Author Topic: New guy  (Read 2580 times)

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Offline medicsteve

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Re: New guy
« Reply #22 on: November 12, 2013, 12:50:00 AM »
When you get up, post and win Monday and add to your undefeated record.
Done, bitch!

The key for me has been the "don't want" is bigger than the "want." Truthfully, I do think there will always be a longing for a lost friend. I had this when I quit smoking for over 3 years, before lapsing again with dip. And I am feeling this again. Dealing with this sense of loss is part of what some of us need to come to terms with.

OK, funny story - I'm teaching class tonight and one of my students says, "I heard you're trying to quit chew." I said, "That's not accurate - I have quit and will stay quit." Then I get real close to him and say, "Do you have a problem with that?" He reels backward stammering, "No, no, no, that's cool." Hahahaha. I tell you, my sense of humor has been real fucked up lately.

Another story today. I pull into the dentist for the 6 mo. clean and check. This chick pulls in and parks a new F-150 in the fucking handicapped spot. She jumps out all spry and shit. I say, "Hey, that's a handicapped spot." She says, "No it's not." Well, she's parked in the damn cross hatched area next to the handicapped spot for the crippled people's wheelchairs and I know she knows she's wrong. I walk closer to her and say real low and kinda growly - "You need to be re-calibrated." She looks at me all puzzled cause she has no fucking idea what that mean, and neither do I. I turned and walked into the office for my appointment. Said something to the receptionist and she said it was the lab girl who parks there all the time. Maybe she'll rethink her parking choices. Maybe not...

I tell you, getting this shit out of my system has brought with it a new normal. I like what I'm feeling. I think some re-calibration is in my near future.

See you all in the morning.
You're only $5 and a bad decision away from the same fate - jlud007.
One is one too many, and one more is never enough - Kenny/Grace.

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Re: New guy
« Reply #21 on: November 11, 2013, 09:06:00 AM »
Quote from: medicsteve
So, the first weekend of quit is in the bag. It was interesting. Friday night at home with laundry and TV with son, pretty chill and no problems. Saturday all day work in yard, grade papers, etc, etc. These are times I am usually dipping a lot so I found myself missing it a bit. Saturday night was out with friends, dinner, drinks, live music, more drinks - woo hoo good time. Damn I want a chew or a smoke. Made it through just find and then home and happy I didn't cave. Sunday work my ass off serving breakfast at the firehouse. Love these days. After I'm done, I sit and realize - DAMN, I really want a chew. Doesn't help that several of the other FF's chew. But, I find something to shift the mind's focus and after a few minutes the crave passes.

I'm sitting here now finishing grading tests. I am boned tired after an awesome weekend, and I have some seeds to keep my lips and tongue busy. Confident I can do this. Today and each day taken as they come is doable. It's hard thinking about not having my friend ever again though. I know, I know, logically she was certainly no friend. But damn, that rush, that buzz was awesome.

Anyway, everybody keep on quitin' and talk at you later.

In time you will look back and read this post in unbelief. You will shake your head when you read the fact you called the poison a friend. It will make you sick to see that you had such a difficult time saying no to a filthy disgusting can of dirt.

Stay the course medic. Each day you win makes the battle easier and easier. Your making your way to a door. This door is hard to get to and open. I can not tell you how long it will take to get there but with determination, drive and accountability you will get there. Settle in, keep your head pointed forward and make your way to the door. You will do this my friend and you will love the new medic. He's one bad dude that loves his evenings without the dirt.
Hof date may 25, 2013
HoF Speech

The poison sucks. I hate it. I hated it this morning, I hated it at noon, I hated it at supper and I hate it tonight. I enjoy hating it so much I'm going to wake up tomorrow and start over hating it. I quit with anyone that wants to hate it with me.

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Re: New guy
« Reply #20 on: November 11, 2013, 12:06:00 AM »
Quote from: mogul
MedicSteve, Keep posting this info as well. It's good stuff for us all to read. I agree with many of the long term quitters here, read, read, post, and read again. You did great over the weekend. Now concentrate on sleep and when you wake up in the morning post your name and then it will be another day without a drug telling you how you are going to live.

The Nic Bitch tried to get me yesterday with that "job well done, celebration, take it easy and relax chew" . It's a sneaky ass tactic that she deploys. Way to stay strong. Call on us if you need too.

