Author Topic: Nicotine, I Hate You  (Read 16312 times)

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Re: Nicotine, I Hate You
« Reply #17 on: March 12, 2014, 06:23:00 PM »
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: sixercountry
The addiction seems to sense tiny openings of vulnerability and does its best to exploit it.
Has anyone noticed how few people had a nicotine habit while we are using? I remember the feeling of loneliness that nicotine gave me when i was standing out in the rain smoking a cigarette or leaving a conversation because I had to spit and I couldn't hold it anymore.  Today, I have nicotine radar.  I am like the security detector at the airport that is used by TSA. I can sense someone smoking from a mile away. I could have eyes like Stevie Wonder and know Jason Dufner (pro golfer) had a dip in when I was watching this Sunday.  Seems like everyone either smokes or dips.  Now during suck times, I say to myself, "Wow, everyone uses nicotine. What is the big deal?"
I am doing some info searching on the web today.  I am attempted to solidify my quit.  I come across an article.  In the comments section, some hating ass troll piece of shit is downplaying the cause of cancer by smokeless tobacco. I begin reading more information. I think my mind sensed another moment of vulnerability.  I continue to pursue information that would allow for the piece of shit troll's argument to hold water. One of the articles states that "smokeless tobacco doubles your chances of getting cancer". My addicted ass is thinking, "Whoa, only doubles? that is not so bad." I immediately grounded myself.  I wrote down reasons for my quit.  Dying is undeniably the number one reason. I hop into chat and begin talking to my new quitting friends.  I asked them to answer one question with one answer. The question was "why are you quit?". The answers I received helped me get out of my funk. I too want to go my daughters wedding.  I would also like to not be a slave, be a better family member, and be able to do something else when im older lol.  I quit today with all of you quitters. Thank you.

(I hope you dont think this is super corny lol. It helps me out a lot. I guess I could write it down and keep it to myself but screw it.)
This is also your journal to record your thought abourt your quit. Nothing corny. Just reality at its finest.

keep up the good work.
I record in my Intro page daily what I am feeling. Nothing corny about it. It's good to have to look back on and see where you have been. Keep on quitting.

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Re: Nicotine, I Hate You
« Reply #16 on: March 12, 2014, 06:19:00 PM »
Quote from: sixercountry
The addiction seems to sense tiny openings of vulnerability and does its best to exploit it.
Has anyone noticed how few people had a nicotine habit while we are using? I remember the feeling of loneliness that nicotine gave me when i was standing out in the rain smoking a cigarette or leaving a conversation because I had to spit and I couldn't hold it anymore. Today, I have nicotine radar. I am like the security detector at the airport that is used by TSA. I can sense someone smoking from a mile away. I could have eyes like Stevie Wonder and know Jason Dufner (pro golfer) had a dip in when I was watching this Sunday. Seems like everyone either smokes or dips. Now during suck times, I say to myself, "Wow, everyone uses nicotine. What is the big deal?"
I am doing some info searching on the web today. I am attempted to solidify my quit. I come across an article. In the comments section, some hating ass troll piece of shit is downplaying the cause of cancer by smokeless tobacco. I begin reading more information. I think my mind sensed another moment of vulnerability. I continue to pursue information that would allow for the piece of shit troll's argument to hold water. One of the articles states that "smokeless tobacco doubles your chances of getting cancer". My addicted ass is thinking, "Whoa, only doubles? that is not so bad." I immediately grounded myself. I wrote down reasons for my quit. Dying is undeniably the number one reason. I hop into chat and begin talking to my new quitting friends. I asked them to answer one question with one answer. The question was "why are you quit?". The answers I received helped me get out of my funk. I too want to go my daughters wedding. I would also like to not be a slave, be a better family member, and be able to do something else when im older lol. I quit today with all of you quitters. Thank you.

(I hope you dont think this is super corny lol. It helps me out a lot. I guess I could write it down and keep it to myself but screw it.)
This is also your journal to record your thought abourt your quit. Nothing corny. Just reality at its finest.

