Author Topic: Withdrawal normal?  (Read 3064 times)

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Re: Withdrawal normal?
« Reply #35 on: November 21, 2015, 07:23:00 AM »
Quote from: KingNothing
Quote from: cjoy
Quote from: andrew33
Anybody have dizziness for a long time after their quit? I'm only on day 8 but I'm starting to think the dizziness is triggering the anxiety. Every time I walk on uneven ground, uphill, downhill, drive my truck or forklift my eyes get lost and I started to get dizzy and nauseas. I was just pushing my kid in the stroller for a short stroll and had to stop and lay down.
I had it pretty bad for the first 70 days and still feel it every once in a while. It is anxiety...breathe through it brother. Gonna send you a PM in case you need another number
Andrew, take ^^^ guy up on the offer. He is certified bad ass on here, and despite his struggles became a leader in October.
Dizziness - absolutely. The oxygen imbalance is messing with you. It will pass. I promise.

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Re: Withdrawal normal?
« Reply #34 on: November 20, 2015, 02:46:00 PM »
Quote from: cjoy
Quote from: andrew33
Anybody have dizziness for a long time after their quit? I'm only on day 8 but I'm starting to think the dizziness is triggering the anxiety. Every time I walk on uneven ground, uphill, downhill, drive my truck or forklift my eyes get lost and I started to get dizzy and nauseas. I was just pushing my kid in the stroller for a short stroll and had to stop and lay down.
I had it pretty bad for the first 70 days and still feel it every once in a while. It is anxiety...breathe through it brother. Gonna send you a PM in case you need another number
Andrew, take ^^^ guy up on the offer. He is certified bad ass on here, and despite his struggles became a leader in October.
"Fuck nicotine dude. You don't need it. And you don't want it. It didn't do a thing for you and you know it." - worktowin
"today you dissided that shit wont control your life. and it wont. unless you let it." - drome
"Not thinking about nicotine is for people who've never used nicotine. We threw that option away with the first dip or drag on a cigarette. We are addicts, and cannot become un-addicted." - wildirish317
"You need to decide how much you really want to be quit." - pky1520
We are always at risk. And probably always will be. That is why I will never get "too quit" to post my +1. Every. Damn. Day. - geis2597

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Re: Withdrawal normal?
« Reply #33 on: November 20, 2015, 02:31:00 PM »
Quote from: andrew33
Anybody have dizziness for a long time after their quit? I'm only on day 8 but I'm starting to think the dizziness is triggering the anxiety. Every time I walk on uneven ground, uphill, downhill, drive my truck or forklift my eyes get lost and I started to get dizzy and nauseas. I was just pushing my kid in the stroller for a short stroll and had to stop and lay down.
I had it pretty bad for the first 70 days and still feel it every once in a while. It is anxiety...breathe through it brother. Gonna send you a PM in case you need another number
"Exploding Diarrhea" KN
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Re: Withdrawal normal?
« Reply #32 on: November 20, 2015, 01:50:00 PM »
Anybody have dizziness for a long time after their quit? I'm only on day 8 but I'm starting to think the dizziness is triggering the anxiety. Every time I walk on uneven ground, uphill, downhill, drive my truck or forklift my eyes get lost and I started to get dizzy and nauseas. I was just pushing my kid in the stroller for a short stroll and had to stop and lay down.
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Re: Withdrawal normal?
« Reply #31 on: November 17, 2015, 04:01:00 PM »
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: andrew33
I don't want to become dependant on pills. If there's a chance i can tough this out till the point that these attacks stop happening i want that. But i can't go on much longer at work having to stop and find a place to freak out. I made an appointment with my ent to get my nose checked out but they can'tsee me till damn dDecember 1st
Your goal today is to get off the nicotine dependence. Your body and brain are fighting with each other trying to figure out what to do.

Nicotine is an oxygen suppressant in the bloodstream. Your brain hasn't been getting the amount of oxygen that it was "wired" to get for some time, and now there is a flood of O2 hitting it. Which is good... but your brain doesn't understand that. It is like being in a dark room for 5 years and suddenly having bright lights shining in your eyes. It hurts. Same deal with your oxygen dude...

