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Offline rhester03

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Re: Not too late
« Reply #20 on: February 21, 2011, 09:22:00 AM »
Quote from: 30yrAddict
Quote from: ninereasons
Starting today I'll be privately calling every Sunday "Day 6" - to remind myself that I am not my own and have no right to make myself a slave.  I'm set free to be free.  This Sunday is Day 6 of believing that.
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" Philippians 4:13

" Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!" 2 Corinthians 5:17
I had a pastor once who once told us in a sermon that he used to practically eat copenhagen, until one day, he put a tin on top of his bible because it was playing a bigger role in his life than god was......but then he turned out to be a child molester, so I don't know that he is a good reference.

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Re: Not too late
« Reply #19 on: February 21, 2011, 09:20:00 AM »
Quote from: ninereasons
The fog has lifted enough that I can hold a conversation without forgetting what I was trying to say. Lots of water helps with the headaches - thanks for that tip. No cravings all day, in fact - my mind was busy with other things.

Yeah. I felt pretty good. Then the thought flashed on the way home tonight, when I passed the mini-mart, that a fresh can of Cope and a hard cider would be a perfect way to celebrate how relatively terrific I felt.


But that nicotine monster is going to get stronger, and smarter. I know that. It didn't get to me this time, but it's a mistake to underestimate it. I have plenty of experience watching like a spectator through binoculars while the monster leads me around effortlessly, degrading me to prove its mastery over me. Brothers, I've watched myself dig through garbage cans looking for tins and pouches that I've thrown away in half-hearted efforts to quit. You couldn't be more disgusted than I am by that image. Anything that can do that to me deserves my absolute hatred. Hell, I've looked through trash to find dried up chew-plugs - the monster told me I had to, and I've been doing what it says for a long time.

But not today. I escaped with my dignity again. I kept my word again. I made it through the day again. I can't wait until tomorrow.

Ninereasons. Hour 1, minute 1 of Day 7.
I haven't pulled them out of the trash, but I have been known to throw in a day old dry plug until I get could get to the store.

Offline 30yraddict

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Re: Not too late
« Reply #18 on: February 21, 2011, 08:04:00 AM »
Quote from: ninereasons
Starting today I'll be privately calling every Sunday "Day 6" - to remind myself that I am not my own and have no right to make myself a slave.  I'm set free to be free.  This Sunday is Day 6 of believing that.
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" Philippians 4:13

" Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!" 2 Corinthians 5:17

Offline Scowick65

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Re: Not too late
« Reply #17 on: February 21, 2011, 06:47:00 AM »
Quote from: ninereasons
The fog has lifted enough that I can hold a conversation without forgetting what I was trying to say. Lots of water helps with the headaches - thanks for that tip. No cravings all day, in fact - my mind was busy with other things.

Yeah. I felt pretty good. Then the thought flashed on the way home tonight, when I passed the mini-mart, that a fresh can of Cope and a hard cider would be a perfect way to celebrate how relatively terrific I felt.


But that nicotine monster is going to get stronger, and smarter. I know that. It didn't get to me this time, but it's a mistake to underestimate it. I have plenty of experience watching like a spectator through binoculars while the monster leads me around effortlessly, degrading me to prove its mastery over me. Brothers, I've watched myself dig through garbage cans looking for tins and pouches that I've thrown away in half-hearted efforts to quit. You couldn't be more disgusted than I am by that image. Anything that can do that to me deserves my absolute hatred. Hell, I've looked through trash to find dried up chew-plugs - the monster told me I had to, and I've been doing what it says for a long time.

But not today. I escaped with my dignity again. I kept my word again. I made it through the day again. I can't wait until tomorrow.

Ninereasons. Hour 1, minute 1 of Day 7.
When she figures out your are serious this time, she will be angry. Very angry. Remember, you are stronger.

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Re: Not too late
« Reply #16 on: February 21, 2011, 03:01:00 AM »
The fog has lifted enough that I can hold a conversation without forgetting what I was trying to say. Lots of water helps with the headaches - thanks for that tip. No cravings all day, in fact - my mind was busy with other things.

Yeah. I felt pretty good. Then the thought flashed on the way home tonight, when I passed the mini-mart, that a fresh can of Cope and a hard cider would be a perfect way to celebrate how relatively terrific I felt.


But that nicotine monster is going to get stronger, and smarter. I know that. It didn't get to me this time, but it's a mistake to underestimate it. I have plenty of experience watching like a spectator through binoculars while the monster leads me around effortlessly, degrading me to prove its mastery over me. Brothers, I've watched myself dig through garbage cans looking for tins and pouches that I've thrown away in half-hearted efforts to quit. You couldn't be more disgusted than I am by that image. Anything that can do that to me deserves my absolute hatred. Hell, I've looked through trash to find dried up chew-plugs - the monster told me I had to, and I've been doing what it says for a long time.

