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Re: Please tell me what you think;
« Reply #19 on: November 22, 2011, 02:43:00 PM »
Quote from: babyk77
My Husband has been chewing since he was a teenager, he quit last November 2010 than he started chewing again in July for no apparent reason (he kept it from me to that he was doing it again). The reason he quit Nov 2010 he originally told me was he wanted to be better for me and for us and being we were getting married in Sept 2011 he wanted to live a long, happy, healthy life with me. Well than in July when he finally admitted he was doing it again he said the real reason he quit was his mouth was to sore and that he didn't remember saying all that other. Anyway I am so bothered every day with him doing it. I told him I didn't want to see it, well he doesn't do a good job as it is in his teeth daily, he tells me he's not hiding it from me, and it is so hard for me as my dad passed from smoking related things and I'm watching my mother slowly die from emphysema, he knows this is why I'm so terrified I don't want to lose him prematurely, and when he wasn't doing it he was sensitive to this and understood and now he seems pompus (like whats going to happen to me). I just find myself hurt and mad. And I feel pissed at myself sometimes for even getting involved being my past two boyfriends each had smoking issues and constantly lied to me and now he promised me he would never lie to me or intentionally hurt me but he is, but I was dumb enough to get involved knowing he was a chewer so it's my own fault. I just find myself days wishing he would see how bad this hurts me as he has seen me cry over this pertaining to him and my own mothers failing health so many times that he would just decide he didn't want to do it any more. He is a good man this is his major issue. I just feel bitter and I just don't know what to do and how to not let it constantly affect me, and how to have it not change the way I feel about him. I just feel he doesn't care how I feel, or respect me that much when it comes to this. Any advice would be great. Thank so much. Sorry it got long!!!
Babyk please understand that his dipping is not about you. It has absolutely nothing to do with you. Please don't beat yourself up over this. Everyone is correct in pointing out that your husband is simply a drug addict. 20 years ago I promised my wife I'd quit. I have 2 kids in college and 1 in HS who don't know I dipped. But a friend of mine got terminal stomach cancer and I finally found the guts to take a stand against my addiction. I've been nic free for 84 days, one day at a time.

You cannot help him decide to quit. Matter-of-fact, the Nic bitch will make sure he chooses her over you almost every time. About all you can do is what Luby suggested = get him looking at this site. See if he'll read everything on here:

Additional Resources

and here: Cancer and Quitter Stories
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Re: Please tell me what you think;
« Reply #18 on: November 22, 2011, 02:28:00 PM »
Quote from: babyk77
Thank you, I understand that Nicotine is a addiction thankfully one I have never had. When he quit before I was very supportive and he tells me now he's not where he wants to be with it and he's dissapointed in himself but I think it's a bunch of BS by his attitude because he hasn't even attempted to quit again and he actually has started buying it, he won't admit it but I know he has and he is doing it all the time now even when he's with me but yet he lies to me about that to and I'm not dumb I can smell it. And like I tell him any time it comes up no one can change this except you (meaning him). I'm just tired of feeling the way I feel about it and it is affecting the way I feel toward him, because he's lying to me, he's insensitive and so seems unlike the man I know. I just resent him sometimes for this and I'm newly married and a little worried.

You have married an addict. Addiction doesn't go away once the addict stops using. It can start up again at any time.

I myself stopped for over 3 years from 2006-2009. I started again because I thought that one wouldn't hurt me. I started bumming from my friends every time I saw them from there on out. I started purch

In April of 2010, my wife found some smokeless tobacco flakes on the ground by the trashcan. I had been hiding it from her until then, and she was very upset she had not seen it before.

I saw it as a chance to come clean and chew anytime I wanted.

She was upset at this even more because now she had to smell it and deal with it. It was not the easiest time.

In May of 2011, I started thinking about quitting again. I didn't talk to her about it. I went to Walmart and bought some Smokey Mountain Snuff (non-nicotine chew). I set it on my refrigerator. She saw it and was ecstatic I was quitting again. I said I wasn't ready just yet, and that the purchase was for later.

I quit at the end of June. I didn't tell her immediately. I didn't make a large fanfare about it. I simply did it and I told her on day 2.

She rolled her eyes at me.

She's now happy with my quit (unless I'm bitching about the drama here), but it took me almost a year and a half before I realized I wanted to quit again.

It's a process, and unfortunately you cannot be part of the decision making. Quitting means that he has to want it more than anything else in this world. Your support, our support, and the tools he uses to quit are ammunition in his quit, but ultimately he is the one pulling the trigger.