There is nothing wrong with a couple of months of anxiety meds to help you through a tough spot. Your doctor (GP) can help you out with that, and it will help more than you know. I didn't use them, but a lot of my friends did. If it helps you heal, do it.

Still quit with you today sir. You should be very proud.
Understand where you coming from my friend, I agree with you but I also understand what w2w saying, if the brain starts to convince then meds better than nic! Quit on my friend! We're here just ask.
Tobacco is so addictive it took me a year after a massive heart attack, in which doctor confirmed caused from dipping to finally put a lid on the bitch! ODAAT EDD

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Re: Withdrawal normal?
« Reply #30 on: November 17, 2015, 12:56:00 PM »
Quote from: andrew33
I don't want to become dependant on pills. If there's a chance i can tough this out till the point that these attacks stop happening i want that. But i can't go on much longer at work having to stop and find a place to freak out. I made an appointment with my ent to get my nose checked out but they can'tsee me till damn dDecember 1st
Your goal today is to get off the nicotine dependence. Your body and brain are fighting with each other trying to figure out what to do.

Nicotine is an oxygen suppressant in the bloodstream. Your brain hasn't been getting the amount of oxygen that it was "wired" to get for some time, and now there is a flood of O2 hitting it. Which is good... but your brain doesn't understand that. It is like being in a dark room for 5 years and suddenly having bright lights shining in your eyes. It hurts. Same deal with your oxygen dude...

There is nothing wrong with a couple of months of anxiety meds to help you through a tough spot. Your doctor (GP) can help you out with that, and it will help more than you know. I didn't use them, but a lot of my friends did. If it helps you heal, do it.

Still quit with you today sir. You should be very proud.

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Re: Withdrawal normal?
« Reply #29 on: November 17, 2015, 12:41:00 PM »
I don't want to become dependant on pills. If there's a chance i can tough this out till the point that these attacks stop happening i want that. But i can't go on much longer at work having to stop and find a place to freak out. I made an appointment with my ent to get my nose checked out but they can'tsee me till damn dDecember 1st
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Re: Withdrawal normal?
« Reply #28 on: November 17, 2015, 11:07:00 AM »
Quote from: andrew33
Quote from: Tuggin
Quote from: pab1964
Quote from: andrew33
Quote from: pab1964
Andrew way to go my friend. Great job posting roll! Anxiety is a very common thing when trying to quit! Now let's think about this, 2 cans a day of all kinds of poison going in your body. You stop cold turkey, your body damn near is in shock, all kinds of weird shits gonna go in. Stress causes all kinds of symptoms, look it up. Relax,breath smile, your not dying my friend nothing that most of us haven't been through. Remember quitting has never killed anyone! Quit on my brother! Pm me for my number if you want
I appreciate your words. I'm just concerned that these anxiety episodes might not be from the withdrawals but from not dealing with stress properly. But I had blood work done on Friday and they said i was healthy. So, I'm just going to try and take it easy at work if i can until these symptoms improve.
Anxiety and stress go hand and hand. If you are having problems and are worrying yourself bad enough go get some anxiety meds my friend, there's several guys I've talked to and read about that's using or used anxiety meds! Whatever you do keep this shit out of your mouth! We're all here to help you in anyway we can.

I'm fairly new to this also. The anxiety is horrible. I feel like I'm going to fall down from dizziness. It's hard to breath sometimes.

It does get better...I'm on day 13. It's still difficult sometimes but is 99.9% better than my first week.

Good luck bro...I quit with you!
Thanks, man. I need to keep hearing that from folks. Makes me feel like what's happening is to be expected. You just about got yours in the bag! Just got remember why were doing this!
This will all pass shortly Andrew. Just stay quit and you'll never have to go through it again.

As far as your roll post, you can do exactly what you did here, but post it in your group: Feb 2016.

