Author Topic: SKOAL MONSTER  (Read 12559 times)

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Offline Ready

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« Reply #42 on: November 07, 2009, 09:28:00 PM »
Quote from: Skoal
(rkymtnman @ Nov 7, 2009, 7:16 am)
FUCK I hate being an addict.  Why did I fucking do this to myself?  I am such a dumb ass for ever starting this shit in the first place it is incredible. 

Not that i totally disagree with the doomass part....and at the risk of transferance cuz ultimately the person in all our mirrors made the first "choice".....

truth is....we didn't friggin know.....

i didn't know i would get hooked
i didn't know i would get that "jonesin" feeling that made me feel like a coiled spring when i went too long between dips.
i didn't know i would spit on the carpet in places of business and rub it in with my foot.
i didn't know how bad or gross the process of this habit is....from packing, to having it your teeth, to spitting, to the dragon breath from hell....
i didn't know i would become an addict where this little can would literally rule my activities....
I didn't truly know.....(technically believe) that, yeah, some folks get cancer and at the minimum have surgery and at the worst....friggin die.

I.....didn't......know.... and niether did you.

UST knew....and both DEVELOPED and INTENTIONALLY markets a product that gaurantees them life long customers....unless you do what you are doing now.....QUIT....

Some other things i didn't know....before i quit.....

I didn't know i could start my day successfully without dip...even if it meant packing a dip immediately after brushing my teeth....i used to hate to do that cuz the mintiness from the toothpaste messed up the taste of my cope.
I didn't know i could make a decision about anything w/o dip.
I didn't know i could do all sorts of things....i.e. hunt, fish, yardword, scratch my ass.....w/o dip.
I didn't know i could go to my son's basketball/baseball/football games and not carry a the stands AND on the court, if i happened to be coaching.
I didnt give a thot as to the negative influence i might be exhibiting to those kids....and may the good lord have mercy on a parent if they had dared to say anything......
I didn't know my wife would kiss me more w/o dip
I didn't know the admiration my boys would give me as they have witnessed first hand the battle of addiciton....supported me and vowed to never put themselves in a position to have to battle this particular demon.
I didn't know by trusting strangers to hold me accountable would work in helping quit.
I didn't know i would make some of the best friends i've never met on a dam computer website....

I didn't know I could quit.....and gain control over my addiction.....for today....

I DO know this...and you have my word as i have already signed roll this the first thing i do and the start of my day.

I will not under any circumstance have any

THAT....I know as a fact.

This post has been edited by mule21 on Nov 7, 2009, 7:04 am

Damn, if this isn't in words of wisdom it should be ( Copied from get your bitch on 11/07/09
I agree, this belongs in the "Words of Wisdom"

So it is written, so it shall be done.

Good Looking out Skoal Monster.

Offline Skoal Monster

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« Reply #41 on: November 07, 2009, 07:56:00 PM »
(rkymtnman @ Nov 7, 2009, 7:16 am)
FUCK I hate being an addict.  Why did I fucking do this to myself?  I am such a dumb ass for ever starting this shit in the first place it is incredible. 

Not that i totally disagree with the doomass part....and at the risk of transferance cuz ultimately the person in all our mirrors made the first "choice".....

truth is....we didn't friggin know.....

i didn't know i would get hooked
i didn't know i would get that "jonesin" feeling that made me feel like a coiled spring when i went too long between dips.
i didn't know i would spit on the carpet in places of business and rub it in with my foot.
i didn't know how bad or gross the process of this habit is....from packing, to having it your teeth, to spitting, to the dragon breath from hell....
i didn't know i would become an addict where this little can would literally rule my activities....
I didn't truly know.....(technically believe) that, yeah, some folks get cancer and at the minimum have surgery and at the worst....friggin die.

I.....didn't......know.... and niether did you.

UST knew....and both DEVELOPED and INTENTIONALLY markets a product that gaurantees them life long customers....unless you do what you are doing now.....QUIT....

Some other things i didn't know....before i quit.....

