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Offline dukedog

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Re: typical welders
« Reply #40 on: October 21, 2012, 08:43:00 AM »
Quote from: Bean
Quote from: dukedog
Quote from: Kubiak
Melatonin, it's a non-addictive supplement that your body produces naturally, google it and get some, it works.
Valerian is another natural sleep aid, smells bad but helped me. While we're talking about herbal shit I've found St. John's Wort useful for anxiety and depression. Prescription drugs scare me.....getting rid of addictions here, not picking up new ones.
Personally, I pills. But, I also was corrected on that issue recently. My new attitude is that you should do what you AND YOUR DOCTOR think you should do to remain quit.

Some people need a doctor's help for the anxiety/sleeplessness. Everybody is different. I didn't sleep normally for weeks...more than two or three, I think. But I didn't have anxiety. I would just surf the interenet (found this site that way) or watch TV. I didn't try to fight it. I knew what was causing it, and I saw it for what it was...the nicotine withdrawal mind-fuck. And I actually embraced the sleepless nights because that was me earning my day, and one sleepless night, at a time.

I've heard Nyquil works...Benadryl, too. 2 extra-strength Tylenol sorta worked for me after a few weeks...but maybe I would have been sleeping anyway at that point? Talk to the bad-ass quitting experts on this site and talk to a doctor if you think it will help. But, don't get angry at the sleepless nights. Don't just lay there tossing and turning. Get up, learn to laugh at your condition, and relax knowing that it will get better.

Stay strong, brother!!!
A side note on melatonin, after using it over a period of two to three weeks a couple of times I finally realized that it was responsible for giving me the raging shits...really bad. They don't warn you about this possibility on the bottle and I'm sure this is not a problem for everyone. Too bad because I really enjoyed the sedative effect.
Dese for you

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Re: typical welders
« Reply #39 on: October 19, 2012, 09:54:00 AM »
At day 61 I have added 18 pounds. That is with running 20 to 25 miles a week. I was really worried about this too. I know my appetite has increased without nicotine and with the increased exercise.

Up through my first 100 days I am going to err on the side of my quit. I am trying to eat healthier and reduce my portions. However, if a crave is kicking my ass, I will eat. My quit is more important than my weight right now.

As I have progressed, I have noticed more control over my quit, my emotions and myself in general. I will get past 100 and then kick the weight gain in pants.

Hope this helps. Quittin with you each day.

Offline Souliman

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Re: typical welders
« Reply #38 on: October 17, 2012, 11:03:00 PM »
There seems to be a couple schools of thought. One is why take on more burden than necessary at this point. You're fighting off addiction and should only focus on that and do the very best you can to overcome the struggle of withdrawal and rediscovering what a non-using life is. If the weight goes on, the weight can come off. We'll focus on one problem at a time.

That seems quite rational. My advice would be to exercise. Exercise until you bleed from your eyeballs. When you've got that extra "live wire" feeling from a crave, exercise. Why not make this a wholesale change? Make an entire life change and strive towards more exercise and scrutinizing your diet. One, you'll be tired. Being tired you'll sleep better. If you're rested, you'll make better decisions. Second, you stuffed poison consciously into your body. Why not give it a break and put in some good food? That too will help keep you in a rational mind. I look at it as being proactive to staying quit. Just my take.

Offline goldenarm89

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Re: typical welders
« Reply #37 on: October 17, 2012, 10:02:00 PM »
The weight u gain from quit dip does it come off after a while?
I can weld a cats ass to plate of glass..
Thats some live action right there.
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Offline goldenarm89

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Re: typical welders
« Reply #36 on: September 30, 2012, 11:23:00 PM »
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: goldenarm89
anybody think i can wake up the drunk college kids across from my apartment like 20 feet from my truck with me miller 302 trailblazer when i get up for work?
Pour water under their door, hook one lead to door knob and other in the water. Turn that trail blazer on high and knock. Those drunk boys will come to the door barefooted. That'll wake them up! I have a little miller bobcat 3 phase, wish I had the trailblazer. Lol
Gosh I'm feeling some hard core super evil craves tonight. Son of a bitch. Anyway miller jus came out with a 325 trailblazer efi and 5 inches shorter about 100 # lighter to also it would take 12 new 325 trailblazers to sound as loud as one 302.
I can weld a cats ass to plate of glass..
Thats some live action right there.
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Offline Wt57

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Re: typical welders
« Reply #35 on: September 30, 2012, 11:27:00 AM »
Quote from: goldenarm89
anybody think i can wake up the drunk college kids across from my apartment like 20 feet from my truck with me miller 302 trailblazer when i get up for work?
Pour water under their door, hook one lead to door knob and other in the water. Turn that trail blazer on high and knock. Those drunk boys will come to the door barefooted. That'll wake them up! I have a little miller bobcat 3 phase, wish I had the trailblazer. Lol
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Re: typical welders
« Reply #34 on: September 30, 2012, 08:29:00 AM »
Hang in there goldenarm89. You are off to a great start.

