Author Topic: SKOAL MONSTER  (Read 9418 times)

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Offline G

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« Reply #117 on: March 21, 2012, 05:31:00 PM »
Quote from: Mthomas3824
Quote from: CMH17

Quit is the understanding that chew only fixes the problems it created in the first place. It doesn't fill the void, it creates it.

Wow this was all good, but when I read this one....I just sat with a dumb "a ha" look on my face.

I am so glad that the clouds of deception have been lifted. I can see thru the lies now. It's like I'm a kid every day that loves to go exploring and discover facts, ultimately truth.

The evil creature doesn't fill a void, it creates it. That was poetry to me. Really built me back up. I have so many triggers today. I thank you for sharing your armor to fight the evil creature.

I have one to add now....

Quit is understanding that chew is just like a parasite. If you don't kill it, it can ultimately kill you.
And thats a fine addition, mthomas.

Offline Mthomas3824

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« Reply #116 on: March 21, 2012, 05:30:00 PM »
Quote from: CMH17

Quit is the understanding that chew only fixes the problems it created in the first place. It doesn't fill the void, it creates it.

Wow this was all good, but when I read this one....I just sat with a dumb "a ha" look on my face.

I am so glad that the clouds of deception have been lifted. I can see thru the lies now. It's like I'm a kid every day that loves to go exploring and discover facts, ultimately truth.

The evil creature doesn't fill a void, it creates it. That was poetry to me. Really built me back up. I have so many triggers today. I thank you for sharing your armor to fight the evil creature.

I have one to add now....

Quit is understanding that chew is just like a parasite. If you don't kill it, it can ultimately kill you.
Quit And Be Free

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Offline CMH17

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« Reply #115 on: March 21, 2012, 03:38:00 PM »
Quote from: Colonel_No_Cope
Quote from: Keddy
Quote from: Grizzly25
Quote from: Skoal
You fuckers are relentless, like a fat ex girlfriend who keeps drunk dialing me at 3am. I love it, and thanks to all of those in contact with me for caring about my worthless ass. Too many of you to name. But thanks.

Names on the board are different but the stories are the same.  I forgot I was an addict, I stopped posting and then...... It just happened. 

I can't decide if it is stupid or sad or maybe both.

If you quit and started again you're dumber than a drunken howler monkey   trying to fuck a rabid porcupine with a "good personality" . You also were never truly quit to begin with.

If you built a quit out of blocks there would be a block on the bottom that  was all about admitting that you are a sniveling, sneaky, lying, full on crack whore of an addict. You don't have a habit, or a vice , or a guilty pleasure, you my disbelieving friend have an ADDICTION. It is bigger than you, and it's forever.
Until you totally absorb the truth that " YOU ARE A JUNKY" and that your literally no different than a heroin addict, your quit will have a weakness. Willpower alone can get you a 100 day vacation from dipping, but thats not a quit.You can build a house without a foundation, but it won't stand the test of time.

3 1/2 years and all of my rants can be summarized below, it really is this simple, and if I can do it then anybody can.

Quit is a state of mind. A decision. Make it, and then live with it

Quit is pure acceptance that you are an addict, there will
NEVER be a time when you are NOT an addict

Quit is the realization that chewing doesn't help........ever. Anything you tell yourself opposite this is a lie.

Quit is the understanding that chew only fixes the problems it created in the first place. It doesn't fill the void, it creates it.

Quit is the knowledge that nicotine doesn't reduce stress, or heal a broken heart       

Quit is a decision and it's final. Come hell or high water it's final.

Quit must be truthful, don't "ninja quit" your leaving an out. Tell your spouse, your kids and everyone you know. Create personal accountability.

Quit requires a life time of vigilance, if you forget you're a junky you'll fail.

Quit is sometimes one minute at a time, sometimes one day at a time. sometimes one moment.

Quit must be a priority, in the beginning it takes precedence over all things. Your job, your spouse, your kids. They win in the end, but right now quit comes first.

Quit has a price to be paid,get over it. It won't kill you, despite what it feels like in the beginning.

Quit is for you and you alone, no one can choose it for you. You can't do it for anyone but yourself.

