Author Topic: The last time that I will ever quit Copenhagen  (Read 4573 times)

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Offline apogeeammo

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Re: The last time that I will ever quit Copenhagen
« Reply #62 on: May 06, 2014, 10:36:00 AM »
Quote from: LeonardThompson
Day 72, and my 200th post. I'd like to use it to take time to talk to you again, new guy. Just a quick one about why you should quit.

It's real simple. You quit because you do not want to use nicotine ever again under any circumstances. You can't quit for any other reason. I tried to quit so many times over the years. Here are some of the reasons -

Girlfriend - broke up, started back. Problem solved.
Dentist - switched sides, problem area cleared up, problem solved.
Getting married - Go to work all day, get a dip, problem solved.
Having kids - See getting married, also perfect the art of ninja dipping. Problem solved.
New Year's Resolution - Jan 1st always turns into Jan 2nd, and Jan 2nd is a great day to dip.
Kid's birthdays, anniversaries, Mother's Days, etc - See New Years Resolution - the power of the quit date always passed, and I NEEDED a fucking dip.

I always went back after a few days, or a few hours, until now. This time, I got hit over the head with my usage by an unlikely character, and I quit just because I did not want to not use anymore. I quit on 2/24/14. There was nothing special about the wife wasn't complaining, the dentist wasn't fretting, and the kids weren't really paying attention. I just threw the shit out, and decided to not use that day.

Again, it's really simple, and I am a believer in the power of simple acts. Just quit dude. Just. Quit.
Way to keep it going! Those conversations with a potential newbie reading through the boards are good medicine for you too!

"Jan 2nd is a great day to dip." - this cracked me up!
--Focus on Remedies, Not Faults - Jack Nicklaus
--Do or Do Not, There is NO Try - Yoda
--Recalculating! - The GPS bitch!
--462 Just ahead of me! - Maynard

HOF 4/10/2014

Offline LeonardThompson

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Re: The last time that I will ever quit Copenhagen
« Reply #61 on: May 06, 2014, 10:24:00 AM »
Day 72, and my 200th post. I'd like to use it to take time to talk to you again, new guy. Just a quick one about why you should quit.

It's real simple. You quit because you do not want to use nicotine ever again under any circumstances. You can't quit for any other reason. I tried to quit so many times over the years. Here are some of the reasons -

Girlfriend - broke up, started back. Problem solved.
Dentist - switched sides, problem area cleared up, problem solved.
Getting married - Go to work all day, get a dip, problem solved.
Having kids - See getting married, also perfect the art of ninja dipping. Problem solved.
New Year's Resolution - Jan 1st always turns into Jan 2nd, and Jan 2nd is a great day to dip.
Kid's birthdays, anniversaries, Mother's Days, etc - See New Years Resolution - the power of the quit date always passed, and I NEEDED a fucking dip.

I always went back after a few days, or a few hours, until now. This time, I got hit over the head with my usage by an unlikely character, and I quit just because I did not want to not use anymore. I quit on 2/24/14. There was nothing special about the wife wasn't complaining, the dentist wasn't fretting, and the kids weren't really paying attention. I just threw the shit out, and decided to not use that day.

Again, it's really simple, and I am a believer in the power of simple acts. Just quit dude. Just. Quit.

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Re: The last time that I will ever quit Copenhagen
« Reply #60 on: April 21, 2014, 12:08:00 PM »
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: slug.go
Quote from: LeonardThompson
Big win for my quit last week...actually the last couple of weeks.

I work for an engineering firm and we're audited every two years by an aerospace group. Without going into too much, these guys are like our IRS, and they come loaded for bear every time. One of my primary responsibilities in the firm is to make sure our ducks are in a row, and to host the audit. Yes..I'm the one that gets grilled, and has to show evidence of compliance, etc. etc. MAJOR, MAJOR source of stress with my job.

THE first thought that went through my mind on 2/24/14 when I decided to quit, was, "Holy Shit...the audit. I can't quit yet." Let me tell you right now...If it hadn't been for this website, I would have rationalized another future quit. It was KTC that explained to me to drop the shit now, and take it one day at a time.

Well, that's what I did. I decided...Fuck the audit. It's not is Day 1, and tomorrow will be Day 2.

Here it is 56 days later, and I'm on the other side of the audit. I'm not going to lie, SUCKED. I felt like I was battling Day 2 again at times. Just had to take a few deep breaths and remind myself that all I had to do was stay quit for today. Tomorrow would take care of itself.

