear me out. I am no expert. I'm only 42 days in. But I do know this. This shit works. Hard nosed determination and being held accountable by the brotherhood here at KTC is all you need to be able to quit.

Here is the alternative. You can continue in your addiction. You can continue to be a slave to the can, or pouch or whatever your chosen form of nicotine is. You can continue to lose out on time with your family. continue to lose out on the good times because you have to sneak away to have a tryst with a cat turd in your lip. You can continue to spend endless amounts of cash on can after can of death.

Yep, I said "Death". That is what is coming to you. If your lucky it will happen fast and you will die quickly. More than likely it will be a slow, lingering, painful death. Have you read the story of Randy and his cancer? Stop here a minute and go read that post if you haven't. After you finish go read the story of the Kerns. Maybe this will help you to make the committment it takes to get your quit going and keep it going.

Maybe you are hanging around here as one of the people who have signed up and posted a few days only to end up caving. Maybe you don't want to listen to Wastepanel, Loot, Deisel, or some of us other fuckers chewing your ass and calling you out for caving. What do you want? You want us to coddle you and tiptoe around you so we dont' hurt your feelings? Fuck your feelings!! We are talking about your life here!! I don't want my wife and baby daughter to have to go it alone. And I sure as hell don't want your family to have to live without you either. Hell, that would just be another family i'd have to help keep up with all the damn taxes I have to pay! I know you didn't take care of your family. You spent all your money on dip and killed yourself with it so I know they won't have enough to live on. Get with the damn program people. What the Fuck? This ain't rocket science. Make your committment, post to roll, keep your word, rinse and repeat. that's all that you have to do. come on!! There are a ton of people here to help you. Let's get going.

where the hell is Chevytruck34, dipnsucks, and a couple of others that I recall in our March 13 group? You guys are breaking my heart. That is true. Yes, When I get the chance I am really going to give some of you an ear full. You deserve it. How can you go several days, get through the hardest part of the physical addiction and then through it all away? I know there is no easy answer. But we have all been there. We have all dove in head first and we are swimming like hell to try and stay afloat and keep our heads above water. That's what makes all of us such great resources to each other. You guys get back here now!! Take your kick in the teeth or ass and get back on the road to quit.

What really kills me is the guys who are disappearing are th young guys. The guys who have to most to live for and the brightest futures. They just keep throwing that shit in their mouth and daring the cancer and death to take them. If I could lasso your asses and put you up some where I would but in the end you have to make the decision to qut. And then you have to make the decision that you are going to stay quit. One day at a time.

Your rambling qut brother

Goddam it Mike you got every right to post here. You got your head on straight. You get it. Hot fucking damn I love this shit. Good Quit righ hee-ah.
The love you get here is conditional. The condition is that you are quit.

"Every time you bump someone and dont fix it, a kitten dies" - Jost2Brown

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Re: day one today
« Reply #67 on: January 04, 2013, 09:40:00 PM »
I don't really know if I have earned the right to write what is in this post but I feel like it needs to be said.

It's sad to see so many people sign up, make a few post and then disappear. When all the support in the world is right here free for the taking. If you are lurking on this site and considering quitting, please hear me out. I am no expert. I'm only 42 days in. But I do know this. This shit works. Hard nosed determination and being held accountable by the brotherhood here at KTC is all you need to be able to quit.

Here is the alternative. You can continue in your addiction. You can continue to be a slave to the can, or pouch or whatever your chosen form of nicotine is. You can continue to lose out on time with your family. continue to lose out on the good times because you have to sneak away to have a tryst with a cat turd in your lip. You can continue to spend endless amounts of cash on can after can of death.

Yep, I said "Death". That is what is coming to you. If your lucky it will happen fast and you will die quickly. More than likely it will be a slow, lingering, painful death. Have you read the story of Randy and his cancer? Stop here a minute and go read that post if you haven't. After you finish go read the story of the Kerns. Maybe this will help you to make the committment it takes to get your quit going and keep it going.

Maybe you are hanging around here as one of the people who have signed up and posted a few days only to end up caving. Maybe you don't want to listen to Wastepanel, Loot, Deisel, or some of us other fuckers chewing your ass and calling you out for caving. What do you want? You want us to coddle you and tiptoe around you so we dont' hurt your feelings? Fuck your feelings!! We are talking about your life here!! I don't want my wife and baby daughter to have to go it alone. And I sure as hell don't want your family to have to live without you either. Hell, that would just be another family i'd have to help keep up with all the damn taxes I have to pay! I know you didn't take care of your family. You spent all your money on dip and killed yourself with it so I know they won't have enough to live on. Get with the damn program people. What the Fuck? This ain't rocket science. Make your committment, post to roll, keep your word, rinse and repeat. that's all that you have to do. come on!! There are a ton of people here to help you. Let's get going.

where the hell is Chevytruck34, dipnsucks, and a couple of others that I recall in our March 13 group? You guys are breaking my heart. That is true. Yes, When I get the chance I am really going to give some of you an ear full. You deserve it. How can you go several days, get through the hardest part of the physical addiction and then through it all away? I know there is no easy answer. But we have all been there. We have all dove in head first and we are swimming like hell to try and stay afloat and keep our heads above water. That's what makes all of us such great resources to each other. You guys get back here now!! Take your kick in the teeth or ass and get back on the road to quit.

