First off, I am not writing this to discourage any new quitters. I had trouble with this concept during the beginning of my quit. Many other quitters helped me wrap my head around this idea when I began justifying my monster craves. Let's just put it this way. How would you feel if you believed in Santa Clause, found out he was part of young people's imagination, but then found evidence that he was indeed real? This is what happened...........
If you have not heard, Tony Gwynn died today at the age of 54. This story was broadcast throughout the media today. Many mainstream media outlets as well as those that predominantly report on athletics informed the public of his death. Many of these media outlets explained that he had a career average of .338 or that he had over 3100 career hits. Very limited news reports explained stories about his son accidentally drinking from "spitters" when he was a child, how Gwynn left his house at 2 AM to buy tins of dip at the convenient store after attempted to quit cold turkey, and/or about how he dipped over a tin and a half per day for over 30 years. I did not hear however on a SINGLE news report that he died from using smokeless tobacco. News reports simply called it "cancer".
Earlier in my quit I was under the impression that every single person, organization, or health care affiliate on this earth explained to the public that dip causes cancer which in turn causes death. After countless research, I began understanding many doctors will not "go on record" as stating smokeless causes cancer. I found this to be absurd. I began to realize that many of these above mentioned groups or people had agendas. Many worked for politicians, big tobacco, or were justifying their own habit or dipping. After hearing and reading about how many could not go on record as to cause and effect for dip, I began to justify a cave based upon these bogus assumptions. I spoke with many quitters and they helped re-focus my attention on the truth and the causation and the slavery aspect. Here we are, 106 days today.
The Comprehensive Smokeless Tobacco Health Education Act was passed in 1986. This act required all smokeless companies to put "this product may cause mouth cancer" on the side of tins in a three warning rotation. "Warning Labels" are the middle labels and indicate a "potentially hazardous situation that, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury." These warnings began to get entrenched in my mind. How many lawyers does big tobacco have? How many lobbyists does big tobacco have? How many politicians does big tobacco have in their pocket? Warning labels can not be good for business, correct? Big tobacco must have fought this in the early 80's. The battle must have been ferocious between Congress and Big Tobacco. The fact that Warning Labels were in fact placed on tins of dip is in fact a "go on record" moment. I do not see too many "this product may cause cancer" on many products. These products INCLUDE those that doctors have "gone on record" as saying they cause cancer lol. This is reason enough to think the product does indeed cause cancer....The other reason is that (not reported) Tony Gwynn himself said his years of dipping caused his death!!!
We know we have the resolve to do this. We will not allow those with agendas to kill us off for money. When you are thinking about justifying a cave because "it doesn't even cause cancer" just remember it does and will be you. Thank everyone. Stay quit. Out.