Author Topic: SKOAL MONSTER  (Read 9278 times)

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Offline Skoal Monster

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« Reply #27 on: August 07, 2009, 02:30:00 PM »

In ancient times a builder could form a stone arch with no mortar by slowly rounding the stones in at the top. Its success was dependent upon a single stone set at the 12:00 posistion, called the keystone YOU are that keystone. When you selfishly choose to cave you rip the keystone from the arch and cause it to collapse.We are part of the arch. Your failure harms those that support you.
I want to scream at you for giving up and shaking the foundation of the solid quits around you. You are a virus that infects the minds of your brother and sister quitters. If you can casually fail and restart, why can't I ???? The addicts voice leaks into my head because you opened a crack in the door. I want to rage against you for chipping away at the strength in the quits around you. I hope you come back and fight again to free yourself from the chains of this addiction, but I cannot forget your weakness. I will struggle to support you further because you have torn apart the bond of accountability and endangered us all.

For those that read this and are quit,

I implore you to not just rage against the cavers in our midst, but to strengthen your own quits. EVERY DAY you must increase your own accountibility. Some of us create accountibility by dishing out massive attacks on the weaknesses of others. How could I possibly cave when I have referred to so many failures as weaklings and cowards and worse, I would be crucified. Those that I have cut with merciless truth and anger wait for me should I fail. My E-mail and Phone number are for all including those who would take pleasure in returning to me some tough love. Everyone must know I quit and everyone must be in a posistion to tell me how my failure affects them. I cannot fail because I have woven a web of accountibility around myself. I provide support each day as best I can, often with a PM or text other times in the forum or chat. I know there are quitters who I am a keystone for. I cannont fail because I would harm their quits. I carry but a few numbers in my phone but have offered and given mine out always . This makes me accountable to support those people. If I caved and they have my number and call me for support, how could I possibly help them? I cannot cave because I care about these strangers, and I refuse to endanger their freedom from nicotine thru my own weakness.
The accountibilty needs to be nurtured off the site as well. Your family, friends, must all know the depth of your fight. I have shown ODT's cancer surgery to my kids, I have told them how hard it was for me to stop, I have told everyone I lied to or hid my addiction from that I was a sniveling lying chew sucking nic fiend. I have let loose the truth upon everyone in my life. I am now accountible to them as well. I cannot cave because I refuse to look into my wife's, childrens, eyes and tell them that I choose cancer over them. .

Strengthen your quit, weave your web of accountibility, be an unbreakable keystone, support in your own way, rage or hand hold, just stay quit. Your fighting for your very life, this is real and not a game.
"CLOSE THE DOOR. In my opinion, it?s the single most important step in your final quit. There is one moment, THE moment, when you finally let go and surrender to the quit. After that moment, no temptation will be great enough, no lie persuasive enough to make you commit suicide by using tobacco."

Offline kmemrm

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« Reply #26 on: August 05, 2009, 10:46:00 AM »
Skoal Monster,

If you remember, you set me straight on a couple things the first few days of my quit. Well, I'm settling in now and getting the groove of the site and of our quit brothers and sisters.

Anyway, just wanted to say thanks and that I've been reading yours and others posts in your introduction, its good reading and helps add to my resolve to stay quit of this shit.

As for your letter to UST - AWESOME!!!!

Again, thanks.

kmemrm (fucked up Name0 call me Kevin
Quit Date: Sunday, July 26, 2009
HOF Date: Monday, Nov. 2, 2009

Offline cdforecheck

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« Reply #25 on: July 21, 2009, 10:41:00 AM »
amen brother
Go Bucks! Quit Date: 12-23-2011

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« Reply #24 on: July 21, 2009, 10:39:00 AM »
Quote from: Big
Quote from: theo3wood
Quote from: Skoal
Dear Chairman of UST,
Dear douchetard dillhole

Just a quick note to thank you for making such a fine product.I have enjoyed skoal since I was 14.I think it's the best.
Just a quick note to say fuck you, you death dealing fuckbag. Thanks for hooking me on a substance thats more addicting than heroin when I was a fucking child.I have been a slave to nicotine for 23 years. I think a product that kills you when you use it properly is insane.

I can fondly remember all your advertising with many great athletes " a pinch is all it takes" and now I am excited to be part of the Skoal Brotherhood
a pinch is all it took to get me to lie to my parents, wife, kids, destroy relationships, ruin my health, begin killing myself.  Thank God I found this site and these guys at Kill the Can to support me in kicking this horrid addiction.

Skoal has been with me through thick and thin and always helped me out when I needed it.
Skoal had raised my blood pressure to unsafe levels and I had to chew two damn cans a day just to attempt to feel ok. Now that I quit I feel better than I ever did when I chewed. Skoal was good for nothing but keeping me addicted to Skoal

I especially appreciate the recent discounts on dip and all the great new flavors
Smoking is getting pushed out and your making a marketing play that dip is a safer alternative than cigarettes. Nevermind the fact that the nicotine level in a can of chew is the equivilent of 60 smokes. You even drop the price and run multiple can specials to create addicts quicker than ever.  Peach and berry dip, who are you kidding? those flavors are to hook children and women. Your a absolute shit bag. You sell fruit and mint flavored cancer.

I am sure that you will have continued success with your fine brand of smokeless and wish you the best of luck
You can take your little copperheaded fuck buckets of cancer and shove em up your ass so far that you can pack em with your tonsils. I hope you can sleep at night knowing your product kills more people than almost anything in the world. I wish the worst thing in the world upon you and your cohorts... I hope you become as addicted to this shit as I was. I am free now, I no longer pay daily dues to UST, I no longer kill myself each day, I no longer hide cheat and lie to satisfy my addiction, I am a man of my word now..... I am quit

Best Regards
I hope you go bankrupt and die you miserable cocksuckers, if I ever meet you I will punch you in the junk and feed you to a shark, but only one slice at a time,8000 plus slices for each day that I dipped. I hope it hurts.

Skoal Monster
Chewie: This belongs in "Words of Wisdom".
Out -"fucking"- standing !

Mr Skoal "Monster" ... Bravo to you my friend ~ I have made a copy of this to put next to my contract to Quit and if ever the day comes that we meet in person I will have you autograph this for me ~

I love when someone can truly read between the lines and see the true meaning in things !

Well done ...

Great Letter Skoal Monster. Its kind of like their slogan COPE SATISFIES. If it did you wouldn't have to keep stuffing that shit in your pie hole to be "satisfied". I am finally "satisfied" to be free of their SHIT and all of the lies, ruined relationships (almost lost my wife over this), health issues, etc that went along with "a pinch is all it takes". Did you really send it? LOL. I just threw away a fancy letter from UST offering me a free Limited Edition Pewter Cope can lid. Should send it back to them and tell them to stuff it up their ass!!! I don't need it anymore.

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« Reply #23 on: July 21, 2009, 09:30:00 AM »
Quote from: theo3wood
Quote from: Skoal
Dear Chairman of UST,
Dear douchetard dillhole

Just a quick note to thank you for making such a fine product.I have enjoyed skoal since I was 14.I think it's the best.
Just a quick note to say fuck you, you death dealing fuckbag. Thanks for hooking me on a substance thats more addicting than heroin when I was a fucking child.I have been a slave to nicotine for 23 years. I think a product that kills you when you use it properly is insane.

I can fondly remember all your advertising with many great athletes " a pinch is all it takes" and now I am excited to be part of the Skoal Brotherhood
a pinch is all it took to get me to lie to my parents, wife, kids, destroy relationships, ruin my health, begin killing myself.  Thank God I found this site and these guys at Kill the Can to support me in kicking this horrid addiction.

Skoal has been with me through thick and thin and always helped me out when I needed it.
Skoal had raised my blood pressure to unsafe levels and I had to chew two damn cans a day just to attempt to feel ok. Now that I quit I feel better than I ever did when I chewed. Skoal was good for nothing but keeping me addicted to Skoal

I especially appreciate the recent discounts on dip and all the great new flavors
Smoking is getting pushed out and your making a marketing play that dip is a safer alternative than cigarettes. Nevermind the fact that the nicotine level in a can of chew is the equivilent of 60 smokes. You even drop the price and run multiple can specials to create addicts quicker than ever.  Peach and berry dip, who are you kidding? those flavors are to hook children and women. Your a absolute shit bag. You sell fruit and mint flavored cancer.

I am sure that you will have continued success with your fine brand of smokeless and wish you the best of luck
You can take your little copperheaded fuck buckets of cancer and shove em up your ass so far that you can pack em with your tonsils. I hope you can sleep at night knowing your product kills more people than almost anything in the world. I wish the worst thing in the world upon you and your cohorts... I hope you become as addicted to this shit as I was. I am free now, I no longer pay daily dues to UST, I no longer kill myself each day, I no longer hide cheat and lie to satisfy my addiction, I am a man of my word now..... I am quit

Best Regards
I hope you go bankrupt and die you miserable cocksuckers, if I ever meet you I will punch you in the junk and feed you to a shark, but only one slice at a time,8000 plus slices for each day that I dipped. I hope it hurts.

Skoal Monster
Chewie: This belongs in "Words of Wisdom".
Out -"fucking"- standing !

Mr Skoal "Monster" ... Bravo to you my friend ~ I have made a copy of this to put next to my contract to Quit and if ever the day comes that we meet in person I will have you autograph this for me ~

I love when someone can truly read between the lines and see the true meaning in things !

Well done ...

No Chew Crue - Cliff's Big Brother Jack

B.ig B.rother J.ack

Offline theo3wood

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« Reply #22 on: July 21, 2009, 09:22:00 AM »
Quote from: Skoal
Dear Chairman of UST,
Dear douchetard dillhole

Just a quick note to thank you for making such a fine product.I have enjoyed skoal since I was 14.I think it's the best.
Just a quick note to say fuck you, you death dealing fuckbag. Thanks for hooking me on a substance thats more addicting than heroin when I was a fucking child.I have been a slave to nicotine for 23 years. I think a product that kills you when you use it properly is insane.

I can fondly remember all your advertising with many great athletes " a pinch is all it takes" and now I am excited to be part of the Skoal Brotherhood
a pinch is all it took to get me to lie to my parents, wife, kids, destroy relationships, ruin my health, begin killing myself. Thank God I found this site and these guys at Kill the Can to support me in kicking this horrid addiction.

Skoal has been with me through thick and thin and always helped me out when I needed it.
Skoal had raised my blood pressure to unsafe levels and I had to chew two damn cans a day just to attempt to feel ok. Now that I quit I feel better than I ever did when I chewed. Skoal was good for nothing but keeping me addicted to Skoal

I especially appreciate the recent discounts on dip and all the great new flavors
Smoking is getting pushed out and your making a marketing play that dip is a safer alternative than cigarettes. Nevermind the fact that the nicotine level in a can of chew is the equivilent of 60 smokes. You even drop the price and run multiple can specials to create addicts quicker than ever. Peach and berry dip, who are you kidding? those flavors are to hook children and women. Your a absolute shit bag. You sell fruit and mint flavored cancer.