I didn't know i could start my day successfully without dip...even if it meant packing a dip immediately after brushing my teeth....i used to hate to do that cuz the mintiness from the toothpaste messed up the taste of my cope.
I didn't know i could make a decision about anything w/o dip.
I didn't know i could do all sorts of things....i.e. hunt, fish, yardword, scratch my ass.....w/o dip.
I didn't know i could go to my son's basketball/baseball/football games and not carry a the stands AND on the court, if i happened to be coaching.
I didnt give a thot as to the negative influence i might be exhibiting to those kids....and may the good lord have mercy on a parent if they had dared to say anything......
I didn't know my wife would kiss me more w/o dip
I didn't know the admiration my boys would give me as they have witnessed first hand the battle of addiciton....supported me and vowed to never put themselves in a position to have to battle this particular demon.
I didn't know by trusting strangers to hold me accountable would work in helping quit.
I didn't know i would make some of the best friends i've never met on a dam computer website....

I didn't know I could quit.....and gain control over my addiction.....for today....

I DO know this...and you have my word as i have already signed roll this the first thing i do and the start of my day.

I will not under any circumstance have any

THAT....I know as a fact.

This post has been edited by mule21 on Nov 7, 2009, 7:04 am

Damn, if this isn't in words of wisdom it should be ( Copied from get your bitch on 11/07/09
"CLOSE THE DOOR. In my opinion, it?s the single most important step in your final quit. There is one moment, THE moment, when you finally let go and surrender to the quit. After that moment, no temptation will be great enough, no lie persuasive enough to make you commit suicide by using tobacco."

Offline Kdip

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« Reply #40 on: September 23, 2009, 04:56:00 PM »
Thanks fo the reminder Skoal Monster. Need that every so often!!!

Offline Skoal Monster

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« Reply #39 on: September 23, 2009, 04:53:00 PM »
Happy Father's Day dad!! I love you and miss you so much. You would have been so proud of Connor today he pitched a good game, and Tori has a good tournament yesterday too, but I know you were there in spirit! I LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kenzi Kern
Hutch, MN - Sunday, June 21, 2009 8:29 PM CDT
......Tom Kerns Daughter....Taken from the Caring Bridge Site

I will never put that shit in my mouth again..
"CLOSE THE DOOR. In my opinion, it?s the single most important step in your final quit. There is one moment, THE moment, when you finally let go and surrender to the quit. After that moment, no temptation will be great enough, no lie persuasive enough to make you commit suicide by using tobacco."

Offline LaQuitter

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« Reply #38 on: September 23, 2009, 01:28:00 PM »
Quote from: Skoal
Happy Father's Day dad!! I love you and miss you so much. You would have been so proud of Connor today he pitched a good game, and Tori has a good tournament yesterday too, but I know you were there in spirit! I LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kenzi Kern
Hutch, MN - Sunday, June 21, 2009 8:29 PM CDT

......Tom Kerns Daughter....

I will never put that shit in my mouth again
Damn straight Skoal Monster.

If I ever need inspiration to stay quit, the Kerns Story is one of the first places I go.

Needless to say.....I'm still quit.
Quit: Saturday, May 2, 2009
HOF: Monday, August 10, 2009

La's HOF Speech

"Post roll like 8 pounds 6 ounces... new born infant jesus himself was telling you to do it" - Jaydisco

Offline Skoal Monster

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« Reply #37 on: September 23, 2009, 01:26:00 PM »
Happy Father's Day dad!! I love you and miss you so much. You would have been so proud of Connor today he pitched a good game, and Tori has a good tournament yesterday too, but I know you were there in spirit! I LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kenzi Kern
Hutch, MN - Sunday, June 21, 2009 8:29 PM CDT
......Tom Kerns Daughter....Taken from the Caring Bridge Site

I will never put that shit in my mouth again.
"CLOSE THE DOOR. In my opinion, it?s the single most important step in your final quit. There is one moment, THE moment, when you finally let go and surrender to the quit. After that moment, no temptation will be great enough, no lie persuasive enough to make you commit suicide by using tobacco."

Offline Kdip

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« Reply #36 on: August 27, 2009, 03:08:00 PM »
Ditto too!!