Quit requires a plan. Think thru your triggers in advance, then be ready for the ones you forgot to plan for.

Quit takes time, there is more to it than to simply stop using nicotine. You'll need to re-learn some of your life. It'll be ok, give yourself permission to take that time.

Quit is worth it. All of it.

This addiction will kill you,it will harm your relationships, it'll damage your body and steal you from those who love you. It robs you of your life. It makes you lie, it makes you a slave. It is selfish and cowardly, it is suicide on the installment plan.
You deserve better than this.

This board can work for you like it did for me. The old guard that pointed the way for me is still here for you. All the tools are here for you to build your quit. You just have to take the time to learn them. Roll call, reading everything you can find. Reaching out. Learn about nicotine and how it actually physically effects you, learn about being an addict. Listen to the vets. Save your life, it's not as hard as you think. There is no shame in posting roll or using support to quit, it isn't weakness, it's strength. Your odds of success are much stronger here, your among your own kind of sneaky lying nicotine addled junkies. We know what your feeling, because we've been there.

And if you happen to be a hungover howler monkey with a dick full of porcupine quills, take the time to find the piece you missed before, it is here, even if you post until your 101.

Great stuff!

These are the posts that truly get me over the tough spots and to some extent keep the craves at bay.....

I will continue to read these incredible rants and random thoughts that you write they are inspirational!
Just a word of thanks to SM for the important help he gave me at the beginning of my Quit.

Nice to see you active again!!!
Nah guys, come on...

Skoalie is nothing but an asshole!!!

... wait for it...

But one of the toughest damn assholes I have the pleasure to be quit with.

Good seeing some new posts from you brother.
This is one of those reads on KTC I'm glad I came across. Good Stuff!!!!!
Commit to the Quit.....Not to the shit!!!!

Quit Date 2/7/12 - 12:41 pm
HOF Date 5/16/12
2nd Floor 8/28/12

Offline Colonel_No_Cope

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« Reply #114 on: March 19, 2012, 03:33:00 AM »
Quote from: Keddy
Quote from: Grizzly25
Quote from: Skoal
You fuckers are relentless, like a fat ex girlfriend who keeps drunk dialing me at 3am. I love it, and thanks to all of those in contact with me for caring about my worthless ass. Too many of you to name. But thanks.

Names on the board are different but the stories are the same.  I forgot I was an addict, I stopped posting and then...... It just happened. 

I can't decide if it is stupid or sad or maybe both.

If you quit and started again you're dumber than a drunken howler monkey   trying to fuck a rabid porcupine with a "good personality" . You also were never truly quit to begin with.

If you built a quit out of blocks there would be a block on the bottom that  was all about admitting that you are a sniveling, sneaky, lying, full on crack whore of an addict. You don't have a habit, or a vice , or a guilty pleasure, you my disbelieving friend have an ADDICTION. It is bigger than you, and it's forever.
Until you totally absorb the truth that " YOU ARE A JUNKY" and that your literally no different than a heroin addict, your quit will have a weakness. Willpower alone can get you a 100 day vacation from dipping, but thats not a quit.You can build a house without a foundation, but it won't stand the test of time.

3 1/2 years and all of my rants can be summarized below, it really is this simple, and if I can do it then anybody can.

Quit is a state of mind. A decision. Make it, and then live with it

Quit is pure acceptance that you are an addict, there will
NEVER be a time when you are NOT an addict

Quit is the realization that chewing doesn't help........ever. Anything you tell yourself opposite this is a lie.

Quit is the understanding that chew only fixes the problems it created in the first place. It doesn't fill the void, it creates it.

Quit is the knowledge that nicotine doesn't reduce stress, or heal a broken heart       

Quit is a decision and it's final. Come hell or high water it's final.

Quit must be truthful, don't "ninja quit" your leaving an out. Tell your spouse, your kids and everyone you know. Create personal accountability.

Quit requires a life time of vigilance, if you forget you're a junky you'll fail.

Quit is sometimes one minute at a time, sometimes one day at a time. sometimes one moment.

Quit must be a priority, in the beginning it takes precedence over all things. Your job, your spouse, your kids. They win in the end, but right now quit comes first.