So, another lesson learned for Leonard. The power of ODAAT. If you can truly close your mind to the distractions of future dread, quitting becomes MUCH easier.
Congrats, LT. We knew you could do it!
YES LT! One little victory at a time, one day at a time. Each seasonal trigger we pass is another layer added to our armor. Keep going brother!
One Day at a time!!!! You're doing this and the reward for not having every move in your life dictated on where/when/how you are going to have your next dip is WORTH it!!!

Offline rdad

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Re: The last time that I will ever quit Copenhagen
« Reply #59 on: April 21, 2014, 11:37:00 AM »
Quote from: slug.go
Quote from: LeonardThompson
Big win for my quit last week...actually the last couple of weeks.

I work for an engineering firm and we're audited every two years by an aerospace group. Without going into too much, these guys are like our IRS, and they come loaded for bear every time. One of my primary responsibilities in the firm is to make sure our ducks are in a row, and to host the audit. Yes..I'm the one that gets grilled, and has to show evidence of compliance, etc. etc. MAJOR, MAJOR source of stress with my job.

THE first thought that went through my mind on 2/24/14 when I decided to quit, was, "Holy Shit...the audit. I can't quit yet." Let me tell you right now...If it hadn't been for this website, I would have rationalized another future quit. It was KTC that explained to me to drop the shit now, and take it one day at a time.

Well, that's what I did. I decided...Fuck the audit. It's not is Day 1, and tomorrow will be Day 2.

Here it is 56 days later, and I'm on the other side of the audit. I'm not going to lie, SUCKED. I felt like I was battling Day 2 again at times. Just had to take a few deep breaths and remind myself that all I had to do was stay quit for today. Tomorrow would take care of itself.

So, another lesson learned for Leonard. The power of ODAAT. If you can truly close your mind to the distractions of future dread, quitting becomes MUCH easier.
Congrats, LT. We knew you could do it!
YES LT! One little victory at a time, one day at a time. Each seasonal trigger we pass is another layer added to our armor. Keep going brother!

Offline slug.go

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Re: The last time that I will ever quit Copenhagen
« Reply #58 on: April 21, 2014, 10:08:00 AM »
Quote from: LeonardThompson
Big win for my quit last week...actually the last couple of weeks.

I work for an engineering firm and we're audited every two years by an aerospace group. Without going into too much, these guys are like our IRS, and they come loaded for bear every time. One of my primary responsibilities in the firm is to make sure our ducks are in a row, and to host the audit. Yes..I'm the one that gets grilled, and has to show evidence of compliance, etc. etc. MAJOR, MAJOR source of stress with my job.

THE first thought that went through my mind on 2/24/14 when I decided to quit, was, "Holy Shit...the audit. I can't quit yet." Let me tell you right now...If it hadn't been for this website, I would have rationalized another future quit. It was KTC that explained to me to drop the shit now, and take it one day at a time.

Well, that's what I did. I decided...Fuck the audit. It's not is Day 1, and tomorrow will be Day 2.

Here it is 56 days later, and I'm on the other side of the audit. I'm not going to lie, SUCKED. I felt like I was battling Day 2 again at times. Just had to take a few deep breaths and remind myself that all I had to do was stay quit for today. Tomorrow would take care of itself.

So, another lesson learned for Leonard. The power of ODAAT. If you can truly close your mind to the distractions of future dread, quitting becomes MUCH easier.
Congrats, LT. We knew you could do it!
Quit since 1/23/14

Offline LeonardThompson

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Re: The last time that I will ever quit Copenhagen
« Reply #57 on: April 21, 2014, 09:57:00 AM »
Big win for my quit last week...actually the last couple of weeks.

I work for an engineering firm and we're audited every two years by an aerospace group. Without going into too much, these guys are like our IRS, and they come loaded for bear every time. One of my primary responsibilities in the firm is to make sure our ducks are in a row, and to host the audit. Yes..I'm the one that gets grilled, and has to show evidence of compliance, etc. etc. MAJOR, MAJOR source of stress with my job.

THE first thought that went through my mind on 2/24/14 when I decided to quit, was, "Holy Shit...the audit. I can't quit yet." Let me tell you right now...If it hadn't been for this website, I would have rationalized another future quit. It was KTC that explained to me to drop the shit now, and take it one day at a time.

Well, that's what I did. I decided...Fuck the audit. It's not is Day 1, and tomorrow will be Day 2.