I am sure that you will have continued success with your fine brand of smokeless and wish you the best of luck
You can take your little copperheaded fuck buckets of cancer and shove em up your ass so far that you can pack em with your tonsils. I hope you can sleep at night knowing your product kills more people than almost anything in the world. I wish the worst thing in the world upon you and your cohorts... I hope you become as addicted to this shit as I was. I am free now, I no longer pay daily dues to UST, I no longer kill myself each day, I no longer hide cheat and lie to satisfy my addiction, I am a man of my word now..... I am quit

Best Regards
I hope you go bankrupt and die you miserable cocksuckers, if I ever meet you I will punch you in the junk and feed you to a shark, but only one slice at a time,8000 plus slices for each day that I dipped. I hope it hurts.

Skoal Monster
Chewie: This belongs in "Words of Wisdom".
"the cycle is over. we are clean. we are shining beacons to the masses that think it can't be done." ...LooT

"We have the right to watch our children grow and have earned the right to participate in their lives. We will not be denied. Success can be our only option now. We can never tire, give up, fail, or falter. We are worth more than this addiction and will stop at nothing to beat it." ...Sweenz

Offline Skoal Monster

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« Reply #21 on: July 21, 2009, 12:15:00 AM »
Dear Chairman of UST,
Dear douchetard dillhole

Just a quick note to thank you for making such a fine product.I have enjoyed skoal since I was 14.I think it's the best.
Just a quick note to say fuck you, you death dealing fuckbag. Thanks for hooking me on a substance thats more addicting than heroin when I was a fucking child.I have been a slave to nicotine for 23 years. I think a product that kills you when you use it properly is insane.

I can fondly remember all your advertising with many great athletes " a pinch is all it takes" and now I am excited to be part of the Skoal Brotherhood
a pinch is all it took to get me to lie to my parents, wife, kids, destroy relationships, ruin my health, begin killing myself. Thank God I found this site and these guys at Kill the Can to support me in kicking this horrid addiction.

Skoal has been with me through thick and thin and always helped me out when I needed it.
Skoal had raised my blood pressure to unsafe levels and I had to chew two damn cans a day just to attempt to feel ok. Now that I quit I feel better than I ever did when I chewed. Skoal was good for nothing but keeping me addicted to Skoal

I especially appreciate the recent discounts on dip and all the great new flavors
Smoking is getting pushed out and your making a marketing play that dip is a safer alternative than cigarettes. Nevermind the fact that the nicotine level in a can of chew is the equivilent of 60 smokes. You even drop the price and run multiple can specials to create addicts quicker than ever. Peach and berry dip, who are you kidding? those flavors are to hook children and women. Your a absolute shit bag. You sell fruit and mint flavored cancer.

I am sure that you will have continued success with your fine brand of smokeless and wish you the best of luck
You can take your little copperheaded fuck buckets of cancer and shove em up your ass so far that you can pack em with your tonsils. I hope you can sleep at night knowing your product kills more people than almost anything in the world. I wish the worst thing in the world upon you and your cohorts... I hope you become as addicted to this shit as I was. I am free now, I no longer pay daily dues to UST, I no longer kill myself each day, I no longer hide cheat and lie to satisfy my addiction, I am a man of my word now..... I am quit

Best Regards
I hope you go bankrupt and die you miserable cocksuckers, if I ever meet you I will punch you in the junk and feed you to a shark, but only one slice at a time,8000 plus slices for each day that I dipped. I hope it hurts.

Skoal Monster
"CLOSE THE DOOR. In my opinion, it?s the single most important step in your final quit. There is one moment, THE moment, when you finally let go and surrender to the quit. After that moment, no temptation will be great enough, no lie persuasive enough to make you commit suicide by using tobacco."

Offline Skoal Monster

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« Reply #20 on: July 17, 2009, 10:42:00 AM »
Stuff I LIKE

Classic Roll Call Posts
Jarrhedd - Day 7 - All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth, my two font teeth, my TWO front teeth....keep up the quit!!! Way to go December.
odt- not my front teeth, it's the side ones tobacco took from me that I miss
greg40-561-Jerked off so hard last night that can hardly walk. Stay quit.
Misc Forum Posts and thoughts
Hello, new quitters...

You don't see me on here too often. I am in the point of my quit (almost 2 years now - 708 days) where I check-in periodically. Some of you will get to the same point. Others will be more involved, continuing to post daily, maybe even becoming moderators or admin. Unfortunately, some of you will not make it to 100 days, let alone 2 years.

Know this - HAVE A PLAN! If you stick to the plan, then you WILL make it as far as you want. There has yet to be a post that starts "....I felt like caving, so I called (insert fellow quitter's name here), followed the rest of my plan (whatever that is), and still caved......" BE BIGGER THAN THE URGE - your family, friends, and, MOST IMPORTANTLY, you deserve that.

I just found out that my best friend has throat cancer. He is 40 years old, and is a "part-time" chewer. He would often go 6+ months without a chew. Oddly enough, he is the one that introduced me to Kodiak. I am in a bit of a haze right now, trying to process what I have just learned. While I do, I felt it important to let you new quitters know that THIS SHIT IS NO JOKE! It will kill you without hesitation. It will control you, own you, and eventually destroy you.

Stay strong to your quits. If any of you need another number, PM me  it's yours.

Very Truly Yours,

I hate nicotine, a part time chewer? fuck. how is it I don't have cancer, I will never understand. Im glad Im quit, I wonder how many chances I had left before it was me. How many do you have?

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I had a real good conversation with Mij this weekend that got me really thinking about how I don't miss acting like a street bum. You see before I committed to this website two months ago, one of my hobbies was rummaging through public trash cans.

During the past couple years, I quit probably on average once or twice a week. The genius, weak quit plan I often utilized was just pitching my partially full tin in the trash. It seemed like the plan always ended up with me going back to that trash can a few hours or maybe a day later to get that little bastard tin out for me to finish chewing.

"I'm quitting this shit once and for all!" Yeah right........There's that freak with the big red truck going in the garbage can again,,,,,to retrieve his best friend.

Multiple garbage cans in the neighborhood park, the little can next to the ATM machine where I do a nightly deposit, grocery store parking lot cans, various dumpsters. I would get pissed off at the chew for ruining my life but always ended up forgiving, followed by the urge of wanting to save my little buddy from that stinky trash. Hell, I remember going back for a tin in a bee infested trash can and not thinking twice about it, driving through the ATM lane during business hours just hoping that tin was situated in a spot where I could snatch it quick without anyone noticing.

Not only trash cans, but what about all the partial tins I threw out the window while driving. I hate littering and have road-raged like a lunatic more than once after seeing someone else throw their shit out the window. What a hypocrite I was. Same thought process, different failed quit - I think my little buddy landed in the front yard of this house. What the fuck is that guy looking for?????? Yo idiot, what are you doing parking that truck in a jug handle........why is that dude looking looking through the jug handle trash????? Because that's where my buddy landed.......I have to find him. What's up with the spotlight???, etc, etc, etc......

I could go on and on, but it's no longer necessary because the humiliation is done, the behavior is done and this chapter of my life is over. DONE DEAL!!! 
I had to flush my cans when I would decide to throw them out for the same reason. One time I flushed it and when to the store the same night for one more dip, then flushed that can too. IDIOT
visamoht @ Sep 30, 2008, 7:16 am)
My what a difference 20 days makes.

My world continues to crumble. Quitters continue to fail.

Anger, fear, resentment, despair, isolation, all continue to eat away at my resolve.

Thanks to those of you who are still here.

I have noticed over the last couple weeks that the further I get away from this sight, the more the fog settles back in.

For those of you who want to stay quit, here's my advice:

Stay close, stay strong, stay quit 
quitting nicotine is one of the hardest things I have ever done. But staying close to this site and quitting one day at a time makes it much easier. Ultimately, I found that helping others fight the addiction seems to help me as well. It forces me to keep the addiction in the forefront of my mind. While I have been quit for 200 days, I still need to confront my addiction on a daily basis, I have seen too many fail because they became complacent and forgot how difficult it was to find the courage to quit and then the will to stay quit. I think alot of people here are stunned how hard it is to quit. Over and over they complain its different for me it's harder. I could find 300 posts on this site just like this one that show somebody struggling. Anger, Fear, resentment, anxiety, it's all part of the quit. Its the price you pay to earn your freedom.
Here's something to think about:

almost every one of us thought about quitting and figured:  sure, they can do it, but they are not nearly as addicted to this shit as i am.  i can't even think if i go a couple hours without it.

well guess what?  i guarantee there are some bastards in here who were more addicted than you and they've quit for good.  they just saddled up and faced the music.

it's not easy.  if it was, we'd all be quit without this site.  a great quitter once said:  remember, your not craving becasue you're quitting, your craving because you started in the first place.  its time to fix that.

so, you really don't have an excuse.  you're not a special case.  neither was i.  time to quit.
I crave because I started in the first place.... very similar to Alan Carr's Tobacco does not fill a void in your life but creates one.
I don't pipe up much on this site, but on this day, I give thanks that the guys mentioned above have saved, and changed, my life. I'm less than a month from the HOF, but I'm a lifetime from the man I used to be. This is my first Thanksgiving in 24 years that I didn't have a dip immediately before and after Thanksgiving dinner. Thanksgiving used to be a day I dreaded, being surrounded by my wife's family and friends, and unable to have a dip for at least 8 hours.

When I woke up this morning, I didn't think of having a chew at all until I was on my way there for dinnner, and only as an abstract thought. Once there, I literally didn't think about it until after I got home. If you had told me a year ago that I would be required to give up Skoal by next Thanksgiving, I probably would have killed you on the spot.

As I mentioned earlier, I don't chime in much, but the group of you -- veterans from long ago, to the guys just starting, keep me on the right track every single day. A day doesn't go by that I don't sign on this site and see how proud the old guys are, and how much life sucks for the new guys. It keeps me quit, and I thank each and every one of you for that. The admins and mods deserve special recognition. I haven't been able to determine that there is any other reason they do it than for the sole purpose of helping their fellow man, and I hope that someday I'm able to return that favor in any fashion.

I don't remember where I read it, but it sticks with me. Quitting is simple -- you just put down the can, and never pick it back up. But, as with everything, the devil is in the details, and in the doing. You have to confront yourself, and engage in that mental battle where you finally say that you're going to quit, regardless of the consequences.
That battle is both terrifying, and liberating. Terrifying, because you finally come to grips with something you've long hoped you'd never have to make a decision on (quitting), and liberating because you made that decision, and have started on a new path on which you will either succeed or fail -- no "nice try" bullshit -- this is your life, where you realize that this is the point at which you can no longer avoid your weakness, but must confront it. I would not have made it without the people that have been down this road before me, and the people that are right behind me.

