The addiction seems to sense tiny openings of vulnerability and does its best to exploit it.
Has anyone noticed how few people had a nicotine habit while we are using? I remember the feeling of loneliness that nicotine gave me when i was standing out in the rain smoking a cigarette or leaving a conversation because I had to spit and I couldn't hold it anymore. Today, I have nicotine radar. I am like the security detector at the airport that is used by TSA. I can sense someone smoking from a mile away. I could have eyes like Stevie Wonder and know Jason Dufner (pro golfer) had a dip in when I was watching this Sunday. Seems like everyone either smokes or dips. Now during suck times, I say to myself, "Wow, everyone uses nicotine. What is the big deal?"
I am doing some info searching on the web today. I am attempted to solidify my quit. I come across an article. In the comments section, some hating ass troll piece of shit is downplaying the cause of cancer by smokeless tobacco. I begin reading more information. I think my mind sensed another moment of vulnerability. I continue to pursue information that would allow for the piece of shit troll's argument to hold water. One of the articles states that "smokeless tobacco doubles your chances of getting cancer". My addicted ass is thinking, "Whoa, only doubles? that is not so bad." I immediately grounded myself. I wrote down reasons for my quit. Dying is undeniably the number one reason. I hop into chat and begin talking to my new quitting friends. I asked them to answer one question with one answer. The question was "why are you quit?". The answers I received helped me get out of my funk. I too want to go my daughters wedding. I would also like to not be a slave, be a better family member, and be able to do something else when im older lol. I quit today with all of you quitters. Thank you.
(I hope you dont think this is super corny lol. It helps me out a lot. I guess I could write it down and keep it to myself but screw it.)