Author Topic: ready to move on  (Read 3836 times)

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Offline Vinmoore83

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Re: ready to move on
« Reply #35 on: November 26, 2014, 08:54:00 PM »
I just read your Hall of Fame speech Scowick. there has been many times in the last 2 years that I felt like a unique special butterfly. Perhaps because nicotine is so addictive that at times it seems or seemed impossible to get away from. I have felt like a butterfly at times but today I feel like a man because I kicked that f****** bitch in the nuts.

Offline Scowick65

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Re: ready to move on
« Reply #34 on: November 26, 2014, 12:35:00 PM »
Quote from: Thumblewort
Quote from: Vinmoore83
man I had a close call today fellas. As I've said before everybody I work with uses tobacco in one form or another. It was a really f****** busy day at work today just the usual nonstop one thing after the other and wouldn't you know it the fella next to me pulls out a fresh can and cracks it.and that's when the rationalization began in my head. Already felt really freaking foggy it's really busy I used to always dip at work and it felt natural to ask him for one.I told the same guy last week that I quitand I am NOT going to go back on my word.and then I thought about everybody here working hard going through the same s*** that I'm going throughand I can't let them down. so just shook it off and went back to work.
For a second I forgot how much it really sucked to be addicted to chew. the constant need to always have it. Always looking forward to using it. Having to chew more because I was depressed about life and whatever I was dealing with. Looking at my monthly statement and seeing 30 charges for $2.19. Having to hide from my wife and family because tobacco is looked down upon . And finally having to chew more because I WAS chewing more. More more more more. Throwing chew into a bottomless pit.
It fuckin sucked!
It didn't suck, you kicked the nic bitch in the tits and won. You are my hero today because you manned up and won.
...a new way of living. a better way of living. Way to piss of the nic bitch.

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Re: ready to move on
« Reply #33 on: November 25, 2014, 08:44:00 PM »
Quote from: Vinmoore83
man I had a close call today fellas. As I've said before everybody I work with uses tobacco in one form or another. It was a really f****** busy day at work today just the usual nonstop one thing after the other and wouldn't you know it the fella next to me pulls out a fresh can and cracks it.and that's when the rationalization began in my head. Already felt really freaking foggy it's really busy I used to always dip at work and it felt natural to ask him for one.I told the same guy last week that I quitand I am NOT going to go back on my word.and then I thought about everybody here working hard going through the same s*** that I'm going throughand I can't let them down. so just shook it off and went back to work.
For a second I forgot how much it really sucked to be addicted to chew. the constant need to always have it. Always looking forward to using it. Having to chew more because I was depressed about life and whatever I was dealing with. Looking at my monthly statement and seeing 30 charges for $2.19. Having to hide from my wife and family because tobacco is looked down upon . And finally having to chew more because I WAS chewing more. More more more more. Throwing chew into a bottomless pit.
It fuckin sucked!
It didn't suck, you kicked the nic bitch in the tits and won. You are my hero today because you manned up and won.
Some of my fondest and clearest memories are peeing in places that aren't bathrooms.

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Re: ready to move on
« Reply #32 on: November 25, 2014, 08:38:00 PM »
man I had a close call today fellas. As I've said before everybody I work with uses tobacco in one form or another. It was a really f****** busy day at work today just the usual nonstop one thing after the other and wouldn't you know it the fella next to me pulls out a fresh can and cracks it.and that's when the rationalization began in my head. Already felt really freaking foggy it's really busy I used to always dip at work and it felt natural to ask him for one.I told the same guy last week that I quitand I am NOT going to go back on my word.and then I thought about everybody here working hard going through the same s*** that I'm going throughand I can't let them down. so just shook it off and went back to work.
For a second I forgot how much it really sucked to be addicted to chew. the constant need to always have it. Always looking forward to using it. Having to chew more because I was depressed about life and whatever I was dealing with. Looking at my monthly statement and seeing 30 charges for $2.19. Having to hide from my wife and family because tobacco is looked down upon . And finally having to chew more because I WAS chewing more. More more more more. Throwing chew into a bottomless pit.
It fuckin sucked!

Offline Derk40

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Re: ready to move on
« Reply #31 on: November 23, 2014, 07:57:00 PM »
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: Vinmoore83
thanks guys I know this is the right thing for me. Something about this quit has been troubling me though and it is this I have been able to stop many times before but there is one thing that always makes me come back to it and that is playing softball now fortunately I just quit playing about a month ago and that kind of coincided with this whole thing but it does concern me because it is 4 months away I am hoping that by then I will have built up enough numbers and tools in my toolbox to combat the cravings because I know that they will be there. I suppose the answer to this is one day at a time because I really want to be done with this s*** . I'm tired of a can controlling when I can hang out with my family and how long I can do so. Yesterday was awesome because I could stay at the party for as long as I wanted to without the irritability really coming in and forcing the to leave to grab a fix. As I said it was a great feeling. I'm not going to lie though I was foggy as hell!
Softball is still fun without nicotine. Your brain is gonna get more oxygen and your limbs are gonna benefit from better blood flow, so you can hit more out of the park.