Offline DanTheMan

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« Reply #35 on: August 27, 2009, 03:06:00 PM »
Amen brother Skoal Monster! Those words are as important as the contract.
Thanks ya bastad
"Making and keeping promises to yourself is the foundation for developing character and integrity"

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Offline bearattack

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« Reply #34 on: August 27, 2009, 02:57:00 PM »
I've dipped enough to be satisfied for a life time, done with it... I killed the bear... hate that scumbag. 02/27/09@ 10pm was my last taste!!!!

Offline Skoal Monster

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« Reply #33 on: August 27, 2009, 01:54:00 PM »
I keep seeing posts where quitters are frustrated that they still have urges to dip or smoke. Some after a month, some after many hundreds of days. Maybe time ultimately erases that, I don't really know. The thing is when you have truly embraced your decision to quit, craves or urges become irrelevent. It's said over and over here that "dip is no longer an option". When you live that philosophy your quit becomes simple, easy even. If I know in my heart that I will never chew or smoke again, then I never consider it as a remedy,a pass time, crutch, etc. It is no longer on the table as a possibility in my mind. I have urges to dip all the time, they are no worse or better than my day one. The difference is I own them now. They have no power over me and I can brush them off with ease.

The destination and the journey are the same thing here. Quit is your destination, staying quit is the journey, you have already arrived my friend. Stop complaining about the potholes in your path, walk around them. Stop looking over your shoulder , there is nothing back there that you want. If there was you never would have left. Embrace your quit and there will not be any force of nature or mind that can move you from it.

"CLOSE THE DOOR. In my opinion, it?s the single most important step in your final quit. There is one moment, THE moment, when you finally let go and surrender to the quit. After that moment, no temptation will be great enough, no lie persuasive enough to make you commit suicide by using tobacco."

Offline cdforecheck

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« Reply #32 on: August 20, 2009, 04:44:00 PM »
Quote from: kdip
Quote from: Skoal
Hey Guest,

  I see you there, reading, surfing the site. Sitting at the computer.... you have a dip in right now I bet. Ironic that you choose to chew while researching how to quit. Except, for you its not a choice anymore is it? You have to have it. If its late enough and you dipped alot today I bet you packed it in your upper lip. Lower lip hurts too much. Maybe your just keeping it away from that one sore spot that has been bothering you. Scared? ashamed? sick of being a slave to a habit thats killing you? Aren't you tired of being sick and tired?  This time will be different, if you take the steps to commit to this program and follow in the path of those that walked this way before you, you will be quit. Choose to save your own life. Isn't that why your here.
Is it cancer? It will be, dip will kill you if you just give it enough time. How much more time do you think you have anyhow?  A year? a lifetime? one can? Maybe one dip. Thats right, the very next dip could be the one that kills you.  Seriously, how many chances to dodge cancer do you think your going get?
  I can say very confidently, that you are not the biggest addict ever to walk this way. I had almost given up on ever quitting, Thankfully I stumbled in here 205 days ago and now I am quit. Trust me as a fellow dipper who stuffed skoal in my face for 23 yrs and two cans a day. If I can quit so can you.
  So stop lurking and start posting, Fnd your quit group and post up a day one. Stop being a guest and start being a quitter.
Nice SM, Very Nice. Now get off the fence you Lurker, spit that shit out and get on the road to Freedom!!!!
SM telling it like it is...that was my sorry ass 35 days ago and I was the lurker now I'm the quitter and it feels so good, my mouth is well on the way to healed, I don't hide, I'm not ashamed and no spitters sitting around. I have my own life back, not some damned can calling my name at all hours day and night. Freedom is only your quit away. DO IT!
Go Bucks! Quit Date: 12-23-2011

Offline Kdip

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« Reply #31 on: August 20, 2009, 10:35:00 AM »
Quote from: Skoal
Hey Guest,

