Author Topic: So how's everybody's 72hrs going?  (Read 15296 times)

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Offline Mike from AB

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Re: So how's everybody's 72hrs going?
« Reply #12 on: August 22, 2013, 09:02:00 PM »
Quote from: Miles
Quote from: whsii
Welcome to KTC,

Good stuff in your intro.  You have A LOT to live for.  Yeah, a cancer diagnosis would be a major setback, to say the least.

Listen, my friend:  You can do this.  This quit sucks for a little while.  It does get better. 

Post roll every day.  Reach out to fellow HOF groupies.  Thjis is a brotherhood.  You're two years behind me.  Think about it.  In two years you will be having this same "conversation" with someone who will quit in August of 2015! 

One day a a time.

I am ALWAYS available to talk you off the roof.  PM me for cell, if you want.

Just fucking quit.

whsii 741
^ What he said

I love having my life back! No dip for me, I'm done with that stuff!
Thanks for your support Miles!

Offline Mike from AB

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Re: So how's everybody's 72hrs going?
« Reply #11 on: August 22, 2013, 09:00:00 PM »
Quote from: whsii
Welcome to KTC,

Good stuff in your intro. You have A LOT to live for. Yeah, a cancer diagnosis would be a major setback, to say the least.

Listen, my friend: You can do this. This quit sucks for a little while. It does get better.

Post roll every day. Reach out to fellow HOF groupies. Thjis is a brotherhood. You're two years behind me. Think about it. In two years you will be having this same "conversation" with someone who will quit in August of 2015!

One day a a time.

I am ALWAYS available to talk you off the roof. PM me for cell, if you want.

Just fucking quit.

whsii 741
Thanks for the offer whsii I'll PM for cell  give you mine. It's hard to imagine 2 years out, but the fellowship on these boards are amazing. One day at a time.

Offline Mike from AB

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Re: So how's everybody's 72hrs going?
« Reply #10 on: August 22, 2013, 08:57:00 PM »
Quote from: Radman
The physical symptoms haven't been as bad as you expected...... YET. You'll eventually get hit with some suck. I guarantee it. Every quit follows a different timeline. Just be prepared so you won't fail when that test shows up.

You may still have a lot to achieve, but for right now nothing matters except the fact that you are quit. That's the path to ovecoming this addiction.

Side note: stop and smell the proverbial roses that are blooming right now. The bush may be dead before next season.
Thanks for the tip Radman. No mistaking, there's some suck here for physical symptoms for sure, I just expected worse,  expected the worst in the first 72. Thanks for the warning that it could get worse even still yet so I can know to be prepared for it  it doesn't throw me off track.

Good point on stopping  smelling the roses too. I've always made my life better in the present by focusing more on the future  desired outcomes. But in that way it's nice to stop  look back at how far I've come  just how many roses are in full bloom all around compared to 2-3 years ago

Offline Mike from AB

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Re: So how's everybody's 72hrs going?
« Reply #9 on: August 22, 2013, 08:54:00 PM »
Quote from: rickddd
THis is great stuff, Mike! you should post it in your November group - that thread isn't just for posting roll, its for chatting with other group members too.

But this is the right idea, bro - talk it out with other quitters who are going thru exactly the same things. It makes your quit stronger and helps you get thru the tough times. Proud to quit with you Mike.

PS - you should drop by August 2013 and send a message to Papabear, he's also from Alabama and a very good dude.
Thanks Rick, I would've thought the Nov post was just for posting roll,  this forum was for the discussion threads. New to how this is all organized.

Thanks for your suggestion about Papabear. He seems like a great dude so far, he already PM'ed or emailed me or something,  texted. I can't believe all the support here!

