Author Topic: Eschmit04 - my journey  (Read 11792 times)

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Re: Anxiety
« Reply #17 on: February 12, 2019, 10:12:40 PM »
None of us are doctors here...and if you are really worried, please go see the doc...but anxiety and heartburn and inability to focus?  All extremely common complaints after quitting.  You are only 16 days in, you have a lot of healing to do. A lot.

Couple things...if you drink coffee or anything else with caffeine...cut back.  Any caffeine you take in will have 2x the affect on your body now as it did without nicotine in your body.  Strange but true. 

I have found Ashwagandha and Rhodiola Rosea to help me with stress and mental clarity, respectively.  They both reduce cortisol levels in the body which helps to reduce the body's response to stress naturally. 
Just one and you will be back to where you started, and where you started was desperately wishing you were where you are now.
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Re: Anxiety
« Reply #16 on: February 12, 2019, 11:52:51 AM »
The anxiety thing is real.  If you are really struggling with it I would suggest you talk with your doctor about it.  There is no shame in asking your doctor for help.  Nicotine is a highly addictive drug and you just quit it cold turkey.  Yes, it is going to have an affect on you. 

I can't call what I experienced anxiety, but I definitely had trouble controlling my emotions for a couple months.  I actually felt myself tearing up a few times over stupid crap like sad movies.  I flipped a lot of people off while I was driving.  I had zero patience with everybody at work.  But, I eventually leveled off and returned to normal.  I read somewhere that it can take about 4 months for your brain to rewire itself after you quit nicotine.  I don't remember where I read it and I don't know if that is true.  But, I do think that quitting got much easier for me around that 4 month mark.

I didn't have any problems with heartburn when I quit, but I did used to suffer greatly from acid reflux many years ago.  I actually went to the doctor because I thought something inside my throat felt odd.  He took a look inside my throat and asked me how many days a week I had heartburn.  My answer to him was zero.  He laughed and told me that I appeared to have an eroded esophagus and put me on some medication.  Within a week after starting the medication I felt fantastic and realized that I had been suffering from heartburn for years but was so used to it that I didn't realize I had it.  Years later I switched doctors and the new doctor wanted me to get off of the proton pump inhibitors.  So, he wanted me to change my diet and make a few other changes.  I hate to age myself here but as soon as I got rid of my waterbed my heartburn went completely away.  The doctor said when I slept on the waterbed my esophagus was below my stomach because my body was top heavy.   I haven't had a problem with heartburn since. 

Maybe you had heartburn before but didn't realize it.  Maybe your diet has changed since you quit nicotine (I know mine did).  I drank a ton more coffee when I quit and coffee can definitely cause heartburn.  There are several things related to your eating habits that you might be doing different now that could be causing the heartburn.  I am just stabbing in the dark here.  If it concerns you, go see your doctor.
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Re: Anxiety
« Reply #15 on: February 12, 2019, 10:53:58 AM »
I was really hoping you guys would have a little more input on this. I figured this was kinda normal when quit?

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Re: Anxiety
« Reply #14 on: February 11, 2019, 06:42:41 PM »
Many Many years ago I suffered from depression/anxiety. A few years on medication, a lot of learning about myself and depression and I was back off the medication. I have been off any kind of medication like that for atleast 8 years now.

With that being said this is different. It has me thinking it is just another side affect of leaning to live without nicotine. Depression left me helpless, overwhelmed etc.

This is different Like I cant stop thinking... about everything.. its not like I'm worried about bills, or my family, etc... Its like I'm excited almost short of breath but not quite. Sometimes it seems that daily triggers kick off the feeling that can last the rest of the day.

It also seems to be paired with a less intense version of the "fog"but hard to focus, sometimes almost groggy. I'm only 16 days in so I feel like its gotta be the nicotine.. I have no other reason to feel like this. Dr says I'm in good health, I have a beautiful wife, two amazing children, good job that supports us well, and live in one of the most beautiful places in the country.

