Day 2
First I want to say thank you, to everyone that took the time to welcome me, share stories, digits, and the support.
Here I am on day 2. Over 24 hours free from the tin. I slept like shit last night, not only because of the lack of dip, but because my daughter was coughing all night.
I like many have tried to quit many times, I know what I will be dealing with, but waking up this morning, instead of reaching for my tin, I grabbed my phone, Signed into Roll, and had a glass of ice water. My gut hurt, my head felt like a brick was sitting on it and I was tired as hell. I am lucky for the support of my Wife, and with us being in a good place, I called out to work as I knew she was busy to stay home with our daughter.
I have issues at work, and I know they trigger the Dip Monster, being home with my Sick Daughter today has made things easy. Every where I read it talks of triggers, I know work is one of them. I use to think working in the garage, or garden, or out on the lawn was a trigger, but then I think back to Summer and remember my Wife telling me how proud she was of me, because I wouldn't have a dip all weekend while working in our yard.
My Wife and I have been talking about me being a stay at home dad, I have an issue with it because of the way I was raised. Being 2019 I am well over the fact my wife makes more than me, but me not working is something I can't imagine.
I want to thank the Brothers that checked in with me with support this morning via text, it means a lot and today was one of those easy days. Even my 4 year old looked at me today and said something that both melted my heart and made me scared as hell she said "Daddy, You don't the dip anymore?" I said No honey, Daddy is doing the Quit today, she said "I'm happy for you Daddy, I love you"
Stress is one thing that is a huge contributor to our addiction, Good paying Jobs are hard to find in VT and I have one now, but maybe it is time to think of something new. I know for a fact that if I passed today, My Job would have my position online before my Wife had my Obituary. I may be looking at another stay home day tomorrow, so maybe I will see Monday how it goes.
Anyway, Thank you all again for the amazing Welcome and Support. I was able to go to the store today, grab a pack of seeds and 4 pouches of Big League Chew (Bubble Gum) I would suggest everyone to buy stock in those companies as I will be buying a lot. Nic Bitch is being easy on me today, but I know she is just hiding and waiting, but today I am enjoying the Quit feeling and not having a disgusting bottle or Mudjug that I need to worry about filling, spilling or emptying.. Well the Mudjug is full of shells from the seeds.
I am not sure how long I want to do the seeds, On the KTC page I see a lot of the fake dips, which I have a hard time finding around VT, have any of you used them? What do you suggest?
Until tomorrow, Stay Strong Brothers & Sisters. We are in this together, and even being new here, I want to say, If you need me message me, because we are better then the Nic Bitch and we have this!
Rick Jr