There are more people that have helped me get this far, and I'd fuck it up trying to mention each one and why -- I'll save that for the HOF. I'll simply say this for tonight: I give thanks for each and every one of you, named and nameless, who have helped me get to this point. You saved my life. They don't fully appreciate it yet, but my wife thanks you, and my one -year old son thanks you as well
(cubs204 @ May 25, 2009, 11:20 am)
Dont know where else to post this so Ill put it here.  My mom just called me.  My uncle has had major circulatory problems related to smoking for the last few years.  The doctors told him 5 weeks ago that he had to quit smoking to be able to remove an artery from under his arm and put it in his legs, otherwise they will have ot amputate at some point.  My uncle went into the doctors yesterday, he hasnt quit smoking, and told the doctors he wont.  The doctors said he has less than 3 months for his left leg, 6 months for his right.  My uncle is effectively choosing nicotine over his legs. Nicotine over legs.  Nicotine over legs.  Nicotine over the ability to ever walk again.  I will never put that shit in my body again.
(65fl @ Dec 23, 2008, 10:13 am)
I wrote this a while ago but didn't post it, I thought it was too personal. But then I got thinking, I've poured my heart out here when I was deep in the funk and it helped. Perhaps this will help with my grief.

An Addiction and a Wish

My father is an addict. His drugs of choice are booze and cigarettes. He struggled for many years with alcohol but hasnÂ’t had a drink in over 10. Nicotine is a different story. Cigarettes have ruined his health, he has less than 15% lung capacity. He is on oxygen and must take constant breathing treatments. He cannot walk more then 10 feet without resting, so he is in a wheelchair whenever he leaves the house. He struggles for every breath. He has had a heart attack and a stroke, both attributed to smoking. My father has never quit, he is just too weak to buy cigarettes on his own and no one in the family will buy them for him. He still tries to buy them if we take him into a store, but we actively prevent his purchases. My father is reduced to smoking butts he finds in ash trays, he use to pick them up off the ground but canÂ’t bend over that far anymore. It is truly sad to see how far he will lower himself to get a nicotine fix.

My mother passed away unexpectedly 11/17/08. I got to watch my father’s heart break that night, it is not something I ever want to witness again. I have relived that moment many times in my mind, I wish it would stop. That night as I was helping my dad into the house, he turned to me and said, “Butch, I want a drink, but I will not ruin the memory of your mother by turning back into a stinking drunk. But please, help me get a cigarette.”

I too was just dealing with a nicotine crave, I moved my tongue between my gum and lip, knelt down before him and said, “Dad, if I get you a cigarette, I might as well buy a can and pack my lip. But I will not let the night my mother died become the night I restart chewing. This is your torch to bear. You must endure losing the love of your life, so she does not have to feel that pain. This is your final gift to mom, don’t tarnish it with booze, don’t tarnish it with cigarettes.”

Well neither of us caved that night. I chose not to, IÂ’m not so sure about my dad. I would love to write about how stoic he is, that he has finally controlled his nicotine addiction. Unfortunately itÂ’s not true. If you put a bottle of whiskey and a pack of cigarettes in front of him IÂ’m positive the whiskey would be smashed on the floor, but the cigarettes would be smoked in less than a day. I doubt that he would even remove the oxygen cannula from his nose, the extra oxygen would help him smoke faster.

Addictions suck, I guess that is the point of this story. But it is something all of us know to varying degrees. I wish I could help my dad really quit, but the best I can do is not enable his habit. I wish I could help others quit. I use to post every day in the newer quit groups, looking for a way to help someone. Now I donÂ’t see the point.

I havenÂ’t had a crave since the night my mom died, my sister thinks it is a gift from mom to me. I wish I believed that. I feel I have fallen into a hole and canÂ’t get out. The pain of losing my mother is still so raw. When IÂ’m not replaying the memory of my fatherÂ’s heart breaking, I get to relive the horror of telling my handicapped brother that mom died. He was so dependent on her, seeing him break down is something I wish I could erase. I wish I would stop hurting. Friends tell me the pain will fade with time. I believe that, I just wish it would fade sooner. I wish I had the urge to chew, I wish I could go back to fighting my addiction; it would take my mind off this pain. I wish for a crave.
SmokeyG   That makes perfect sense JW. There was a point when I consciously replaced the word "crave" with "urge". I have physical urges for nicotine, but I crave freedom more than anything else. Amen.
(Skoal Monster @ Aug 14, 2009, 10:53 am)
Ah the coot, yes yes you are feeling some pain, a sense of loss perhaps? You quit for 100 days it was almost fun, a challenge, the community and the brotherhood were exciting and new. But now the first kiss is over and your quit is not so novel eh? Slowly reality sets in that you are really quit and your not going back THIS MY FRIEND IS A GOOD THING. However, Sally Rotten Crotch nic bitch isnt done with you yet, she's starting to whisper in your ear..... "Dean baby enough of these games, you know you can't leave me forever so why don't you just give up?" "Don't you love me anymore?" 

I too hit a post Hof funk that was harder than the first two weeks of my quit. Its a gut check boy o .

   There is nothing wrong with you a dip could fix, Chew does not fill a void in your life but creates one. You have lost nothing by giving it up. You say you still love it? What did you love you don't have now? Did it enhance your enjoyment of life? I doubt it. Perhaps your spouse found you more attractive, she always liked the pics in National Geographic of the dudes with a plate in their lower lip. Were you a better dad ? constantly hiding from your family or holding your baby in one hand and a spitter in the other? It helps you relax?, yes yes, but medically you know that's bullshit, it raised your bp and heart rate. the relaxation you felt was just getting back to normal because you fed the addiction and removed the withdrawl. Maybe you are secretly in love with Ahmed the gas station attendant, you miss going in and saying. " no not that can the other one,no to your left, no not the fucking peach god dammit the Copenhagen you fucker" All the while wanting to jump behind the counter and kill him cause your fiending.
  There is nothing to miss Dean, its a scam.

The nic bitch is the mental version of the Sham Wow fag, you need to turn the fucking channel or put in some ear plugs. Honestly what helped me is finding some other poor deluded addict on his day one and watching him struggle like hell. It was almost sadistic at first. I felt satiatied when they hit the fog and the funk and the headaches and first no sleep then can't sleep enough, and the mouth sores and the fear of cancer. Watching them helped me stay quit because I hated that and won't do it again. I remember being desperate to stop and each night laying in bed thinking tomorrow tomorrow I wont dip. Watching guys cave forces me to remember that and not become complacent with my quit. Then it turned from love of dip and a sense of loss to a militant hatred. You have to cultivate that hate. Watching people struggle today pisses me off, not at them, but at the addiction. It is crazy the toll nic takes on us both mentally and physically. Find some strugglers in the new group and try to shepard them thru to the Hof. Don't get discouraged with yourself if they cave, many will. It will only remind you how far you have come and what you left behind. This will strengthen your quit. If they do make it, sharing the struggle with them will strengthen your quit as well.

Good luck Dean The Quitter

Good +1

AngusGt WTF IS THIS CRAP ABOUT MISSING IT?!?!?    Seriously, you're going to miss killing yourself? Or maybe it's how sexy your wife thinks you look with spittle on your chin and a big goofy bump in your lip... IF GOD INTENDED YOU TO HAVE A BIG BUMP IN YOUR LIP HE WOULD OF PUNCHED YOU IN THE FACE BEFORE KICKING YOUR ASS OUT YOUR MOMMA'S WOMB!!!
Missing it is a fucking lie, why does everybody fall for that trap???
For all you fuckers, This funk thing is a nightmare,mine hit around the nid 60's and didn't leave until 75. Like Mrogers I also had issues with my wife, whom I love. I realized that I had been treating her horribly for years due to my addiction, I literally would rather sit alone and dip than spend time with her!! how fucking selfish. When I quit I soon realized that I had to re learn how to relate to my bride. Instead of just popping in some skoal when she was pissing me off I actually had to learn how to talk to her. Maybe somebody else can explain it better. All I know is alot of my personal relationships suffered because of dip, and when I quit it took some work to start repairing them, maybe its like in AA where you have to make ammends?
The other thing that has been pissing me off about dip is this... ITS A BIG FUCKING LIE.I quit because dip didn't work for me anymore, I could not chew enough dip to satisfy my craving. I could smoke marlborough reds one after another with a fucking chew in and I still couldn't kill the crave. So then I read this damn book by some fag named Alan Carr and he describes how a nicotine addict eventually reaches a point where they cannot ever achieve a level of satisfaction. I was spending all day trying to feel normal, and to get to normal I had to chew like a beaver on crack. And get this, "normal" is what we felt like before we became nic addicts. So Im living my life feeding a fucking monkey buckets of cancer so I can feel ALMOST as good as I did before I started dipping. What a fucking scam. This is why you see smokers that light one off another all day long, they can't kill the crave. So we spend our lives in a perpetual state of withdrawl, always pissed, always craving, always scheming for another dip.
FUCK THAT, I dont care how bad the funk gets, I will not go back to that life, I don't care if I have one bad crave a day forever, I dont care if I crave all day forever, That would still be better than dipping all day everyday, I am calmer now, I engage with my kids, I can eat dinner and not be jonesing for a dip in the middle of the meal, I can have a real relationship with my wife. I have to deal with my feelings, which is something I haven't done without a wedge in my pie hole in 20 plus years. I am free of the biggest bunch of bullshit ever thunk up by man, I will not go back to that no matter what the fucking nic bitch whispers to me.
Lastly, for those of you thinking about caving, here is what I know. The chew that your craving right now, the one you think is gonna be so good isn't the one your gonna get. Your nic soaked brain is thinking about your best dip, maybe your first dip or that one in the bleachers from highschool, but thats not the dip your gonna get when you cave. The cave dip is going to be just like the LAST DIP you ever had, you know the one, it was shitty and you didn't want it but you took it anyway. That dip didn't do shit for you but make you feel worse about chewing and hiding it, and killing yourself with it. THAT is the dip to remember, and that is the dip you get when you cave, except now you have 100 times the guilt because you were free and you threw it away. What a fucking moron I would be to want to have that particular dip.......Again. If you chew then you have tried to quit and you know that what Im saying is true, at least it was for me. Im not having that dip ever again. So as bad as all the fucking craves are and the faggitty funk is I for one will suffer thru it, because the hours or days or minutes that Im not battling that shit are truly mine and I am free. Its worth it... Oh and Special ED can FUCK OFF OR POST BELOW THE LINE, Scooter gets a pass because he is hung like a stallion and therefore meets May quitter criteria. Sorry for the long rant
My trip into the funk
Aug 25, 2009, 11:44 am Trapper,Aug 25, 2009, 10:24 am I never did a personal page so i am posting this where my best friends are.