Quit has a price to be paid,get over it. It won't kill you, despite what it feels like in the beginning.

Quit is for you and you alone, no one can choose it for you. You can't do it for anyone but yourself.

Quit requires a plan. Think thru your triggers in advance, then be ready for the ones you forgot to plan for.

Quit takes time, there is more to it than to simply stop using nicotine. You'll need to re-learn some of your life. It'll be ok, give yourself permission to take that time.

Quit is worth it. All of it.

This addiction will kill you,it will harm your relationships, it'll damage your body and steal you from those who love you. It robs you of your life. It makes you lie, it makes you a slave. It is selfish and cowardly, it is suicide on the installment plan.
You deserve better than this.

This board can work for you like it did for me. The old guard that pointed the way for me is still here for you. All the tools are here for you to build your quit. You just have to take the time to learn them. Roll call, reading everything you can find. Reaching out. Learn about nicotine and how it actually physically effects you, learn about being an addict. Listen to the vets. Save your life, it's not as hard as you think. There is no shame in posting roll or using support to quit, it isn't weakness, it's strength. Your odds of success are much stronger here, your among your own kind of sneaky lying nicotine addled junkies. We know what your feeling, because we've been there.

And if you happen to be a hungover howler monkey with a dick full of porcupine quills, take the time to find the piece you missed before, it is here, even if you post until your 101.

Great stuff!

These are the posts that truly get me over the tough spots and to some extent keep the craves at bay.....

I will continue to read these incredible rants and random thoughts that you write they are inspirational!
Just a word of thanks to SM for the important help he gave me at the beginning of my Quit.

Nice to see you active again!!!
Nah guys, come on...

Skoalie is nothing but an asshole!!!

... wait for it...

But one of the toughest damn assholes I have the pleasure to be quit with.

Good seeing some new posts from you brother.

Offline Keddy

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« Reply #113 on: March 18, 2012, 03:18:00 PM »
Quote from: Grizzly25
Quote from: Skoal
You fuckers are relentless, like a fat ex girlfriend who keeps drunk dialing me at 3am. I love it, and thanks to all of those in contact with me for caring about my worthless ass. Too many of you to name. But thanks.

Names on the board are different but the stories are the same.  I forgot I was an addict, I stopped posting and then...... It just happened. 

I can't decide if it is stupid or sad or maybe both.

If you quit and started again you're dumber than a drunken howler monkey  trying to fuck a rabid porcupine with a "good personality" . You also were never truly quit to begin with.

If you built a quit out of blocks there would be a block on the bottom that  was all about admitting that you are a sniveling, sneaky, lying, full on crack whore of an addict. You don't have a habit, or a vice , or a guilty pleasure, you my disbelieving friend have an ADDICTION. It is bigger than you, and it's forever.
Until you totally absorb the truth that " YOU ARE A JUNKY" and that your literally no different than a heroin addict, your quit will have a weakness. Willpower alone can get you a 100 day vacation from dipping, but thats not a quit.You can build a house without a foundation, but it won't stand the test of time.

3 1/2 years and all of my rants can be summarized below, it really is this simple, and if I can do it then anybody can.

Quit is a state of mind. A decision. Make it, and then live with it

Quit is pure acceptance that you are an addict, there will
NEVER be a time when you are NOT an addict

Quit is the realization that chewing doesn't help........ever. Anything you tell yourself opposite this is a lie.

Quit is the understanding that chew only fixes the problems it created in the first place. It doesn't fill the void, it creates it.

Quit is the knowledge that nicotine doesn't reduce stress, or heal a broken heart       

Quit is a decision and it's final. Come hell or high water it's final.

Quit must be truthful, don't "ninja quit" your leaving an out. Tell your spouse, your kids and everyone you know. Create personal accountability.

Quit requires a life time of vigilance, if you forget you're a junky you'll fail.

Quit is sometimes one minute at a time, sometimes one day at a time. sometimes one moment.

Quit must be a priority, in the beginning it takes precedence over all things. Your job, your spouse, your kids. They win in the end, but right now quit comes first.

Quit has a price to be paid,get over it. It won't kill you, despite what it feels like in the beginning.