keep up the good work.
Never Again For Any Reason

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Offline sixercountry

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Re: Nicotine, I Hate You
« Reply #15 on: March 12, 2014, 06:15:00 PM »
The addiction seems to sense tiny openings of vulnerability and does its best to exploit it.
Has anyone noticed how few people had a nicotine habit while we are using? I remember the feeling of loneliness that nicotine gave me when i was standing out in the rain smoking a cigarette or leaving a conversation because I had to spit and I couldn't hold it anymore. Today, I have nicotine radar. I am like the security detector at the airport that is used by TSA. I can sense someone smoking from a mile away. I could have eyes like Stevie Wonder and know Jason Dufner (pro golfer) had a dip in when I was watching this Sunday. Seems like everyone either smokes or dips. Now during suck times, I say to myself, "Wow, everyone uses nicotine. What is the big deal?"
I am doing some info searching on the web today. I am attempted to solidify my quit. I come across an article. In the comments section, some hating ass troll piece of shit is downplaying the cause of cancer by smokeless tobacco. I begin reading more information. I think my mind sensed another moment of vulnerability. I continue to pursue information that would allow for the piece of shit troll's argument to hold water. One of the articles states that "smokeless tobacco doubles your chances of getting cancer". My addicted ass is thinking, "Whoa, only doubles? that is not so bad." I immediately grounded myself. I wrote down reasons for my quit. Dying is undeniably the number one reason. I hop into chat and begin talking to my new quitting friends. I asked them to answer one question with one answer. The question was "why are you quit?". The answers I received helped me get out of my funk. I too want to go my daughters wedding. I would also like to not be a slave, be a better family member, and be able to do something else when im older lol. I quit today with all of you quitters. Thank you.

(I hope you dont think this is super corny lol. It helps me out a lot. I guess I could write it down and keep it to myself but screw it.)

Offline Doc Chewfree

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Re: Nicotine, I Hate You
« Reply #14 on: March 12, 2014, 04:30:00 PM »
Don't think you need to dwell on the cave, just learn from it and go on. What matters is that you quit today and EDD!
As a wise oldtimer told me, we are all $5 and one dip away from day 1.
You are no different than any of us here. You and I are addicts. You acted like an addict and that is why it is important to be accountable.
I am sending you my digits and before you cave again, you have to ask my permission, which will never be granted.
Brave men are honored, rich men are envied, powerful men are feared, but only a man with character is trusted
Quit on Feb. 6, 2014

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Re: Nicotine, I Hate You
« Reply #13 on: March 12, 2014, 12:53:00 PM »

Takes some big balls to come back in here and for that I give you props. From reading your intro I believe the light finally switched on and that is the beacon stating: ADDICT-ADDICT-ADDICT. Prior to finding KTC myself, I never thought about my Copenhagen use for 20+ years as an addiction. Duh it was obviously an addiction but try telling an addict that! After I found KTC and started reading the site and drinking the koolaid the light went on for me as well. I then took the advice of the long time quitters in here that most of us need to remain a KTC contributor long term to have success, so here I am only a 113 days into my quit still posting roll and trying to contribute. Even if my contributions don't amount to much...'flush' ....I don't fear the Nic Bitch anymore though because I have my toolbox (KTC) to beat her down now, so I can't leave here because then I lose the toolbox. Welcome back and I quit with you today.

I'm a Quitter, Are You?

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Re: Nicotine, I Hate You
« Reply #12 on: March 12, 2014, 12:35:00 PM »
I went 180 days and caved out from March 2012. Stopped posting after 115 days and figured I was cured. Came back dragging ass June 5, 2013. You will see that June 2014 is where you should be anyway. Thats your family. Don't look back at 2011 anymore. Get to know June 2014 they will save your life.

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Re: Nicotine, I Hate You
« Reply #11 on: March 12, 2014, 11:36:00 AM »
You can solve all the problems by posting roll EVERY DAMN DAY, keeping your promise for that 24 hours, wake up and repeat. Do NOT plan for the next day, next week, or longer. Around here we take it one day at a time.....we worry about tomorrow when it comes. It gets easier as the days add up, and it's wonderful to be free, but you will always be an addict. If you stop following these simple principles, your rate of failure goes way up. I'll quit with you today
Quitting every damn day since October 21, 2013

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Re: Nicotine, I Hate You
« Reply #10 on: March 12, 2014, 11:11:00 AM »
From May 11:
hey people, ummmm....well looking at your days, i feel like an even bigger loser and caver. i joined and i was in your group in 2011. i made it 50 something days and caved. i dont really know what to do but didnt feel like it was appropriate to just post roll.  reasons for cave: it was a long time ago but i remember when it happened like it was yesterday. i was golfing and was urging bad. i had the smokey mountain but kept thinking "this s**T sucks!!" and kept making excuses in my head that were saying "its ok. its just one dip" and "you can control it this time" and the worst one was "your more addicted to this than all those people". people obviously referring to those i made friends with on this page. well needless to say i put a pinch in. it sucked. i wished i never did it. and the obvious one was, i could not control it.......obvious lies and excuses that i have made many times before. well here i am, 3 years later, dipping over a tin a day and half a pack of butts when i cant dip. im looking at these names thinking about how i not only let them down, but that could be me if i weren't such an excuse maker.  things i didnt do: the way to not make the same mistake again will be to use the tools available. even though i made friends on here, i never bought into the whole calling or messaging people when i was hurting. i think it made me feel vulnerable or maybe it was because i am just someone that hates asking people for help. i dont know.  i dont want to be a slave anymore, but i have caved so many times before. can i really do this? im 33 and have been dipping since i was 18. im tired of this bulls**t!!!  what do i do now?