Weekend victories are a fucking statement! When you get up, post and win Monay and add to your undefeated record.
Quit And Be Free

HOF Speech

Offline Mogul

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Re: New guy
« Reply #19 on: November 10, 2013, 10:42:00 PM »
MedicSteve, Keep posting this info as well. It's good stuff for us all to read. I agree with many of the long term quitters here, read, read, post, and read again. You did great over the weekend. Now concentrate on sleep and when you wake up in the morning post your name and then it will be another day without a drug telling you how you are going to live.

The Nic Bitch tried to get me yesterday with that "job well done, celebration, take it easy and relax chew" . It's a sneaky ass tactic that she deploys. Way to stay strong. Call on us if you need too.


Offline medicsteve

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Re: New guy
« Reply #18 on: November 10, 2013, 10:22:00 PM »
So, the first weekend of quit is in the bag. It was interesting. Friday night at home with laundry and TV with son, pretty chill and no problems. Saturday all day work in yard, grade papers, etc, etc. These are times I am usually dipping a lot so I found myself missing it a bit. Saturday night was out with friends, dinner, drinks, live music, more drinks - woo hoo good time. Damn I want a chew or a smoke. Made it through just find and then home and happy I didn't cave. Sunday work my ass off serving breakfast at the firehouse. Love these days. After I'm done, I sit and realize - DAMN, I really want a chew. Doesn't help that several of the other FF's chew. But, I find something to shift the mind's focus and after a few minutes the crave passes.

I'm sitting here now finishing grading tests. I am boned tired after an awesome weekend, and I have some seeds to keep my lips and tongue busy. Confident I can do this. Today and each day taken as they come is doable. It's hard thinking about not having my friend ever again though. I know, I know, logically she was certainly no friend. But damn, that rush, that buzz was awesome.

Anyway, everybody keep on quitin' and talk at you later.

You're only $5 and a bad decision away from the same fate - jlud007.
One is one too many, and one more is never enough - Kenny/Grace.

Offline ParadigmDawg

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Re: New guy
« Reply #17 on: November 08, 2013, 06:31:00 PM »
Sure, nicotine takes about 72 hours to leave you body but guess what....your body is use to living on nicotine so it is about to fight you and fight you hard.

I am not trying to scare you or make things sound too hard to do, I just want you to be geared up and prepared.

The next 50-100 days are going to be difficult and you will have many bad days and a few good days. Use those good days to recharge your batteries and prepare for the next round of the fight. Quit one hour at a time, if that's too difficult, quit for one minute at a time.

When you think about it 100 days isn't very long but it can seem like forever when you are in the middle of it. You can do this and I will stand right beside you while you do it.

I need you to be successful so I know that I can stay successful in my quit.
Oh little are so scary...F' OFF...!!!

Offline medicsteve

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Re: New guy
« Reply #16 on: November 08, 2013, 06:05:00 PM »
Day 4. A bit better cause I don't feel totally like shit. Actually took a real dump today too. So, looks like the physical part is ending. Now for the mental battle. I have been having some cravings, but I don't want to dip and that really helps. What is weird is in find myself craving a smoke which I haven't done in like 6 years. The bitch is trying to get in any way she can...

Talked to my son today. He says don't preach, which I won't. I'll set the example and try to steer him quietly. He will respond better that way.

Thanks to everyone here for the support. We can do this! Stay strong and stay quit.

You're only $5 and a bad decision away from the same fate - jlud007.
One is one too many, and one more is never enough - Kenny/Grace.

Offline Jlud007

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Re: New guy
« Reply #15 on: November 07, 2013, 04:21:00 PM »
Quote from: ParadigmDawg
Quote from: Pinched
Quote from: medicsteve
OK, back 'cause I need to talk a bit.  I've been reading other posts and the entertainment value here is off the charts.  Seriously, some of these folks could write for a living. 
Last chew was Sunday night, no chew Monday or today. I will get through this. I know the first 3 days are the worst.
Correction on the above, last chew was Monday night, so first quit day was 11/5. I've posted roll yesterday and today and will continue. So, today wil be day 3. The fog is lifting a bit, but I still feel stupid and slow. I haven't told my family yet that I've quit and to be truthful they haven't even figured it out, even though no spit cups etc etc. Speaking of family, I am going to have a sit down with my son as soon as we have some time just him and I and I want him on board too.

I know my fuse has been short the last few days. Seems to be a lot more really stupid people out there. Been down this road before so I know this will get better as time goes on.

Thanks eveyone for the words of encouragement. Can't wait to get to 100 days with the group.
I concur that there are more stupid people out there since I quit. I have always had anger management problems, but I know about them so I use that anger to fuel other things. My workouts have intensified since my quit and therefore so have my driving skills.