I have spent my whole carrer in industrial design, maintenance, and construction. Spit tobacco is as engrained in the construction trades as it is in baseball. Most of the places we worked do not allow smoking so we dipped.

"Hey, that young project engineer is alright. He dipps too."

No. I was not alright. I am an educated professional. I knew it was no good for me. It was something that I was ashamed of. I will get over the cravings but I do not know if I will ever get over the shame and embarasment of being a user of spit tobbaco. I am not a person of selfish pride. I can be humble about many things but I still have a hard time discussing my addiction with someone face-to-face. I dreaded going to the dentist because I knew he would ask me if I still dipped. Sometimes I wanted to cry.

This time it is different. I will keep the faith. I will finish the race, and I will not let any of you nor myself down. Today, goldenarm89 I quit with you.

Quit Date: July 3, 2012

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Offline goldenarm89

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Re: typical welders
« Reply #33 on: September 30, 2012, 03:33:00 AM »
anybody think i can wake up the drunk college kids across from my apartment like 20 feet from my truck with me miller 302 trailblazer when i get up for work?
I can weld a cats ass to plate of glass..
Thats some live action right there.
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Offline Dozer99

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Re: typical welders
« Reply #32 on: September 30, 2012, 02:53:00 AM »
Yep, Just keep ranting. I do the same thing, it helps to clear my head, and keeps other people alive!
Quit day: 11 Sep 2012.

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Offline boog1964

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Re: typical welders
« Reply #31 on: September 29, 2012, 09:19:00 PM »
I find that sometimes it helps just to blurt the shit out on my own thread. It doesn't really matter if anyone else agrees or comments or anything. Sometimes you just gotta say your piece. I am with you bro.
QD 9/9/2012

Offline goldenarm89

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Re: typical welders
« Reply #30 on: September 29, 2012, 08:10:00 PM »
I am to the point when i see someone dipping i get discussed i dont know why i started oh wait i remember to piss my parents off way to go piss your parents off by killing yourself .
And yes i feel that the nic bitch is a addiction watched my best friend go to rehab many times trying to quit meth thank goodness i never started that shit but looking back how am i any different being addicted to something that makes you dig around the house and truck to find change to buy a can with At one time i thought i was cooler than them punk asses that couldnt stomach it but now i think what a dumb ass i was...

I guess i just wanted to clear my head of some thoughts didnt really know if i should post it in my group or ? But anyway today was the hardest since day one making contacts on here helps just sending a text telling someone good morning that is going thru the same thing makes you think how can i be so weak to cave when your brother is right there going thru it to.
I can weld a cats ass to plate of glass..
Thats some live action right there.
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Offline mattgrizz

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Re: typical welders
« Reply #29 on: September 22, 2012, 02:10:00 AM »
My entire life I had never had a problem getting a great nights sleep. When I quit dipping though, about 1 month into it, I went three straight nights only getting 1-3 hrs of sleep when normally I go to bed and fall out in no time and sleep through the whole night. You just gotta ride it out. Then, about 2 months in, I had a stretch of about 3 weeks straight that I had a super weird dream EVERY night, when normally I would have a dream maybe once every few months that I could remember. Its some crazy stuff no doubt, just take it for what it is and ride it out. One of the best things is just submitting to the fact that the withdrawal is causing all your problems and that will give you the courage to get through each phase, knowing that there IS a light at the end of the tunnel.

Offline ERDVM

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Re: typical welders
« Reply #28 on: September 21, 2012, 02:03:00 AM »
Just adapt and keep moving forward GA. Love what Bean said, and anything Drome is quit gold. Watch your caffine levels, exercise, and be as productive as you can. Too much computer/tv time can trick your brain on the whole daylight thing too ive heard. I have a pretty messed up schedule, and still fight periods of insomnia. BUT....I had them before quitting too. Don't romanticize with the was not better with her. A little less sleep? Fuck it and move on.

Vadge 252.
(going to go try and sleep now.......)

Offline goldenarm89

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Re: typical welders
« Reply #27 on: September 21, 2012, 12:20:00 AM »
Thanks for all the tips.. I know what not getting sleep is like try pulling a 32 hour shift what I do for a living it happens all to often that's why I want to get as much as I can.
I can weld a cats ass to plate of glass..
Thats some live action right there.
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Offline Dr_Dirt

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Re: typical welders
« Reply #26 on: September 20, 2012, 03:20:00 PM »
Quote from: Bean
  Get up, learn to laugh at your condition, and relax knowing that it will get better. 
This seems like a really good perspective for me and my QUIT. Thanks.
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