Author Topic: Long time lurker- quitting today  (Read 2646 times)

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Re: Long time lurker- quitting today
« Reply #6 on: December 29, 2016, 09:01:00 AM »
Quote from: JGlav
Quote from: pbr
Thanks for the welcome.
I think I'll likely use this thread as a journal of sorts like many others have. Writing is something I love, and it'll be good for me to air out my dirty laundry.

Day 1:
I imagine any attempt at processing why I reach for the can, "my secret addiction" is going to be wasted these first couple of days. Indeed, it's hard to process much of anything going through withdrawl. My body is giving off all the warning signs that it hasn't had its fix. Well, you all know what i'm talking about. Hell, I know what to expect because I've gone through this once before. Fatigue, dizziness, inexplicable longing, confusion and all the other symptoms which has been affectionately termed "the fog".

Let's just deal with the withdrawl symptoms first- get these first few days knocked out one day at a time. Then, that will be the time to dig into the what, the why, the when. I know myself, and I'm afraid that will be the hardest part of this whole ordeal. Sure, the cravings blow. All that stuff sucks. There's a reason why though, I've used nicotine as a crutch. It goes much deeper than dopamine. For now though, let's just get past day one. Chew some gum. Drink some tea. Try and get some work done. Until tomorrow.
Good Stuff. Build your accountability, participate and offer support to others. This place will help you stay quit. In the end it's all up to you. Proud to quit with you today!
Two things: 1. Glad you stopped lurking and decided your life is worth saving and 2. Glad you quit in the middle of the week instead of of New Year's Day. Don't get me wrong, I welcome all quitter's, just the onus of a "resolution" quit usually doesn't work. I "stopped" chewing on 5 or 6 New Year's Day's myself, but have only quit once.
Some of my fondest and clearest memories are peeing in places that aren't bathrooms.

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Re: Long time lurker- quitting today
« Reply #5 on: December 29, 2016, 07:19:00 AM »
Quote from: pbr
Thanks for the welcome.
I think I'll likely use this thread as a journal of sorts like many others have. Writing is something I love, and it'll be good for me to air out my dirty laundry.

Day 1:
I imagine any attempt at processing why I reach for the can, "my secret addiction" is going to be wasted these first couple of days. Indeed, it's hard to process much of anything going through withdrawl. My body is giving off all the warning signs that it hasn't had its fix. Well, you all know what i'm talking about. Hell, I know what to expect because I've gone through this once before. Fatigue, dizziness, inexplicable longing, confusion and all the other symptoms which has been affectionately termed "the fog".

Let's just deal with the withdrawl symptoms first- get these first few days knocked out one day at a time. Then, that will be the time to dig into the what, the why, the when. I know myself, and I'm afraid that will be the hardest part of this whole ordeal. Sure, the cravings blow. All that stuff sucks. There's a reason why though, I've used nicotine as a crutch. It goes much deeper than dopamine. For now though, let's just get past day one. Chew some gum. Drink some tea. Try and get some work done. Until tomorrow.
Good Stuff. Build your accountability, participate and offer support to others. This place will help you stay quit. In the end it's all up to you. Proud to quit with you today!

Offline pbr

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Re: Long time lurker- quitting today
« Reply #4 on: December 28, 2016, 01:43:00 PM »
Thanks for the welcome.
I think I'll likely use this thread as a journal of sorts like many others have. Writing is something I love, and it'll be good for me to air out my dirty laundry.

Day 1:
I imagine any attempt at processing why I reach for the can, "my secret addiction" is going to be wasted these first couple of days. Indeed, it's hard to process much of anything going through withdrawl. My body is giving off all the warning signs that it hasn't had its fix. Well, you all know what i'm talking about. Hell, I know what to expect because I've gone through this once before. Fatigue, dizziness, inexplicable longing, confusion and all the other symptoms which has been affectionately termed "the fog".

Let's just deal with the withdrawl symptoms first- get these first few days knocked out one day at a time. Then, that will be the time to dig into the what, the why, the when. I know myself, and I'm afraid that will be the hardest part of this whole ordeal. Sure, the cravings blow. All that stuff sucks. There's a reason why though, I've used nicotine as a crutch. It goes much deeper than dopamine. For now though, let's just get past day one. Chew some gum. Drink some tea. Try and get some work done. Until tomorrow.

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Re: Long time lurker- quitting today
« Reply #3 on: December 28, 2016, 11:37:00 AM »
Echoing what that fine quitter above said, PBR.

This place is built on a couple things: 1. Integrity, and 2. Accountability

Glad you're already looking for a place to show you have the first one and to build the second one (your quit group). The KTC method is simple: wake up, piss, post roll, honor your post (meaning you will not use nicotine in ANY form for the next 24 hours), then do it all over again the following morning. Assuming you have a shred of integrity and do not lie while posting roll (which is obviously a huge no-no that will get you banned from further participation in the forums), this will, coupled with a safety net of accountable folks who will come track you down if you fail to post roll by a certain time of day (which each quit group figures out on their own), will work to keep you quit and begin breaking that addiction to nicotine.

Get active, get to know as many quitters in your group (and adjacent groups) as you can. Trade digits with them. I know it sounds weird, but knowing that there are others out there going through the same withdrawal symptoms you are and who can help talk you off the ledge actually works. Over time, some of them will become like an extended family to you, but this will work only if you are willing to put in the effort...basically you get out of it what you put into it (kind of like life)....

So jump in and start swimming's gonna suck for awhile, but then the periods of clarity in the midst of the suck will begin to get longer and longer and one day you'll realize it doesn't suck any more. That, and you'll no longer be a slave to some insidious weed in a can.

Welcome; looking forward to seeing your name on the roll!

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Re: Long time lurker- quitting today
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2016, 11:28:00 AM »
Hey PBR Congrats on the best decision of your life!!!!!

forum/55560/ This link has a lot of good information about posting roll and why we post it

You are in the April Group there you will find the
people that will be reaching the 100 day milestone in April with you.

the best advice I can offer is drink tons of water to help your body flush out the toxins out of your body
also reach out and get involved in your group so you have a net to fall back on when you need support

feel free to pm me with any questions you may have

Offline pbr

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Long time lurker- quitting today
« on: December 28, 2016, 11:10:00 AM »
Hello everyone, just stopping in to introduce myself. I've used the can off and on for the last five years, and it's time for me to put it down for good. Worst part is I was quit for about 4 months a couple of years ago and someone offered me a dip in the fishing boat and that's all it took. I'm ready to be nicotine/dip free for life. Doing it for my health, but more so my wife, family, and friends. It's not going to be easy.

Now, if any of you soldiers can direct me to my quit group, that'd be fantastic. I looked around but could locate the group for someone quitting on 12/28/16.
Feel free to ask me more questions about myself. Talking about things other than how much quitting sucks would likely be beneficial.