I hate seeing someone crawl back after caving but I hate a 1000X worse the hundreds of those that lacked the balls to follow through on their quit or come back after caving. For those newbies reading this, this is a reason that we are tough at times. We know that quitting isn't a walk in the park.
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
7/9/12: HOF The Missing Warning Label
TODAY is the day that counts
"Do, or do not, there is no try." Yoda

Offline sixercountry

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Re: Nicotine, I Hate You
« Reply #9 on: March 12, 2014, 08:25:00 AM »
Quote from: Evil_Won
Quote from: sixercountry
Quote from: rdad
We're you in May 11 quit group? Is this your only intro thread? Paging Larry Drummer!
no i wasnt.....i was in may 2011.....same name though
poof *
* unpoof

1) What happened?
2) Why did it happen?
3) What are you going to do differently this time?
I have posted up my answers and explanations.....I posted them in May 2011 and June 2014 prior to posting my day one roll call. I have learned from the causes of my previous cave and try to avoid them every day.

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Re: Nicotine, I Hate You
« Reply #8 on: March 11, 2014, 11:33:00 PM »
Quote from: sixercountry
Quote from: rdad
We're you in May 11 quit group? Is this your only intro thread? Paging Larry Drummer!
no i wasnt.....i was in may 2011.....same name though
poof *
* unpoof

1) What happened?
2) Why did it happen?
3) What are you going to do differently this time?
"Dunno about you HP, but LOOT doesn't like getting assfucked, by anyone....and certainly won't chalk it up to 'shit happens'."

Offline rothstein57

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Re: Nicotine, I Hate You
« Reply #7 on: March 11, 2014, 11:18:00 PM »
You sound like a hell of a quitter. Keep that shit up.

Offline sixercountry

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Re: Nicotine, I Hate You
« Reply #6 on: March 11, 2014, 09:29:00 PM »
Quote from: rdad
We're you in May 11 quit group? Is this your only intro thread? Paging Larry Drummer!
no i wasnt.....i was in may 2011.....same name though

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Re: Nicotine, I Hate You
« Reply #5 on: March 11, 2014, 09:06:00 PM »
Were you in May 11 quit group? Is this your only intro thread? Paging Larry Drummer!

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Re: Nicotine, I Hate You
« Reply #4 on: March 11, 2014, 08:36:00 PM »
Quote from: Winter
Quote from: sixercountry
People develop habits and living patterns that may go unnoticed.  These patterns develop within our brains over years of practice and repetition.  These patterns consist of three main parts that form a mental addiction or as I would like to call it, "Mental Games".  The first is the trigger or cue.  The second is the action itself, in our case the use of nicotine regardless of delivery type.  The third part and final piece is a "reward" your body receives as a result of the habit.  I feel like we need to understand this part of the mental addiction in order to continue to stay quit and reach our goals.  We must consciously replace the habit with something else.  This would allow for our mind to recognize positive triggers and positive "rewards".  Physical addiction to nicotine last on the average for 72 hours.  The physical withdrawal symptoms begin to lessen during this time.  We are not physically addicted at this point and must re-wire our brains to replace our superficial "need" for nicotine.
I have used nicotine in some form since i played freshman football.  My usage escalated when I turned 23.  During the past ten years, I have dipped a full can of dip and between 5-10 cigs per day depending on how many beers I was crushing, work hours, etc.  I used when I woke up, when i drove, after I ate, bathroom, sporting events, golf, yard work, drank booze, played cards (you get the picture).  Recently however, I realized that I did not use nicotine around 1-2 hours before bed. This was usually the time I spent with the woman.  Due to the fact that I never used during this time period, I looked forward to this time during the 3-present days of my quit.  This was the ONLY time I did not think about dipping.  Why did I not think about it during this time? My mind was not used to receiving nicotine during this time of the day for the past ten years. I began looking forward to this time of the day.  I would be thinking about skoal every five seconds outside of this short period of time.
Fast forward to yesterday (day 8 lol)....I am standing in line at the store staring at the varieties of dip behind the counter.  I begin to laugh out loud.  The lady begins to look at me like "is this guy OK?". I was laughing because that nic bitch was not going to mind fuck me yesterday and it is not today either. I then looked down to see the Smokey Mountain.  I was tempted to buy a can of the fake, but then I realized what I have been thinking about since my quit began.  How can I break free of the mental addiction to dip when I am having fake dipping sessions after I eat and when I wake up? I'm not knocking people that use it, just not for me.  Quite honestly, it scares the shit out of me.   
I have one goal and one goal only during this quit.  My goal is not to make the HOF, to make 200 days, 500 days, or a 1000 days.  My goal is to use the tools, accountability, and brotherhood here on KTC to end the mental games that this drug plays with us after the first 3-4 days.  I need the support of our members and friends to stay away from nicotine while I RETRAIN my mind ODAAT.  After weeks, months, or years, my mind will adjust to chewing this Trident White after meals rather than using nicotine. I am not delusional. I know I will always be addicted to nicotine and their is no such thing as controlling it.  But it will get easier, I am sure of it.
Well, I wanted to be the first to reply to your thread, because I feel like your a good bet man. Im putting my money on you, you are winning and are shaping up to be quite the quitter! Now I also need to put this on here so that you can hold me to it, yes the deal we made. So here it is again-

