Author Topic: Winer Winner Chicken Dinner  (Read 8119 times)

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Offline Diesel2112

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Re: Winer Winner Chicken Dinner
« Reply #73 on: October 09, 2014, 12:53:00 AM »
Quote from: Done4Me
Seems like a good place to put this so I don't have to hot 5 different intros, I wanna call Raider, Thumblewort, Diesel, Dagranger, Grizzclaws for always working the intros. The fearless fivesome are consistently getting heads in the right place to being the journey. They deserve a thanks. Good work guys.
That Diesel guy is an asshole.
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"Honest Abe had a fake jaw".
"In a world that seems so small, I can't stop thinking big"
"Someone set a bad example. Made surrender seem all right
The act of a noble warrior. Who lost the will to fight."

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Re: Winer Winner Chicken Dinner
« Reply #72 on: October 08, 2014, 09:33:00 PM »
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: Dagranger
Quote from: Thumblewort
Quote from: slug.go
Quote from: Done4Me
Seems like a good place to put this so I don't have to hot 5 different intros, I wanna call Raider, Thumblewort, Diesel, Dagranger, Grizzclaws for always working the intros. The fearless fivesome are consistently getting heads in the right place to being the journey. They deserve a thanks. Good work guys.
Yes, they do, D4. Good call.
Dude, I am jamming to Steel Pather live at Wacken Fest and gonna get to fappin' with hottiez wearing glasses (Bailey at WKRP anyone?), and now I a got a tear in my eye. Thanks for the call out man! You are bad ass yourself Done4, make it a sexy sixsome...............don't get me started, haven't been laid in over a week. Been quit for half a year!
Done 4 thanks for the shout out....again. Always good to hear some praise. But agree with Thumble you have got to put your name in the pot, I'd also like to throw in Worktowin, Bean, and Pinched. Thumble, I hate that I am old enough To get your ridiculously obscure WKRP reference....
Johnny Fever, Venus Flytrap, Les Nessman, Herb, the Big Guy, Andy, Bailey, and Lonnie Anderson. Great show!! I always loved the softball game episode.
My fave was Les with his floor tape to simulate office walls, chest thumping to simulate the traffic helicopter, and the game of where's the bandaid today.

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Re: Winer Winner Chicken Dinner
« Reply #71 on: October 08, 2014, 09:30:00 PM »
Quote from: Dagranger
Quote from: Thumblewort
Quote from: slug.go
Quote from: Done4Me
Seems like a good place to put this so I don't have to hot 5 different intros, I wanna call Raider, Thumblewort, Diesel, Dagranger, Grizzclaws for always working the intros. The fearless fivesome are consistently getting heads in the right place to being the journey. They deserve a thanks. Good work guys.
Yes, they do, D4. Good call.
Dude, I am jamming to Steel Pather live at Wacken Fest and gonna get to fappin' with hottiez wearing glasses (Bailey at WKRP anyone?), and now I a got a tear in my eye. Thanks for the call out man! You are bad ass yourself Done4, make it a sexy sixsome...............don't get me started, haven't been laid in over a week. Been quit for half a year!
Done 4 thanks for the shout out....again. Always good to hear some praise. But agree with Thumble you have got to put your name in the pot, I'd also like to throw in Worktowin, Bean, and Pinched. Thumble, I hate that I am old enough To get your ridiculously obscure WKRP reference....
Johnny Fever, Venus Flytrap, Les Nessman, Herb, the Big Guy, Andy, Bailey, and Lonnie Anderson. Great show!! I always loved the softball game episode.
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Re: Winer Winner Chicken Dinner
« Reply #70 on: October 08, 2014, 09:19:00 PM »
Quote from: Thumblewort
Quote from: slug.go
Quote from: Done4Me
Seems like a good place to put this so I don't have to hot 5 different intros, I wanna call Raider, Thumblewort, Diesel, Dagranger, Grizzclaws for always working the intros. The fearless fivesome are consistently getting heads in the right place to being the journey. They deserve a thanks. Good work guys.
Yes, they do, D4. Good call.
Dude, I am jamming to Steel Pather live at Wacken Fest and gonna get to fappin' with hottiez wearing glasses (Bailey at WKRP anyone?), and now I a got a tear in my eye. Thanks for the call out man! You are bad ass yourself Done4, make it a sexy sixsome...............don't get me started, haven't been laid in over a week. Been quit for half a year!
Done 4 thanks for the shout out....again. Always good to hear some praise. But agree with Thumble you have got to put your name in the pot, I'd also like to throw in Worktowin, Bean, and Pinched. Thumble, I hate that I am old enough To get your ridiculously obscure WKRP reference....