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Re: Anxiety
« Reply #13 on: February 11, 2019, 11:53:34 AM »

The only thing I can add to this conversation is that anxiety is very real and perhaps you should seek out the help of a medical counselor.  I was dealing with anxiety and rage and my workouts and meditation helped a great deal. I know others that sought out a counselor who them referred them to get medication.

Make sure you are eating three square meals a day, getting plenty of rest, are on a regular exercise program and give yourself at least 15 minutes quiet time to just sit and meditate.

My lifting workout of 5 sets of 5 makes me feel very calm and tranquil. Perhaps some type of workout can make you feel that way as well.

If not, do not hesitate to seek professional advice.

Living with anxiety is like living with pain - you can do it but if you can find a way to relieve it that is healthy then do it.

Much success.

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Re: Anxiety
« Reply #12 on: February 10, 2019, 01:04:50 PM »
Hey all I've heard it mentioned here a few times. But some days I have horrible anxiety which turnes into heart burn and the two symptoms can last all day sometimes.

From what I have read from here this can come and go for a LONG time. My question does anyone have any advice, tips, tricks?
Anxiety sucks big floppy donkey dick. I dealt with it for a long time and stayed quit. Here’s what I can add:
- it comes and goes. Learn to see it coming and what to do next. Early on it was pharmaceutical, a 0.5 mg Xanax, prescribed. Now it is step back, go for a drive, coffee or a walk. Still have the script, but haven’t filled it in over a year.
- Stress about what you control. My anxiety was caused by me becoming overwhelmed by everything. Things in my control and things that aren’t. Now I have developed a way of sorting through the daily crap and putting things into the fuk it bucket or the to do list.
- Don’t be afraid to let it all out. Crying because your overwhelmed is healthy as long as the tears don’t fall in your beer. Talking... Writing.... are also two good ways. I used my intro (see KTC archives, this time is for real) there is also an anxiety and depression in the getting my act together. *Not sure if they created one at KTC 3.0, but go to the archives and read.
- I found God. I spend most of my 2 hrs commute listing to sermons, worship music, a daily devotional and the Bible. This I know has been the greatest asset in me overcoming my anxiety. There is NOTHING that Jesus hasn’t paid the price for. We are to lay our worries at his feet and lean into him.

Dealing with anxiety and Quit is an extremely emotional and personal journey. But that’s why it has highs and lows. It’s a journey. You can only stumble if your moving forward. When our kids learned to walk, we didn’t call them failures if the fell after two steps, we picked them back up and encouraged them with a bright smiling face with pride in our eyes. Realize that is how our Father looks at us.

Find the encouragement anywhere you can get it and treat this like your quit, ODAAT. Also don’t forget that there isn’t one situation in which nicotine will improve the outcome.
There are no circumstances in which using nicotine will improve the outcome.

My journey. The best part it is not over yet.

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Re: Anxiety
« Reply #11 on: February 10, 2019, 11:54:09 AM »
I too have had and still struggle with anxiety. I personally think the dip hid it for years, but I am not going to test that theory. My anxiety stems from stresses of work and life balance. Here to help, if needed.
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Re: Anxiety
« Reply #10 on: February 09, 2019, 12:04:00 AM »
What is your form of anxiety? You'd have to describe what you're feeling a little in order to get some accurate advice/tips.....I've struggled with anxiety for around two years now. Would be happy to talk about it. PM me

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« Reply #9 on: February 08, 2019, 08:31:33 PM »
Hey all I've heard it mentioned here a few times. But some days I have horrible anxiety which turnes into heart burn and the two symptoms can last all day sometimes.

From what I have read from here this can come and go for a LONG time. My question does anyone have any advice, tips, tricks?

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Re: Anyone ever heard of snoring more after quit??
« Reply #8 on: February 02, 2019, 03:22:10 PM »
It sounds weird but wife has been telling me my snoring has gotten significantly worse. I am not sure if this is a coincidence or what?

