Congrats on 2 months without that nasty poison. Remember your priorities. Quitting better be a top priority in your life. You don't have to go golfing if it's going to interfere with your quit.
However, for many of us, golfing is like just has to be done. Once the decision to be Quit is made, 99% of golfers find that they can enjoy golf much more without the dead poison leaf. The other 1% didn't really make the decision to be quit and are looking for an excuse.
Sure, there will be some craves, but we power through them. Stock up on your go-to's...sunflower seeds, fake dip, gum, lots of water, etc. Refrain from alcohol if it makes you weaker. If bastard golf buddies offer you their can, kindly take it and dump the contents. They won't offer again. Stay away from 19th hole shenanigans that involve cigar-turds. Your game will improve and you might even enjoy chasing that white ball around.