  I see you there, reading, surfing the site. Sitting at the computer.... you have a dip in right now I bet. Ironic that you choose to chew while researching how to quit. Except, for you its not a choice anymore is it? You have to have it. If its late enough and you dipped alot today I bet you packed it in your upper lip. Lower lip hurts too much. Maybe your just keeping it away from that one sore spot that has been bothering you. Scared? ashamed? sick of being a slave to a habit thats killing you? Aren't you tired of being sick and tired?  This time will be different, if you take the steps to commit to this program and follow in the path of those that walked this way before you, you will be quit. Choose to save your own life. Isn't that why your here.
Is it cancer? It will be, dip will kill you if you just give it enough time. How much more time do you think you have anyhow?  A year? a lifetime? one can? Maybe one dip. Thats right, the very next dip could be the one that kills you.  Seriously, how many chances to dodge cancer do you think your going get?
  I can say very confidently, that you are not the biggest addict ever to walk this way. I had almost given up on ever quitting, Thankfully I stumbled in here 205 days ago and now I am quit. Trust me as a fellow dipper who stuffed skoal in my face for 23 yrs and two cans a day. If I can quit so can you.
  So stop lurking and start posting, Fnd your quit group and post up a day one. Stop being a guest and start being a quitter.
Nice SM, Very Nice. Now get off the fence you Lurker, spit that shit out and get on the road to Freedom!!!!

Offline Skoal Monster

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« Reply #30 on: August 20, 2009, 01:19:00 AM »
Hey Guest,

I see you there, reading, surfing the site. Sitting at the computer.... you have a dip in right now I bet. Ironic that you choose to chew while researching how to quit. Except, for you its not a choice anymore is it? You have to have it. If its late enough and you dipped alot today I bet you packed it in your upper lip. Lower lip hurts too much. Maybe your just keeping it away from that one sore spot that has been bothering you. Scared? ashamed? sick of being a slave to a habit thats killing you? Aren't you tired of being sick and tired? This time will be different, if you take the steps to commit to this program and follow in the path of those that walked this way before you, you will be quit. Choose to save your own life. Isn't that why your here.
Is it cancer? It will be, dip will kill you if you just give it enough time. How much more time do you think you have anyhow? A year? a lifetime? one can? Maybe one dip. Thats right, the very next dip could be the one that kills you. Seriously, how many chances to dodge cancer do you think your going get?
I can say very confidently, that you are not the biggest addict ever to walk this way. I had almost given up on ever quitting, Thankfully I stumbled in here 205 days ago and now I am quit. Trust me as a fellow dipper who stuffed skoal in my face for 23 yrs and two cans a day. If I can quit so can you.
So stop lurking and start posting, Fnd your quit group and post up a day one. Stop being a guest and start being a quitter.
"CLOSE THE DOOR. In my opinion, it?s the single most important step in your final quit. There is one moment, THE moment, when you finally let go and surrender to the quit. After that moment, no temptation will be great enough, no lie persuasive enough to make you commit suicide by using tobacco."

Offline Colonel_No_Cope

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« Reply #29 on: August 08, 2009, 04:35:00 PM »
Quote from: Skoal

In ancient times a builder could form a stone arch with no mortar by slowly rounding the stones in at the top. Its success was dependent upon a single stone set at the 12:00 posistion, called the keystone YOU are that keystone. When you selfishly choose to cave you rip the keystone from the arch and cause it to collapse.We are part of the arch. Your failure harms those that support you.
I want to scream at you for giving up and shaking the foundation of the solid quits around you. You are a virus that infects the minds of your brother and sister quitters. If you can casually fail and restart, why can't I ???? The addicts voice leaks into my head because you opened a crack in the door. I want to rage against you for chipping away at the strength in the quits around you. I hope you come back and fight again to free yourself from the chains of this addiction, but I cannot forget your weakness. I will struggle to support you further because you have torn apart the bond of accountability and endangered us all.