The only advice I can offer you other than that is that you are freshly married to an addict. It's common to have these feelings right away in marriage. He was an addict when you married him, and he'll be an addict until the day he dies. Don't hate him for this. Accept him and his flaws. It's OK to offer solutions to this addiction or be supportive, but it's not OK to expect him to be what he is not.

Communication with him is always the best solution in a marriage. Tell him what you liked about him when he wasn't using (breath, not having to clean up little flakes around the house, not having to watch him run to the "bathroom" after dinner just to throw one in, etc.). Tell him how much you love him, and that his addiction has turned him into a liar and driven a wedge between you two. Tell him why it bothers you so much. You may even want to consider writing it down so that you can edit it and make sure that your point is driven home.

If you think he is lying to you, simply investigate rather than assuming he is. If his breath smells like chew, ask him to show you his gums. If you find a can, set it out for him. Let him know that lying is unacceptable, but don't nag. He's not being honest with himself either. All of us thought we had pulled the wool over our loved one's eyes as well.

In the end, it's all his decision baby.
In the end I Surrender, I and I alone accept that I have and always will have a Nicotene ADDICTION. It is my choice to quit, but I can't do it alone. I get to go down this path one time, I want to do it right. I recognize that my word, my integrety to you is on the line and is only as good as my actions. Caving is not an option in this plan-Eafman 7/11

I am not cured. I will quit one day at a time. I will continue to do what works. Posting roll everyday. To do otherwise would be foolish on my part. You can do this-Ready 12/11

To overcome your addiction you must comprehend what it means to fail-Razd 3/12

Theres a lot of people that come here, especially vets, that WANT to be reminded that they are addicts.-Tarpon 6/12

Just as a building starts with architectural drawings. Your daily quit begins with a promise.-Scowick 2/13

Here and now, focused on today, minute by minute, whatever it takes, I promise to all my bros and myself not to become a negative stat and stay quit!-krok 1/15

I want everyone to be quit. Even the assholes.-Probe1957 1/18

Ignoring history or erasing history fixes nothing and leads you inevitably down the same path.-69franx 04/30/2021

Offline AtomicDiesel

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Re: Please tell me what you think;
« Reply #17 on: November 22, 2011, 12:51:00 PM »
What Luby said.
Most of us, at some point in time, have joined the Jedi Council of super secret squirrell ninja dippers. Why? We're addicts. All addicts are liars, and all addicts are under the influence of something, yet are led to believe that they are in control. That said, you can help all you want, you can threaten and withhold the poontang and everything, but until he admits the addiction, and wants to quit, he won't.
?The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.? Mark 1:15
Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just: that his justice cannot sleep for ever - TJ
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Offline babyk77

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Re: Please tell me what you think;
« Reply #16 on: November 22, 2011, 12:44:00 PM »
Thank you, I understand that Nicotine is a addiction thankfully one I have never had. When he quit before I was very supportive and he tells me now he's not where he wants to be with it and he's dissapointed in himself but I think it's a bunch of BS by his attitude because he hasn't even attempted to quit again and he actually has started buying it, he won't admit it but I know he has and he is doing it all the time now even when he's with me but yet he lies to me about that to and I'm not dumb I can smell it. And like I tell him any time it comes up no one can change this except you (meaning him). I'm just tired of feeling the way I feel about it and it is affecting the way I feel toward him, because he's lying to me, he's insensitive and so seems unlike the man I know. I just resent him sometimes for this and I'm newly married and a little worried.

Offline steve1357

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Re: Please tell me what you think;
« Reply #15 on: November 22, 2011, 12:28:00 PM »
Bump for Baby K.

Congrats on getting married.

Wanted to bump this because a lot of people already touched upon this question.

Unfortunantly there is not much you can do to make him quit. Nicotine is an addiction that is very powerful. And he will not be able to quit until he wants too.

I am sorry, but I do not know how to make someone else want to quit. I still have a lot of friends that I see chew everyday. My only advice is to try to nudge him to check out this site and just to chat with a few quitters.