What you are going through now day at a time freedom will be yours. The next softball is a long ways away. You have a lot of days of winning between now and then. Enjoy them one day at a time.
This is something that is 4 months away!!! Let's not worry about this now. We can cross that bridge when we get to it. ODAAT... means just that - worry about today. If we worry about the past, the future - we miss what is sitting right here before us. Forget about it. Today is all that counts!
Quit date: 6/23/2013
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Re: ready to move on
« Reply #30 on: November 23, 2014, 07:47:00 PM »
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: Thumblewort
Quote from: Vinmoore83
just curious. How does chewing tobacco affect the amount of oxygen going to your brain? I could understand with smoking but it's weird to think about with dipping. I do believe you I'm just curious on the answer Thanks and thanks for the comments they sure do help!
I don't know the chemistry behind it, all I know is that after a couple of weeks my vision seemed to improve, and I had quite a few euphoric moments.
Same. Not a doctor here. But I've seen lots of references to it on this site and can attest that my blood O2 levels are way higher. I speculate thst it has something to do with blood vessel restriction, which also results in high blood pressure.
VinMoore, take this quit as serious as you can. This is your life, jaw, the only body you get. You don't need the poison to survive. You need to quit to live longer and live your life as it was meant to be lived.
Drink the koolaid of quit:
post roll
honor your word
wake and repeat
This has worked for me 913 days in a row. If I can do this, then YOU can TOO.
ODAAT and NAFAR (one day at a time and Never again for any reason)
Read everything in here twice. Make some quit friends and learn all you can about the "poison".
Welcome to the best days of your life. You'll never regret "being quit". Noone feels the surgeons knife except for the patient. Don't be a patient, be a quitter today!
Keeping my jaw and tongue...I like them.
It's poison I tell ya, You wouldn't drink Liquid Drano, would ya?

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Re: ready to move on
« Reply #29 on: November 23, 2014, 06:33:00 PM »
Quote from: Thumblewort
Quote from: Vinmoore83
just curious. How does chewing tobacco affect the amount of oxygen going to your brain? I could understand with smoking but it's weird to think about with dipping. I do believe you I'm just curious on the answer Thanks and thanks for the comments they sure do help!
I don't know the chemistry behind it, all I know is that after a couple of weeks my vision seemed to improve, and I had quite a few euphoric moments.
Same. Not a doctor here. But I've seen lots of references to it on this site and can attest that my blood O2 levels are way higher. I speculate thst it has something to do with blood vessel restriction, which also results in high blood pressure.

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Re: ready to move on
« Reply #28 on: November 23, 2014, 06:28:00 PM »
Quote from: Vinmoore83
just curious. How does chewing tobacco affect the amount of oxygen going to your brain? I could understand with smoking but it's weird to think about with dipping. I do believe you I'm just curious on the answer Thanks and thanks for the comments they sure do help!
I don't know the chemistry behind it, all I know is that after a couple of weeks my vision seemed to improve, and I had quite a few euphoric moments.
Some of my fondest and clearest memories are peeing in places that aren't bathrooms.

Offline Vinmoore83

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Re: ready to move on
« Reply #27 on: November 23, 2014, 06:24:00 PM »
just curious. How does chewing tobacco affect the amount of oxygen going to your brain? I could understand with smoking but it's weird to think about with dipping. I do believe you I'm just curious on the answer Thanks and thanks for the comments they sure do help!

Online worktowin

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Re: ready to move on
« Reply #26 on: November 23, 2014, 06:17:00 PM »
Quote from: Thumblewort
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: Vinmoore83
thanks guys I know this is the right thing for me. Something about this quit has been troubling me though and it is this I have been able to stop many times before but there is one thing that always makes me come back to it and that is playing softball now fortunately I just quit playing about a month ago and that kind of coincided with this whole thing but it does concern me because it is 4 months away I am hoping that by then I will have built up enough numbers and tools in my toolbox to combat the cravings because I know that they will be there. I suppose the answer to this is one day at a time because I really want to be done with this s*** . I'm tired of a can controlling when I can hang out with my family and how long I can do so. Yesterday was awesome because I could stay at the party for as long as I wanted to without the irritability really coming in and forcing the to leave to grab a fix. As I said it was a great feeling. I'm not going to lie though I was foggy as hell!
Softball is still fun without nicotine. Your brain is gonna get more oxygen and your limbs are gonna benefit from better blood flow, so you can hit more out of the park.

What you are going through now day at a time freedom will be yours. The next softball is a long ways away. You have a lot of days of winning between now and then. Enjoy them one day at a time.
I never thought I could be the best double bogey golfer in the world without Skoal. I was wrong, I can double bogey from the white tees all day long without dip!
By the way... I missed your reference to the fog!

That fog is straight up bullshit! Here's the part that blows my mind... It is your brain trying to rewire to getting the amount of oxygen it is supposed to get!!! It will pass. Keep writing in your intro about what you are experiencing, because as life gets great it is good to look back at what nicotine put you through. And remember, this fog is a one time deal... You'll never have to relive this again, because you are quit!