Ok FOQer's, How do i start this. I have tried to be vocal in KTC about caving and why there is no reason or excuse to cave, Most of the cavers have stated because of this or that mainly stress related issues. I have told you all earlier that there is a huge amount of stress in my life, 1- A spec home that is going back to the bank,2- business is down over 60%, 3- This quit is close to breaking up a 30 year marriage, Today is our 30th anniversary. And for an anniversary gift i get the news yesterday that i have malignant Melanoma, FUCK what else can happen this year, 2009 is fucked up. I'm not writing this to ask permission to CAVE. At this point I dont think i need permission from anyone to cave if i really wanted to.  NOT TO WORRY I'M NOT CAVING even though i have 4 of the best reasons i have ever heard to do so.
After i got the news yesterday as staggering as it was i had no desire to chew or even think about chewing or going back to the can. I'm lying i did think about it, but there was no desire. As my speech said it does get better.
I go in for surgery,and radiation on thursday, they tell me it will be about 2 weeks before they will know how far its gone or what further treatment will be recommended.
If i can continue this quit with everything that is going on in my life, anyone can quit. THERE IS NO FUCKING EXCUSE.

Keeping a positive attitude!!!!
Thank you April 09 and all my quit brothers on KTC!!
Damn brother - that is some shit.

Here is my take - this kind of stuff can effect you one of 2 ways. 

First is to give you an excuse to do whatever the fuck you want - be it drinking too much, picking up a meth habit or even buying a fresh tin.  When life rolls shit like this at you - you use it as an excuse to fall apart.  Unfortunately, it seems society today is far too accepting of this course of action.

Second - be a fucking man about it and get stronger as you go through it.  Accept that life sometimes sucks dick and unfortunately, it isn't your dick.  Nothing you touch seems to work out the way you wanted it to.  Everyone around you seem to give a shit less about your problems and the weight of all your daily burdens seem somedays like they are going to bring you down.

You my bad brother, are following the second path.  This shit WILL make you stronger and strengthen your resolve.  You will face this shit head on and get through it better than you were when you started fighting.  That is what I like about this place - we don't shy away from the BS in our lives.  At times, I sure want to but have realized that there is no easy way out but to take the aggressive stance and get it done.

I will have you in my prayers for the best possible outcome to the Melanoma.  There is a quitter on this board who has gone through the same thing within the last 6 months.  I will leave it to him to contact you if he feels the needs as I am sure he will read this.

Keep the faith my friend - you can and will get through all this as well as the first 100 days of the quit - everything happens for a reason - you just need to find that reason.  You have the right attitude - don't change it with a phone call to me asking permission :)
Trapper, bud, you've got 100% of our thoughts/prayers/support right now.  You keep this attitude and you'll come out on top of all of your problems!  I believe that a positive attitude in light of bad circumstances can help you in the healing process physically.  YOu can fight this cancer and come out on top.  You can fight for your marriage, and you'll come out on top.  And you can fight for your business and come out on top.

You are right: you don't quit regardless of some imminent problems.  They aren't failures until you give up.  God bless bud.  Let me know if I can do anything from over in Houston.
This is a man facing cancer, divorce, and failure of his business. Yet he is steadfast in his quit. What possible excuse to cave do you have? Rkymtn hits it on the head, you can use lifes shitstorms as an excuse to self destruct or take it on the chin and come back for more. Each time you get back up and keep fighting you get stronger. The next point is dead on as well, it's only a failure when you quit trying.

Your right, we do understand. This habit will make you lie to everyone including yourself. I never thought I could quit, this site helped me tremendously. The thing is you have to use it correctly. After 219 days quit this is what I know.

1. READ everything on this site- Start with words of wisdom and the Hof speeches, and I MEAN ALL OF THEM!!! then the CANCER and QUITTER Stories. Yes every single one. This will take you a week but start reading each day until you find something you can latch onto for that day. Just like the Tom and Jenny Kern story tore you up, find something each day like it. In the beginning this is hugely helpful.

2. GET PHONE NUMBERS AND USE THEM- if I or someone else offers you their phone number I fully expect you to call me if you are struggling. Even if you just need to BS to keep your mind of dipping. It's ok!! thats why I offered it to you. I can help you stay quit if you call.

3. GIVE YOU NUMBER TO YOUR FELLOW QUITTERS- they will keep you accountible when you slack. They can text, call or E-mail your craving ass when you think your going to disappear and start dipping again. This is the first step in becoming accountable to your group and your quit. If I have your number and you haven't posted I WILL CALL OR TEXT YOU for an explanation.

4. POST POST POST!!!!! Chaces are whatever crazy fucked up thing your going thru, somebody here has already been thru it. Getting fat? losing your mind? can't sleep? sleep too much? weird things going on with your yap? sunflower seeds make you feel super sexy? POST THAT SHIT UP. I can't help you or tell you its normal if you don't share. This includes when your kicking ass, beating down cravings, or totally freaking out. When you post and open yourself up to the group, you will be suprised at the strength of their support.

5. Help who you can, when you can, how you can. Helping another is a sure way to strengthen your own quit. If you know that I am counting on you to help me stay quit, can you cave?

6. CHAT- use the chat room, I was in there every day for the first 100 days. When your having a hard time ASK FOR HELP!!!!!!!! There is alot of pointless conversation and chit chat going on in there, but if you break in and tell people that you need help, YOU WILL GET IT. It might be a kick in the ass or a helpful push but you will get help. If you don't reach out you will get nothing in return. YOu are not weak for reaching out so don't be embarrassed. This is a support site use the support stupid.

7. HAVE A VOICE- the most active quitters are generally the most successul. Talk about what is working or not working for you, ask questions.

8. REMEMBER THAT THERE IS NO ACCEPTABLE REASON TO CAVE. Not a single one, not ever. I don't care what happens to you in the next 100 days. There is not a single scenario that will improve because you started chewing again. Chew doesn't help anything except keeping you addicted to nicotine.

9. You will feel like shit for the first few days and maybe even weeks. So what? That is your body expelling all the poison out of it. The pain of the initial withdrawl is referred to here as the suck. Embrace the suck, dont ever forget how shitty it is. You will only have to do it once if you can remember forever how hard it was. The SUCK is the price you pay to win your freedom from nicotine.

10. IT DOES GET BETTER EVERYDAY. You will not wake up on day 22 and be all better, you won't be all better on day 4 or 44 or 104. Each day your body heals a little bit. Your circulation comes back a little bit, your anxiety starts to ease up. Your more even tempered (that one took some time for me) Etc Etc. But here is the catch, it's like watching a plant grow. You can't see it and its slow, at some point you will realize there has been a change in how you feel, physically or emotionally but you will not be able to recognize when it happened. The best part is after a awhile controlling your addiction gets easier and the changes become larger. Quitting this poison will not only save your life, it will change your life.

This is hard so you better get tough. The tools above will make it easier to win your freedom, but only if you use them. Good luck

Skoal Monster
'Bout time we start reclaiming control of other aspects of our lives and choices, eh?  Hate to break it to you Octopussies, but this isn't just about quitting nicotine.
Today I had to attend a family reunion.  I had dreaded this for days leading up to it.  The reason for dreading it was that, as long as I remember, it was a big source of stress for me.  This year ended up being quite different.  I had practically no stress. 

When I mentioned that to my wife, she just smiled, which was odd.  What the hell did she notice that I didn't?  I tried my best to figure it out, then finally asked her what the hell was so different this year.  She said that "I" was different and it was true.

I no longer had that sinking helpless feeling where I was trying my best to figure out how to score my dip fix.  I wasn't stressing over a plan of escape in to the woods or to the bathroom to worship the fatty in my lip.  Instead, I was relaxed and enjoying the company. 

I have a distant cousin that I enjoyed talking to today and discovering how much we have in common with our jobs, the sports we like, music, etc.  I asked him why he hadn't been in years and he told me he had, but I seemed too elusive and occupied to talk.

Aside from being away from something that could eventually take my life at any time, I am really starting to see how much of a prisoner I was to that crap.  It ruled me.  It dictated what I did.  It robbed me of precious time with family and friends.  I was a fucking puppet and nic pulled the strings.  Think for a moment how much nic has robbed you of your lives too.  Write that down and never forget it.
(Ricko @ Sep 21, 2009, 12:19 pm)
So I Stay Near the Door" was read in a training meeting that I attended for Young Life. It is a very powerful and moving poem written by Sam Shoemaker. Who is that I wondered. Well one of the or the founder of AA. I added a link so I would not have to type the whole thing. I really was thinking as to why we stick around and encourage others to quit tobacco and bam here is an AA connection.

So I Stand Near the Door"
“I stand near the door.
I neither go too far in, nor stay too far out,
The door is the most important door in the world—
It is the door through which men walk when they find God.
ThereÂ’s no use my going way inside, and staying there,
When so many are still outside, and they, as much as I,
Crave to know where the door is.
And all that so many ever find
Is only the wall where a door ought to be.
They creep along the wall like blind men.
With outstretched, groping hands,
Feeling for a door, knowing there must be a door,
Yet they never find it . . .
So I stay near the door.

“The most tremendous thing in the world
Is for men to find that door—the door to God.
The most important thing any man can do
Is to take hold of one of those blind, groping hands,
And put it on the latch—the latch that only clicks
And opens to the manÂ’s own touch.
Men die outside that door, as starving beggars die
On cold nights in cruel cities in the dead of winter—
Die for want of what is within their grasp.
They live, on the other side of it—live because they have found it.
Nothing else matters compared to helping them find it,
And open it, and walk in, and find Him . . .
So I stand near the door.

“Go in, great saints, go all the way in—
Go way down into the cavernous cellars,
And way up into the spacious attics—
In a vast, roomy house, this house where God is.
Go into the deepest of hidden casements,
Of withdrawal, of silence, of sainthood.
Some must inhabit those inner rooms,
And know the depths and heights of God,
And call outside to the rest of us how wonderful it is.
Sometimes I take a deeper look in,
Sometimes venture a little farther;
But my place seems closer to the opening . . .
So I stand near the door.

“The people too far in do not see how near these are
To leaving—preoccupied with the wonder of it all.
Somebody must watch for those who have entered the door,
But would like to run away. So for them, too,
I stand near the door.

“I admire the people who go way in.
But I wish they would not forget how it was
Before they got in. Then they would be able to help
The people who have not even found the door,
Or the people who want to run away again from God.
You can go in too deeply, and stay in too long,
And forget the people outside the door.
As for me, I shall take my old accustomed place,
Near enough to God to hear Him, and know He is there,
But not so far from men as not to hear them,
And remember they are there too.
Where? Outside the door—
Thousands of them, millions of them.
But—more important for me—
One of them, two of them, ten of them,
Whose hands I am intended to put on the latch,
So I shall stay by the door and wait
For those who seek it.
‘I had rather be a door-keeper . . .’
So I stand near the door.”
This sums up what I have been reaching for for the last months, why it is important to stay. If you leave the site too early you lose perspective about how far you have come and what is at stake. Staying and helping others has been the best way to solidify my quit, and remind me what my addiction has cost me . I think I'll stand here by the door for awhile more, I hope you do too.