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Re: So how's everybody's 72hrs going?
« Reply #8 on: August 22, 2013, 08:54:00 PM »
Quote from: rickddd
Quote from: quittinglawyer
I am on day 4, and the first three days were pretty tough.  Pretty much a constant headache, emotionally on edge, "cranky" as my wife called me out on mutiple occasions.  I have slept like shit, usually waking up every hour or so.  However, I have to say that something has started to click this afternoon.  This morning, I had my first long drive being quit.  I am a lawyer and had a hearing in a small town that was about 2 hours away.  We're talking back roads and corn fields for miles.  In the past, drives like this were never done without the fattest lipper I could stuff in my mouth.  In fact, I've "stopped" chewing dozens of times over the last decade, sometimes for weeks or even months at a time.  But I'll bet you an out of town hearing with a long car ride was the cave trigger that ended my quit numerous times.  I was nervous this morning.  I was craving a chew like you wouldn't believe.  But I got on this site, read some shit, posted roll, and hit the road.  About an hour into the drive, something clicked.  It was like I could suddenly see how ridiculous it was for me to think I couldn't enjoy a country drive without a chew.  I turned up the tunes, rolled the windows down and yelled, "Fuck you, nic bitch." at the top of my lungs.  Maybe that was stupid, but it made me feel fucking great.  To wrap things up, I won my hearing, went for a long run in a beautiful state park and made the drive back without a single craving.  I know this is going to be a tough road, but I'm just taking it ODDAAT, and today has been a good day.  Quitting right along with you.
This is good stuff, my friend. Proud to quit with you.
I smell a quitter. You got that poison out of your body and now all that is left is the mind games. I have shouted obscenities at the nic bitch in the car with my windows down too; I was in a bit more traffic than corn fields but who cares? A little rage at the nic bitch is a good thing man; in fact I like to rage at her anytime I hear her wisperin'. You are winning! Keep it up EDD.

Offline rickddd

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Re: So how's everybody's 72hrs going?
« Reply #7 on: August 22, 2013, 03:25:00 PM »
Quote from: quittinglawyer
I am on day 4, and the first three days were pretty tough. Pretty much a constant headache, emotionally on edge, "cranky" as my wife called me out on mutiple occasions. I have slept like shit, usually waking up every hour or so. However, I have to say that something has started to click this afternoon. This morning, I had my first long drive being quit. I am a lawyer and had a hearing in a small town that was about 2 hours away. We're talking back roads and corn fields for miles. In the past, drives like this were never done without the fattest lipper I could stuff in my mouth. In fact, I've "stopped" chewing dozens of times over the last decade, sometimes for weeks or even months at a time. But I'll bet you an out of town hearing with a long car ride was the cave trigger that ended my quit numerous times. I was nervous this morning. I was craving a chew like you wouldn't believe. But I got on this site, read some shit, posted roll, and hit the road. About an hour into the drive, something clicked. It was like I could suddenly see how ridiculous it was for me to think I couldn't enjoy a country drive without a chew. I turned up the tunes, rolled the windows down and yelled, "Fuck you, nic bitch." at the top of my lungs. Maybe that was stupid, but it made me feel fucking great. To wrap things up, I won my hearing, went for a long run in a beautiful state park and made the drive back without a single craving. I know this is going to be a tough road, but I'm just taking it ODDAAT, and today has been a good day. Quitting right along with you.
This is good stuff, my friend. Proud to quit with you.
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Offline quittinglawyer

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Re: So how's everybody's 72hrs going?
« Reply #6 on: August 22, 2013, 01:59:00 PM »
I am on day 4, and the first three days were pretty tough. Pretty much a constant headache, emotionally on edge, "cranky" as my wife called me out on mutiple occasions. I have slept like shit, usually waking up every hour or so. However, I have to say that something has started to click this afternoon. This morning, I had my first long drive being quit. I am a lawyer and had a hearing in a small town that was about 2 hours away. We're talking back roads and corn fields for miles. In the past, drives like this were never done without the fattest lipper I could stuff in my mouth. In fact, I've "stopped" chewing dozens of times over the last decade, sometimes for weeks or even months at a time. But I'll bet you an out of town hearing with a long car ride was the cave trigger that ended my quit numerous times. I was nervous this morning. I was craving a chew like you wouldn't believe. But I got on this site, read some shit, posted roll, and hit the road. About an hour into the drive, something clicked. It was like I could suddenly see how ridiculous it was for me to think I couldn't enjoy a country drive without a chew. I turned up the tunes, rolled the windows down and yelled, "Fuck you, nic bitch." at the top of my lungs. Maybe that was stupid, but it made me feel fucking great. To wrap things up, I won my hearing, went for a long run in a beautiful state park and made the drive back without a single craving. I know this is going to be a tough road, but I'm just taking it ODDAAT, and today has been a good day. Quitting right along with you.