About a year ago I got my tonsils removed and it pretty much eliminated my snoring. So it was re disheartening ti hear that it is coming back.. Hoping it goes away

Without the constant nicotine stimulation in your body I would imagine the muscles in your throat are entirely relaxed which would explain the increased snoring. Also, if you gained any weight ( I gained 15lbs) after your quit, that would add to the problem. You might try a anti snoring mouth guard that positions the lower jaw outward slightly and keeps the airway from relaxing shut during sleep.

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Re: Anyone ever heard of snoring more after quit??
« Reply #7 on: February 02, 2019, 01:26:07 PM »
It sounds weird but wife has been telling me my snoring has gotten significantly worse. I am not sure if this is a coincidence or what?

About a year ago I got my tonsils removed and it pretty much eliminated my snoring. So it was re disheartening ti hear that it is coming back.. Hoping it goes away

Yup! Especially early in my quit. Wanna know what I did to fix it?  I went down to Walmart and bought her a box of ear plugs. Problem solved

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Re: Anyone ever heard of snoring more after quit??
« Reply #6 on: February 02, 2019, 09:37:08 AM »
I think it affects everyone differently. My wife says I have quit snoring and I sleep way more now than I have in recent memory. Hang in there and keep up the quit. We are all in this together.

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Re: Anyone ever heard of snoring more after quit??
« Reply #5 on: February 01, 2019, 11:22:27 PM »
It sounds weird but wife has been telling me my snoring has gotten significantly worse. I am not sure if this is a coincidence or what?

About a year ago I got my tonsils removed and it pretty much eliminated my snoring. So it was re disheartening ti hear that it is coming back.. Hoping it goes away

Only thing I can tell you is that since quitting, I’m finally sleeping more soundly and deeply and that I do snore a bit more than before. I don’t have any scientific evidence to back it up but that’s the only thing I can attribute it too. That and I’m not staying up late trying to get one last dip in before bed.
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Re: New here, 9 days into my quit.... well kinda
« Reply #4 on: January 31, 2019, 06:14:19 PM »
Hi all Looking forward to talking and hearing from all of you. I quite on Monday Jan 21st at about 6:00pm. But not knowing any better I did use a few pieces of nicorette gum on friday and saturday so at this point I can really only say I'm 4 days into my quit.

That said it is horrible. The fog is brutal and has stuck with me almost the entire time. Reading a lot of post on here about the "medical anxiety" helped a lot. Pretty much since the day I quite I have not felt healthy, and I have to tell myself "I'm fine, its the nicotine trying to win".

I had quit once before that lasted for around 90 days and it was a CAKE walk compared to this. When I made the decision to quite this go around I never though it would be this hard, or have this much physical/mental control over me.

Well anyway I'm hear cause I want to talk with people that truly understand what I'm going though and don't just look at me like I"m crazy.

The May Crew Grows! Welcome Brother. Chris said it all brother, Remember you are not a lone in this and yes we understand! I'm 9 Days in so I am still in the suck with you. I promise to never let you down and stay Quit with you! If you want my digits send me a PM, it really does help, Use that help anytime! Glad to have you with us, lets get through it together. I like to say Day by Day, Hour by Hour, Minute by Minute, Second by Second. Keep moving forward and Never Quit (The Quit) We are all dealing with what you are, we Understand, and you are not crazy!

Try to burn all these shitty feelings you are having, Embrace them, Beat them, but don't forget them! I never want to go through this hell again! Together we will kick the Nic bitch for good!

Proud to quit with you today!

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Anyone ever heard of snoring more after quit??
« Reply #3 on: January 31, 2019, 11:10:55 AM »
It sounds weird but wife has been telling me my snoring has gotten significantly worse. I am not sure if this is a coincidence or what?

About a year ago I got my tonsils removed and it pretty much eliminated my snoring. So it was re disheartening ti hear that it is coming back.. Hoping it goes away