Just this morning I flipped off another driver because he was in the fast lane moving slow and blowing cigar smoke out his window. The good news is all that I did was indicated that I thought he was Numero Uno; if I hadn't worked out yesterday he may have gotten a plume of black smoke in his window while I drop the hammer and cause a flood of unburned diesel fuel to enter his window. In my opinion I would have saved him some money as the carcinogens from the unburned fuel would have saved one or two drags from his cigar. Yet the kinder gentler Pinched prevailed.

I am helping a co-worker with educating his 21 year old son to stop as well. We have an intervention planned for him for this weekend. If either of them are like I was at 21 (ten feet tall, bulletproof and the baddest mofo in the room no matter what room we are in) then this should be a blast.

Congrats on your quit the fog sucks until it doesn't. in a few weeks food will start to taste different and you will notice that your vehicle, your chair and other things no longer wreak of that UST smell.

Get a bike you bully...... 'crackup'
I can relate, at least once a week the supervisor for the company that does our lawn and landscaping shows up in my office with lip full of shit.

Pisses me off...quit on brother!

Offline ParadigmDawg

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Re: New guy
« Reply #14 on: November 07, 2013, 02:20:00 PM »
Quote from: Pinched
Quote from: medicsteve
OK, back 'cause I need to talk a bit.  I've been reading other posts and the entertainment value here is off the charts.  Seriously, some of these folks could write for a living. 
Last chew was Sunday night, no chew Monday or today. I will get through this. I know the first 3 days are the worst.
Correction on the above, last chew was Monday night, so first quit day was 11/5. I've posted roll yesterday and today and will continue. So, today wil be day 3. The fog is lifting a bit, but I still feel stupid and slow. I haven't told my family yet that I've quit and to be truthful they haven't even figured it out, even though no spit cups etc etc. Speaking of family, I am going to have a sit down with my son as soon as we have some time just him and I and I want him on board too.

I know my fuse has been short the last few days. Seems to be a lot more really stupid people out there. Been down this road before so I know this will get better as time goes on.

Thanks eveyone for the words of encouragement. Can't wait to get to 100 days with the group.
I concur that there are more stupid people out there since I quit. I have always had anger management problems, but I know about them so I use that anger to fuel other things. My workouts have intensified since my quit and therefore so have my driving skills.

Just this morning I flipped off another driver because he was in the fast lane moving slow and blowing cigar smoke out his window. The good news is all that I did was indicated that I thought he was Numero Uno; if I hadn't worked out yesterday he may have gotten a plume of black smoke in his window while I drop the hammer and cause a flood of unburned diesel fuel to enter his window. In my opinion I would have saved him some money as the carcinogens from the unburned fuel would have saved one or two drags from his cigar. Yet the kinder gentler Pinched prevailed.

I am helping a co-worker with educating his 21 year old son to stop as well. We have an intervention planned for him for this weekend. If either of them are like I was at 21 (ten feet tall, bulletproof and the baddest mofo in the room no matter what room we are in) then this should be a blast.

Congrats on your quit the fog sucks until it doesn't. in a few weeks food will start to taste different and you will notice that your vehicle, your chair and other things no longer wreak of that UST smell.

Get a bike you bully...... 'crackup'
Oh little are so scary...F' OFF...!!!

Offline Mcbeevee

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Re: New guy
« Reply #13 on: November 07, 2013, 12:20:00 PM »
medicsteve, Be a role model to your son and us. Own your quit!!!!
Quit today all day long!!!

Offline Pinched

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Re: New guy
« Reply #12 on: November 07, 2013, 11:53:00 AM »
Quote from: medicsteve
OK, back 'cause I need to talk a bit. I've been reading other posts and the entertainment value here is off the charts. Seriously, some of these folks could write for a living.
Last chew was Sunday night, no chew Monday or today. I will get through this. I know the first 3 days are the worst.
Correction on the above, last chew was Monday night, so first quit day was 11/5. I've posted roll yesterday and today and will continue. So, today wil be day 3. The fog is lifting a bit, but I still feel stupid and slow. I haven't told my family yet that I've quit and to be truthful they haven't even figured it out, even though no spit cups etc etc. Speaking of family, I am going to have a sit down with my son as soon as we have some time just him and I and I want him on board too.

I know my fuse has been short the last few days. Seems to be a lot more really stupid people out there. Been down this road before so I know this will get better as time goes on.

Thanks eveyone for the words of encouragement. Can't wait to get to 100 days with the group.
I concur that there are more stupid people out there since I quit. I have always had anger management problems, but I know about them so I use that anger to fuel other things. My workouts have intensified since my quit and therefore so have my driving skills.

