Hey all I've heard it mentioned here a few times. But some days I have horrible anxiety which turnes into heart burn and the two symptoms can last all day sometimes.
From what I have read from here this can come and go for a LONG time. My question does anyone have any advice, tips, tricks?
Anxiety sucks big floppy donkey dick. I dealt with it for a long time and stayed quit. Here’s what I can add:
- it comes and goes. Learn to see it coming and what to do next. Early on it was pharmaceutical, a 0.5 mg Xanax, prescribed. Now it is step back, go for a drive, coffee or a walk. Still have the script, but haven’t filled it in over a year.
- Stress about what you control. My anxiety was caused by me becoming overwhelmed by everything. Things in my control and things that aren’t. Now I have developed a way of sorting through the daily crap and putting things into the fuk it bucket or the to do list.
- Don’t be afraid to let it all out. Crying because your overwhelmed is healthy as long as the tears don’t fall in your beer. Talking... Writing.... are also two good ways. I used my intro (see KTC archives, this time is for real) there is also an anxiety and depression in the getting my act together. *Not sure if they created one at KTC 3.0, but go to the archives and read.
- I found God. I spend most of my 2 hrs commute listing to sermons, worship music, a daily devotional and the Bible. This I know has been the greatest asset in me overcoming my anxiety. There is NOTHING that Jesus hasn’t paid the price for. We are to lay our worries at his feet and lean into him.
Dealing with anxiety and Quit is an extremely emotional and personal journey. But that’s why it has highs and lows. It’s a journey. You can only stumble if your moving forward. When our kids learned to walk, we didn’t call them failures if the fell after two steps, we picked them back up and encouraged them with a bright smiling face with pride in our eyes. Realize that is how our Father looks at us.
Find the encouragement anywhere you can get it and treat this like your quit, ODAAT. Also don’t forget that there isn’t one situation in which nicotine will improve the outcome.