For those that read this and are quit,

I implore you to not just rage against the cavers in our midst, but to strengthen your own quits. EVERY DAY you must increase your own accountibility. Some of us create accountibility by dishing out massive attacks on the weaknesses of others. How could I possibly cave when I have referred to so many failures as weaklings and cowards and worse, I would be crucified. Those that I have cut with merciless truth and anger wait for me should I fail. My E-mail and Phone number are for all including those who would take pleasure in returning to me some tough love. Everyone must know I quit and everyone must be in a posistion to tell me how my failure affects them. I cannot fail because I have woven a web of accountibility around myself. I provide support each day as best I can, often with a PM or text other times in the forum or chat. I know there are quitters who I am a keystone for. I cannont fail because I would harm their quits. I carry but a few numbers in my phone but have offered and given mine out always . This makes me accountable to support those people. If I caved and they have my number and call me for support, how could I possibly help them? I cannot cave because I care about these strangers, and I refuse to endanger their freedom from nicotine thru my own weakness.
The accountibilty needs to be nurtured off the site as well. Your family, friends, must all know the depth of your fight. I have shown ODT's cancer surgery to my kids, I have told them how hard it was for me to stop, I have told everyone I lied to or hid my addiction from that I was a sniveling lying chew sucking nic fiend. I have let loose the truth upon everyone in my life. I am now accountible to them as well. I cannot cave because I refuse to look into my wife's, childrens, eyes and tell them that I choose cancer over them. .

Strengthen your quit, weave your web of accountibility, be an unbreakable keystone, support in your own way, rage or hand hold, just stay quit. Your fighting for your very life, this is real and not a game.
Damn Rant Monster... this is no rant... this is pure poetry.

I would say this is one for the books. Proud to call you my Quit Brother.

Would you please post this in November and October???

I won't take credit for your words... I know you have credibility with these guys, and this ought to help them understand why we can be so harsh at times.


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« Reply #28 on: August 08, 2009, 10:04:00 AM »
Quote from: Skoal

In ancient times a builder could form a stone arch with no mortar by slowly rounding the stones in at the top. Its success was dependent upon a single stone set at the 12:00 posistion, called the keystone YOU are that keystone. When you selfishly choose to cave you rip the keystone from the arch and cause it to collapse.We are part of the arch. Your failure harms those that support you.
I want to scream at you for giving up and shaking the foundation of the solid quits around you. You are a virus that infects the minds of your brother and sister quitters. If you can casually fail and restart, why can't I ???? The addicts voice leaks into my head because you opened a crack in the door. I want to rage against you for chipping away at the strength in the quits around you. I hope you come back and fight again to free yourself from the chains of this addiction, but I cannot forget your weakness. I will struggle to support you further because you have torn apart the bond of accountability and endangered us all.

For those that read this and are quit,

I implore you to not just rage against the cavers in our midst, but to strengthen your own quits. EVERY DAY you must increase your own accountibility. Some of us create accountibility by dishing out massive attacks on the weaknesses of others. How could I possibly cave when I have referred to so many failures as weaklings and cowards and worse, I would be crucified. Those that I have cut with merciless truth and anger wait for me should I fail. My E-mail and Phone number are for all including those who would take pleasure in returning to me some tough love. Everyone must know I quit and everyone must be in a posistion to tell me how my failure affects them. I cannot fail because I have woven a web of accountibility around myself. I provide support each day as best I can, often with a PM or text other times in the forum or chat. I know there are quitters who I am a keystone for. I cannont fail because I would harm their quits. I carry but a few numbers in my phone but have offered and given mine out always . This makes me accountable to support those people. If I caved and they have my number and call me for support, how could I possibly help them? I cannot cave because I care about these strangers, and I refuse to endanger their freedom from nicotine thru my own weakness.
The accountibilty needs to be nurtured off the site as well. Your family, friends, must all know the depth of your fight. I have shown ODT's cancer surgery to my kids, I have told them how hard it was for me to stop, I have told everyone I lied to or hid my addiction from that I was a sniveling lying chew sucking nic fiend. I have let loose the truth upon everyone in my life. I am now accountible to them as well. I cannot cave because I refuse to look into my wife's, childrens, eyes and tell them that I choose cancer over them. .

Strengthen your quit, weave your web of accountibility, be an unbreakable keystone, support in your own way, rage or hand hold, just stay quit. Your fighting for your very life, this is real and not a game.
true 'nuf