Posting every day.....yep
Hit the HOF
Fall below the line
Natural to take a deep breath, but...
enough of that shit
HOF celebration is over
Back to the quit with the vengeance you had during your first week.
How many people have we seen come back to this site since we have been here with '07 or '08 join dates??
Too Fucking many..
How do you think they got there?
This shit is a marathon...not a sprint!!! (Bscar Sep 09)
(ryano34 @ Nov 4, 2009, 3:47 pm)
Very interesting article I found today.....

Nicotine Warning for Cold Turkey Quitters

Roughly 80-90% of all new quitters attempt to quit cold turkey (abrupt nicotine cessation).  If you are one of them then you need to know that many highly respected websites contain advertisements, quitting instructions and articles created by the pharmaceutical industry for the purpose of getting you to purchase nicotine (which they have renamed medicine) and use it (which they have renamed therapy).  Their super slick marketing is designed to make you quickly believe that you have very little chance of succeeding unless you rush-out and purchase nicotine weaning products such as the nicotine patch, nicotine gum or nicotine lozenge and immediately put nicotine back into your bloodstream.   They do not want you to believe in "you."  They do not want you to reach for education, understanding, new skills and support, as honest tools that make dreams come true at rates that make those achieved by their weaning products laughable.

Sadly, very few sites are sharing useful, recent and honest NRT data with quitters.  Those with a financial stake must keep secret the fact that a March 2003 NRT study review by paid pharmaceutical industry consultants combined and averaged all seven over-the-counter nicotine patch and gum studies and found that 93% of those who "believed" and "trusted" in the nicotine weaning message failed and relapsed to smoking nicotine within six months ( link to full text of March, 2003 study ).  Nor will those receiving donations or profits for allowing nicotine to be marketed at their websites warn you that too many among the 7% who do quit smoking for six months have instead become permanent chemical captives to the very product they purchased to help them break nicotine's grip upon their mind.  Nor will they tell you that if you have previously tried and failed while using nicotine weaning products that, according to two nicotine patch recycling studies, your odds of relapse during a second attempt may be as high as 100%.

But most importantly, these sites continue to refuse to caution the 80-90% of new quitters who arrive having quit cold turkey, that if they have remained 100% nicotine free for 72 hours that their blood is now 100% nicotine-clean, 90% of nicotine's metabolites have passed through their urine, and that for them chemical withdrawal has peaked in intensity and is now beginning to gradually subside.  Any nicotine use at this point constitutes chemical relapse that will require them to repeat nicotine detox all over again.  This is the "Law of Addiction."

But take heart if you are quitting cold turkey.  According to the American Cancer Society's Cancer Facts  Figures 2003 report, 91.2% of all successful long-term quitters are today quitting entirely on their own without using Zyban, Wellbutrin, hypnosis, acupuncture, magic herbs, and without toying with any gradual nicotine weaning products like the patch, gum, lozenge, spray, or inhaler. 

You'd think that government researchers would be heavily engaged in studying "their" method of quitting and "their" secrets.  You'd think that they'd be developing websites to service the cessation needs of the 80-90% of all new quitters who they know are today engaged in a cold turkey quitting experience.  You'd think that their sites would have warnings to protect cold turkey quitters from pharmaceutical grade nicotine relapse. You'd think that government and major health non-profits would have lots of articles on how to take the mystery and cold out of quitting cold.

Sadly, it simply isn't happening.  The pharmaceutical industry is making billions selling nicotine to nicotine addicts, their sphere of influence extends beyond your wildest imagination and they know that the only way to continue to increase market share and profits is by continuing their campaign to destroy the credibility of earth's most productive means of quitting - abrupt nicotine cessation.

John R. Polito, Nicotine Cessation Educator
Post by Crew- 

(JpCrew @ Jul 20, 2009, 12:27 pm)
My aunt passed away last year.  She had a very, very rare disease. One of the rare 13...
I can't remember the name...but that's not my point.

Her last 2 months, she was in the hospital.  Her body was shutting down. The blood transfusions and bone marrow transplants didn't take.

I was a ninja dipper at the time. I only chewed at work, or to put it another way, I didn't chew around my wife.  So if she left for the store, I'd purposely stay home to chew...

My aunt, was being kept alive by machines.  My side of the family, all went to the hospital to see her and pay our last respects.  her family was there to..her sisters, Mom, kids, husband, etc.

So I went, but my wife stayed home with our daughter.  To get into my Aunts room, you had to be buzzed on to the Oncology department, then, wash your hands, put on a gown or mock, then go into her room. 

I was scared to be honest.  It's a good thing my Mom is a very strong person.  I basically just stood as close to her as I could.

I found out a few things that night.

1 - We washed our hands and wore the gown so as the rest of the floor wouldn't catch something we brought in.  Why?  Their immune system has been desemated and they are prone to attack by the slightest disease.

2 - I didn't know what oncology meant.  I found out while there, it meant Cancer. As in, I was sitting int eh Cancer ward of the hospital.

They planned to, and pulled the "plug" while we were all there.  It was time.
I won't go into detail about it. 

I did something that night, that I am so disgusted by that this is literally the first time I've ever told somone / anyone.  Even my wife!

I shit you not, I chewed while I was there. In my aunts room.  I ninja dipped and spit in a soda can.  And then, I F-ing left my spitter in her room.
We had to step out so as the nurses could pull the plug. But we never went back in, it was just her family (my uncle, cousins etc).  So i could never go back and get my spitter.

I chewed in the oncology department. i left a spitter of chew in the room.

I am embarassed that nicotine had such a grasp on me that I chewed IN the oncology ward.  But that was my I can't blame nic for everything.

Please forgive me Aunt Patti.  I am clean now. 196 days. Almost 6 months. The longest I've ever gone. I'm sorry I disrespected you and all the other people who were/are battling for thier lives.  At that time, I took mine for granted.  I will never chew again.  I am a better person because of you Patti.
Following is a quote by Loot ,

the battles will get further and further apart

minutes turn to hours...hours to days...days to weeks...weeks to months

and if you don't fuck up along the way you'll be in LOOT's shoes

YEARS will go by with no real cravings

you'd walk a mile thru fire to live that kinda quit

the fuct up part is you actually will

be mule can do anything for a day


funny how the simplist shit can be the hardest shit huh?
President Grant was a hero. People gave him lots of "celebratory cigars". He died of throat cancer.

You're nicotine-free.

You have a cigar.

You're no longer nicotine-free. Choosing to have ANY nicotine for ANY reason is choosing not to be nicotine free. Calling it caving or celebrating is irrelevant.
man i'll splain this simple like. it aint your nic level you got to worry bout. its your commitment level. the nic bitch is gonna be in your head for ever now. you need to 1 disside your gonna whip her ass and 2-have a plan when the craves come else your gonna have more lame ass ascuses. until you disside to do that your gonna be big tabaccos little bitch and shes gonna fuck you up the ass for the rest a your life.   Syndrome-talking to a 2000 day plus caver
Phat Pauly part I

Well boys... great fuckin idea.

"Just take the fuckin can and dump it out"... what could possibly go fuckin wrong?

Fuckity fuck fuck fuck. Ever seen a 6' 220lb guy laughing like a mother fuckin hyena running away from a 5'6" about 140 lb guy who is full on Chugg raging at the loss of a $22 tin of cancer?

Did I mention that we got some late spring bullshit snow storm here last night?

Any of you fuckers stop to think that fuckin around at work is likely frowned upon by the big wigs?

So... the little bastard comes up and goes "Shit Pauly... you know you want some, you can't stay quit forever." Sure, i say, gimme a little dip.

then Pauly takes the tin, pulls the top off it, sticks the finger and thumb in, and then proceeds to make like he's gonna take a real big fuckin dip.

Pauly grabs a great big dip then flicks into the air like fuckin pixie dust. the Pauly puts the can down on the concrete floor and stomps on it with his work boot and begins to giggle like a school girl.

Then, the rage starts. This guy is so goddam mad that he is literally ranting incomprehensible sounds and snarling.

Of course, this is VERY amusing, so Pauly begins to laugh uncontrollably. Like, tears running down my face busting a fuckin gut HOWLING.

Ever try running away from an insane little man while unable to breathe you're laughing so fuckin hard? He's chasing me around the trucks and throwing random punches and kicks and I'm still giggling. He's getting madder and madder, so i round the corner at the front of one of the trucks and get fancy... BUTTON HOOK!!!

Well, Mr Angry chewer slips in a puddle on the concrete floor. Mr Angry Chewer's noggin goes thwack on the bumper and then the concrete.

This just keeps gettin funnier and funnier, so now I'm leaning on the hood trying to catch my breath howling and fucking laughin so hard I think I'm gonna die.

Then, Pauly's boss's boss comes out of the office to find out what the fuck is goin on. He looks even angrier... Ever try explaining that what I'm told looks like I laid a fuckin whuppin on this guy is the result of advice from a bunch of insane mother fuckers I've never met? And an "accident"?

Well... Pauly got sent home early today. I think the words were "I can't even fuckin deal with you right now... Get the fuck outta here... go home."

Is it bad that I'm still fuckin laughing typing this 7 hours later?
Phat Pauly part II

the resolution of the "alleged assault"...

So, I show up this morning. As i walk through the door, I get "Hey, we need to chat with you, come to the meeting room."

When I get to the meeting room... There's the boss's boss (who looks slightly less angry than yesterday), an HR guy fuck.... someone from legal. This can't be good.

As i go in, one of the other guys from my shift says "I saw it all, I'll come in if you need". Nice to know others have my back as well as you clowns.

Of course, it's the old "tell us what happened" scenario.

As I'm tellin the story, I start to giggle. The small herd of staff outside the door is growing. the boss and the law guy...not laughing. the HR guy is totally neutral.

Now, I'm laughing again as i get to the part about running around the truck. I tell the whole story, trying not to laugh but mostly failing.

they asked if anyone saw it and I listed a couple names. they asked me to leave the room and send in the "witnesses".

As I'm hanging around the door, I hear the witnesses howling as they're telling the story. they laugh, they get scolded, they laugh they get scolded....

The witnesses leave and they ask me to wait outside for a minute so they (boss, hr, legal) discuss. This is taking I'm worried. No more giggling.

When I go back in, I get the stern "no horseplay, respect your coworkers" standard lecture... I'm starting to think "Sweet... Pauly wins".

After the big boss finishes his lecture, the hr guy says "now it's my turn to talk"...aww fuckity fuck fuck fuck... Pauly's in trouble.

So the HR guy clears his throat and starts in. "SO, Paul, You're claiming that this was all an accident and was directly influenced by you quitting chewing tobacco." I reply, 'Yes sir, that is correct".

He goes "And you claim that the person who got injured got hurt because he offered you chewing tobacco and got angry when you ruined it." "yes sir, that's correct" "HR: "You never laid a hand on him?" P: "No sir, I did not."