Here it is 56 days later, and I'm on the other side of the audit. I'm not going to lie, SUCKED. I felt like I was battling Day 2 again at times. Just had to take a few deep breaths and remind myself that all I had to do was stay quit for today. Tomorrow would take care of itself.

So, another lesson learned for Leonard. The power of ODAAT. If you can truly close your mind to the distractions of future dread, quitting becomes MUCH easier.

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Re: The last time that I will ever quit Copenhagen
« Reply #56 on: March 26, 2014, 02:23:00 PM »
Quote from: slug.go
Quote from: Bronc
Quote from: jake
Quote from: LeonardThompson
Day 31...Today is significant for me because ever since I dropped in that first wad of Skoal when I was 14, I have never gone more than 30 days without nicotine in some form.

I will be 45 this year.

I am quitting for me, but I dedicate  Day 31 to you, new guy. You're the one who's lurking around here on the site, probably got a can of Cope somewhere nearby. You're here maybe because you've got a kid on the way, wife's complaining, or maybe you just went to the dentist...and he told you that there are white patches inside your lip that are concerning him. Yeah, I'm talking to you.

You see, I was the biggest nicotine fiend that I know. There were no limits to my usage. I once told my wife that I would die if I had to quit. I lied to my children for years about my usage. My dad was in the hospital for cancer surgery. I stood in the ICU watching over him...with a pinch O'Cope in for comfort. That's fucked up. I could rationalize not quitting any number of ways...had to get through a project at work, holidays are a bitch...can't quit now, It's snowing, I can't quit, It's sunny, I can't get the picture.

My point is simple. If I can do this. ANYBODY can do this. Really. I am a very selfish person from a long, long, long line of addicts. But, I found a little encouragement from an unlikely source, and I found THIS SITE.
If you've read this far new guy, here's what you do. First, you must decide that YOU want to quit. If you can honestly say this move on to...THROW ALL OF YOUR SHIT AWAY. NOW. Do not do the one more dip, or my last dip will be at X o'clock. Future quits, are well, in the future. You must quit right now. Go ahead and take control. Next, buckle down for a few days and hang out here. Read everything. Jump into chat, and POST ROLL. You learn how and why at the welcome center. Also, read this... It is guaranteed to provide you with a moment of clarity over your addiction. 

I can't tell you how important it is for you to use the site for your quit. This place has kept me out of the convenience store several times over the past 31 days. So, let's get this thing crack-A-lackin'. I'm LeonardThompson. PM me for a number. I will support your quit...if that's what you've decided to do.
^^^^^ I fucking love this post! Quitter reaching out to the guys who are not even in the pool of kool aid yet! Hell yes!
Fuck Ya! With you EDD LT! Rock frickin' solid.
Sage words, sage words,indeed!
LT is on board! I like it!
Nicotine Quit Date:10/31/2013
Exercise Start Date: 6/29/2018

Offline slug.go

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Re: The last time that I will ever quit Copenhagen
« Reply #55 on: March 26, 2014, 12:38:00 PM »
Quote from: Bronc
Quote from: jake
Quote from: LeonardThompson
Day 31...Today is significant for me because ever since I dropped in that first wad of Skoal when I was 14, I have never gone more than 30 days without nicotine in some form.

I will be 45 this year.

I am quitting for me, but I dedicate  Day 31 to you, new guy. You're the one who's lurking around here on the site, probably got a can of Cope somewhere nearby. You're here maybe because you've got a kid on the way, wife's complaining, or maybe you just went to the dentist...and he told you that there are white patches inside your lip that are concerning him. Yeah, I'm talking to you.

You see, I was the biggest nicotine fiend that I know. There were no limits to my usage. I once told my wife that I would die if I had to quit. I lied to my children for years about my usage. My dad was in the hospital for cancer surgery. I stood in the ICU watching over him...with a pinch O'Cope in for comfort. That's fucked up. I could rationalize not quitting any number of ways...had to get through a project at work, holidays are a bitch...can't quit now, It's snowing, I can't quit, It's sunny, I can't get the picture.

My point is simple. If I can do this. ANYBODY can do this. Really. I am a very selfish person from a long, long, long line of addicts. But, I found a little encouragement from an unlikely source, and I found THIS SITE.
If you've read this far new guy, here's what you do. First, you must decide that YOU want to quit. If you can honestly say this move on to...THROW ALL OF YOUR SHIT AWAY. NOW. Do not do the one more dip, or my last dip will be at X o'clock. Future quits, are well, in the future. You must quit right now. Go ahead and take control. Next, buckle down for a few days and hang out here. Read everything. Jump into chat, and POST ROLL. You learn how and why at the welcome center. Also, read this... It is guaranteed to provide you with a moment of clarity over your addiction. 

