Compulsion-an irresistible urge to behave in a certain way, especially against one's conscious wishes
A compulsion can develop in a very short period of time. One in three youth that have tried tobacco products 3 and no more than 4 times have inhibited characteristics of compulsion. I have realized and researched that there are three different phases of compulsion. These are wanting, craving, and needing. Needing is obviously the highest stage of the addiction process. I have realized that it is important for us as addicts to recognize our minds entering the different phases of compulsion. This is imperative because we are at an increasingly higher risk of giving in to our urges as we enter escalated levels of the three phases. I have tried during my current quit to utilize numbers, bang out push-ups, and use other techniques while in the "want" and "craving" phase. I have felt like if I can re-focus my mind on something other than nicotine during these initial levels, then I can be more successful.
I have done much more research on addiction during this hopefully final quit. As I have mentioned many times, I caved after 58 days in 2011. I have also seen many people cave, come back to the site for a short period of time, and then be gone into years of addiction. I take the answers to the three questions seriously. This is kind of my own way of stating "what I will differently this time to avoid the previous cave". Maybe my continued reflection on these answers can solidify my quit and be the final time I have to go through this bullshit.
The use of tobacco will kill over 1 billion people in the coming century. It is the highest fatal condition of those introduced to humans at the early stages of life. I was almost guaranteed to be one of these billion people. This changed when I found this site and began to understand nicotine, my addiction, and specifics on how to win the battle each day. out.