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Re: Winer Winner Chicken Dinner
« Reply #69 on: October 08, 2014, 08:46:00 PM »
Quote from: slug.go
Quote from: Done4Me
Seems like a good place to put this so I don't have to hot 5 different intros, I wanna call Raider, Thumblewort, Diesel, Dagranger, Grizzclaws for always working the intros. The fearless fivesome are consistently getting heads in the right place to being the journey. They deserve a thanks. Good work guys.
Yes, they do, D4. Good call.
Dude, I am jamming to Steel Pather live at Wacken Fest and gonna get to fappin' with hottiez wearing glasses (Bailey at WKRP anyone?), and now I a got a tear in my eye. Thanks for the call out man! You are bad ass yourself Done4, make it a sexy sixsome...............don't get me started, haven't been laid in over a week. Been quit for half a year!
Some of my fondest and clearest memories are peeing in places that aren't bathrooms.

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Re: Winer Winner Chicken Dinner
« Reply #68 on: October 08, 2014, 08:39:00 PM »
Quote from: Done4Me
Seems like a good place to put this so I don't have to hot 5 different intros, I wanna call Raider, Thumblewort, Diesel, Dagranger, Grizzclaws for always working the intros. The fearless fivesome are consistently getting heads in the right place to being the journey. They deserve a thanks. Good work guys.
Yes, they do, D4. Good call.
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Offline Done4Me

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Re: Winer Winner Chicken Dinner
« Reply #67 on: October 08, 2014, 07:33:00 PM »
Seems like a good place to put this so I don't have to hot 5 different intros, I wanna call Raider, Thumblewort, Diesel, Dagranger, Grizzclaws for always working the intros. The fearless fivesome are consistently getting heads in the right place to being the journey. They deserve a thanks. Good work guys.

Offline Doc2quit4good

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Re: Winer Winner Chicken Dinner
« Reply #66 on: August 21, 2014, 11:25:00 AM »
Quote from: basshaug
Quote from: Thumblewort
Quote from: Done4Me
Question for the KTC crew regardless if you are young/old or vet/new. Open to all since I'm sure most of you are feeling it or have felt it. Proud of my quit. Damn proud. I can handle the craves. I can handle the excess drinking (more than before). In time I will take steps to curb the alcohol. Why am I waiting? I have one issue that I want to solve. Lack of focus.

I haven't had a full productive work week since I quit. Last week I strung together 3 consecutive days and felt on top of my game. This week nada. I know things will improve with time.

Here's the big question? Why can't I focus on work but I can 100% focus on KTC all damn day?
Fear? I'm the same way, I need the KTC right now, like if I don't get on and post that I'll do something I'll regret. I get done what I need to at work, but just barely. Any advise from long timers?
I am in the same boat, but i don't think it's fear. I think it's the simple fact that quitting is more fun and KTC in general is more interesting then work. Maybe that'll level out, maybe not. I do however think the productivity will get better and settle out much closer to normal than you are now. Hell 3 productive days in a row is better than your or I have had in weeks.
I have bad news! I still don't focus 100% after almost a year. Sorry man... Wish I knew what to say. We had a hard time prioritizing our lives before, but thought we were doing it by sucking in the nic. Now the nic isn't there so we have to figure out how to live without it. One day you won't have to think about nicotine or quitting ever again. Maybe then you will be at 100% Until then you better fake it!!!
Real Quit Day 9/18/2013 8th Floor 11/26/15
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Re: Winer Winner Chicken Dinner
« Reply #65 on: August 21, 2014, 12:27:00 AM »
Quote from: Thumblewort
Quote from: Done4Me
Question for the KTC crew regardless if you are young/old or vet/new. Open to all since I'm sure most of you are feeling it or have felt it. Proud of my quit. Damn proud. I can handle the craves. I can handle the excess drinking (more than before). In time I will take steps to curb the alcohol. Why am I waiting? I have one issue that I want to solve. Lack of focus.