Offline luby

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Re: Please tell me what you think;
« Reply #14 on: November 22, 2011, 12:23:00 PM »
Quote from: babyk77
My Husband has been chewing since he was a teenager, he quit last November 2010 than he started chewing again in July for no apparent reason (he kept it from me to that he was doing it again). The reason he quit Nov 2010 he originally told me was he wanted to be better for me and for us and being we were getting married in Sept 2011 he wanted to live a long, happy, healthy life with me. Well than in July when he finally admitted he was doing it again he said the real reason he quit was his mouth was to sore and that he didn't remember saying all that other. Anyway I am so bothered every day with him doing it. I told him I didn't want to see it, well he doesn't do a good job as it is in his teeth daily, he tells me he's not hiding it from me, and it is so hard for me as my dad passed from smoking related things and I'm watching my mother slowly die from emphysema, he knows this is why I'm so terrified I don't want to lose him prematurely, and when he wasn't doing it he was sensitive to this and understood and now he seems pompus (like whats going to happen to me). I just find myself hurt and mad. And I feel pissed at myself sometimes for even getting involved being my past two boyfriends each had smoking issues and constantly lied to me and now he promised me he would never lie to me or intentionally hurt me but he is, but I was dumb enough to get involved knowing he was a chewer so it's my own fault. I just find myself days wishing he would see how bad this hurts me as he has seen me cry over this pertaining to him and my own mothers failing health so many times that he would just decide he didn't want to do it any more. He is a good man this is his major issue. I just feel bitter and I just don't know what to do and how to not let it constantly affect me, and how to have it not change the way I feel about him. I just feel he doesn't care how I feel, or respect me that much when it comes to this. Any advice would be great. Thank so much. Sorry it got long!!!
Good for you for reaching out and trying to help him, that support will really help him in the long run....

Here is the issue, he is an addict. We are all nicotine addicts here, not one of us is special we are addicted to a poison and we have to quit it one day at a time. Until HE can admit that he is an addict and until the day HE wants to quit there is not much you can do. An addict has to want it, he can't do it for others. I am living proof of that. I hid it from my wife for almost 12 years, yep you heard me, 12 years. I lied to her I snuck around, I did whatever it took to get my fix.... So unless he wants to quit you are kinda stuck with it, sorry.

One suggestion show him this site and encourage him to read some stuff on here. HOF speeches are good, but there is a ton of great information here that may help him see the light.

Good Luck, PM me if you have any questions.

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Re: Please tell me what you think;
« Reply #13 on: November 22, 2011, 12:21:00 PM »
Unless he truly wants to quit there isn't much you can do but keep talking about it with him. Nagging him(not saying you are at all) about why you want him to quit never worked in my experience. Let him know your feelings and why you want him to stop.
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Offline babyk77

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Re: Please tell me what you think;
« Reply #12 on: November 22, 2011, 12:08:00 PM »
My Husband has been chewing since he was a teenager, he quit last November 2010 than he started chewing again in July for no apparent reason (he kept it from me to that he was doing it again). The reason he quit Nov 2010 he originally told me was he wanted to be better for me and for us and being we were getting married in Sept 2011 he wanted to live a long, happy, healthy life with me. Well than in July when he finally admitted he was doing it again he said the real reason he quit was his mouth was to sore and that he didn't remember saying all that other. Anyway I am so bothered every day with him doing it. I told him I didn't want to see it, well he doesn't do a good job as it is in his teeth daily, he tells me he's not hiding it from me, and it is so hard for me as my dad passed from smoking related things and I'm watching my mother slowly die from emphysema, he knows this is why I'm so terrified I don't want to lose him prematurely, and when he wasn't doing it he was sensitive to this and understood and now he seems pompus (like whats going to happen to me). I just find myself hurt and mad. And I feel pissed at myself sometimes for even getting involved being my past two boyfriends each had smoking issues and constantly lied to me and now he promised me he would never lie to me or intentionally hurt me but he is, but I was dumb enough to get involved knowing he was a chewer so it's my own fault. I just find myself days wishing he would see how bad this hurts me as he has seen me cry over this pertaining to him and my own mothers failing health so many times that he would just decide he didn't want to do it any more. He is a good man this is his major issue. I just feel bitter and I just don't know what to do and how to not let it constantly affect me, and how to have it not change the way I feel about him. I just feel he doesn't care how I feel, or respect me that much when it comes to this. Any advice would be great. Thank so much. Sorry it got long!!!

Offline jalvidrez

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Re: Please tell me what you think;
« Reply #11 on: August 08, 2011, 09:32:00 AM »
He's for sure chewing again... Been there, done that. Does he take a long time to "empty the trash" or try really hard to go places by himself? Chewing the whole time, guaranteed. You won't be able to force it. My fiancée tried and I even went on medication to help. I'm 10 days free a YEAR later, but because I finally came to the conclusion that I needed to do this for me, not her. Cold turkey, no meds. That's what making the decision for you can do... something modern medicine couldn't. All you can really do is what you've done. That has been my experience at least. Anything more and you rapidly approach "nagging".