Quit is for you and you alone, no one can choose it for you. You can't do it for anyone but yourself.

Quit requires a plan. Think thru your triggers in advance, then be ready for the ones you forgot to plan for.

Quit takes time, there is more to it than to simply stop using nicotine. You'll need to re-learn some of your life. It'll be ok, give yourself permission to take that time.

Quit is worth it. All of it.

This addiction will kill you,it will harm your relationships, it'll damage your body and steal you from those who love you. It robs you of your life. It makes you lie, it makes you a slave. It is selfish and cowardly, it is suicide on the installment plan.
You deserve better than this.

This board can work for you like it did for me. The old guard that pointed the way for me is still here for you. All the tools are here for you to build your quit. You just have to take the time to learn them. Roll call, reading everything you can find. Reaching out. Learn about nicotine and how it actually physically effects you, learn about being an addict. Listen to the vets. Save your life, it's not as hard as you think. There is no shame in posting roll or using support to quit, it isn't weakness, it's strength. Your odds of success are much stronger here, your among your own kind of sneaky lying nicotine addled junkies. We know what your feeling, because we've been there.

And if you happen to be a hungover howler monkey with a dick full of porcupine quills, take the time to find the piece you missed before, it is here, even if you post until your 101.

Great stuff!

These are the posts that truly get me over the tough spots and to some extent keep the craves at bay.....

I will continue to read these incredible rants and random thoughts that you write they are inspirational!
Just a word of thanks to SM for the important help he gave me at the beginning of my Quit.

Nice to see you active again!!!

Offline Grizzly25

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« Reply #112 on: March 18, 2012, 12:19:00 PM »
Quote from: Skoal
You fuckers are relentless, like a fat ex girlfriend who keeps drunk dialing me at 3am. I love it, and thanks to all of those in contact with me for caring about my worthless ass. Too many of you to name. But thanks.

Names on the board are different but the stories are the same. I forgot I was an addict, I stopped posting and then...... It just happened.

I can't decide if it is stupid or sad or maybe both.

If you quit and started again you're dumber than a drunken howler monkey trying to fuck a rabid porcupine with a "good personality" . You also were never truly quit to begin with.

If you built a quit out of blocks there would be a block on the bottom that was all about admitting that you are a sniveling, sneaky, lying, full on crack whore of an addict. You don't have a habit, or a vice , or a guilty pleasure, you my disbelieving friend have an ADDICTION. It is bigger than you, and it's forever.
Until you totally absorb the truth that " YOU ARE A JUNKY" and that your literally no different than a heroin addict, your quit will have a weakness. Willpower alone can get you a 100 day vacation from dipping, but thats not a quit.You can build a house without a foundation, but it won't stand the test of time.

3 1/2 years and all of my rants can be summarized below, it really is this simple, and if I can do it then anybody can.

Quit is a state of mind. A decision. Make it, and then live with it

Quit is pure acceptance that you are an addict, there will
NEVER be a time when you are NOT an addict

Quit is the realization that chewing doesn't help........ever. Anything you tell yourself opposite this is a lie.

Quit is the understanding that chew only fixes the problems it created in the first place. It doesn't fill the void, it creates it.

Quit is the knowledge that nicotine doesn't reduce stress, or heal a broken heart

Quit is a decision and it's final. Come hell or high water it's final.

Quit must be truthful, don't "ninja quit" your leaving an out. Tell your spouse, your kids and everyone you know. Create personal accountability.

Quit requires a life time of vigilance, if you forget you're a junky you'll fail.

Quit is sometimes one minute at a time, sometimes one day at a time. sometimes one moment.

Quit must be a priority, in the beginning it takes precedence over all things. Your job, your spouse, your kids. They win in the end, but right now quit comes first.

Quit has a price to be paid,get over it. It won't kill you, despite what it feels like in the beginning.

Quit is for you and you alone, no one can choose it for you. You can't do it for anyone but yourself.

Quit requires a plan. Think thru your triggers in advance, then be ready for the ones you forgot to plan for.

Quit takes time, there is more to it than to simply stop using nicotine. You'll need to re-learn some of your life. It'll be ok, give yourself permission to take that time.