Somebody there will pick you up if you can't figure out how to do it from your phone. The most important thing is to get it up there, doesn't have to be right.
"Fuck nicotine dude. You don't need it. And you don't want it. It didn't do a thing for you and you know it." - worktowin
"today you dissided that shit wont control your life. and it wont. unless you let it." - drome
"Not thinking about nicotine is for people who've never used nicotine. We threw that option away with the first dip or drag on a cigarette. We are addicts, and cannot become un-addicted." - wildirish317
"You need to decide how much you really want to be quit." - pky1520
We are always at risk. And probably always will be. That is why I will never get "too quit" to post my +1. Every. Damn. Day. - geis2597

Freedom Tastes So Good

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Re: Withdrawal normal?
« Reply #27 on: November 17, 2015, 08:12:00 AM »
Quote from: Tuggin
Quote from: pab1964
Quote from: andrew33
Quote from: pab1964
Andrew way to go my friend. Great job posting roll! Anxiety is a very common thing when trying to quit! Now let's think about this, 2 cans a day of all kinds of poison going in your body. You stop cold turkey, your body damn near is in shock, all kinds of weird shits gonna go in. Stress causes all kinds of symptoms, look it up. Relax,breath smile, your not dying my friend nothing that most of us haven't been through. Remember quitting has never killed anyone! Quit on my brother! Pm me for my number if you want
I appreciate your words. I'm just concerned that these anxiety episodes might not be from the withdrawals but from not dealing with stress properly. But I had blood work done on Friday and they said i was healthy. So, I'm just going to try and take it easy at work if i can until these symptoms improve.
Anxiety and stress go hand and hand. If you are having problems and are worrying yourself bad enough go get some anxiety meds my friend, there's several guys I've talked to and read about that's using or used anxiety meds! Whatever you do keep this shit out of your mouth! We're all here to help you in anyway we can.

I'm fairly new to this also. The anxiety is horrible. I feel like I'm going to fall down from dizziness. It's hard to breath sometimes.

It does get better...I'm on day 13. It's still difficult sometimes but is 99.9% better than my first week.

Good luck bro...I quit with you!
Thanks, man. I need to keep hearing that from folks. Makes me feel like what's happening is to be expected. You just about got yours in the bag! Just got remember why were doing this!
"Make yourself sheep and the wolves will eat you." - Benjamin Franklin

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Re: Withdrawal normal?
« Reply #26 on: November 17, 2015, 07:36:00 AM »
Quote from: pab1964
Quote from: andrew33
Quote from: pab1964
Andrew way to go my friend. Great job posting roll! Anxiety is a very common thing when trying to quit! Now let's think about this, 2 cans a day of all kinds of poison going in your body. You stop cold turkey, your body damn near is in shock, all kinds of weird shits gonna go in. Stress causes all kinds of symptoms, look it up. Relax,breath smile, your not dying my friend nothing that most of us haven't been through. Remember quitting has never killed anyone! Quit on my brother! Pm me for my number if you want
I appreciate your words. I'm just concerned that these anxiety episodes might not be from the withdrawals but from not dealing with stress properly. But I had blood work done on Friday and they said i was healthy. So, I'm just going to try and take it easy at work if i can until these symptoms improve.
Anxiety and stress go hand and hand. If you are having problems and are worrying yourself bad enough go get some anxiety meds my friend, there's several guys I've talked to and read about that's using or used anxiety meds! Whatever you do keep this shit out of your mouth! We're all here to help you in anyway we can.

I'm fairly new to this also. The anxiety is horrible. I feel like I'm going to fall down from dizziness. It's hard to breath sometimes.

It does get better...I'm on day 13. It's still difficult sometimes but is 99.9% better than my first week.

Good luck bro...I quit with you!