Offline babyk77

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Re: Please tell me what you think;
« Reply #10 on: August 08, 2011, 09:09:00 AM »
Hello Everyone,

I'm sorry I didn't reply sooner. I didn't mean to offend anyone. I'm greatful and really appreciate all the advice. I didn't really know how to bring the topic up to my fiance so this morning I decided to tell him. I said remember the website I found when you quit chewing to help me know how to help you and that had all that great information. I said well I went back on it and now I got some great advice from some people on how to help me deal with you starting again, all he asked me was what was the name of the website, but he didn't seem all and all that interested. He is still going with that he's not addidted because he's not doing it all the time and doesn't need it all the time and he still hasn't purchased his own. I'm sorry I still believe he is just fooling himself and as long as he keeps telling himself this he feels justified in doing it, or this times different, like he's in control of it.

He told me this morning he hadn't had it since some time last week but I have a hard time believing that. It just bugs me so bad that he's doing it again because I was so proud of him for making the decision all on his own to quit, and now to just start again. How will I ever really know if he trys again to quit that he's not doing it? Maybe I am making to big of a deal out of this I don't know but I have a hard time because it is how I feel. And he says to methat he wants my forgiveness, that is hard to give when he is still turning around and doing what caused the hurt in the first place. I don't know any thoughts, if you'll still give me some for not responding sooner from the last time, again I'm sorry about that!!!


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Re: Please tell me what you think;
« Reply #9 on: August 05, 2011, 09:21:00 AM »
Hey cupcake, you come to our house and ask us for advice and you get 7 bad ass quitters to take time to respond to you and you have no response or thanks for the help we gave you and are offering to give you and your fiance????
'finger point'

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Re: Please tell me what you think;
« Reply #8 on: August 04, 2011, 03:12:00 PM »
I chewed on my honeymoon. My wife thought I had quit. I love her more than anything.

If he wants to quit, he will. Logic and addiction rarely go hand in hand. Most likely, your husband is justifying his nicotine use with all kinds of arguments that make perfect sense in his actively addicted mind but sound completely ludicrious to the unitiated. Nicotine is a bitch.

Don't nag.

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Re: Please tell me what you think;
« Reply #7 on: August 04, 2011, 02:27:00 PM »
Quote from: gmann
The only thing worse than an addict is an addict that bums. 

Tell him that you found this website and have read the spousal support section (link below) and would encourage him to come here when he's ready to quit. Tell him that we all recognize that we're addicts....that quitting is hard, hard work....but it can be done if he will buy into our time-proven, 100% guaranteed, system. 

Oh, and tell that cheap sum bitch it don't cost nothin'.  And demand flowers next Valentine's day.
i notised gmann for got to provide you a link baby so here it is --- click rite here

and hes only haff rite. demand flowers for all the valintinse days.

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Re: Please tell me what you think;
« Reply #6 on: August 04, 2011, 02:22:00 PM »
The only thing worse than an addict is an addict that bums.

Tell him that you found this website and have read the spousal support section (link below) and would encourage him to come here when he's ready to quit. Tell him that we all recognize that we're addicts....that quitting is hard, hard work....but it can be done if he will buy into our time-proven, 100% guaranteed, system.

Oh, and tell that cheap sum bitch it don't cost nothin'. And demand flowers next Valentine's day.

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Re: Please tell me what you think;
« Reply #5 on: August 04, 2011, 01:49:00 PM »
Quote from: babyk77
He tells me he doesn't want to be a chewer and he's not addicted because he hasn't went out and purchased his own can. I myself think it's BS!!
I agree. It's BS. Don't blame it all on your fiance, though. Nicotine is a nasty mistress. I lied to my wife just like you're describing. Many others (I dare say MOST others) here did also. It's the life of an addict. None of that means we don't love our partners, our brains just play dirty little tricks on us.

If there is any way you could get him to KTC, he may jump in and beat this thing. You've engaged the conversation with him. That at least tells me that he knows he has to quit, he just doesn't know how. Maybe drop him a link via email? The tools are here, but we can't make him join up. Don't nag or pressure him, just plant the seed, cultivate it occassionaly, and hope it grows.