But not today. I escaped with my dignity again. I kept my word again. I made it through the day again. I can't wait until tomorrow.

Ninereasons. Hour 1, minute 1 of Day 7.

Offline WV8VFD

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Re: Not too late
« Reply #15 on: February 20, 2011, 01:32:00 PM »
Quote from: ninereasons
Sunday was one of the reasons I started using Redman: no flecks of fine-cut between my teeth to embarrass me when I greet the pastor. That's yet another stripe that nicotine has put on my back, another reminder that I am a slave.

This is the first tobacco-free Lord's day in a very long time. Starting today I'll be privately calling every Sunday "Day 6" - to remind myself that I am not my own and have no right to make myself a slave. I'm set free to be free. This Sunday is Day 6 of believing that.

Ninereasons - First Day 6.
Congratulations on making it! I dipped since I was 13 without my parents knowing, then I came clean at 18. Now that I'm 20 I wish I would have quit when my dad quit. Its hard, but you'll make it!
Your quit's like a box of chocolates, you never know what your gonna get.

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Re: Not too late
« Reply #14 on: February 20, 2011, 11:15:00 AM »
Sunday was one of the reasons I started using Redman: no flecks of fine-cut between my teeth to embarrass me when I greet the pastor. That's yet another stripe that nicotine has put on my back, another reminder that I am a slave.

This is the first tobacco-free Lord's day in a very long time. Starting today I'll be privately calling every Sunday "Day 6" - to remind myself that I am not my own and have no right to make myself a slave. I'm set free to be free. This Sunday is Day 6 of believing that.

Ninereasons - First Day 6.

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Re: Not too late
« Reply #13 on: February 20, 2011, 08:52:00 AM »
Quote from: ninereasons
You're all a great encouragement. Thanks.

My guard comes down when I think I don't need to be on my guard. Roll call will keep that from happening.
Roll Call is the key !! Early in your quit decide that no matter what is going on that day you will find a way to either log into the site and post or you will text your promise to a brother. I have not missed a single day since I found the site.

The point is to build a habit of posting EVERY day. You will see people who want to post whenever they "can" and that is just not how we quit here. Your brothers will be watching for you and you owe them and yourself a daily roll post.

Anything short of that is unacceptable !!


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Re: Not too late
« Reply #12 on: February 19, 2011, 03:47:00 PM »
Not sure about you, but days 1-3 were really hard, and today has been better.
That's for sure. I wish I could say that every day will be better than the one before, but freedom is better than slavery any day.
Like they say on the planes, secure your mask first then help others.
Good word.

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Re: Not too late
« Reply #11 on: February 19, 2011, 03:34:00 PM »
You're all a great encouragement. Thanks.

My guard comes down when I think I don't need to be on my guard. Roll call will keep that from happening.

Offline franklin77

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Re: Not too late
« Reply #10 on: February 19, 2011, 01:28:00 PM »
Ninereasons - Welcome. I've got 3 reasons myself - and I am also on Day 4 - and I've quit for over a year at least once too. Been doing it for 14 years. Not sure about you, but days 1-3 were really hard, and today has been better.

Like they say on the planes, secure your mask first then help others. Your son will come around, and you can set a great example for him.

As for a plan, basically whenever I am feeling a strong urge and am near a computer, I log on to this site. Just read around and ask for help if you need it. It has really helped me already.
Quit Date: 2/16/11
- "Franklin said some things whitey wasn't ready to hear."

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Re: Not too late
« Reply #9 on: February 19, 2011, 01:01:00 PM »
Nine, you can do this man! You have to admit to yourself that you are an addict and just deal with this one day at a time. If you're ever having a bad craving jump online and read some comments or some of the HOF speeches. I too have tried to do it alone and it doesn't work, post up everyday, keep you word and don't worry about anything but today! Fuck tomorrow you'll deal with that then. Shoot me an email if I can help. You got this!

Offline Scowick65

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Re: Not too late
« Reply #8 on: February 19, 2011, 09:20:00 AM »
Welcome, Proud to call you a quit brother

Offline 30yraddict

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Re: Not too late
« Reply #7 on: February 19, 2011, 07:43:00 AM »
Welcome 9reasons,

I too have had this addiction for 30+ yrs. I am only on day 7 and it has not been easy, but it has gotten easier. For me, deciding that I was GOING to quit (thanks Larry), using fake chew (hooch), and the fine folks here have made my quit successful. You can do it! see you at roll.

your quit group: index.php?showtopic=4289

how to post roll:


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Re: Not too late
« Reply #6 on: February 18, 2011, 11:37:00 PM »
Welcome. You've taken the first step. We'll help you with the rest. You need to fight like he'll and show that kid the way out.

Sounds like you've got the strength to is staying quit that is the problem. That's where we come in. Post roll, stay quit and repeat.

Quitting is done one minute, one hour, one day at a time. Don't worry about tomorrow, next week, or forever. It is just about posting roll and keeping your word. You can do this, brother!