AW, nice to meet ya man. I started dipping when I was like 14 or 15 so I started pretty young just like you. Glad you found ktc. This place is incredible. Other than waking up and posting roll every damn day, take the time to stroll through ktc, there's a lot to offer. Educate yourself on addiction and the changes you will see as you progress in your quit. Find some support and build a nice web of accountability with vets and new quitters in May or other groups. Own your quit.
Congrats on making it through your first weekend. Right now your head is probably foggy as hell. Concentration will be difficult for another 7 days or so. Your sleep will probably suck soon if not already and the mind games will begin soon. Just stay the course, enjoy the ride and remember what this all feels like. We all came out on the other side for the better. Anyways, proud to quit with you today!