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Re: Withdrawal normal?
« Reply #25 on: November 17, 2015, 07:16:00 AM »
Is it common to still have a loss of dexterity in my hands and feet? When I try to play guitar I'm struggling or lagging a little bit on very easy stuff and when in driving my truck or my forklift it's like I'm having trouble controlling how much pressure I'm applying to the pedal because my calves feel week? I'm sorry for all the is this normal questions. I was always a little bit of a hypochondriac when my body would change and now since I can't explain these things it's got me on edge. Also my eye site is still kind of sluggish as well. Better then it was the first 3 days but still not normal.

Also, I'm still quit just still haven't learned the correct way to post roll from my phone. Day 6
"Make yourself sheep and the wolves will eat you." - Benjamin Franklin

Online worktowin

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Re: Withdrawal normal?
« Reply #24 on: November 16, 2015, 08:16:00 PM »
Quote from: lwildma2
Quote from: andrew33
Spoke too soon. Anxiety is kicking back up. At least it seems to spacing itself out more. Had trouble correctly posting roll from my phone today but I'll get it figured out.
Anxiety is the excuse I used to bust all of my previous attempts to quit. I am on day 69 and I still fight anxiety but it is getting better. For 15 years I used nicotine as a crutch to deal with my stress and anxiety. 2+ cans per day wasn't enough to handle it any more and my lips and gums couldn't handle 3 cans per day and Lord knows I tried. I went to the doctor 2 years ago and started anxiety medication and it helped for awhile. I am still on a low dose and it think it helps to even out the anxiety instead of having big swings. The best thing I can do is controlled breathing. Take in a deep breath while counting to three and then exhale while counting to three. I do this as sets of 10. At first I was doing up to 20 sets and now the most extreme anxiety attacks may take 3-4 sets to get calmed back down. I also listen to self hypnosis videos on youtube. If I have a bad attack at work, I will open up word and just start typing whatever comes to mind. It helps me get back into perspective and then I can select all and delete my worries and it helps calm me.

Hope some wisdom from an Illini fan is a little better received. ;)

PM me anytime you need to vent. I am willing to help and proud to quit with you today.
Hey sir - there will be ups and downs in this process. Remember, this is one day at a time. Focus on today and don't worry about tomorrow. It will get better.

Did you get to read Mr Michigans (Diesels) intro? If not, you should.

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Re: Withdrawal normal?
« Reply #23 on: November 16, 2015, 09:31:00 AM »
Quote from: andrew33
Spoke too soon. Anxiety is kicking back up. At least it seems to spacing itself out more. Had trouble correctly posting roll from my phone today but I'll get it figured out.
Anxiety is the excuse I used to bust all of my previous attempts to quit. I am on day 69 and I still fight anxiety but it is getting better. For 15 years I used nicotine as a crutch to deal with my stress and anxiety. 2+ cans per day wasn't enough to handle it any more and my lips and gums couldn't handle 3 cans per day and Lord knows I tried. I went to the doctor 2 years ago and started anxiety medication and it helped for awhile. I am still on a low dose and it think it helps to even out the anxiety instead of having big swings. The best thing I can do is controlled breathing. Take in a deep breath while counting to three and then exhale while counting to three. I do this as sets of 10. At first I was doing up to 20 sets and now the most extreme anxiety attacks may take 3-4 sets to get calmed back down. I also listen to self hypnosis videos on youtube. If I have a bad attack at work, I will open up word and just start typing whatever comes to mind. It helps me get back into perspective and then I can select all and delete my worries and it helps calm me.

Hope some wisdom from an Illini fan is a little better received. ;)

PM me anytime you need to vent. I am willing to help and proud to quit with you today.

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Re: Withdrawal normal?
« Reply #22 on: November 16, 2015, 09:04:00 AM »
Spoke too soon. Anxiety is kicking back up. At least it seems to spacing itself out more. Had trouble correctly posting roll from my phone today but I'll get it figured out.
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Re: Withdrawal normal?
« Reply #21 on: November 16, 2015, 08:17:00 AM »
good to read. Yes day 4 you are free of nicotine, so physical withdrawal is done. Now comes the mental part. As recommended above, work out and drink lots of water. The fog can last a while, but it is not forever.