Now my favorite part... the part that got me in shit again for laughing like a retarded window licker with a paddle ball and a rolling pin.

The HR guy looks at me and says: "I knew that tobacco could cause cancer, emphysema, heart disease, etcetera... But I had no idea it could cause concussions. Turns out that shit really IS bad for people."

Well fuck... I have no idea whether to laugh or cry... but now my boss is smiling but containing his laughter and the legal guy is staring at the pen in his hand and biting his lip.

So, today, I had to find someone to cover the shift left empty by Mr. Angry Chewer and I have to apologize to him when he's back.

I think I'll give him his $22 back... well worth 22 bucks for that much fuckin entertainment. 
(LastChance @ Feb 25, 2009, 1:08 pm)

This reminds me of a plane ride - dipping incident I had once...

On a long flight from Phoenix to Cleveland, I was sitting in a window seat, wearing headphones and watching an in-flight movie.  I had just selected a full can of coke from the hostitute/flight attendant with the drink cart, and immediately pounded it in record time with the intention of using it as a spitter for a chew I had been looking forward to for a while. 

So, I go through the routine of an embarrassed dipper, looking around to see if anyone was paying attention.  The old man in the middle seat is asleep, and the lady in the isle seat was engrossed in her boring ass Danielle Steel novel.  I then smuggle the can of Skoal Mint from its top secret hiding spot (the inside of my right knee high sock), grab a good wad and strategically place it in the lower right half of my eager mouth, thereby hiding the bulge from any possible onlookers.  Happily engrossed in my dipful bliss, I sat back, relaxed and began watching the movie.  Of course, every 30 seconds or so, I would grab the empty coke can, resting on the open trey table in front of me, and spit out the juice. 

This went on and on for the next 30 minutes... watching the movie, grabbing the coke can, spitting, setting it down, watching, grabbing, spitting, setting, etc...  I was so good at doing this that it did not break my concentration from the movie.  That is, until I casually looked down and realized that my spitter had turned into a DIET coke can. 

I then realized that I had accidentally grabbed the middle seat guy's can of pop and had been spitting in it for an unknown amount of time.  Well, needless to say, a decision had to be made. 

Here were the facts:  Middle Seat guy was still asleep.  Isle seat chick was still attentive to her boring ass book.  Diet Coke can was only 1/8th full (or 7/8th empty depending on your view of the world).  I was pinned in the window seat.  My options were limited.

Here were my choices:
Option A) Stash the Diet Coke can in the magazine pocket, wait for the Hostitute/Flight Attendant to come by with a trash bag, get rid of the evidence.

Option B ) Pour the contents of the Diet Coke can into the "real" spitter then put the empty can back on his tray table and pretend this never happened. 

Option C) Put the can back on his tray table and pretend this never happened.

Here was my decision:
I brilliantly chose Option A.  No, wait... Option C.  Ya, I brilliantly chose Option C.

A few minutes later, we ran into a bit of turbulence which awoke my middle seat neighbor.  This alarmed me, but I remained cool as I remembered that the Diet Coke can was almost empty, and therefore probably abandoned.  Then, as if in slow motion, I witnessed the following events:

- Middle Seat Guy licks his dry lips, looks around for the hostitute/flight attendent to no avail, then spots the Diet Coke.
    * I start to get a little nervous

- Middle Seat Guy reaches for Diet Coke can
    * I freeze, sweat matriculates from my scalp. Knees get week.  Palms get clamy. 

  - Middle Seat Guy swishes contents of Diet Coke can around, determining if there is proper liquid content sufficient enough to quench his thirst.
    * I begin to panic, consider offering a warning, but chicken out, hoping he will be uninterested in the minimal contents remaining in the Diet Coke can.

  - Middle Seat Guy bends his elbow, tips his head back and brings the Diet Coke can towards his, now, slightly parted lips.
    * Full panic mode.  Instinctfully, I look for an exit, but, to my horror, realize that I am on a plane.  I consider jumping out the window at 35,000 feet.  I remember a story of a pregnant lady, a few years back, who went sky diving.  Tragically, her shoot did not open as she ascended to her almost certain death.  Miraculously, she ended up bouncing off a big ole’ wad Texas sage brush and survived, breaking something like 30 bones in her body.  Somehow, her baby survived, too.  I'm sure this lady now drinks her dinner through a straw and has the physical composition of Gumby,  and her baby probably makes Corky from "Life goes on" seem like the second coming of Albert Einstein, but that's not the point.  I decide, however, against this figuring that we were probably not flying over Texas at our present position.

  - Middle Seat Guy empties contents inside the Diet Coke can into his mouth.  I see a string of brownish-clear mucusy liquid stretch from the corner of the open lid of the can to his lower lip as he pulls the, now, completely empty container away from his face.  I see his Adam's apple move up, in, then back down as he swallowed the contents.

As I witnessed the progression of emotions Middle Seat Guy went through over the next 15 seconds, I couldn’t help but be fascinated by the physical mannerisms that were associated with each, new reaction.  It went from surprise to disgust to curiosity to disgust to confusion to anger to confusion and back to disgust.  Then he just looked ill. 

Middle Seat Guy excused himself past isle seat chick and retreated to the rear plane bathroom, where he remained in there for what seemed to be the greater part of eternity.  I was somewhat relieved that I was not currently engaged in hand to hand combat at 35,000 feet, as my plastic dinner spork, provided by the airline for the inevitably unedible meal to come, would certainly not make that great of a weapon.
I then heard the sound of the rear plane bathroom door opening.  I expected to hear Middle Seat Guy progressing his way down the isle, but instead I heard the grumblings of a conversation between a man and hostitute/flight attendant.  I look back, and sure enough Middle Seat Guy was jabbering away in an inaudible rant of some kind.  He then retreated back to his seat, apparently settling down.

And this next part I will never, ever forget.  Middle Seat Guy looks at me, looks at my Coke can, then looks at me again.  He then says, “Hey buddy, I wouldn’t drink that Coke if I were you.  Mine tasted a little funny”.
This all comes down to one question - what's more important to you? helping yourself recover or helping yourself die?  Smokeyg
"CLOSE THE DOOR. In my opinion, it?s the single most important step in your final quit. There is one moment, THE moment, when you finally let go and surrender to the quit. After that moment, no temptation will be great enough, no lie persuasive enough to make you commit suicide by using tobacco."

Offline jaydisco

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« Reply #19 on: July 17, 2009, 08:30:00 AM »
More Stuff
There was a post on the site when somebody said once you actually hate the dirt we used to put in our lip, and once we truly despise the company who makes this dirt, and we truly get pissed off, then we take our quit to a new and higher level. I began thinking about this (this is not a quote from the source; it's merely a paraphrase from what I can remember from it), and I began thinking about just a few weeks prior when my family and I had to go to a "Celebration of Life" of a close friend of the family. I remember my bride and I traveling five hours to Eugene, Oregon and all but 20 minutes of that five hours I had a huge lip of Copenhagen in (the 20 minutes was a meal break) and we had to stop so my bride could fill her poor lungs full of toxin. We got to Eugene and I had to quickly spit my "lip turd" out, because I didn't want my mother and father seeing me chew as we met them (and the family of our lost one) for dinner.

Fast forward to the funeral the next day....Kathi was in her mid 50s when she passed away from a massive heart attack. She looked like she was in her late 60s from all the cigarettes she smoked. Kathi was a wonderful woman and would take anyone in and would love anyone. She was the least judgmental person I have ever met...this is no lie. The one thing that I noticed is there were a lot of older people at the funeral with oxygen tanks attached to their body. I couldn't believe it and the majority of them were all smokers. Kathi's husband, son, friends, and family were still ALL smoking! I couldn't believe it.

How is this for hypocrisy....we leave the funeral and head back to Washington State and the first thing I do when I'm away from view of my parents (yes, I'm 28; however, I still respect mom and dad) is fill my lip and Kimberly lights up a cigarette. I said to my bride, "what a bunch of dumbasses." She said, "who, babe?" I said, "those phuckers with oxygen tanks and they are still smoking." My question to myself is, who is the dumbass here?

Looking back at the post about how once we get truly pissed off at this product, we will bring our quit to a higher and new level: I'm pissed off that all of these people were smoking and we just lost a loved one. I'm pissed off this product had such a hold on all of us that we had to lose a family member.  I'm pissed off that this product had such a hold on us that I had to fill my lip after Kathi's funeral. I'm pissed off. I'm glad I'm quit. Yes, I still have the "one more dip" craves, but I can never go back (I'm really pissed off I have those "one more dip" craves) . It will be too late for me if I do. I'm glad I met you crazy phuckers on here and I'm glad you are all quit with me. May we all enjoy another day free of this horrible product.
Boy Did I blow this one for you guys being the first one to post up in this group I could have numbers like you guys do now. I have been poking around here alot I thought I would drop I line on what happened to me Well it was pretty simple I thought after 50 some days I could have just one well we all know how that ends not good because it turned into 1.5 can a day habit for another 6 months .catching up to present day I have been free for 50 days today. Whats different this time you might ask Well I have educated myself on this addiction read alot of books and have made some lifesyle changes to compliment my quit most important I realize I will never be able to ingest nicotine again without going back to 1.5 can a day habit Period .Sorry I let you down
Day 232 Greg5280

An interesting article I read.

The Power of Addiction
By Kiki Bakker

As a therapist of people in distress, I have been frequently exposed to the harsh reality of addicts (substance abusers), their circumstances and their families. Their pain and suffering has deeply troubled me. The overwhelming anguish and helplessness of good and well-intended parents, spouses and children has as a result, become clearly evident to me.

Why has this wave of addiction to substances increased as greatly as it has, only to impact our world with fearsome long term consequences when it not only costs a fortune and serves only to wreck the lives of the addict and its closest loved ones? How does this shocking epidemic breed and always expand when in fact, it should reduce by its very negative reality? We are all aware of the hazards of drug addiction, are we not? Everything about addiction is unconstructive for those of us who are not addicts. The recorded 'benefits' for the addict do not impress us and do not make any sense to the non-addicted population. Yet, for the addict, addiction's apparent advantage is to launch one of the most powerful and destructive bonds that replace and defy all logic.

Addiction grows like a virus within the addict while it marches imposingly into our cities and coerces our children, stealing their lives and damaging their families. The addict's meaningful lifestyle, social interactions and career are usually diminished with addiction. The addict's values, morals and ethics disappear from its world. Unfamiliar mental states, altered perceptions, alien personas and new chemically linked relationships develop for the addict in lieu of all else, ensuring the set up of a 'safe' crowd for a constant supply of the addictive chemical. Hence, the addictive persona arrives uninvited. This persona, by its sheer intensity to control all else, rules the addict's natural personality, IQ and EQ.