What really kills me is the guys who are disappearing are th young guys. The guys who have to most to live for and the brightest futures. They just keep throwing that shit in their mouth and daring the cancer and death to take them. If I could lasso your asses and put you up some where I would but in the end you have to make the decision to qut. And then you have to make the decision that you are going to stay quit. One day at a time.

Your rambling qut brother


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Re: day one today
« Reply #66 on: January 04, 2013, 08:59:00 PM »
Quote from: Kubiak
I sent Chevy an email no reply no login either. Maybe in 3 more years and a few thousand more wasted dollars.
I emailed him this morning. No reply on my end either.

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Re: day one today
« Reply #65 on: January 04, 2013, 08:30:00 PM »
I sent Chevy an email no reply no login either. Maybe in 3 more years and a few thousand more wasted dollars.

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Re: day one today
« Reply #64 on: January 04, 2013, 04:28:00 PM »
Quote from: Dozer99
A lot of people on here giving you shit right now about not quitting in Dec. About your big quit day being today. Want to know why everyone here is giving you shit right now, wait for it........ BECAUSE WE FUCKING CARE!

Yep, that's right, we are all addicts and have been there, done that and got the stupid ass t-shirt..... Now, how about caring about yourself right now, post roll and quit with us today.

Yea I know, the whole honey and fly's thing prolly ain't gonna work. Oh well, worth a try!
Quit day: 11 Sep 2012.

"....A Republic, if you can keep it." Benjamin Franklin

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Re: day one today
« Reply #63 on: January 04, 2013, 03:21:00 PM »
Quote from: Dozer99
A lot of people on here giving you shit right now about not quitting in Dec. About your big quit day being today. Want to know why everyone here is giving you shit right now, wait for it........ BECAUSE WE FUCKING CARE!

Yep, that's right, we are all addicts and have been there, done that and got the stupid ass t-shirt..... Now, how about caring about yourself right now, post roll and quit with us today.
What is your major malfunction?!?!?!?!

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Re: day one today
« Reply #62 on: January 04, 2013, 03:14:00 PM »
A lot of people on here giving you shit right now about not quitting in Dec. About your big quit day being today. Want to know why everyone here is giving you shit right now, wait for it........ BECAUSE WE FUCKING CARE!

Yep, that's right, we are all addicts and have been there, done that and got the stupid ass t-shirt..... Now, how about caring about yourself right now, post roll and quit with us today.
Quit day: 11 Sep 2012.

"....A Republic, if you can keep it." Benjamin Franklin

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Re: day one today
« Reply #61 on: January 04, 2013, 11:36:00 AM »
Quote from: ERDVM
Quote from: kana
Quote from: epayne
Quote from: Nolaq
Quote from: Kubiak
So today is your big day of procrastination fulfillment, are you going to be a man of your word, or have you found another excuse to put this off?  FYI, if you had the balls on December 20th, you would already be on Day 15.   'finger point'
Where the fuck you at?

Alright, dumbass. Your big day is here. It's time to burn your bitch panties. No more excuses. Pull out all the stops and quit this shit like you've got a pair. My money is on you being a pansy-ass cunt drip, but maybe you'll sack up and prove me wrong. Probably not though... Who am I kidding? You'll probably resign yourself to a peaceful suicide by cat turd. It'll just be another day of packing a lip because you think you need it. Another day of letting it control you like a weak willed pussy. A lifetime of death.

Oh shit, think about that. Death by cancer...ugh.

You're lying on a bed in a hospital. Tubes and needles and wires all over you, your loved ones in a circle around you, weeping, moaning, unable to speak through grief. You, unable to speak because your jaw has already been removed. You're lying there, staring at the ceiling as another wave of nausea passes over you. You, lying there knowing you chose this. You chose to end your life this way.


Let the finality of death by cancer wash over you for a minute. Then go tell everyone you love that your can of UST shit is more important than them.

Or quit. Your call.
He thought you guys would forget. 'crackup'
This site is a about accountability  balls. Does chevy have either?
We're waiting Chevy....
Odds are off. No bets on Chevy. Even Chevy knows that he isn't going to quit and that he has no scrotum. Maybe he'll quit tomorrow after his one "last" can. 'horsecrap'
Its only a day away....
The problem is not the problem.  The problem is your attitude about the problem.  Do you understand?

Draw Fire

If its too much trouble to post roll call, you could always fuck off.

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Re: day one today
« Reply #60 on: January 04, 2013, 11:33:00 AM »
Chevy, make the leap! Go look at my post about a 1/6 quit date. I'm doing this and you can too. This system works. Come join the April quit group.