Author Topic: ready to move on  (Read 3837 times)

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Offline MN_Ben

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Re: ready to move on
« Reply #5 on: November 19, 2014, 10:36:00 AM »
Quote from: slug.go
Posted Day 2 this morning, therefore nicotine is off the table today because you have given us your word that you wonÂ’t use today. Damn proud of you! Keep it rolling!!
Indeed.. Good job vin, and way to dive in and sign up and start posting your promise to us

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Re: ready to move on
« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2014, 09:35:00 AM »
Posted Day 2 this morning, therefore nicotine is off the table today because you have given us your word that you wonÂ’t use today. Damn proud of you! Keep it rolling!!
Quit since 1/23/14

Offline Wt57

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Re: ready to move on
« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2014, 12:32:00 AM »
Quote from: soxfnnlansing
Quote from: Vinmoore83
hi everybody. its been 12 hours since my last chew and i decided today to quit dipping, but also nicotine entirely.
I started chewing when i was 25. i had plenty of chances to start smoking, even dated a couple girls that smoked,
but never started up the habit. then i made a couple of friends that dipped, started working with people that dipped,
and played balls with people that dipped. and before ya know it, one day i asked a good friend for a chew, got really
dizzy and lightheaded. that was the start. just one chew. i chewed a can and a half a day for 6.5 years. mostly skoal but
really anything.

i am married with a child on the way. my wife does nothing in the way of substance abuse. my father in law has been addicted
to nicotine for 45 years. i knew he was addicted to nicotine before i started, my wife warned me about it. so i found this site back in the
summer and made a comment about one of my many attempts, and of course failed half a day later. Then, on the cusp of a dentist appt, october 12,
i started perusing all the suptopics and found a great thread that was very inspiring"what to expect when you quit dipping" posting comments
with those guys, deepydeedont jeff and jayp. they helped and inspired me to quit nicotine in all forms for 36 days. i conquered alot of triggers,work,
softball, video games. But- i was consciously avoiding the bar, having only gone once since the 12th and had one beer. i had alot more last night, and
yeah i smoked a cigarette.bought a can of chew. Woke up this morning and puffed a couple off of this guys cig at work. around 10am i went into chat and
a couple of the guys convinced me to toss the can. so here i am.

this addiction has caused me alot of bullshit with the wife and finances and anxiety over my health.(had to go to doctors over summer because of strange lump in neck, which i of course thought was cancer). thats just scratching the surface, really. Its been a total mind game ever since she caught me 2 years ago and showed me mouth cancer pictures. now thats all i think about. im so done with this shit. but i need some help. i do not want to be a tobacco user anymore im so better than that.
quit date 11-18-14

I quit with you brother
You gave us a great introduction and hit a lot of good points but your reason to quit is still a little weak. Take your life back by quitting nicotine everyday. The pictures and disappointed family won't be a lasting motivation. If quitting is what you want, do everything you can to be successful; commit to yourself, post roll daily and promise your group and this brotherhood, avoid those triggers that weaken your willpower. The ball is in your court, let's see what you have.
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
7/9/12: HOF The Missing Warning Label
TODAY is the day that counts
"Do, or do not, there is no try." Yoda

Offline soxfnnlansing

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Re: ready to move on
« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2014, 10:46:00 PM »
Quote from: Vinmoore83
hi everybody. its been 12 hours since my last chew and i decided today to quit dipping, but also nicotine entirely.
I started chewing when i was 25. i had plenty of chances to start smoking, even dated a couple girls that smoked,
but never started up the habit. then i made a couple of friends that dipped, started working with people that dipped,
and played balls with people that dipped. and before ya know it, one day i asked a good friend for a chew, got really
dizzy and lightheaded. that was the start. just one chew. i chewed a can and a half a day for 6.5 years. mostly skoal but
really anything.

i am married with a child on the way. my wife does nothing in the way of substance abuse. my father in law has been addicted
to nicotine for 45 years. i knew he was addicted to nicotine before i started, my wife warned me about it. so i found this site back in the
summer and made a comment about one of my many attempts, and of course failed half a day later. Then, on the cusp of a dentist appt, october 12,
i started perusing all the suptopics and found a great thread that was very inspiring"what to expect when you quit dipping" posting comments
with those guys, deepydeedont jeff and jayp. they helped and inspired me to quit nicotine in all forms for 36 days. i conquered alot of triggers,work,
softball, video games. But- i was consciously avoiding the bar, having only gone once since the 12th and had one beer. i had alot more last night, and
yeah i smoked a cigarette.bought a can of chew. Woke up this morning and puffed a couple off of this guys cig at work. around 10am i went into chat and
a couple of the guys convinced me to toss the can. so here i am.

this addiction has caused me alot of bullshit with the wife and finances and anxiety over my health.(had to go to doctors over summer because of strange lump in neck, which i of course thought was cancer). thats just scratching the surface, really. Its been a total mind game ever since she caught me 2 years ago and showed me mouth cancer pictures. now thats all i think about. im so done with this shit. but i need some help. i do not want to be a tobacco user anymore im so better than that.
quit date 11-18-14

I quit with you brother
HOF Speech

Here in THIS house, we Kill the Can. If it's not a top priority, go to one of the bitch sites where they "hurt the can" or "call the can names." - Pre

This is so much more that just throwing your name on a list, it is placing your word or promise that you will not use nicotine and it should be done everyday. - MCarmo44

I need this place, because i am an addict. I cannot forget that...if i do i will forget how to quit. - Schaef418

Offline Vinmoore83

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ready to move on
« on: November 18, 2014, 09:53:00 PM »
hi everybody. its been 12 hours since my last chew and i decided today to quit dipping, but also nicotine entirely.
I started chewing when i was 25. i had plenty of chances to start smoking, even dated a couple girls that smoked,
but never started up the habit. then i made a couple of friends that dipped, started working with people that dipped,
and played balls with people that dipped. and before ya know it, one day i asked a good friend for a chew, got really
dizzy and lightheaded. that was the start. just one chew. i chewed a can and a half a day for 6.5 years. mostly skoal but
really anything.

i am married with a child on the way. my wife does nothing in the way of substance abuse. my father in law has been addicted
to nicotine for 45 years. i knew he was addicted to nicotine before i started, my wife warned me about it. so i found this site back in the
summer and made a comment about one of my many attempts, and of course failed half a day later. Then, on the cusp of a dentist appt, october 12,
i started perusing all the suptopics and found a great thread that was very inspiring"what to expect when you quit dipping" posting comments
with those guys, deepydeedont jeff and jayp. they helped and inspired me to quit nicotine in all forms for 36 days. i conquered alot of triggers,work,
softball, video games. But- i was consciously avoiding the bar, having only gone once since the 12th and had one beer. i had alot more last night, and
yeah i smoked a cigarette.bought a can of chew. Woke up this morning and puffed a couple off of this guys cig at work. around 10am i went into chat and
a couple of the guys convinced me to toss the can. so here i am.

this addiction has caused me alot of bullshit with the wife and finances and anxiety over my health.(had to go to doctors over summer because of strange lump in neck, which i of course thought was cancer). thats just scratching the surface, really. Its been a total mind game ever since she caught me 2 years ago and showed me mouth cancer pictures. now thats all i think about. im so done with this shit. but i need some help. i do not want to be a tobacco user anymore im so better than that.
quit date 11-18-14