I can't tell you how important it is for you to use the site for your quit. This place has kept me out of the convenience store several times over the past 31 days. So, let's get this thing crack-A-lackin'. I'm LeonardThompson. PM me for a number. I will support your quit...if that's what you've decided to do.
^^^^^ I fucking love this post! Quitter reaching out to the guys who are not even in the pool of kool aid yet! Hell yes!
Fuck Ya! With you EDD LT! Rock frickin' solid.
Sage words, sage words,indeed!
Quit since 1/23/14

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Re: The last time that I will ever quit Copenhagen
« Reply #54 on: March 26, 2014, 10:11:00 AM »
Quote from: jake
Quote from: LeonardThompson
Day 31...Today is significant for me because ever since I dropped in that first wad of Skoal when I was 14, I have never gone more than 30 days without nicotine in some form.

I will be 45 this year.

I am quitting for me, but I dedicate  Day 31 to you, new guy. You're the one who's lurking around here on the site, probably got a can of Cope somewhere nearby. You're here maybe because you've got a kid on the way, wife's complaining, or maybe you just went to the dentist...and he told you that there are white patches inside your lip that are concerning him. Yeah, I'm talking to you.

You see, I was the biggest nicotine fiend that I know. There were no limits to my usage. I once told my wife that I would die if I had to quit. I lied to my children for years about my usage. My dad was in the hospital for cancer surgery. I stood in the ICU watching over him...with a pinch O'Cope in for comfort. That's fucked up. I could rationalize not quitting any number of ways...had to get through a project at work, holidays are a bitch...can't quit now, It's snowing, I can't quit, It's sunny, I can't get the picture.

My point is simple. If I can do this. ANYBODY can do this. Really. I am a very selfish person from a long, long, long line of addicts. But, I found a little encouragement from an unlikely source, and I found THIS SITE.
If you've read this far new guy, here's what you do. First, you must decide that YOU want to quit. If you can honestly say this move on to...THROW ALL OF YOUR SHIT AWAY. NOW. Do not do the one more dip, or my last dip will be at X o'clock. Future quits, are well, in the future. You must quit right now. Go ahead and take control. Next, buckle down for a few days and hang out here. Read everything. Jump into chat, and POST ROLL. You learn how and why at the welcome center. Also, read this... It is guaranteed to provide you with a moment of clarity over your addiction. 

I can't tell you how important it is for you to use the site for your quit. This place has kept me out of the convenience store several times over the past 31 days. So, let's get this thing crack-A-lackin'. I'm LeonardThompson. PM me for a number. I will support your quit...if that's what you've decided to do.
^^^^^ I fucking love this post! Quitter reaching out to the guys who are not even in the pool of kool aid yet! Hell yes!
Fuck Ya! With you EDD LT! Rock frickin' solid.

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Re: The last time that I will ever quit Copenhagen
« Reply #53 on: March 26, 2014, 09:14:00 AM »
Quote from: LeonardThompson
Day 31...Today is significant for me because ever since I dropped in that first wad of Skoal when I was 14, I have never gone more than 30 days without nicotine in some form.

I will be 45 this year.

I am quitting for me, but I dedicate Day 31 to you, new guy. You're the one who's lurking around here on the site, probably got a can of Cope somewhere nearby. You're here maybe because you've got a kid on the way, wife's complaining, or maybe you just went to the dentist...and he told you that there are white patches inside your lip that are concerning him. Yeah, I'm talking to you.

You see, I was the biggest nicotine fiend that I know. There were no limits to my usage. I once told my wife that I would die if I had to quit. I lied to my children for years about my usage. My dad was in the hospital for cancer surgery. I stood in the ICU watching over him...with a pinch O'Cope in for comfort. That's fucked up. I could rationalize not quitting any number of ways...had to get through a project at work, holidays are a bitch...can't quit now, It's snowing, I can't quit, It's sunny, I can't get the picture.