I haven't had a full productive work week since I quit. Last week I strung together 3 consecutive days and felt on top of my game. This week nada. I know things will improve with time.

Here's the big question? Why can't I focus on work but I can 100% focus on KTC all damn day?
Fear? I'm the same way, I need the KTC right now, like if I don't get on and post that I'll do something I'll regret. I get done what I need to at work, but just barely. Any advise from long timers?
I am in the same boat, but i don't think it's fear. I think it's the simple fact that quitting is more fun and KTC in general is more interesting then work. Maybe that'll level out, maybe not. I do however think the productivity will get better and settle out much closer to normal than you are now. Hell 3 productive days in a row is better than your or I have had in weeks.

Offline Krusty

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Re: Winer Winner Chicken Dinner
« Reply #64 on: August 20, 2014, 08:28:00 PM »
Quote from: doc2quit4good
Quote from: B-loMatt
Quote from: Done4Me
Quote from: Air
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: twballgame9
Quote from: lighty7
Quote from: brettlees
Quote from: gmann
Quote from: slug.go
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: Dagranger
Quote from: worktowin
Welcome to 100 sir! Congratulations on a job well done!

Proud to quit with you today.
Wow 100 days. You've been a great quitter from day one. Congrats
Done4, great job brother. Enjoy your day.
One day, one hundred times...outstanding!!
Congrats, man.
Way to go man, glad to see it. Keep it up! it keeps getting better.
Congrats D4me! Proud of you - It's just not an option anymore is it?
Done4 is a bad ass quitter. Kudos, sir.
'wave' Atta Boy!!!
That's what I'm talking about!
Thanks to all the well wishers. Yesterday was awesome and just another +1 in the journey.
Welcome to the HOF! Nice quit you got going Done4! Keep your tools sharp. It gets way better.
Smokin quit NC Boy!!! Congrats man!!!
Inexcusably belated but no less in sentiment: congrats on 1-hundo, hoss!! Great to have you aboard; quit with you everyday!

Offline brettlees

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Re: Winer Winner Chicken Dinner
« Reply #63 on: August 20, 2014, 05:25:00 PM »
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: Heisenberg
Quote from: Done4Me
Question for the KTC crew regardless if you are young/old or vet/new. Open to all since I'm sure most of you are feeling it or have felt it. Proud of my quit. Damn proud. I can handle the craves. I can handle the excess drinking (more than before). In time I will take steps to curb the alcohol. Why am I waiting? I have one issue that I want to solve. Lack of focus.

I haven't had a full productive work week since I quit. Last week I strung together 3 consecutive days and felt on top of my game. This week nada. I know things will improve with time.

Here's the big question? Why can't I focus on work but I can 100% focus on KTC all damn day?
Because our quit is the most important thing in our lives right now. We're on here because we want to live a better life. Nobody wants their life to be managed by a hockey puck full of shit.
I echo Heisenberg. I probably still spend too much time here but without this community I wouldn't be quit. Staying quit is the most important thing to me. I could always find another job but could never forgive myself if I caved. The focus on work will get better as you stack up more days and get more comfortable (not complacent) with having said goodbye to nictotine. I still don't work a full honest week without spending time here but it is getting easier for me to focus and work my ass off to make up for the time I spend on here during the workday. Keep quiitng bro!
Im with you all on this. I'm glad to be living and quitting with you guys!
This info helped me early on, and still does today:

Quitters I’ve met so far: Ihatecope, >Pinched<, T-Cell, grizzlyhasclaws, Canvasback, BaseballPlayer, Cbird65, ERDVM, BradleyGuy, Ted, Zeno, AppleJack, Bronc, Knockout, MookieBlaylock, Rdad, 2mch2lv4, MN_Ben, Natro, Lippizaner, Amquash, ChristopherJ, GDubya, SRohde  -- always eager to meet more!

