Author Topic: Made the decision  (Read 6790 times)

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Offline Patti

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Re: Made the decision
« Reply #8 on: January 03, 2018, 11:22:00 PM »
Thank you all so much! I'm loving the support you guys have shown me today...replies, PMs, offers to trade phone numbers, I'm amazed really. Now I'm sure I made the right decision in coming to this site rather than try to quit on my own ?

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Re: Made the decision
« Reply #7 on: January 03, 2018, 09:50:00 PM »
Hey Patti, welcome to KTC and for making one of the best decisions of your life! Day 531 here, also a woman, but my delivery system was cigarettes. KTC took me in anyway and has saved my life. Tell that hubby of yours to get his ass in here, too, and start posting. There are other former smokers here and plenty more here that used both. Our addiction is to nicotine, not our delivery method. And there have been other husband and wife teams, too!

Pm me if you want to swap digits. Accountability and lifelines are important tools to use to stay quit!

Just one and you will be back to where you started, and where you started was desperately wishing you were where you are now.
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Re: Made the decision
« Reply #6 on: January 03, 2018, 03:52:00 PM »
We have few things in common I started chewing at that age. I had anxiety problem before I quit. After I quit my anxiety was worse had to learn how to calm myself better meditate. Panic attacks can get bad but something that helped me is knowing they can't hurt you. Our addict brains need to rewire after quitting. Pm me if you need help with anxiety. Look up Gonecrusing intro he had some good stuff on there.

Offline RDB

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Re: Made the decision
« Reply #5 on: January 03, 2018, 03:13:00 PM »

I see you've made your promise by posting roll. Roll is the backbone of this site, and your key to staying quit. Don't worry about screwing it up. The only way to screw up roll is by not being on roll.

I'm about three weeks shy of two years quit, and my mind is still trying to screw with me. The nicotine demon had control of my for about 24 years, and a measly two years quit is not enough to put it completely to rest (although it is quite a bit quieter than it was at the beginning of my quit). That's why posting roll early in the day, every damn day (no days off if you are sick, your birthday, Christmas, 4th of July...). Make your promise, keep your promise. That way, every time that voice speaks up, you can say NO, I MADE MY PROMISE TODAY, AND I'M GOING TO KEEP IT.

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Re: Made the decision
« Reply #4 on: January 03, 2018, 03:12:00 PM »

("Poof" is what we write when we've made a mistake. We can't delete entries, and we have to write something. So we do - poof - my mistake is gone.)

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Re: Made the decision
« Reply #3 on: January 03, 2018, 12:41:00 PM »
Quote from: Samrs
Patti - welcome! You're not alone. Nicotine doesn't care about your race, gender, or delivery method. We've got all types here, fighting the same demons; and more than a few very active female quitters.

Your next step is to post roll in the April quit group. There's instructions in a pinned post at the top of the page, and even a video on Posting Roll on KTC Kill the Can.

Roll is our way of promising each other that we will not have nicotine for the day. We post roll every day here. Our system is pretty simple. Wake up, post roll, and keep your word for the day. Then, the next day, do it all over again. Along the way, you will get to know the quitters in your month - a bunch of folks all going through the same process of quitting as you. You'll be in this together, instead of having to go it alone.

Again - glad to see you here, and excited to see another person working to break their addiction. Proud to quit with you today!
Hi Patti -

Congratulations on making 2 GREAT decisions -- First by Quitting and second by finding this site.

I am a fellow Female BAQ quitter and this site has allowed me to say I am 128 days nicotine free today. If I could do this then so can you!

A few things that really helped me the first few weeks:
-- Drinking lots of water
-- Finding good fakes to help the physical / mouth feel

You need to admit that you are an addict to nicotine. This is not a bad habit -- it is an addiction. On this site we do not hope or try -- WE QUIT.

Posting roll is THE KEY to making your quit stick. You must make a promise EVERY DAY to yourself, your group and this site that for that day you will not use nicotine. We promise 1 day at a time -- Every day. Samrs gave you the info on how to do this -- IT WORKS.

Stay Strong -- Proud to quit with you today!

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Re: Made the decision
« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2018, 11:08:00 AM »
Patti - welcome! You're not alone. Nicotine doesn't care about your race, gender, or delivery method. We've got all types here, fighting the same demons; and more than a few very active female quitters.

Your next step is to post roll in the April quit group. There's instructions in a pinned post at the top of the page, and even a video on Posting Roll on KTC Kill the Can.

Roll is our way of promising each other that we will not have nicotine for the day. We post roll every day here. Our system is pretty simple. Wake up, post roll, and keep your word for the day. Then, the next day, do it all over again. Along the way, you will get to know the quitters in your month - a bunch of folks all going through the same process of quitting as you. You'll be in this together, instead of having to go it alone.

Again - glad to see you here, and excited to see another person working to break their addiction. Proud to quit with you today!
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Offline Patti

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Made the decision
« on: January 03, 2018, 11:00:00 AM »
I've finally made the decision that will change my life. Today is the morning of Day 2 and I swear my mind is trying to screw with me. "You dummy, you can't do this!"..."Come on, one more can and then you can quit"..."How about trying to cut back instead of cold turkey??"

These thoughts have lead me to push past my shame and fears and make my first post. So, here I am! A little about me perhaps?

I am a 32 year old wife and mother of 3. I started dipping at 12 years old...20 years ago the nicotine demon grabbed me by the lip and held on tight. I've wanted to quit for so many years but was too scared to try, the thought of it would send me straight into a panic attack and I'd quickly put a dip in to cure it. I've had a lot of mini panic attacks these past 24 hours but I will proudly say this...I did NOT go buy a can so I could cure it. Instead, I grabbed some seeds, popped in a hard candy, slowed my breathing and held on for the roller coaster ride.

I know I've got a long road ahead of me, but I'm hoping that being here with people who have/had all the same feelings and thoughts as me will help make my road a little bit smoother. Speaking of which, any other lady quitters here? My husband has quit smoking cigarettes at the same time I've quit chewing, I think going through this struggle together will be tough but will also help us both.

Thank you for reading my introduction. I'm looking forward to the day I can say that I'm 7 days quit...30 days quit...100 days quit and more. I'm looking forward to all the benefits in my near future, mental and physical. I'm looking forward to having more time to spend with my kids instead of having to pause the day so I could sit around with a dip in before everything. I'm looking forward to not having my 3 year old hand me a can she found on the floor and saying "Here's your chew Mommy". And mostly I'm looking forward to being able to look in the mirror and feel pride instead of shame, to look myself straight in the eyes and say "You did it!".