My point is simple. If I can do this. ANYBODY can do this. Really. I am a very selfish person from a long, long, long line of addicts. But, I found a little encouragement from an unlikely source, and I found THIS SITE.
If you've read this far new guy, here's what you do. First, you must decide that YOU want to quit. If you can honestly say this move on to...THROW ALL OF YOUR SHIT AWAY. NOW. Do not do the one more dip, or my last dip will be at X o'clock. Future quits, are well, in the future. You must quit right now. Go ahead and take control. Next, buckle down for a few days and hang out here. Read everything. Jump into chat, and POST ROLL. You learn how and why at the welcome center. Also, read this... It is guaranteed to provide you with a moment of clarity over your addiction.

I can't tell you how important it is for you to use the site for your quit. This place has kept me out of the convenience store several times over the past 31 days. So, let's get this thing crack-A-lackin'. I'm LeonardThompson. PM me for a number. I will support your quit...if that's what you've decided to do.
^^^^^ I fucking love this post! Quitter reaching out to the guys who are not even in the pool of kool aid yet! Hell yes!

Offline LeonardThompson

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Re: The last time that I will ever quit Copenhagen
« Reply #52 on: March 26, 2014, 09:06:00 AM »
Day 31...Today is significant for me because ever since I dropped in that first wad of Skoal when I was 14, I have never gone more than 30 days without nicotine in some form.

I will be 45 this year.

I am quitting for me, but I dedicate Day 31 to you, new guy. You're the one who's lurking around here on the site, probably got a can of Cope somewhere nearby. You're here maybe because you've got a kid on the way, wife's complaining, or maybe you just went to the dentist...and he told you that there are white patches inside your lip that are concerning him. Yeah, I'm talking to you.

You see, I was the biggest nicotine fiend that I know. There were no limits to my usage. I once told my wife that I would die if I had to quit. I lied to my children for years about my usage. My dad was in the hospital for cancer surgery. I stood in the ICU watching over him...with a pinch O'Cope in for comfort. That's fucked up. I could rationalize not quitting any number of ways...had to get through a project at work, holidays are a bitch...can't quit now, It's snowing, I can't quit, It's sunny, I can't get the picture.

My point is simple. If I can do this. ANYBODY can do this. Really. I am a very selfish person from a long, long, long line of addicts. But, I found a little encouragement from an unlikely source, and I found THIS SITE.
If you've read this far new guy, here's what you do. First, you must decide that YOU want to quit. If you can honestly say this move on to...THROW ALL OF YOUR SHIT AWAY. NOW. Do not do the one more dip, or my last dip will be at X o'clock. Future quits, are well, in the future. You must quit right now. Go ahead and take control. Next, buckle down for a few days and hang out here. Read everything. Jump into chat, and POST ROLL. You learn how and why at the welcome center. Also, read this... It is guaranteed to provide you with a moment of clarity over your addiction.

I can't tell you how important it is for you to use the site for your quit. This place has kept me out of the convenience store several times over the past 31 days. So, let's get this thing crack-A-lackin'. I'm LeonardThompson. PM me for a number. I will support your quit...if that's what you've decided to do.

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Re: The last time that I will ever quit Copenhagen
« Reply #51 on: March 24, 2014, 01:49:00 PM »
Quote from: derk40
Quote from: slug.go
Quote from: MonsterEMT
Quote from: Diesel2112
Quote from: LeonardThompson
28 days in...I haven't gone this long without nicotine since 1994. Still having some craves, but they pass after a few pushups and deep breathing.

My worst crave is consistently the LastDipBeforeBed dip. Nicotine wants to attack me at my weakest point of the day, I guess. Of course, that's a dumbass move on it's part, because it's pretty unlikely that I'm going to make it out of my house unnoticed at midnight for a convenience store run.

Speaking of the convenience store, I wound up at my convenience store on Sat. Was going to vacuum the car, and needed quarters. I walked in, and my dude laid it up on the counter. Can o' Copenhagen long cut. I said, "Put that shit away and give me 4 quarters." As I lay my G-Dub on the counter, he asked if I quit, and I told him I had, and he said, "That's what I thought...I've noticed you haven't been around."

Fucking A Right you've noticed. Bitch.

LeonardThompson 28   Nicotine - ZERO.
Yes!!! Fuck that mother fucker.

He does it again, tell him to shove it up his bitch fucking ass. You're done.

Good shit.

Quit on...
Been there. Feels good to know that they're not making money off of me putting that shit in my lip anymore.

Quit with you.
Keep it going, LT...nice work!
F-in a right! Nice job LT 29 days of freedom. Keep it up today!
Nice success story!