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Re: Winer Winner Chicken Dinner
« Reply #62 on: August 20, 2014, 04:59:00 PM »
Quote from: Heisenberg
Quote from: Done4Me
Question for the KTC crew regardless if you are young/old or vet/new. Open to all since I'm sure most of you are feeling it or have felt it. Proud of my quit. Damn proud. I can handle the craves. I can handle the excess drinking (more than before). In time I will take steps to curb the alcohol. Why am I waiting? I have one issue that I want to solve. Lack of focus.

I haven't had a full productive work week since I quit. Last week I strung together 3 consecutive days and felt on top of my game. This week nada. I know things will improve with time.

Here's the big question? Why can't I focus on work but I can 100% focus on KTC all damn day?
Because our quit is the most important thing in our lives right now. We're on here because we want to live a better life. Nobody wants their life to be managed by a hockey puck full of shit.
I echo Heisenberg. I probably still spend too much time here but without this community I wouldn't be quit. Staying quit is the most important thing to me. I could always find another job but could never forgive myself if I caved. The focus on work will get better as you stack up more days and get more comfortable (not complacent) with having said goodbye to nictotine. I still don't work a full honest week without spending time here but it is getting easier for me to focus and work my ass off to make up for the time I spend on here during the workday. Keep quiitng bro!

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Re: Winer Winner Chicken Dinner
« Reply #61 on: August 20, 2014, 04:35:00 PM »
Quote from: Done4Me
Question for the KTC crew regardless if you are young/old or vet/new. Open to all since I'm sure most of you are feeling it or have felt it. Proud of my quit. Damn proud. I can handle the craves. I can handle the excess drinking (more than before). In time I will take steps to curb the alcohol. Why am I waiting? I have one issue that I want to solve. Lack of focus.

I haven't had a full productive work week since I quit. Last week I strung together 3 consecutive days and felt on top of my game. This week nada. I know things will improve with time.

Here's the big question? Why can't I focus on work but I can 100% focus on KTC all damn day?
Because our quit is the most important thing in our lives right now. We're on here because we want to live a better life. Nobody wants their life to be managed by a hockey puck full of shit.

Offline Thumblewort

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Re: Winer Winner Chicken Dinner
« Reply #60 on: August 20, 2014, 03:56:00 PM »
Quote from: Done4Me
Question for the KTC crew regardless if you are young/old or vet/new. Open to all since I'm sure most of you are feeling it or have felt it. Proud of my quit. Damn proud. I can handle the craves. I can handle the excess drinking (more than before). In time I will take steps to curb the alcohol. Why am I waiting? I have one issue that I want to solve. Lack of focus.

I haven't had a full productive work week since I quit. Last week I strung together 3 consecutive days and felt on top of my game. This week nada. I know things will improve with time.

Here's the big question? Why can't I focus on work but I can 100% focus on KTC all damn day?
Fear? I'm the same way, I need the KTC right now, like if I don't get on and post that I'll do something I'll regret. I get done what I need to at work, but just barely. Any advise from long timers?
Some of my fondest and clearest memories are peeing in places that aren't bathrooms.

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Re: Winer Winner Chicken Dinner
« Reply #59 on: August 20, 2014, 03:52:00 PM »
Question for the KTC crew regardless if you are young/old or vet/new. Open to all since I'm sure most of you are feeling it or have felt it. Proud of my quit. Damn proud. I can handle the craves. I can handle the excess drinking (more than before). In time I will take steps to curb the alcohol. Why am I waiting? I have one issue that I want to solve. Lack of focus.

I haven't had a full productive work week since I quit. Last week I strung together 3 consecutive days and felt on top of my game. This week nada. I know things will improve with time.

Here's the big question? Why can't I focus on work but I can 100% focus on KTC all damn day?