Quit is worth it. All of it.

This addiction will kill you,it will harm your relationships, it'll damage your body and steal you from those who love you. It robs you of your life. It makes you lie, it makes you a slave. It is selfish and cowardly, it is suicide on the installment plan.
You deserve better than this.

This board can work for you like it did for me. The old guard that pointed the way for me is still here for you. All the tools are here for you to build your quit. You just have to take the time to learn them. Roll call, reading everything you can find. Reaching out. Learn about nicotine and how it actually physically effects you, learn about being an addict. Listen to the vets. Save your life, it's not as hard as you think. There is no shame in posting roll or using support to quit, it isn't weakness, it's strength. Your odds of success are much stronger here, your among your own kind of sneaky lying nicotine addled junkies. We know what your feeling, because we've been there.

And if you happen to be a hungover howler monkey with a dick full of porcupine quills, take the time to find the piece you missed before, it is here, even if you post until your 101.

Great stuff!

These are the posts that truly get me over the tough spots and to some extent keep the craves at bay.....

I will continue to read these incredible rants and random thoughts that you write they are inspirational!
"Remember you are either getting better or getting worse, nobody stays the same!" Woody Hayes

"Winning! That's all we do around here brotha! Failure is not an option, remove it as an option and the possibilities are endless...." Bruce317 5-18-2012

"...We'll be heroes or ghosts...But we won't be turned around." Wastepanel 6-15-2012




Quit Date: 2-6-2012
HOF Date: 5-16-2012
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Offline Scowick65

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« Reply #111 on: March 18, 2012, 11:39:00 AM »
Quote from: Skoal
You fuckers are relentless, like a fat ex girlfriend who keeps drunk dialing me at 3am. I love it, and thanks to all of those in contact with me for caring about my worthless ass. Too many of you to name. But thanks.

Names on the board are different but the stories are the same. I forgot I was an addict, I stopped posting and then...... It just happened.

I can't decide if it is stupid or sad or maybe both.

If you quit and started again you're dumber than a drunken howler monkey trying to fuck a rabid porcupine with a "good personality" . You also were never truly quit to begin with.

If you built a quit out of blocks there would be a block on the bottom that was all about admitting that you are a sniveling, sneaky, lying, full on crack whore of an addict. You don't have a habit, or a vice , or a guilty pleasure, you my disbelieving friend have an ADDICTION. It is bigger than you, and it's forever.
Until you totally absorb the truth that " YOU ARE A JUNKY" and that your literally no different than a heroin addict, your quit will have a weakness. Willpower alone can get you a 100 day vacation from dipping, but thats not a quit.You can build a house without a foundation, but it won't stand the test of time.

3 1/2 years and all of my rants can be summarized below, it really is this simple, and if I can do it then anybody can.

Quit is a state of mind. A decision. Make it, and then live with it

Quit is pure acceptance that you are an addict, there will
NEVER be a time when you are NOT an addict

Quit is the realization that chewing doesn't help........ever. Anything you tell yourself opposite this is a lie.

Quit is the understanding that chew only fixes the problems it created in the first place. It doesn't fill the void, it creates it.

Quit is the knowledge that nicotine doesn't reduce stress, or heal a broken heart

Quit is a decision and it's final. Come hell or high water it's final.

Quit must be truthful, don't "ninja quit" your leaving an out. Tell your spouse, your kids and everyone you know. Create personal accountability.

Quit requires a life time of vigilance, if you forget you're a junky you'll fail.

Quit is sometimes one minute at a time, sometimes one day at a time. sometimes one moment.

Quit must be a priority, in the beginning it takes precedence over all things. Your job, your spouse, your kids. They win in the end, but right now quit comes first.

Quit has a price to be paid,get over it. It won't kill you, despite what it feels like in the beginning.

Quit is for you and you alone, no one can choose it for you. You can't do it for anyone but yourself.

Quit requires a plan. Think thru your triggers in advance, then be ready for the ones you forgot to plan for.

Quit takes time, there is more to it than to simply stop using nicotine. You'll need to re-learn some of your life. It'll be ok, give yourself permission to take that time.