Offline Thumblewort

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Re: ready to move on
« Reply #25 on: November 23, 2014, 04:33:00 PM »
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: Vinmoore83
thanks guys I know this is the right thing for me. Something about this quit has been troubling me though and it is this I have been able to stop many times before but there is one thing that always makes me come back to it and that is playing softball now fortunately I just quit playing about a month ago and that kind of coincided with this whole thing but it does concern me because it is 4 months away I am hoping that by then I will have built up enough numbers and tools in my toolbox to combat the cravings because I know that they will be there. I suppose the answer to this is one day at a time because I really want to be done with this s*** . I'm tired of a can controlling when I can hang out with my family and how long I can do so. Yesterday was awesome because I could stay at the party for as long as I wanted to without the irritability really coming in and forcing the to leave to grab a fix. As I said it was a great feeling. I'm not going to lie though I was foggy as hell!
Softball is still fun without nicotine. Your brain is gonna get more oxygen and your limbs are gonna benefit from better blood flow, so you can hit more out of the park.

What you are going through now day at a time freedom will be yours. The next softball is a long ways away. You have a lot of days of winning between now and then. Enjoy them one day at a time.
I never thought I could be the best double bogey golfer in the world without Skoal. I was wrong, I can double bogey from the white tees all day long without dip!
Some of my fondest and clearest memories are peeing in places that aren't bathrooms.

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Re: ready to move on
« Reply #24 on: November 23, 2014, 03:38:00 PM »
Quote from: Vinmoore83
thanks guys I know this is the right thing for me. Something about this quit has been troubling me though and it is this I have been able to stop many times before but there is one thing that always makes me come back to it and that is playing softball now fortunately I just quit playing about a month ago and that kind of coincided with this whole thing but it does concern me because it is 4 months away I am hoping that by then I will have built up enough numbers and tools in my toolbox to combat the cravings because I know that they will be there. I suppose the answer to this is one day at a time because I really want to be done with this s*** . I'm tired of a can controlling when I can hang out with my family and how long I can do so. Yesterday was awesome because I could stay at the party for as long as I wanted to without the irritability really coming in and forcing the to leave to grab a fix. As I said it was a great feeling. I'm not going to lie though I was foggy as hell!
Softball is still fun without nicotine. Your brain is gonna get more oxygen and your limbs are gonna benefit from better blood flow, so you can hit more out of the park.

What you are going through now day at a time freedom will be yours. The next softball is a long ways away. You have a lot of days of winning between now and then. Enjoy them one day at a time.

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Re: ready to move on
« Reply #23 on: November 23, 2014, 03:32:00 PM »
You kno what screw that! I'll kick Nicotines ass when I hit the diamond in April! I feel like I was just rationalizing using tobacco when I started playing softball again and therefore maybe I should just have one today well that isn't going to happen and I am NOT going to let my mind go down those paths again. Holy s*** the thoughts come fast sometimes I'm really glad I have this website to fall back on. Ok enough rambling

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Re: ready to move on
« Reply #22 on: November 23, 2014, 03:15:00 PM »
thanks guys I know this is the right thing for me. Something about this quit has been troubling me though and it is this I have been able to stop many times before but there is one thing that always makes me come back to it and that is playing softball now fortunately I just quit playing about a month ago and that kind of coincided with this whole thing but it does concern me because it is 4 months away I am hoping that by then I will have built up enough numbers and tools in my toolbox to combat the cravings because I know that they will be there. I suppose the answer to this is one day at a time because I really want to be done with this s*** . I'm tired of a can controlling when I can hang out with my family and how long I can do so. Yesterday was awesome because I could stay at the party for as long as I wanted to without the irritability really coming in and forcing the to leave to grab a fix. As I said it was a great feeling. I'm not going to lie though I was foggy as hell!

Offline Derk40

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Re: ready to move on
« Reply #21 on: November 23, 2014, 01:54:00 PM »
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: Vinmoore83
it's really amazes me how this stuff pokes at you sometimes. I was at a kids birthday party yesterday and had a great time there were no tobacco users there so I knew I wasn't going to have any issues or so I thought. As they are opening the presents the parents of the kid pushes this big box towards me which ends up being one of those cars that you push kids around in. And it needs put together and wouldn't you know that created a large craving in my mind for that s*** in a can. I actually had to go outside and breathe in the cold air and remind myself why I am doing all this. And son of a bitch the car got put together Without a dip in. I felt really good about it afterwards. I guess its about the little battles in this fight. Day 6!
Pretty amazing what this stuff does to your mind. Putting together a kids toy = good reason to put a carcinogous plant in your mouth? Kinda crazy isn't it? Nocotine is as addictive as heroin. A can has as much nicotine as 3 packs of smokes... So you are gonna have done bumps along the way. But... Doesn't it feel good on a basal level to see those guys at work and know that you are winning at something they are losing at? Day after day after day? Something you slso list at, but which you are now winning?

The struggle gets easier. The sense of success grows. And freedom becomes sweet... One day at a time. Glad you are here. If you need another phone number send me a pm.
Nice win! Way to regroup and hold the quit. Thee heavy craves hit you out of nowhere sometimes. You just proved to yourself you could knock it down. Keep at it today!
Quit date: 6/23/2013
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