I see you've made your promise by posting roll. Roll is the backbone of this site, and your key to staying quit. Don't worry about screwing it up. The only way to screw up roll is by not being on roll.
I'm about three weeks shy of two years quit, and my mind is still trying to screw with me. The nicotine demon had control of my for about 24 years, and a measly two years quit is not enough to put it completely to rest (although it is quite a bit quieter than it was at the beginning of my quit). That's why posting roll early in the day, every damn day (no days off if you are sick, your birthday, Christmas, 4th of July...). Make your promise, keep your promise. That way, every time that voice speaks up, you can say NO, I MADE MY PROMISE TODAY, AND I'M GOING TO KEEP IT.