It is addiction that has enabled the growth of wealthy businesses for the plant growers and the dealers. Factories that either manufacture the addictive substances or transform them for supply to the street are thriving.... whilst fallen users are reducing in health and dying from interrupted health or unsuspecting over dosage. Others are purposefully ending their lives in final despair at their captivating addiction. Their ray of light was removed by their addiction and they chose not to fight back or live in the dark any longer.

Addiction is beyond cruel. It is an evil that should never have grown to these proportions for we all knew better! Have we done enough to recognize that addiction is the planet's most relentless and ruthless oppressor? Drugs and the ensuing addiction they offer to the user, it would seem are unstoppable!

Rehabilitation fails in far too many instances. Factors such as age, a willingness to internalise the rehabilitation program, the type of recovery program, openness, honesty, the level of denial, emotional triggers, guilt factors, self esteem, changing social circles and the degree of difficulty to just let go of addiction, each play a crucial role in the addict's recovery. The change back to a transparent, coherent quality lifestyle is often too hard for the addict. The addict lets go of life and chooses instead the path of death.

Addiction provides relief, trading drugs for reality! It voids the addict's mind of these realities and the left-over sweet memories. The addict will fall into the gutter of addiction and will succumb to wasting its own precious life, knowing deep inside that it has failed and cannot again face society or the precious family that it harmed. The silent death wish is quietly provoked.

Research is continuous in its exploration to uncover what creates the addictive personality and why some use and others don't. Why is it that a very small percentage of addicts are able to stop and others cannot? It is wiser to assume as a result of this knowledge, that prevention is better than the cure because far too many addicts stumble after rehabilitation.

Be sure to understand that those addicts who actually do make a successful recovery, can only be admired for their strength and determination. They are entitled to the accolades, for few of us really understand what it took to cast the curse aside.

The power of addiction cannot be argued or denied. Addiction's power is like an unsuspecting phantom that shadows the addict for life, tormenting it and hoping always to break it down further. It is not satisfied with the addict alive. It is satisfied only when the addict is dead! Understand the greatness of its power in the mind and soul of the addict, for when you do, you will have gained a true perspective of the power of addiction!
QUOTE (btdogboy @ Jul 12, 2010, 9:54 am)
Golfing with a buddy of mine this past weekend and we got to talking about his Dad.  His Dad is adjusting slowly to life alone with out his wife who died a few months back of smoking related issues.  It was a long drawn out stressful death for the whole family.  I guess his dad is doing well but is depressed a lot.  His wife was 12 years younger than he is and they were married over 40 years.  It was sad to hear.  I found myself getting angry at my friend's dead mother for putting the family through these hard times.  She had issues in the past that were corrected, but she kept on smoking until her lungs finaly fucked her over.  Selfish and sad.

What I really hate about it, is that I can understand her addict mantality.  I understand that you can just keep on doing something completely stupid and unhealthy.  I understand how a person justifies an activity that can ultimatly effect everyone around them negitively.  The brain can rationalize anything to be acceptible.  I tried to explain to my friend about the addicts' mantality, but he was not getting it.

Later I though about how wonderful it must be to have never tried nicotine.  My friend will never know what it's like to go without your addiction, because he never tried it.  To him it is crazy that people don't just put it down.  I envy this.  I wish I never knew what it was like to chew Copenhagen.  I wish I had no recolection whatsoever of chewing.  I'm one quit mother fucker, and loving it! Fortunatly/Unfortunatly I will have to quit everyday for the rest of my life.  I am blessed because I have the tools to do it, but cursed because I allowed myself the forbiden fruit.

Alright fuckers .... I'm done.  Enjoy your quit today. 
Day 178 DeantheCoot

This morning, I got caught taking a piss off my sidewalk into my front yard. It was weird and fun.

I live in a rural area. I have neighbors, but they're hundreds of feet away, through the trees. My road is not heavily traveled.

THIS is what I see from my sidewalk.THIS

I was up around sunrise, and I took the dog out. Wearing only boxers, I was groggy, per usual. I stood on the sidewalk and let the dog do his business, and I was talking to myself...per usual.

Mornings often bring a nice surprise: a huge fucking erection. This morning was no exception. So I was standing there, holding the leash, close to naked in the chilly air, and decided to piss. I flopped the waistband of my boxers under my nutsack, further propping my dick skyward.

I began urinating, sending a steady stream up and crowning about chest-level. Of course, I also twisted my hips to create a sprinkler effect. All along, the dog is sniffing the grass and shitting, and I am still talking to myself and kinda growling.

At this moment, I meet eyes with one of my neighbors - a nice woman in her early 60s. She's just trekking along, taking a little stroll in the filtered sunlight, and WHAM...she turns the corner to see a fully erect madman pissing toward the sky.

"Whoooop." I heard her utter as she quickened her pace.

I was initially embarrassed. For about two seconds. And then I got to thinking: SHE is probably the one who is embarrassed. It's MY yard, after all. Moreover, it was AWESOME that my dick was that hard. I want to believe she went home and frigged herself into a dizzying orgasm...and has now developed a golden-shower fetish.

I'll piss on her anytime, if she wants.
My quit was a very personal thing for me, and I took a lot of support from KTC, but didn't have much insight to offer in my first 100 days. I'm a quieter sort, anyway.

Within my first year quit, I turned on a friend to the site and posted roll with him through his first 100 days. I found out he caved today.

In addition, a great old friend, the guy who got me started dipping in the first place, killed himself a couple of months ago. The two events conspired to inspire me tonight to dive back in to KTC and help my still-living friend overcome his cave and re-enter the HOF. The following is the best summation I could come up with to help inspire the new quitter....

All you whiny baby noobs need to shut the fuck up and post roll. Today. Everyday. Can't get online? Text it in. Facebook it in. WHATEVER. Get a quit brother. You have no idea what you're in for over the next 100 days (and then the rest of your lives.)

Here's an example of what this shit can do to you... how it becomes the most important thing in your life. What kind of true poison it is. This is not bullshit, and frankly, I don't care if you think it is.

My fraternity brother Sean was the guy who introduced me to Kodiak in 1983 when I was a Freshman at Michigan. We had a blast with the bear in college, and for 20 years afterwards! The bear was our friend; he was always there when something big happened! We got drunk, the bear partied with us! We would strip the stickers off his can and wear them over the alligators or polo players on our shirts! W00T! It was fun dippin'! We were rebels!

This same guy, 48 years old, a Naval Architect, a highly educated engineer, former US Naval officer, father of 3 daughters, 1 grown and 2 in middle school, killed himself 2 months ago. Kodiak didn't make him do it... he must've had other problems that nobody else could fathom... but I do know what was the very last thing he did on earth.

He didn't call anybody and ask for help. He didn't suck it up and do what he needed to do for his girls. He didn't talk to his wife, or parents, or brother, or anybody... he went to the 7-11 and got a fresh can of fuckin' Kodiak, stuck in a big ol' lip turd and blew his brains out.

It's so pathetic that at his lowest point, when he needed something, anything to cling to, something to make him feel human, the fucking nic bitch was his choice. Not his wife, not his kids, not his family, not his friends, but the fucking NIC BITCH.

If you're gonna keep on makin' excuses and getting offended by what people say around here, then you might as well go out in a blaze of glory like my friend did. Or just keep dippin' and let that bullet get into your brain a few molecules at a time. Either way, you're cheating yourself, your friends and your family out of precious time.

We're not here to make friends. We're here to quit. And stay quit. That's it. Do it for yourself. Believe me, everyone else in your life will appreciate it.

Saw the funniest shit last night.  Wife and I decided to try some hot wings from safeway for dinner.  Looked good and the deli chick stated they were only mild.

Got home, started chowing and found out these fuckers were not chicken wings spiced with Jalapenos or some such thing, they were more like habaneros, flavored with a little chicken and some fuck-you-bitch-your-going-down sauce.  Crap all they were hot, really hot, like i tasted pain and licked the sun hot, and this is not the funny part.

In our heat induced delusion, we left these little radioactvie fuckers out on the counter all night, where upon our cat found them and dug the fuck in.  You ever hear a cat say "FUCKIN MEOW".  That was the funniest shit I have ever seen at 2:00AM, little cocksucker was licking everything trying to get the taste of chicken tender habanero out of her mouth, walls, floor, fridge, windows, her ass, feet, whatever, screaming the whole time.  Should have got the camera out but peta would have had a heyday with this shit.
Can't wait for the delivery in the cat box.
Tobacco Company Pays $5M In Groundbreaking Case

Settlement is nationÂ’s first involving smokeless product

Kelly June Hill, Executrix, et al. v. U.S. Smokeless Tobacco: The Altria Group, successor to tobacco marketer United States Smokeless Tobacco of Greenwich, has settled for $5 million a lawsuit filed by the estate of a North Carolina man who died of tongue cancer.

The worker, Bobby Hill, initially went to an Ashville, N.C., lawyer, who referred his case to BridgeportÂ’s Koskoff, Koskoff  Bieder. Partners Antonio Ponvert III and Christopher Bernard launched a state court wrongful death action in Connecticut.
From the beginning, Ponvert said, Hill and his family wanted to draw attention to the danger of “dipping snuff” and to discourage youngsters from starting its addictive use.

“It’s the first time a plaintiff has won a wrongful death chewing tobacco verdict or settlement in the history of the industry,” said Ponvert. Altria, based in Richmond, Va., also owns Philip Morris, and has a corporate policy of not settling any individual consumer cases, he added. Altria Group spokesman Steve Callahan said, “U.S. Smokeless Tobacco is honoring an agreement it made in this case prior to its acquisition by Altria….We have no current intention to settle cases like this in the future.”

Historically, the tobacco industry has fiercely defended itself in the courts. And for decades, it denied that tobacco is addictive or a health risk. More recently, it has maintained that people know the risks of tobacco and they should take personal responsibility if they use it. In the industry, a no-settlement rule is standard.

But Bobby Hill, said Ponvert, “was an almost ideal client. Bobby Hill was 13 years old when he started using. He became addicted to this product when he was a child, long before warning labels were put on [packages] in 1987.” That fact, Ponvert said, “destroyed any personal responsibility-type defense that the industry likes to use.” The defendant retained five defense firms, including New York-based Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher  Flohm, and Winston  Strawn, with local counsel duties handled by Wiggin and Dana, in New Haven.
Attorney David S. Golub, of StamfordÂ’s Silver, Golub  Teitel, has handled other lawsuits against the tobacco industry, and was clearly impressed by the Altria settlement.

“This is unprecedented and amazing. There has never been, to my knowledge, a time when a tobacco company has settled a case. It’s fabulous lawyering, and a wonderful result,” Golub told the Law Tribune. “Every tobacco company fights tooth and nail, because they’re afraid that if they settle one case, they can never again say they won’t settle. This is groundbreaking.”

Smokeless tobacco, or snuff, comes in small cans and is sold under brand names such as Skoal or Copenhagen. It comes in a variety of “cuts,” which describe the lengths of the tobacco strands. The tobacco sits between the user’s cheek and gum. It’s different from chewing tobacco, which is a much longer cut that is literally chewed.