Offline miles

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Re: So how's everybody's 72hrs going?
« Reply #5 on: August 22, 2013, 09:29:00 AM »
Quote from: whsii
Welcome to KTC,

Good stuff in your intro. You have A LOT to live for. Yeah, a cancer diagnosis would be a major setback, to say the least.

Listen, my friend: You can do this. This quit sucks for a little while. It does get better.

Post roll every day. Reach out to fellow HOF groupies. Thjis is a brotherhood. You're two years behind me. Think about it. In two years you will be having this same "conversation" with someone who will quit in August of 2015!

One day a a time.

I am ALWAYS available to talk you off the roof. PM me for cell, if you want.

Just fucking quit.

whsii 741
^ What he said

I love having my life back! No dip for me, I'm done with that stuff!
I quit with with you all!

Offline Wild_Bill

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Re: So how's everybody's 72hrs going?
« Reply #4 on: August 22, 2013, 08:47:00 AM »
Welcome to KTC,

Good stuff in your intro. You have A LOT to live for. Yeah, a cancer diagnosis would be a major setback, to say the least.

Listen, my friend: You can do this. This quit sucks for a little while. It does get better.

Post roll every day. Reach out to fellow HOF groupies. Thjis is a brotherhood. You're two years behind me. Think about it. In two years you will be having this same "conversation" with someone who will quit in August of 2015!

One day a a time.

I am ALWAYS available to talk you off the roof. PM me for cell, if you want.

Just fucking quit.

whsii 741
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veni, vici, cessavi

Offline Radman

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Re: So how's everybody's 72hrs going?
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2013, 08:02:00 AM »
The physical symptoms haven't been as bad as you expected...... YET. You'll eventually get hit with some suck. I guarantee it. Every quit follows a different timeline. Just be prepared so you won't fail when that test shows up.

You may still have a lot to achieve, but for right now nothing matters except the fact that you are quit. That's the path to ovecoming this addiction.

Side note: stop and smell the proverbial roses that are blooming right now. The bush may be dead before next season.

Offline rickddd

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Re: So how's everybody's 72hrs going?
« Reply #2 on: August 21, 2013, 11:54:00 PM »
THis is great stuff, Mike! you should post it in your November group - that thread isn't just for posting roll, its for chatting with other group members too.

But this is the right idea, bro - talk it out with other quitters who are going thru exactly the same things. It makes your quit stronger and helps you get thru the tough times. Proud to quit with you Mike.

PS - you should drop by August 2013 and send a message to Papabear, he's also from Alabama and a very good dude.
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Offline Mike from AB

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So how's everybody's 72hrs going?
« on: August 21, 2013, 09:42:00 PM »
Phew, I see lots in the November group that are in the same 72hr type period as me. How's it all goin for yall?

For me, this is tougher than I thought. My quit was unplanned on impulse after I'd fought off yet another nic fit. I was always good at putting them off  moderating consumption. Which of course meant I never had to quit...

Thanks to that though, the physical symptoms havent been as bad as I've expected. The mornings are foggy  I still have lower energy than my usual lows. But the psychological part is worse. Ive gone through a tin of Smoky Mountain combatting triggers for today, so I know I'll have to deal with the psychological after the physical is over.

But it's time. I'm 38yo, dipped cope for the better part of 2 decades now. But I could never handle a cancer diagnosis that was of my own causing. Any other type? I could deal with that. But at my own hand? I still have too much in life to achieve.

1. Career - I'm finally at a point in my career where work has plenty of upsides  lots of promotions. Looking at an office/leadership position next and a cancer diagnosis would kill that dream pretty quick.
2. Marriage  Family - yes at my age I've never married nor been a father, both I'd still would love to experience.
3. Material Wants - looking at a winter home,  it'll be time in the next few years to replace both vehicles in the garage, kinda hard to do any of that if #1 isn't possible,  none of it matters much if I can't still go after #2.

So onwards  onwards to day #3 for me. Hope yall are doin ok with this!