Just this morning I flipped off another driver because he was in the fast lane moving slow and blowing cigar smoke out his window. The good news is all that I did was indicated that I thought he was Numero Uno; if I hadn't worked out yesterday he may have gotten a plume of black smoke in his window while I drop the hammer and cause a flood of unburned diesel fuel to enter his window. In my opinion I would have saved him some money as the carcinogens from the unburned fuel would have saved one or two drags from his cigar. Yet the kinder gentler Pinched prevailed.

I am helping a co-worker with educating his 21 year old son to stop as well. We have an intervention planned for him for this weekend. If either of them are like I was at 21 (ten feet tall, bulletproof and the baddest mofo in the room no matter what room we are in) then this should be a blast.

Congrats on your quit the fog sucks until it doesn't. in a few weeks food will start to taste different and you will notice that your vehicle, your chair and other things no longer wreak of that UST smell.

"If you want to quit then stop talking and just QUIT. If you want to kill yourself a bullet is cheaper and faster than a tin, plus it eliminates my hearing you whine and cry like a bitch."

Best thing I have read on KTC...Submitted by tgafish on 7/3/14

Former Skoal Straight and Cope Longcut user that started at the age of 12. QUIT on 7/15/13

Offline medicsteve

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Re: New guy
« Reply #11 on: November 07, 2013, 11:43:00 AM »
OK, back 'cause I need to talk a bit. I've been reading other posts and the entertainment value here is off the charts. Seriously, some of these folks could write for a living.
Last chew was Sunday night, no chew Monday or today. I will get through this. I know the first 3 days are the worst.

Correction on the above, last chew was Monday night, so first quit day was 11/5. I've posted roll yesterday and today and will continue. So, today wil be day 3. The fog is lifting a bit, but I still feel stupid and slow. I haven't told my family yet that I've quit and to be truthful they haven't even figured it out, even though no spit cups etc etc. Speaking of family, I am going to have a sit down with my son as soon as we have some time just him and I and I want him on board too.

I know my fuse has been short the last few days. Seems to be a lot more really stupid people out there. Been down this road before so I know this will get better as time goes on.

Thanks eveyone for the words of encouragement. Can't wait to get to 100 days with the group.
You're only $5 and a bad decision away from the same fate - jlud007.
One is one too many, and one more is never enough - Kenny/Grace.

Offline dabean22

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Re: New guy
« Reply #10 on: November 06, 2013, 09:56:00 PM »
Quote from: medicsteve
My 21 y/o son is chewing too. He thinks it's cool and a big part of that is my fault. Well, it's time to set another example...
That's the right attitude to have. My big sister took it upon herself to talk my ear off about this place until I agreed to look into it. The KTC mentality and people won me over but I can tell you the truth, if it wasn't for her, I would still be sucking on the bitches tit today. Instead, I'm a man of my word and I know that I'm an addict. I will always be an addict. 20 years from now, I'll still be an addict and I will always know that I can't just have one because..... yeah that's right, I'm an addict. The bottom line is that family can be the best example. LionHeartedGirl and I are proof that family that quits together grows closer. Get him on here reading and learning about the addiction to give him the tools he needs to ball up and quit TODAY.
Quit 8/04/13
HOF 11/11/13
Thanks mostly to LHG. That girl rocks the world. I love you Sis.
Someone, somewhere out there is suffering through a more intense crave than me and that person is staying quit. As will I. -JoeMellow
SkyDiver - The first step is a bitch but that's when the fun starts.

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Re: New guy
« Reply #9 on: November 06, 2013, 05:00:00 PM »
Quote from: medicsteve
Thanks everyone, appreciate the support.
And how about showing Junior how to sign up to? We're running a two for one special all day today. Two quits for the price of one...all the freedom an addict could want!!!
Good idea, Bean. I'll try and get him in here too.

See you guys around.
We had a father and son from Nevada quit together and go through all the ups and downs you will experience. I think his name is runner. Its going to the fight of your life as you probably know from stopping smoking several year ago. Make this a final quit this time!!! You can DO this and you won't find better support anywhere!!!

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Re: New guy
« Reply #8 on: November 06, 2013, 04:49:00 PM »
Welcome aboard Steve. This is the best site on the planet to help you along your quit journey...and it will be a journey. Look up at the top right hand side of this screen and you will see Inbox(1). It is a PM (personal message) from me with my telephone number. Call me with any questions or concerns you have...or just call if you need to vent. Welcome again. Wayne
"Life's tough......It's even tougher if you're stupid."
-John Wayne