Offline Derk40

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Re: The last time that I will ever quit Copenhagen
« Reply #50 on: March 24, 2014, 10:16:00 AM »
Quote from: slug.go
Quote from: MonsterEMT
Quote from: Diesel2112
Quote from: LeonardThompson
28 days in...I haven't gone this long without nicotine since 1994. Still having some craves, but they pass after a few pushups and deep breathing.

My worst crave is consistently the LastDipBeforeBed dip. Nicotine wants to attack me at my weakest point of the day, I guess. Of course, that's a dumbass move on it's part, because it's pretty unlikely that I'm going to make it out of my house unnoticed at midnight for a convenience store run.

Speaking of the convenience store, I wound up at my convenience store on Sat. Was going to vacuum the car, and needed quarters. I walked in, and my dude laid it up on the counter. Can o' Copenhagen long cut. I said, "Put that shit away and give me 4 quarters." As I lay my G-Dub on the counter, he asked if I quit, and I told him I had, and he said, "That's what I thought...I've noticed you haven't been around."

Fucking A Right you've noticed. Bitch.

LeonardThompson 28   Nicotine - ZERO.
Yes!!! Fuck that mother fucker.

He does it again, tell him to shove it up his bitch fucking ass. You're done.

Good shit.

Quit on...
Been there. Feels good to know that they're not making money off of me putting that shit in my lip anymore.

Quit with you.
Keep it going, LT...nice work!
F-in a right! Nice job LT 29 days of freedom. Keep it up today!
Quit date: 6/23/2013
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HOF Speech

Offline slug.go

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Re: The last time that I will ever quit Copenhagen
« Reply #49 on: March 24, 2014, 09:36:00 AM »
Quote from: MonsterEMT
Quote from: Diesel2112
Quote from: LeonardThompson
28 days in...I haven't gone this long without nicotine since 1994. Still having some craves, but they pass after a few pushups and deep breathing.

My worst crave is consistently the LastDipBeforeBed dip. Nicotine wants to attack me at my weakest point of the day, I guess. Of course, that's a dumbass move on it's part, because it's pretty unlikely that I'm going to make it out of my house unnoticed at midnight for a convenience store run.

Speaking of the convenience store, I wound up at my convenience store on Sat. Was going to vacuum the car, and needed quarters. I walked in, and my dude laid it up on the counter. Can o' Copenhagen long cut. I said, "Put that shit away and give me 4 quarters." As I lay my G-Dub on the counter, he asked if I quit, and I told him I had, and he said, "That's what I thought...I've noticed you haven't been around."

Fucking A Right you've noticed. Bitch.

LeonardThompson 28   Nicotine - ZERO.
Yes!!! Fuck that mother fucker.

He does it again, tell him to shove it up his bitch fucking ass. You're done.

Good shit.

Quit on...
Been there. Feels good to know that they're not making money off of me putting that shit in my lip anymore.

Quit with you.
Keep it going, LT...nice work!
Quit since 1/23/14

Offline MonsterMedic

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Re: The last time that I will ever quit Copenhagen
« Reply #48 on: March 24, 2014, 02:10:00 AM »
Quote from: Diesel2112
Quote from: LeonardThompson
28 days in...I haven't gone this long without nicotine since 1994. Still having some craves, but they pass after a few pushups and deep breathing.

My worst crave is consistently the LastDipBeforeBed dip. Nicotine wants to attack me at my weakest point of the day, I guess. Of course, that's a dumbass move on it's part, because it's pretty unlikely that I'm going to make it out of my house unnoticed at midnight for a convenience store run.

Speaking of the convenience store, I wound up at my convenience store on Sat. Was going to vacuum the car, and needed quarters. I walked in, and my dude laid it up on the counter. Can o' Copenhagen long cut. I said, "Put that shit away and give me 4 quarters." As I lay my G-Dub on the counter, he asked if I quit, and I told him I had, and he said, "That's what I thought...I've noticed you haven't been around."

Fucking A Right you've noticed. Bitch.

LeonardThompson 28  Nicotine - ZERO.
Yes!!! Fuck that mother fucker.

He does it again, tell him to shove it up his bitch fucking ass. You're done.

Good shit.

Quit on...
Been there. Feels good to know that they're not making money off of me putting that shit in my lip anymore.

Quit with you.
"Frank Pierce: Saving someone's life is like falling in love. The best drug in the world." - Bringing Out The Dead

Quit Date: 03-02-2014
HOF: 06-09-2014
3K and counting