One previous snuff case has gone to trial. An Oklahoma plaintiff, Sean Marsee, contracted mouth cancer in the late 1980s after five years of chewing tobacco use, and USST medical experts testified that tumors caused by “dipping snuff” took 20 years to develop. The suit seeking $147 million resulted in a defense verdict for USST.

“Bobby Hill used for 20 years, so we would have been able to use their experts in the Marsee case against them here,” said Ponvert. The attorney said the needs of Hill’s widow and two children, 11 and 14, made a settlement for $5 million seem like a wiser course than holding out for more at trial – or maybe nothing. The process of reaching the settlement stage was long and rocky, requiring extensive discovery work and research.

In a 2002 deposition, USST Chairman and CEO Louis Bantle was questioned in another case, and he explained why some 12 million documents in USST files were stamped confidential. Under oath, he conceded they didn’t contain formulas or other business secrets. “A couple of years ago,” Bantle said, “a whole lot of lawyers came to company headquarters and they stamped ‘confidential’ on every single document we had in our possession, whether they were or not.” Ponvert said discovery was challenging, “for the opposite reason one would think.” The plaintiffs “got half a million pages of documents, which made searching them quite interesting. We found some stuff that was out of this world.”

Letters From Children
Some of the most significant material, said Ponvert, was in a cache of internal correspondence from young customers, aged 9 to 18, written between1978 and 1985. “We found about 50 letters from children to the company, and children’s letters would say, `I am 9 [or 10, 11, 14 or 15] years old, and have been using your product.” The kids had complaints and suggestions. “One was, ‘Please don’t raise the price on Skoal, because I only get $5 in allowance, and can’t afford the seven cans a week that I need,’” Ponvert recounted. “They’d say, ‘I really like the mint flavor, could you make it in a different cut?’

Those letters would be sent to the United States Smokeless Tobacco headquarters in Greenwich. According to the lawyers, a letter would be back to the child saying: “Thank you for your comments. We’ll consider your suggestions, and here are five free cans of Skoal.” After it became illegal to send tobacco to children in the late 1980s, the company sent young teens complimentary can openers and lids to keep their snuff moist and fresh.

Company correspondence supported a plan to introduce candy-flavored Skoal “Bandits” to hook young customers. “Bandits” are ground tobacco and flavorings placed in a tea bag-like fabric, with less nicotine so the beginner wouldn’t get too sick, Ponvert said.

“They had this very Machiavellian strategy to entice people into the market and keep them as they became more tolerant to the drug,” he said. “It’s well known that the average age for starting to use smokeless tobacco is between 9 and 11 years old. So it’s a product that’s designed for kids, and is being used by and sold to kids.”

Altria Group obtained USST in 2009. On the Altria web site, the company emphasizes its commitment to prevent underage children from purchasing tobacco products. Its charts show the use of smoking tobacco products is declining. However, smokeless tobacco products remain popular, and may be on the rise, the charts indicate.
In some quarters, smokeless tobacco is touted as a less-lethal way to consume tobacco than smoking. But, Ponvert said, young people need to comprehend fully the potentially gruesome results.

“One of our experts described dying by mouth cancer as `death by autopsy,’” Ponvert said. “Literally, over a 10- or 12-month period, your face just falls away. At first, [Hill] lost part of his tongue. Then they took his whole tongue. Then it takes part of your jaw, and your cheeks and your gums. Then the tumor wound its way around his carotid artery and he died.” •
I can admit it here, but I have taken communion with a dip. If my addiction would take human form I would cut its throat.

You are certainly not the only guy who used to sneak a dip during church. I always had a tin in the inside pocket of my sports jacket . . . if I didn't already have a dip in my mouth, I could slip off for a minute and pop one in.

The crazy thing about being quit - looking back on all those behaviors that seemed so "normal" when you were a user and finally seeing those behaviors for what they truly were . . . the insanity of addiction.
Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee. -
Jules Winnfield

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« Reply #18 on: July 17, 2009, 12:49:00 AM »
Quote from: jaydisco
Quote from: Skoal
Quote from: FtheKodiak
Quote from: Skoal
I hate the gardener and his leaf blower, I think Im going to feed him a wafflecone full of bees.
Skoal Monster, let's box.

Ok football fish let us box. I assume since you are a Miami fan that you also hit like a girl. Therefore i win. Now as punishment you must read remshots breaking it down under cancer and quitter stories 3 times and then pass it on to a newbie in need of learnin. 'rem'
Wow...I just figured out what keeps bringing me back to your thread. Your avitar.

The WB Sneaker Monster character looks like a bloddied hair-pie. Last time I saw one that raw was when I finished with your mother. Tuned-her up like like a nascar pit crew.

Oh and SM...why is it your breath smells like you had tube steak smothered in shorts for lunch?
oh disco, you poor poor masochistic cute little thing. First of all my breath smells like tube steak and shorts because I was kissing your sister, you gotta buy that bitch a toothbrush. I know I was last in line but Damn. As for tuning up dear old mom, not much of an accomplishment as last I saw her she was working as the bearded lady in the circus. She does have a red mustache and that must be what you remember tickling the back of your neck while she played hide the strap on with you. Besides, you couldn't tune a one string yukelele with that thing let alone join a nascar pit crew. Mom said you called it the angry inch. She also said it was bout as angry as a kitten, but she couldn't remember cuz it all happened so fast.
As for my Avatar, that is the Gossamer Rudolph from looney toons not the fucking Sneaker monster. You wouldn't remember because you were only a twinkle in the milkmans eye when Goss was on TV. You grew up on Ninja turtles and transformers (by the way wearing your moms panty hose is NOT a superhero costume). How old are you I wonder? I haven't checked your you have one? How long did you dip? I am glad you have decided to kick the nic bitch in the taint. She is beautiful and seductive and she will kill you in a New York minute.

Disco, the next chew you put in your mouth may be the one that kills you. It's not likely is it? but the possibility exists. You've played this game before, with each chew, gambling it wont give you cancer. Flip it on its head, I think any chew could and will give me cancer, every smoke could give me cancer. I can feel the cells malfunction in my lip and lungs. I can feel the oxygen mask on my face and the cut of the surgeons knife. All from one lousy dip. Disco, come here and rage all you want , I embrace all the shit you can spout, but quit here too, and help me quit. Your a quivering pile of half baked quit but show potential. Gain strength wherever you can find it. Go and Read the Genny Kern story AND THEN find the link to the caring bridge site and find her blog there. The heart break of her children for the loss of their Dad what they will never share with him. Soccer goals and silly school triumphs all shit he gave up by being a selfish prick with his addiction. He was killing himself before he ever knew how much they would mean to him or him to them. Imagine taking your last breath feeling your daughter hugging your legs begging you not to go...............I don't care how hard this gets I will NEVER put that shit in my mouth and I hope you dont either.Maybe thats what you need to focus on to get yourself past this apathy. Which by the way is the fucking fog. but more on Fog later.

'rem' Good +1 Disco - you owe me 2 contract to quit readings and the above recommendational reading, and seriously get some crest for your sister, Im a big red monster and all but thats some stank.
"CLOSE THE DOOR. In my opinion, it?s the single most important step in your final quit. There is one moment, THE moment, when you finally let go and surrender to the quit. After that moment, no temptation will be great enough, no lie persuasive enough to make you commit suicide by using tobacco."

Offline jaydisco

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« Reply #17 on: July 16, 2009, 10:13:00 PM »
Quote from: Skoal
Quote from: FtheKodiak
Quote from: Skoal
I hate the gardener and his leaf blower, I think Im going to feed him a wafflecone full of bees.
Skoal Monster, let's box.

Ok football fish let us box. I assume since you are a Miami fan that you also hit like a girl. Therefore i win. Now as punishment you must read remshots breaking it down under cancer and quitter stories 3 times and then pass it on to a newbie in need of learnin. 'rem'
Wow...I just figured out what keeps bringing me back to your thread. Your avitar.

The WB Sneaker Monster character looks like a bloddied hair-pie. Last time I saw one that raw was when I finished with your mother. Tuned-her up like like a nascar pit crew.

Oh and SM...why is it your breath smells like you had tube steak smothered in shorts for lunch?
Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee. -
Jules Winnfield

Offline Skoal Monster

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« Reply #16 on: July 16, 2009, 05:24:00 PM »
Quote from: FtheKodiak
Quote from: Skoal
I hate the gardener and his leaf blower, I think Im going to feed him a wafflecone full of bees.
Skoal Monster, let's box.

Ok football fish let us box. I assume since you are a Miami fan that you also hit like a girl. Therefore i win. Now as punishment you must read remshots breaking it down under cancer and quitter stories 3 times and then pass it on to a newbie in need of learnin. 'rem'
"CLOSE THE DOOR. In my opinion, it?s the single most important step in your final quit. There is one moment, THE moment, when you finally let go and surrender to the quit. After that moment, no temptation will be great enough, no lie persuasive enough to make you commit suicide by using tobacco."

Offline GlennFtheKodiak

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« Reply #15 on: July 16, 2009, 01:22:00 PM »
Quote from: Skoal
I hate the gardener and his leaf blower, I think Im going to feed him a wafflecone full of bees.
Skoal Monster, let's box.
football rules, soccer drools

HOF: July 7th, 2009

Offline Skoal Monster

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« Reply #14 on: July 16, 2009, 01:10:00 PM »
I hate the gardener and his leaf blower, I think Im going to feed him a wafflecone full of bees.
"CLOSE THE DOOR. In my opinion, it?s the single most important step in your final quit. There is one moment, THE moment, when you finally let go and surrender to the quit. After that moment, no temptation will be great enough, no lie persuasive enough to make you commit suicide by using tobacco."

Offline Skoal Monster

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« Reply #13 on: July 16, 2009, 01:05:00 PM »
Quote from: quit_aug_27_08
Quote from: Colonel_No_Cope
Quote from: Skoal
Quote from: nmc
Quote from: Skoal
Fuck you if you are quit and in here, what the fuck do you want? All posts will be met with massive hostility.  Fuck it
I hope you know that you're good enough, you're smart enough, and doggone it...people like you!
Ah Stuart Smalley, self help guru to the stars.

Perhaps I am good enough, smart enough, and you know what? gol dernit people do like me. Yes NMC you may pass thru the monster cave . But first you must tell me the velocity of a swallow..........and no, I am not referring to how fast Smokey G will gobble a cock.
An African or European Swallow???

Moreover, are we talking about a laden or unladen swallow?

It matters. You have to know these things when you're a king you know.
She turned me into a newt!
yes but did you get better?
"CLOSE THE DOOR. In my opinion, it?s the single most important step in your final quit. There is one moment, THE moment, when you finally let go and surrender to the quit. After that moment, no temptation will be great enough, no lie persuasive enough to make you commit suicide by using tobacco."