To All New Members:
When you clicked on the register button on the site or the chat room, you took a big step towards regaining your freedom. This is the first step in strengthening your final quit. We have some non-negotiable expectations that must be fulfilled. You must post roll, honor your word, and take responsibility for your actions. We will never claim to have all the answers and we will never have the ability to quit for you. You must want this and be willing do do whatever it takes to succeed. We will however lend you "support" utilizing two different methods. These two methods have been tested over time and have proven to be effective in dealing with nicotine addiction. The first is the obvious support. We help you along through your quit with empathetic advice, re-focus, and other methods that are helpful when related to your quit. These oftentimes help while in the moment of urging and craving. It allows you to learn from others that have traveled the path you are on and for you to one day help others. Prior to the second method, first a little background information about the community you are about to join. The website is an offspring that was formed to direct attention to serious quitters. KTC is also known in older circles as Quit Smokeless Extreme. This name was given because it is just that- Extreme. We are an uncensored brand of accountability. This is the first method of support. We have zero tolerance for weak resolve that lacks self-accountability. Your web of accountability is built through relationships on the site with individual members/groups. The accountability aspect will force you to stay quit during tough times by you thinking "I cant let down my boys/girls" and/or "If I throw this dip in, I will be rejected from the group and be scorned forever". Be forewarned, you may hear some language and approaches that you may not expect. This "tough love" approach works. You will understand this as your quit grows. When someone does not fulfill expectations such as posting roll, self-accountability, lack of entitlement, and characteristics such as remaining humble, you should expect for other members to publicly voice displeasure in a variety of different ways. I will see you on roll call. Take what you want, leave the rest. We quit with you today.