Quit is worth it. All of it.

This addiction will kill you,it will harm your relationships, it'll damage your body and steal you from those who love you. It robs you of your life. It makes you lie, it makes you a slave. It is selfish and cowardly, it is suicide on the installment plan.
You deserve better than this.

This board can work for you like it did for me. The old guard that pointed the way for me is still here for you. All the tools are here for you to build your quit. You just have to take the time to learn them. Roll call, reading everything you can find. Reaching out. Learn about nicotine and how it actually physically effects you, learn about being an addict. Listen to the vets. Save your life, it's not as hard as you think. There is no shame in posting roll or using support to quit, it isn't weakness, it's strength. Your odds of success are much stronger here, your among your own kind of sneaky lying nicotine addled junkies. We know what your feeling, because we've been there.

And if you happen to be a hungover howler monkey with a dick full of porcupine quills, take the time to find the piece you missed before, it is here, even if you post until your 101.

I love this.

Offline kysteve

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« Reply #110 on: March 18, 2012, 03:51:00 AM »

Thank you Sir for this!

You just strengthened my quit and it is very much appreciated!
Asked to list my interests on day one.....
Simply put..... Living.

Quit date: 02-21-2012

Offline Skoal Monster

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« Reply #109 on: March 18, 2012, 03:30:00 AM »
You fuckers are relentless, like a fat ex girlfriend who keeps drunk dialing me at 3am. I love it, and thanks to all of those in contact with me for caring about my worthless ass. Too many of you to name. But thanks.

Names on the board are different but the stories are the same. I forgot I was an addict, I stopped posting and then...... It just happened.

I can't decide if it is stupid or sad or maybe both.

If you quit and started again you're dumber than a drunken howler monkey trying to fuck a rabid porcupine with a "good personality" . You also were never truly quit to begin with.

If you built a quit out of blocks there would be a block on the bottom that was all about admitting that you are a sniveling, sneaky, lying, full on crack whore of an addict. You don't have a habit, or a vice , or a guilty pleasure, you my disbelieving friend have an ADDICTION. It is bigger than you, and it's forever.
Until you totally absorb the truth that " YOU ARE A JUNKY" and that your literally no different than a heroin addict, your quit will have a weakness. Willpower alone can get you a 100 day vacation from dipping, but thats not a quit.You can build a house without a foundation, but it won't stand the test of time.

3 1/2 years and all of my rants can be summarized below, it really is this simple, and if I can do it then anybody can.

Quit is a state of mind. A decision. Make it, and then live with it

Quit is pure acceptance that you are an addict, there will
NEVER be a time when you are NOT an addict

Quit is the realization that chewing doesn't help........ever. Anything you tell yourself opposite this is a lie.

Quit is the understanding that chew only fixes the problems it created in the first place. It doesn't fill the void, it creates it.

Quit is the knowledge that nicotine doesn't reduce stress, or heal a broken heart

Quit is a decision and it's final. Come hell or high water it's final.

Quit must be truthful, don't "ninja quit" your leaving an out. Tell your spouse, your kids and everyone you know. Create personal accountability.

Quit requires a life time of vigilance, if you forget you're a junky you'll fail.

Quit is sometimes one minute at a time, sometimes one day at a time. sometimes one moment.

Quit must be a priority, in the beginning it takes precedence over all things. Your job, your spouse, your kids. They win in the end, but right now quit comes first.

Quit has a price to be paid,get over it. It won't kill you, despite what it feels like in the beginning.

Quit is for you and you alone, no one can choose it for you. You can't do it for anyone but yourself.

Quit requires a plan. Think thru your triggers in advance, then be ready for the ones you forgot to plan for.

Quit takes time, there is more to it than to simply stop using nicotine. You'll need to re-learn some of your life. It'll be ok, give yourself permission to take that time.

Quit is worth it. All of it.

This addiction will kill you,it will harm your relationships, it'll damage your body and steal you from those who love you. It robs you of your life. It makes you lie, it makes you a slave. It is selfish and cowardly, it is suicide on the installment plan.
You deserve better than this.