1.) Post roll EDD 100% Posting
2.)Make it to 100 ( which I know you will )
3.) Sign up for 200

I will buy your KTC HOF Coin, you got my word, now I want you to keep yours EDD

Winter Green ;Ironman:
Well said, bro. It's gonna be awesome quitting with you every day.
We are what we repeatedly do. ~ Aristotle

Quit or get off the pot, Sally. ~ Diesel2112

The way I see it, you can either post roll daily or fuck off. ~ jost2brown

Bam! Right in the ass! ~ MonsterEMT

Quit Date: 3/4/14
HOF Date: 6/11/14
2nd Floor: 9/19/14
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Re: Nicotine, I Hate You
« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2014, 06:46:00 PM »
Quote from: sixercountry
People develop habits and living patterns that may go unnoticed. These patterns develop within our brains over years of practice and repetition. These patterns consist of three main parts that form a mental addiction or as I would like to call it, "Mental Games". The first is the trigger or cue. The second is the action itself, in our case the use of nicotine regardless of delivery type. The third part and final piece is a "reward" your body receives as a result of the habit. I feel like we need to understand this part of the mental addiction in order to continue to stay quit and reach our goals. We must consciously replace the habit with something else. This would allow for our mind to recognize positive triggers and positive "rewards". Physical addiction to nicotine last on the average for 72 hours. The physical withdrawal symptoms begin to lessen during this time. We are not physically addicted at this point and must re-wire our brains to replace our superficial "need" for nicotine.
I have used nicotine in some form since i played freshman football. My usage escalated when I turned 23. During the past ten years, I have dipped a full can of dip and between 5-10 cigs per day depending on how many beers I was crushing, work hours, etc. I used when I woke up, when i drove, after I ate, bathroom, sporting events, golf, yard work, drank booze, played cards (you get the picture). Recently however, I realized that I did not use nicotine around 1-2 hours before bed. This was usually the time I spent with the woman. Due to the fact that I never used during this time period, I looked forward to this time during the 3-present days of my quit. This was the ONLY time I did not think about dipping. Why did I not think about it during this time? My mind was not used to receiving nicotine during this time of the day for the past ten years. I began looking forward to this time of the day. I would be thinking about skoal every five seconds outside of this short period of time.
Fast forward to yesterday (day 8 lol)....I am standing in line at the store staring at the varieties of dip behind the counter. I begin to laugh out loud. The lady begins to look at me like "is this guy OK?". I was laughing because that nic bitch was not going to mind fuck me yesterday and it is not today either. I then looked down to see the Smokey Mountain. I was tempted to buy a can of the fake, but then I realized what I have been thinking about since my quit began. How can I break free of the mental addiction to dip when I am having fake dipping sessions after I eat and when I wake up? I'm not knocking people that use it, just not for me. Quite honestly, it scares the shit out of me.
I have one goal and one goal only during this quit. My goal is not to make the HOF, to make 200 days, 500 days, or a 1000 days. My goal is to use the tools, accountability, and brotherhood here on KTC to end the mental games that this drug plays with us after the first 3-4 days. I need the support of our members and friends to stay away from nicotine while I RETRAIN my mind ODAAT. After weeks, months, or years, my mind will adjust to chewing this Trident White after meals rather than using nicotine. I am not delusional. I know I will always be addicted to nicotine and their is no such thing as controlling it. But it will get easier, I am sure of it.
Well, I wanted to be the first to reply to your thread, because I feel like your a good bet man. Im putting my money on you, you are winning and are shaping up to be quite the quitter! Now I also need to put this on here so that you can hold me to it, yes the deal we made. So here it is again-

1.) Post roll EDD 100% Posting
2.)Make it to 100 ( which I know you will )
3.) Sign up for 200

I will buy your KTC HOF Coin, you got my word, now I want you to keep yours EDD

Winter Green ;Ironman:
Quit~December - 2 - 2013
1st Floor~March - 11 - 2014