This board can work for you like it did for me. The old guard that pointed the way for me is still here for you. All the tools are here for you to build your quit. You just have to take the time to learn them. Roll call, reading everything you can find. Reaching out. Learn about nicotine and how it actually physically effects you, learn about being an addict. Listen to the vets. Save your life, it's not as hard as you think. There is no shame in posting roll or using support to quit, it isn't weakness, it's strength. Your odds of success are much stronger here, your among your own kind of sneaky lying nicotine addled junkies. We know what your feeling, because we've been there.

And if you happen to be a hungover howler monkey with a dick full of porcupine quills, take the time to find the piece you missed before, it is here, even if you post until your 101.

"CLOSE THE DOOR. In my opinion, it?s the single most important step in your final quit. There is one moment, THE moment, when you finally let go and surrender to the quit. After that moment, no temptation will be great enough, no lie persuasive enough to make you commit suicide by using tobacco."

Offline RAZD611

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« Reply #108 on: March 17, 2012, 04:33:00 PM »
Quote from: Ready
Quote from: loot
Quote from: Ready
Quote from: loot
Quote from: theo3wood
Witnessing the return of SWJ, I couldn't help but wonder what the heck ever happened to Skoal Monster.  If anybody knows, please send me a PM.
It's been a couple months since we were in touch, but he is still clean. His wife has recently been diagnosed with cancer. No excuse...but the one he's using. Will check in again soon.
Text sent.
He just said he'd stop by. SM...what say you get back in the groove of a regular post? LOOt will post for you if you'd prefer to text.
Just got a text back as well with the same. Go's double for me brudda ^^^^^^^.
I will offer my services as well.
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Offline Ready

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« Reply #107 on: March 17, 2012, 03:14:00 PM »
Quote from: loot
Quote from: Ready
Quote from: loot
Quote from: theo3wood
Witnessing the return of SWJ, I couldn't help but wonder what the heck ever happened to Skoal Monster.  If anybody knows, please send me a PM.
It's been a couple months since we were in touch, but he is still clean. His wife has recently been diagnosed with cancer. No excuse...but the one he's using. Will check in again soon.
Text sent.
He just said he'd stop by. SM...what say you get back in the groove of a regular post? LOOt will post for you if you'd prefer to text.
Just got a text back as well with the same. Go's double for me brudda ^^^^^^^.

Offline loot

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« Reply #106 on: March 17, 2012, 03:10:00 PM »
Quote from: Ready
Quote from: loot
Quote from: theo3wood
Witnessing the return of SWJ, I couldn't help but wonder what the heck ever happened to Skoal Monster.  If anybody knows, please send me a PM.
It's been a couple months since we were in touch, but he is still clean. His wife has recently been diagnosed with cancer. No excuse...but the one he's using. Will check in again soon.
Text sent.
He just said he'd stop by. SM...what say you get back in the groove of a regular post? LOOt will post for you if you'd prefer to text.

Offline Ready

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« Reply #105 on: March 17, 2012, 03:02:00 PM »
Quote from: loot
Quote from: theo3wood
Witnessing the return of SWJ, I couldn't help but wonder what the heck ever happened to Skoal Monster.  If anybody knows, please send me a PM.
It's been a couple months since we were in touch, but he is still clean. His wife has recently been diagnosed with cancer. No excuse...but the one he's using. Will check in again soon.
Text sent.

Offline RAZD611

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« Reply #104 on: March 17, 2012, 03:02:00 PM »
Quote from: loot
Quote from: theo3wood
Witnessing the return of SWJ, I couldn't help but wonder what the heck ever happened to Skoal Monster.  If anybody knows, please send me a PM.
It's been a couple months since we were in touch, but he is still clean. His wife has recently been diagnosed with cancer. No excuse...but the one he's using. Will check in again soon.
I sent an email to try and touch base.........................
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Offline loot

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« Reply #103 on: March 17, 2012, 02:56:00 PM »
Quote from: theo3wood
Witnessing the return of SWJ, I couldn't help but wonder what the heck ever happened to Skoal Monster. If anybody knows, please send me a PM.
It's been a couple months since we were in touch, but he is still clean. His wife has recently been diagnosed with cancer. No excuse...but the one he's using. Will check in again soon.